Spectral vs Generation/Earth: Difference between revisions

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(50 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
Line 6: Line 6:
| '''Health''' || 500
| '''Health''' || 500
| '''Pre-Jump Frames''' || 4
| '''Play Style''' || Grappler
| '''Play Style''' || Grappler
Line 20: Line 22:
'''Likes''': A pure world<br>
'''Likes''': A pure world<br>
'''Dislikes''': An evil world
'''Dislikes''': An evil world
== Character Info ==
==Gameplay Overview==
| intro = {{SUBPAGENAME}} is SVG’s grappler. Boasting explosive damage, plenty of mixups and a punish heavy playstyle. His power to adapt during the match and dish out tons of damage is what gives him the biggest comeback potential in the game. That said, earth may take some time to get used to, as he relies heavily on reads, conditioning and MU specific info/tech.
! Strengths !! Weaknesses
|- style="vertical-align:top;text-align:left"
| style="width: 50%;"|
*Very fast and far-reaching IAD.
*Doesn't rely on meter for damage, and can expel such with very little resources
*Easy short BnB's and great damage output.
*Some extremely long-ranged normals and quick grabs.
*Fast advancing unblockable that mechanically confirms his extremely damageing level 3 on hit. Essentially, 'A raging demon that only costs meter on hit.'
*Decent tick game.
*Full screen teleport.
*Very good 214214x. Inescapable command grab unless crouch dodgeing or jumping before the superflash (Activates frame 1).
*has a whiff cancellable sweep (2D) and an advancing normal that can be cancelled into a very fast overhead/any attack in the basic chain on contact or a special/super during startup. (5D)
| style="width: 50%;"|
*Lacks reliable okizeme.
*No Projectile
*Normals don't allow for consistent openings.
*Very bad block pressure. Relies a little too much or ticks/Grab or not mix to have winning interactions with the opponent on block. Aswell as the fact his SOL is placed after a parriable attack.
*Not very good ground mobility.

'''Earth is the grappler of SVG, boasting high damage utilizing highly commital reads'''
| pros=
Just grab 'em LoL
* '''Powerful Vortex''': Earth has access to very strong damage with little meter usage thanks to most of his command grabs being comboable, alongside strong command grab set-ups that leads to hard knockdowns. On oki, he has meaty cl. C that cannot be parried and forces your opponent to respect your strong mixup options, and all of them ends up in a hard knockdown, which means you get to do it again!
* '''Omnipotent God''': Should all go to plan, Earth boasts strong and consistent damage that can easily do more than half his opponent's HP with little to no meter, depending on if they're midscreen on in the corner. This makes Earth very potent in snowballing and even comebacks.
| cons=
* '''Holy Gods Only''': All of Earth's options are extremely commital and very punishable on whiff, as most of his options requires SOT-cancels to be safe, meaning that Earth needs to make several good guesses across the match against a cast with several unfair characters, and his grabs are his only real good mixup options. As such, Earth relies on intensely strong reads in a game where most of the cast can just brute force their way in.
* '''System Mechanics Hater''': Low Parries have an interesting property of being completely immune to all types of throws in this game. This works against everyone in the cast, but Earth has a big disatvantage against this because of his commital gameplan.
* '''Defense Woes''': Only 2 consistent defensive options (Guard Cancel and 214214A/B/C), a very slow and awkward air dash, sluggish and very telegraphed teleport, a non-invincible anti-air special (623A/B/C), and very poor air-to-air capabilities. Earth usually has to let his opponent approach him and do their pressure before he himself can start his gameplan.

