Duels of Fortune/FAQ

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What type of fighting game is Duels of Fortune?

Duels of Fortune is a 1 on 1 high power level game with similarities to Capcom's Vs. series and anime fighters like Guilty Gear. Every in the cast is very strong, typically having at least 1 or 2 moves that would be broken in a vacuum. Additionally, combos are very open-ended meaning much of the cast can get full conversions from any hit. Many characters also have strong mixups, good defensive tools, and multiple neutral options. At the same time, much of the cast is completely distinct from one another, meaning match-ups can vary heavily. The game also has very simple inputs and execution at least when you're starting, making it easy to hop in and start running a character's gameplan. If any of this sounds appealing to you, then give Duels of Fortune a try.

Where's the online play?

Sadly, Duels of Fortune has no native netplay and never will. Duels of Fortune was made by two devs and it was their first project, so by the time they knew to add rollback into the game, it would require rebuilding the game from scratch, something that isn't viable both from a time and budget perspective. At the moment, the best way to play the game online is through Parsec or Steam Remote Play, both of which Duels of Fortune is designed to be compatible with.

Are there macros?

Once again, as a result of spaghetti code, Duels of Fortune is incapable of handling built-in macros. This means you MUST set each button to a different input when configuring controls, which unfortunately can cause issues with controllers with less than 8 buttons. External controller configurers can be used to circumvent this.

Why am I missing costumes and the bosses?

Most of the game's costumes and all of the bosses are locked by default. These are unlocked by completing arcade mode with the cast and specific missions in mission mode. However, if you want to skip manually unlocking things, in the Options Menu under Data, you can toggle Unlock All. To play as bosses you've unlocked, you must go to Collection, then Extras, and toggle Boss Mode.

How do I play as ERROR?

ERROR is selected by holding start over random select on the character select screen.

What's the tier list?

Duels of Fortune has a very under-developed and young meta, so there's nowhere near a definitive tiering of the cast right now. The below tier list is Mibeador's and should be taken with a massive grain of salt, but it can give you a general idea of the relative strength of the cast. This is not ordered within tiers.

DoF Tier List 1-7-24.png

Who are good beginner characters?

Most of the cast in Duels of Fortune is fairly easy to pick up, so you should really start with whoever looks interesting to you. However, if you really want an easy character to help teach you the game's mechanics, there are a few options. Rattlebone is a strong all-rounder who plays with the fundamentals of the game very well. Clyde is the main character of the game and it's dedicated rushdown character. He's easy to pickup and has a simple gameplan and mixups. Finally, Shoto is a very powerful character with good tools for any situation in exchange for lower health. He's also easy to pickup and combo with alongside easy to understand mixups and pressure, making him a good choice for starting.

Will there be a console release?

It's incredibly unlikely the game will release on any consoles. The time it'd take alongside the cost of devkits would be a huge committment, a committment that could instead be spent making new characters and modes. There's a chance if the game gets a publisher it will get console releases but once again this is very unlikely.

Why is there no voice acting?

Simply put, there isn't enough money to afford it. If one character was to get voiced, then every character would have to be voiced, and finding enough quality VAs for DoF's full roster would be both difficult and potentially very expensive.

Will Duels of Fortune ever cost money?

At the moment Duels of Fortune is free and the plan is to keep it free through all of early access. There's a chance the devs may charge for the full release when that comes out, but existing players wouldn't have to pay for this and there's no guarantees on it costing money.


Getting Started
Game Data
Black Heart