Them's Fightin' Herds/Velvet: Difference between revisions

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  |First Hit Juggle Decay=65
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=65
  |Base Juggle Decay=65
  |Base Juggle Decay=65
  |description=Velvet fires off a snowball quickly, using 1 stack of magic. Very fast, combos on hit, and is a massive +14 on block. Can be used to make moves like 2C or 214A safe, as well as being a very fast and effective projectile.
  |description=Velvet fires off a snowball quickly, using 1 stack of magic. Very fast, combos on hit, and is a massive +14 on block. Can be used to make moves like {{clr|14|2C}} or {{clr|12|214A}} safe, as well as being a very fast and effective projectile.

Revision as of 10:46, 7 October 2022

Velvet 2.png
Species: Reindeer
Playstyle: Zoner (Keepaway)
HP: 5100
Meter Size: 250
Movement Options: Slide
Voice Actor: Tia Ballard
Stage(s): Reine, Wee Hours


Velvet enjoys premiere status as a member of Reine City‘s ruling elite, the peak of modern civilization at the center of the world, high in the frozen north. She is the daughter of Jarl Stronghoof Hoofstrong, whose family line has been passed down his family line for generations.

No deer in Reine is Velvet’s equal in the practice of Winter Magic, in form nor in function. She is perfection personified, supremacy symbolized. Those who dare challenge her will be left with nothing but a cold shoulder.

A grand tournament was held in Reine City to determine who was most fit to answer the Council’s call and become Foenum’s Champion. Velvet trounced all opposition without so much as breaking a sweat. Haven’t heard the news? Well, you’re forgiven for now. Can’t rightly blame someone for living under a rock. You’ll see… soon enough. [1]


Velvet's toolset allows for a more defensive, zoning playstyle. She has a good backdash, effective reversal, strong anti-airs, and oppressive projectiles, as well as a variety of specials to help lock the opponent down. However, her close-range options aren't the best, with few low attacks and poor framedata on her normals. While she can use various tools to pressure the opponent offensively, her offense is more based on traditional frametraps and throws rather than other mixups. Otherwise, her zoning is the most potent in the game.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Wide Array of Zoning Tools: Icicles, eruptions, shatters, and snowballs all contribute well to Velvet's versatile zoning
  • Great Anti-Airs: Almost all of your normals have high hitboxes, or low profiles, giving you several versatile anti-airs to play around with
  • High Meter Gain: Having the smallest meter size in the game, Velvet can gain meter easier than any other character, giving her near-constant access to Cross Canter, and making her already good level 3 super even more threatening.
  • High Damage: High damage off of almost any starter and good chip damage means you can close off rounds with relatively few touches
  • Good Defense: Having a 1 magic frame 19 reversal and several anti-airing moves, Velvet has tools to leave disadvantage once the opponent gets a hit. Knowledge of player patterns and character tools will be necessary to consistently take back your turn.
  • Resource Intensive: Velvet requires magic for a lot of her higher damage routes, zoning patterns, and pressure resets, making this gained-over-time resource valuable
  • Committal Normals: A lot of your normals have high recovery, meaning they are very easy to whiff punish. This, on top of specific hitboxes, means you have to be extra wary of spacing
  • Short Pressure Sequences: No safe resourceless special to end on means a lot of your pressure routes will end with your B normals, heavily restricting your offense. No unreactable lows also means she has a very hard time punishing upback
  • Vulnerable to Corner: Requiring proper space for her gameplan against a roster of fast characters with fast movement options and long reach means it is easy for Velvet to be walked to the corner when disengaging

Movement Options

Jump: Velvet, like any other character, can jump. However, she has no super or shorthop variations.

Forward and Backdash: Velvet can do quick dashes forward and backward, but cannot run and walks fairly slow. Her backdash is the quickest in the game.

Slide: An ability unique to Velvet, Velvet can slide forward and backward if she crouches immediately after dashing, allowing her to approach/retreat while blocking low.

Normal Moves

TFH Velvet 5A.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
35 Mid - 5 1 18 vs. Grounded 0 -1
vs. Airborne

Velvet swipes out with her hoof once. Her fastest attack, good for quick challenges or punishes. Only has one active frame, so it's not great as a meaty or neutral tool. Hits higher than most other jabs, letting it be used to hit jumping or flying opponents.