===Far Standing Normals===
  | damage = 15
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = Specials
  | startup = 6
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = quick slash. while the slowest 5A in the game, it has above average range and stun
  | damage = 35
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = Specials
  | startup = 9
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = earth's second longest normal in the game<br>your preferred ground poke
|caption=i was too far and tried Cl.5C
  | damage = 65
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = Specials
  | startup = 10
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = very short and laggy but more useful than it looks<br>wallbouces on hit, which can be used in certain combos for ''absurd'' extra damage<br>'''destroys projectiles''', but only high ones, isn't useful besides looking pretty cool
|caption=where you backdashing, son?
  | damage = 30
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = Specials
  | startup = 22
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = Earth slides a long distance and does a low kick. Startup can be canceled into any special, super or dust, which lets you close some distance and grab unsuspecting opponents. Beware of mashing.
===Close Standing Normals===
  | damage = 35
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = Specials
  | startup = 4
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = Earth's fastest normal and is present in most combos<br>destroys crossups because of its speed and angle<br>has a weird range where you can get the close normal, but it will still whiff
|caption=get used to this sprite
  | damage = 65
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = Specials
  | startup = 9
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = you're going to use this... a lot<br>earth's most active move, timing a cl.5C meaty stops opponents from parrying, '''forcing a mixup'''. some common mixups include
- 214A : countered with jumping or down parry (easiest level 3 setup)
- 623C : countered with not jumping<br>- 236A ~> 2D : blocked high
- 236A >> 2D : blocked low
-normal grab : same as command grab but cannot hit in blockstun
'''all options lead to a knockdown''', making this a vortex. this is essentially Earth's main gameplan
  | damage = 30
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = Specials
  | startup = 7
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = fast low kicks<br>can be used as a tickthrow
===Crouching Normals===
  | damage = 15
  | guard = Low
  | cancel = -
  | startup = 5
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = very fast swipe
  | damage = 45
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = Specials
  | startup = 6
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = 3 fast punches<br>is mostly a (mediocre) anti-air since it's hard to hit a grounded opponent with it. You will die if you whiff this. 
|caption=yes, it's that long
  | damage = 65
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = Specials
  | startup = 12
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = the second longest normal in the game, slow and laggy but has great damage and range <br>'''hitbox has a gap right in front on earth''' so it doesn't hit close opponents
  | damage = 30
  | guard = Low
  | cancel = Specials
  | startup = 7
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = fast sweep that causes a HKD<br>earth's most common way of getting HKDs
===Jumping Normals===
  | damage = 15
  | guard = High
  | cancel = -
  | startup = 6
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = very fast and safe normal<br>our main air-to-air
|caption2=the projectile
  | damage = 40
  | guard = High
  | cancel = -
  | startup = 18 / 21
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = slams the ground, although the punch itself has a hitbox that knocks down, hitting with it is very tricky<br>direction of the jump determines the angle of the slam<br>hits OTG<br>is '''neither a normal nor a projectile'''... don't question it
  | damage = 65
  | guard = High
  | cancel = -
  | startup = 13
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = our most used air normal<br>has very high priority and is fast and damaging making it an excellent jump-in normal
  | damage = 30
  | guard = High
  | cancel = -
  | startup = 10
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = Air kick that knocks down aerial opponents
|name= j.2X
|caption= Akuma wishes he was this cool
   | damage =  
   | damage =  
   | guard = High/Low
   | guard = High
  | cancel = -
   | startup =  
   | startup =  
   | advHit =  
   | advHit =  
   | advBlock =  
   | advBlock =  
   | description =  
   | description = Hard to punish, slow start up divekick(divepunch?) that gives HKD.  Does a brutal amount of damage to the opponents guard bar. Easy to react to if expected, so don't spam this.
===Chain Specific Normals===
|name=5B/2B > 5C
  | damage = 22-32
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = specials
  | startup = 11
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = a big attack that launches slightly
|name=far 5D ~> D
  | damage = 48 (20, 28)
  | guard = High
  | cancel = Specials
  | startup = 19
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = an overhead kick followup<br>very good tick throw setup
|name=2A -> 2B
  | damage = 15