TFH Velvet 6A.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
70 Mid - 9 6 27 vs. Grounded -14 -11
vs. Airborne

Velvet breathes a gust of frosty air upward to hit her opponents, airborne or on ground. Has the most active frames of any 6A, making it a reliable anti-air. Jump-cancels on hit.

TFH Velvet 5B.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
35, 40 Mid - 10 1(9)1 19 vs. Grounded 0 -2
vs. Airborne

Velvet quickly swings out her foreleg twice in an attempt to hit her opponent. Either hit can be cancelled.

TFH Velvet 5C.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
155 Mid - 13 4 29 vs. Grounded 0 -15
vs. Airborne

Velvet does a quick spin, before slamming her opponent with a wave of ice. Has good range, but will miss crouching opponents far away.

TFH Velvet 2A.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
25 Mid - 6 6 14 vs. Grounded -2 -3
vs. Airborne

Velvet pokes the enemy with an icicle. Not a low. Has a decent amount of active frames, as well as a disjoint, making it a better poke/meaty than 2A despite doing less damage.

TFH Velvet 2B.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
90 Mid - 10 6 16 vs. Grounded 1 -3
vs. Airborne

Velvet forms a small sculpture of ice resembling that of herself. Decent disjointed poke and punish starter.

TFH Velvet 2C.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
170 Mid - 13 6 25 vs. Grounded 0 -14
vs. Airborne

Velvet spins around and bucks the opponent with her back hooves. Has a very short hurtbox for the first 23 frames, making it good as a poke/anti air. Does more damage than 5C and hits crouchers at range, making it a more reliable punish. Can cancel into 5C if 5C was not used in the chain yet. Amazing anti-air.

TFH Velvet 3C.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
130 Mid - 12 9 25 vs. Grounded Launch -16
vs. Airborne

Velvet forms a beautiful, gorgeous sculpture of herself providing a totally-accurate-and-not-exaggerated-at-all representation of her strength to launch her opponents upward. Jump cancels on hit, horribly unsafe on block.

TFH Velvet jA.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
30, 50 High - 9 1(2)1 4 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne

Velvet creates a quick, double-hitting cross with her legs. Has the best downwards hitbox of her jump normals.

TFH Velvet jB.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
20, 30, 80 High - 11 8(3)5 14 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne

Velvet uppercuts with a volley of frost, multi-hitting opponents. Barely hits below her, but can hit opponents above her in midair.

TFH Velvet jC.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
60[x3] High - 16 6 16 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne

Velvet spews out a cone of frost from her mouth, knocking opponents backward. Moves Velvet backwards, changing her jump arc. This move also induces a wall-bounce on midair opponents. You can only use one wall-bounce per combo. On grounded opponents, causes a ton of hitstun. Can cancel into icicle summon on whiff.

Special Moves

Icicle Missile
Icicle Missile
TFH Velvet 236A.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
125 Mid - 50 - 27 vs. Grounded 38 29
vs. Airborne

Velvet forms an icicle and fires it at the opponent. It takes a while to fire, and if Velvet is hit, the projectile is dismantled. Tends to whiff on crouching opponents midscreen and closer.

160 Mid - 76 - 27 vs. Grounded 39 31
vs. Airborne

Same as before but with a longer delay and slightly more damage.

205 Mid - 106 - 27 vs. Grounded 41 34
vs. Airborne

Same as before but with a long delay and even more damage.

160 Mid - 96 - 20 vs. Grounded 41 31
vs. Airborne

Air icicle. Each version does the same damage and has the same delay. Instead, the icicle's angle is determined by button strength. A goes downwards, B has the same angle as a grounded icicle, and C goes perfectly straight. An air icicle can be active at the same time as a ground icicle, allowing Velvet to summon two icicles at a time.

TFH Velvet 214A.png
TFH Velvet 214B.png
>insert meniacal laughter here
>insert meniacal laughter here
TFH Velvet 214C.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
210 Low - 19 9 34 vs. Grounded HKD, 27 -19
vs. Airborne

"Now, despite what she may say, Velvet is perfectly willing to touch you with a 10 foot pole." ~Oleander, on Velvet's Shatter A move

Shoots a path of frost forward that hits low, and one of Velvet's only low attacks. Very disjointed, unsafe on block unless cancelled into magic attacks. Is considered a projectile.

250 Mid - 13 7 32 vs. Grounded HKD, 38 -17
vs. Airborne

Summons ice spikes ontop of Velvet that hit enemies. Can't be cancelled into magic on block. Has a low hurtbox, but not really a good anti-air. Generally used as a combo ender.

175 High - 30 7 37 vs. Grounded Bounce -20
vs. Airborne

An overhead that summons a massive icicle to crush the opponent. Slow overhead, but still effective, because players tend to try and crouch under icicles, 5C, and block low eruptions. Can be made safe if spaced or covered with an icicle. Also works as a combo extender, using a groundbounce.

Ice Eruption
Ice Eruption
TFH Velvet 623A.png
TFH Velvet 623B.png
TFH Velvet 623C.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
200 Low - 24 2 15 vs. Grounded Launch 2
vs. Airborne

Velvet summons a patch of ice spikes beneath her opponent, dealing damage. Different versions summon at different distances, but they are always bounded by the side of the arena if they would otherwise exceed it. The light version of this attack does a short distance infront of her. One of Velvet's only low attacks. Is + on block.

200 Low - 24 2 15 vs. Grounded Launch 2
vs. Airborne

The medium version of this attack summons spikes at a medium distance infront of her.

200 Low - 24 2 15 vs. Grounded Launch 2
vs. Airborne

The heavy version of this attack summons spikes at a long distance infront of her.


Ice Cyclone
TFH Velvet Super.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
20[x18], 100, 300 Mid - 0+10 90 90 vs. Grounded HKD -32
vs. Airborne

Velvet creates a cyclone of wind and ice, blowing opponents away from her and hitting them multiple times as they are forced to the side of the screen.

Follow Up

TFH Velvet SuperFollowUp.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
10[x10], 150 Mid - 0 52 50 vs. Grounded 48 -17
vs. Airborne

Velvet fortifies her cyclone, creating stronger, chilling winds that freeze her opponent (if hit), slowing them and their attacks down for a few seconds afterward. This move also instantly restores 3 stacks of magic when cast, and unlike other characters, can be cast regardless of if her Level 1 hits or not.

Level 3 Super

Sculpted Perfection
TFH Velvet Level3.png
"You're quite beautiful! When you aren't moving."
"You're quite beautiful! When you aren't moving."
TFH Velvet Level3 Finisher.png
"Too cool for school."
"Too cool for school."
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
100[x2], 200[x7], 400[x3], 200 Grab - 6+1 23 70 vs. Grounded 0
vs. Airborne

Spend 3 bars to use an invincible command grab that is cannot be jumped after the super flash. It is inescapable when landing from a jump, allowing Velvet to mix between an unseeable command grab super, and an antiair blockstring into the inescapable command grab.


Forward Throw
Forward Throw
B+C / 6B+C
TFH Velvet FT.png
"Did you slip?"
"Did you slip?"
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
400 Grab - 6 3 23 vs. Grounded HKD, 36
vs. Airborne

Velvet grabs the opponent and freezes them, before tossing them away from her. Can be combo'd out of if an icicle/snowball is set up before.

Back Throw
Back Throw
TFH Velvet BT.png
"What have ve here...?"
"What have ve here...?"
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
400 Grab - 6 3 23 vs. Grounded HKD, 39
vs. Airborne

Velvet grabs the opponent and freezes them, before tossing them behind her.

Air Throw
Air Throw
TFH Velvet AT.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
75[x4] Grab - 8 3 18 vs. Grounded HKD 38+
vs. Airborne

Velvet grabs the opponent and freezes them, before tossing them away from her. Can be combo'd out of with magic snowballs.


Velvet specializes in ice magic, and is tied with Paprika and Shanty for the most magic in the game with a maximum of 6 stacks. She starts with 0 magic at the beginning of the round, but regenerates it slowly. Using her follow-up super also restores 3 stacks of magic.

Instant Snowball
Instant Snowball
TFH Velvet 5D.png
smug deer is smug
smug deer is smug
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
125 Mid - 14 - 18 vs. Grounded 15, 32 14+, 32
vs. Airborne

Velvet fires off a snowball quickly, using 1 stack of magic. Very fast, combos on hit, and is a massive +14 on block. Can be used to make moves like 2C or 214A safe, as well as being a very fast and effective projectile.