  | guard = High
  | cancel = -
  | startup = 6
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = 2B only hits once instead of three times.  5A and 2A push the opponent to far back for this to connect. 
|caption=the 3rd coolest throw in the game
|subtitle=Forward Throw
  | damage = 83
  | guard = Throw
  | cancel = N/A
  | startup =
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = Earth hugs the opponent and covers them in his wings hitting them a lot of times and you know what let's not try to imagine what he's doing in there
|caption=the 4th coolest throw in the game
|subtitle=Back Throw
  | damage = 70
  | guard = Throw
  | cancel = N/A
  | startup =
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = earth lifts the opponent and throws them back
===Sword Series Slash (Dust)===
|subtitle=Standing SSS
  | damage = 148
  | guard = High
  | cancel = N/A
  | startup =
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = Triggers an air chase when you press A. To complete the air chase you must do AAABBBCCCD > 236D.
|subtitle=Low SSS
  | damage = 148
  | guard = Low
  | cancel = N/A
  | startup =
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = Same as standing SSS but hits low. Triggers an air chase when you press A. To complete the air chase you must do AAABBBCCCD > 236D.
===Chaos Breaking (Parry)===
|caption=Standing Parry
|caption2=Crouching Parry
|caption3=Jumping Parry
  | damage =
  | guard =
  | cancel =
  | startup =
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = Dodges projectiles and counters any physical, non-grab attacks.
</Br>The Standing and Jumping versions parry anything that can be blocked High, but is vulnerable to grabs. The Crouching version only parries lows and cannot be grabbed.
==Special Moves==
|name=God Cleansing
  | version = A
  | damage = 30
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = Heavenly Light, Super
  | startup = 15
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = advancing elbow attack<br>startup and distance traveled depend on button used
  | version = B
  | damage = 33
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = Heavenly Light, Super
  | startup = 17
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = advancing elbow attack<br>startup and distance traveled depend on button used
  | version = C
  | damage = 35
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = Heavenly Light, Super
  | startup = 19
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = advancing elbow attack<br>startup and distance traveled depend on button used
|name=Heavenly Light
|input=God Cleansing ~> 2D
  | damage = 32
  | guard = High
  | cancel = SoT
  | startup = 24
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = overhead followup that launches slightly<br>can cancel into SOT
|name=God Raging Claws
  | version = A
  | damage = 43
  | guard = Grab
  | cancel = level 3
  | startup = 22
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = Earth's main command grab and his only way to use his level 3 super<br>Button determines distance only as damage will always stay at 43. Only grabs at the end of the dash<br>can be dodged with a low parry or jumped
  | version = B
  | damage = 43
  | guard = Grab
  | cancel = level 3
  | startup = 27
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = Earth's main command grab and his only way to use his level 3 super<br>Button determines distance only as damage will always stay at 43. Only grabs at the end of the dash<br>can be dodged with a low parry or jumped
  | version = C
  | damage = 43
  | guard = Grab
  | cancel = level 3
  | startup = 32
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = Earth's main command grab and his only way to use his level 3 super<br>Button determines distance only as damage will always stay at 43. Only grabs at the end of the dash<br>can be dodged with a low parry or jumped
|name=Holy Explosion Fist
  | damage = 90
  | guard = Grab
  | cancel = Dimensional Warp, Final Judgement
  | startup = 4 (yes, 4!)
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = Command grab with short range but grabs frame 3, can cancel specifically into Final Judgement but only during the first strike
|name=Dimensional Warp
|input=Holy Explosion Fist ~> 236A/B/C
  | damage = 29
  | guard = Grab
  | cancel = N/A
  | startup = X
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = Follow up to command grab, will hkd
|name=Funeral Procession
|input= 623A/B/C
  | damage = 85
  | guard = -
  | cancel = -
  | startup = 9 / 9 / 9
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = a rising command grab that deals a lot of damage and causes a HKD<br>while the start is invulnerable the rest of it is not, meaning a few high jump-ins can punish it<br>button determines angle<br> conditioning the opponent to jump in either offence or defence can lead to easy reads for relatively great advantage, since it stops neutral play and puts earth in a perfect position for his vortex plays. However earth cannot do anything until he hits the ground on whiff. So it can be heavily punished if spammed
|name=Wings of Flight
  | damage = N/A
  | guard = -
  | cancel =
  | startup = 17 / 17 / 17 / 17
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = an average but sometimes useful teleport<br>options after it are few and easily counterable but can bypass projectile happy opponents
==Super Moves==
===Level 1 Supers===
|name=Final Judgment
|caption=aww look at that cute little punch :3
|caption2=AYO MY MAN CHILL!
  | damage = 130
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = N/A
  | startup = 62
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = very very short attack that on hit initiates a sequence ending in a knockdown<br>while it can be used as a reversal, it can't reliably punish jump-ins<br>it's range is so short that most BNBs can't end with it<br>can be done after a 41236D command grab or after a wallbounce
|name=Heaven and Earth Switch
|input= 214214A/B/C
|caption=Overcosted for that Pot Buster range
|caption2=Heaven and Earth Switch ~> 214A/B/C
|caption3=Heaven and Earth Switch ~> 214A/B/C ~> 623A/B/C
  | damage = 65+23+90
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = N/A
  | startup = 50
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = similar to 41236D but is invulnerable at the start and starts a rekka<br>finishing the rekka is free and recommended until learning harder advanced combos that only use parts of it<br>stopping at the second part of the rekka will guarantee a corner combo if done close enough
===Level 3 Super===
|input=God Raging Claws ~> A->B->C->D
|caption=Uh oh
|caption2=you're dead
|caption3=Drabon ball Z
  | damage = A lot
  | guard = Mid
  | cancel = N/A
  | startup = X
  | advHit =
  | advBlock =
  | description = Earth’s level 3 is the best in the game. With the only drawback being it can only be done after a 214 command grab.<br>However that can also be beneficial since it means the 3 bars of meter will only be consumed on hit and can never be wasted. it scales, but unscaled it deals ~70% damage.<br>Essentially, earth has an ultra safe Akuma raging demon that deals 70%, only consumes meter on hit, and can be accessed with one mix up<br>If you're struggling with getting it out, press the buttons slowly and try to time D to be right before/during the last slam of the command grab.
Being the Grappler of the game, Earth's gameplan heavily consists of creating fear within the opponent at close range, even if only for a miniscule period of time, so he can eventually throw them to the floor and restart his vortex of grabs. As Earth, you'll want do anything for an HKD. One knockdown can mean a guessing game for the enemy that lasts forever and luckily his combos and normals compliment his gameplan to a great extent. His okizeme is very vital to his pressure as it safely covers his options on the opponent's wakeup, not allowing the opponent to move, only to force them to guess what you're going to do next, usually being his 41236D, 236x, 214x or cl.5B. He even has a fair share of anti-airs to get the opponent in his tick zone aswell.
Earth is free to fend himself off from afar with his 5B and 2C, and to an extent guard his space with J.C, but if the enemy catches you lacking in the corner, you're a goner. Earth CANNOT handle being pressured. He needs to be the one conditioning the opponent at all times or else he's fundamentally lost the match. His aggressive play is definitely the way to go here. In burst, he'll become even scarier. In this state you're going to want to try everything in your power to tick grab the opponent with 214x at odd times as it confirms into his extremely good Level 3,and given that he has a variety of true guard breaking strings in this form it shouldn't be too difficult of a task to complete.
===Offence (On Hit)===
====HKD OKI==== see close 5.C
===Offence (On Block)===
===Defense=== either pray, or guard cancel.
===Chain Combos===
===Basic Combos===
{| border="1em" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Combo'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Total Damage'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Notes'''
| colspan="6" align="center" | '''Meterless BnB'''
|jC > 5A > 5B > 214A
|jC > 5A > 5B > 236A > 2D
|jC > cl.C > 236C > 2D
|Harder to time compared to 5A > 5B but gives more damage.
|(Corner Only) 9C > 5A > 5B > 5C > 623C
| colspan="6" align="center" | '''1 Bar BnB'''
|jC > 5A > 5B > 236A > 2D SOT > B+C (AAABBBCCDD > 236D)
|Returns 1.3 meter after finishing the combo.
|jC > 5A > 5B > 236A > 2D SOT > 623C
|Does more damage than the dust combo but returns less meter.
|jC > cl.C > 236236B > 8B OTG
|Does slightly more damage than the last combo and gives a HKD.
|214-214C > 214C > 623C
|jC > 5A > 5B > 236A > 2D SOT > 5D > 5B > 623C
|Big one bar damage.. requires proper timing to land midscreen.
|(Corner Only) 214-214C > 214C > 5C > B+C (AAABBBCCDD > 236D)
|Space yourself out so you get far 5C instead of cl.C.
|(Corner Only) jC > 5A > 5B > 236A > 2D SOT > 5C > B+C (AAABBBCCDD > 236D)
|Space yourself out so you get far 5C instead of cl.C.
| colspan="6" align="center" | '''2 Bar BnB'''
|jC > 5A > 5B > 236A > 2D (SOT) > 5D > 5B > 236236A > 8B (OTG)
|Big damage + okizeme
|(Corner Only) 214-214C > 214C > 5C > 236B > 2D (SOT) > 5C > B+C (AAABBBCCCDD > 236D)
|Returns about 1.5 meter after finishing the combo.
| colspan="6" align="center" | '''3 Bar BnB'''
|jC > 5A > 5B > 214A > ABCD
|Easy burst damage + HKD. Use to kill since you will deplete all of your meter.
| colspan="6" align="center" | '''Burst BnB'''
|(Corner Only) jC > cl.C > 236C > 2D (SOT) > 236C > 2D (SOT) > Burst 236C > 2D (SOT) >
5C > 236C > 2D (SOT) > 5C > 236C > 2D (SOT) > 5C > B+C (AAABBBCCCDD > 236D)
|Requires a 1 bar burst. Returns 1.2 meter after finishing the combo.