Snowball Toss
Snowball Toss
TFH Velvet 1D.png
TFH Velvet 2D.png
TFH Velvet 3D.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
125 Mid - 19 - 3 vs. Grounded 43 32
vs. Airborne

Velvet fires a snowball from right behind her that goes in a long arc forward. Costs 1 stack of magic.

125 Mid - 19 - 3 vs. Grounded 43 32
vs. Airborne

Velvet fires a snowball upward that goes in a high-arc to land just infront of her. Costs 1 stack of magic.

125 Mid - 19 - 3 vs. Grounded 43 32
vs. Airborne

Velvet fires a snowball from far infront of her that goes in a long arc backward to land on her. Costs 1 stack of magic.

Magic Wind
Magic Wind
TFH Velvet 6D.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
- - - 10 15+ 7 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne

Velvet pushes the opponent away from her by pirouetting and creating strong winds. This move requires at least 1 stack of magic to be available to use and drains it slowly over time. This also pushes airborne opponents up.

- - - 10 15+ 7 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne

Velvet pulls the opponent closer to her by pirouetting and creating strong winds. This move requires at least 1 stack of magic to be available to use and drains it slowly over time.

Magic Ice Eruption
Magic Ice Eruption
TFH Velvet 623D.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
100 [x3] Low - 19 2(3)2(3)2 10 vs. Grounded Tumble -6
vs. Airborne

Velvet creates a quick, multi-hitting eruption of ice infront of her that hits low and forces opponents backward. It requires 1 stack of magic and provides her with invincibility for the first 19 frames while casting. Can be punished with a jump, but otherwise is a powerful reversal, being safe on normal block and comboing on hit.


General BnB

If you want a generally applicable route that works in most scenarios regardless of starter, consider this route:

  • (Starter) 623A > 5C > 3C > Jump Cancel > j.A > j.B > 6A > 214C > Dash Forward > 6A > 5C > 214B

The above route and alternate versions of it can be seen here. This route works without consideration of the Juggle Decay system, and thus you'll miss out on the benefits of playing around the JD system in the long run. This combo is fine if you're starting out and don't want to go too in-depth on combo optimization and JD.

If you keep getting 214A after 6A when trying to 214C, try holding the A button until after doing 214C to avoid negative edge misinputs.


  • 5A > 5B (2 hits) > 5C > 3C > j.A (2 hits) > j.A (2 hits) > j.B > 5A > 5B (2 hits) > 214B (611 damage)
  • 2C > 623X > 66 > 5A > 5B(2 hits) > 5C > 3C > j.A (2 hits) > j.C (927 damage)
  • 2B > 2C > 623A > 2B > 5C > 3C > j.A > j.B > 2B > 6A > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A (1205 damage)
  • 2B > 2C > 623A > 66 > 2B > 5C > 2C > 3C > j.A > j.B > 2B > 6A > 2B > 5C > 2C > 214A (1275 damage)
  • 2B > 2C > 623A > 2B > 5C > 623A > 2B > 5C > 2C > 3C > j.A > j.B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 3C > 8214B (1392 damage)
  • 2B > 2C > 623A > 5C > 3C > j.A > j.B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 3C > j.A > j.B > 2B > 3C > 3D > 5C > 3C > 8214B (1439 damage)

Icicle Missile Loops

Icicle Missile loops are a large part of what makes Velvet a technically difficult character. With proper timing, she can keep the opponent airborne with strings that end in a Tiger Knee(TK) inputted aerial Missile for massive tacked-on damage.

Almost every loop repetition starts with your standard launcher(3C) into backwards Snowball Toss(1D). This props the opponent up nicely for followup combos.


Ice Pop
Maniacal Laughter
Cotton Tail
Deep Winter
Strong Hoof
Below Zero
Mulled Wine
Butter Caramel
Arctic Blue
Oh Deer
Ice & Fire
Deep Blue
Chilly Sunrise
Candy Floof
Winter Night
Winter Sunset
Majestic Milliner
Bird of Prey
Tennis Shoes
A Song of Ice