Latest revision as of 15:09, 11 April 2024

Spectral VS Generation Earth Image.jpg
Health 500
Pre-Jump Frames 4
Play Style Grappler
Dash Type Run

Character Background

Race: Holy God
Motivation: To discover if the world should be ended or not
Weapon: Evil Spear Alpha Beld
Likes: A pure world
Dislikes: An evil world

Gameplay Overview


Earth is SVG’s grappler. Boasting explosive damage, plenty of mixups and a punish heavy playstyle. His power to adapt during the match and dish out tons of damage is what gives him the biggest comeback potential in the game. That said, earth may take some time to get used to, as he relies heavily on reads, conditioning and MU specific info/tech.

Earth is the grappler of SVG, boasting high damage utilizing highly commital reads
Pros Cons
  • Powerful Vortex: Earth has access to very strong damage with little meter usage thanks to most of his command grabs being comboable, alongside strong command grab set-ups that leads to hard knockdowns. On oki, he has meaty cl. C that cannot be parried and forces your opponent to respect your strong mixup options, and all of them ends up in a hard knockdown, which means you get to do it again!
  • Omnipotent God: Should all go to plan, Earth boasts strong and consistent damage that can easily do more than half his opponent's HP with little to no meter, depending on if they're midscreen on in the corner. This makes Earth very potent in snowballing and even comebacks.
  • Holy Gods Only: All of Earth's options are extremely commital and very punishable on whiff, as most of his options requires SOT-cancels to be safe, meaning that Earth needs to make several good guesses across the match against a cast with several unfair characters, and his grabs are his only real good mixup options. As such, Earth relies on intensely strong reads in a game where most of the cast can just brute force their way in.
  • System Mechanics Hater: Low Parries have an interesting property of being completely immune to all types of throws in this game. This works against everyone in the cast, but Earth has a big disatvantage against this because of his commital gameplan.
  • Defense Woes: Only 2 consistent defensive options (Guard Cancel and 214214A/B/C), a very slow and awkward air dash, sluggish and very telegraphed teleport, a non-invincible anti-air special (623A/B/C), and very poor air-to-air capabilities. Earth usually has to let his opponent approach him and do their pressure before he himself can start his gameplan.


Far Standing Normals

SVG Earth Far5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
15 Mid Specials 6 - - -

quick slash. while the slowest 5A in the game, it has above average range and stun

SVG Earth Far5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
35 Mid Specials 9 - - -

earth's second longest normal in the game
your preferred ground poke

SVG Earth Far5C.png
i was too far and tried Cl.5C
i was too far and tried Cl.5C
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
65 Mid Specials 10 - - -

very short and laggy but more useful than it looks
wallbouces on hit, which can be used in certain combos for absurd extra damage
destroys projectiles, but only high ones, isn't useful besides looking pretty cool

SVG Earth Far5D.png
where you backdashing, son?
where you backdashing, son?
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 Mid Specials 22 - - -

Earth slides a long distance and does a low kick. Startup can be canceled into any special, super or dust, which lets you close some distance and grab unsuspecting opponents. Beware of mashing.

Close Standing Normals

SVG Earth Close5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
35 Mid Specials 4 - - -

Earth's fastest normal and is present in most combos
destroys crossups because of its speed and angle
has a weird range where you can get the close normal, but it will still whiff

SVG Earth Close5C.png
get used to this sprite
get used to this sprite
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
65 Mid Specials 9 - - -

you're going to use this... a lot
earth's most active move, timing a cl.5C meaty stops opponents from parrying, forcing a mixup. some common mixups include

- 214A : countered with jumping or down parry (easiest level 3 setup)

- 623C : countered with not jumping
- 236A ~> 2D : blocked high

- 236A >> 2D : blocked low

-normal grab : same as command grab but cannot hit in blockstun

all options lead to a knockdown, making this a vortex. this is essentially Earth's main gameplan

SVG Earth Close5D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 Mid Specials 7 - - -

fast low kicks
can be used as a tickthrow

Crouching Normals

SVG Earth 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
15 Low - 5 - - -

very fast swipe

SVG Earth 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
45 Mid Specials 6 - - -

3 fast punches
is mostly a (mediocre) anti-air since it's hard to hit a grounded opponent with it. You will die if you whiff this.

SVG Earth 2C.png
yes, it's that long
yes, it's that long
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
65 Mid Specials 12 - - -

the second longest normal in the game, slow and laggy but has great damage and range
hitbox has a gap right in front on earth so it doesn't hit close opponents

SVG Earth 2D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 Low Specials 7 - - -

fast sweep that causes a HKD
earth's most common way of getting HKDs

Jumping Normals

SVG Earth j.A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
15 High - 6 - - -

very fast and safe normal
our main air-to-air

SVG Earth j.B.png
SVG Earth j.B projectile.png
the projectile
the projectile
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
40 High - 18 / 21 - - -

slams the ground, although the punch itself has a hitbox that knocks down, hitting with it is very tricky
direction of the jump determines the angle of the slam
hits OTG
is neither a normal nor a projectile... don't question it

SVG Earth j.C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
65 High - 13 - - -

our most used air normal
has very high priority and is fast and damaging making it an excellent jump-in normal

SVG Earth j.D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 High - 10 - - -

Air kick that knocks down aerial opponents

Akuma wishes he was this cool
Akuma wishes he was this cool
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High - - - - -

Hard to punish, slow start up divekick(divepunch?) that gives HKD. Does a brutal amount of damage to the opponents guard bar. Easy to react to if expected, so don't spam this.

Chain Specific Normals

5B/2B > 5C
SVG Earth 5C2.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
22-32 Mid specials 11 - - -

a big attack that launches slightly

far 5D ~> D
SVG Earth 5D2.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
48 (20, 28) High Specials 19 - - -

an overhead kick followup
very good tick throw setup

2A -> 2B
SVG Earth 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
15 High - 6 - - -

2B only hits once instead of three times. 5A and 2A push the opponent to far back for this to connect.


Forward Throw
SVG Earth Grab1.png
the 3rd coolest throw in the game
the 3rd coolest throw in the game
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
83 Throw N/A - - - -

Earth hugs the opponent and covers them in his wings hitting them a lot of times and you know what let's not try to imagine what he's doing in there

Back Throw
SVG Earth Grab2.png
the 4th coolest throw in the game
the 4th coolest throw in the game
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
70 Throw N/A - - - -

earth lifts the opponent and throws them back

Sword Series Slash (Dust)

Standing SSS
SVG Earth 5BC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
148 High N/A - - - -

Triggers an air chase when you press A. To complete the air chase you must do AAABBBCCCD > 236D.

SVG Earth 2BC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
148 Low N/A - - - -

Same as standing SSS but hits low. Triggers an air chase when you press A. To complete the air chase you must do AAABBBCCCD > 236D.

Chaos Breaking (Parry)

SVG Earth GroundParry.png
Standing Parry
Standing Parry
SVG Earth CrouchParry.png
Crouching Parry
Crouching Parry
SVG Earth AirParry.png
Jumping Parry
Jumping Parry
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- - - - - - -

Dodges projectiles and counters any physical, non-grab attacks.
The Standing and Jumping versions parry anything that can be blocked High, but is vulnerable to grabs. The Crouching version only parries lows and cannot be grabbed.

Special Moves

God Cleansing
SVG Earth 236ABC1.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
A 30 Mid Heavenly Light, Super 15 - - -

advancing elbow attack
startup and distance traveled depend on button used

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
B 33 Mid Heavenly Light, Super 17 - - -

advancing elbow attack
startup and distance traveled depend on button used

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
C 35 Mid Heavenly Light, Super 19 - - -

advancing elbow attack
startup and distance traveled depend on button used

Heavenly Light
God Cleansing ~> 2D
SVG Earth 236ABC2.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
32 High SoT 24 - - -

overhead followup that launches slightly
can cancel into SOT

God Raging Claws
SVG Earth 214ABC.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
A 43 Grab level 3 22 - - -

Earth's main command grab and his only way to use his level 3 super
Button determines distance only as damage will always stay at 43. Only grabs at the end of the dash
can be dodged with a low parry or jumped

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
B 43 Grab level 3 27 - - -

Earth's main command grab and his only way to use his level 3 super
Button determines distance only as damage will always stay at 43. Only grabs at the end of the dash
can be dodged with a low parry or jumped

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
C 43 Grab level 3 32 - - -

Earth's main command grab and his only way to use his level 3 super
Button determines distance only as damage will always stay at 43. Only grabs at the end of the dash
can be dodged with a low parry or jumped

Holy Explosion Fist
SVG Earth 41236D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
90 Grab Dimensional Warp, Final Judgement 4 (yes, 4!) - - -

Command grab with short range but grabs frame 3, can cancel specifically into Final Judgement but only during the first strike

Dimensional Warp
Holy Explosion Fist ~> 236A/B/C
SVG Earth 41236D2.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
29 Grab N/A X - - -

Follow up to command grab, will hkd

Funeral Procession
SVG Earth 623A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
85 - - 9 / 9 / 9 - - -

a rising command grab that deals a lot of damage and causes a HKD
while the start is invulnerable the rest of it is not, meaning a few high jump-ins can punish it
button determines angle
conditioning the opponent to jump in either offence or defence can lead to easy reads for relatively great advantage, since it stops neutral play and puts earth in a perfect position for his vortex plays. However earth cannot do anything until he hits the ground on whiff. So it can be heavily punished if spammed

Wings of Flight
SVG Earth 41236D2.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
N/A - - 17 / 17 / 17 / 17 - - -

an average but sometimes useful teleport
options after it are few and easily counterable but can bypass projectile happy opponents

Super Moves

Level 1 Supers

Final Judgment
SVG Earth 236236A.png
aww look at that cute little punch :3
aww look at that cute little punch :3
SVG Earth 236236A2.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
130 Mid N/A 62 - - -

very very short attack that on hit initiates a sequence ending in a knockdown
while it can be used as a reversal, it can't reliably punish jump-ins
it's range is so short that most BNBs can't end with it
can be done after a 41236D command grab or after a wallbounce

Heaven and Earth Switch
SVG Earth 41236D.png
Overcosted for that Pot Buster range
Overcosted for that Pot Buster range
SVG Earth 214ABC.png
Heaven and Earth Switch ~> 214A/B/C
Heaven and Earth Switch ~> 214A/B/C
SVG Earth 623A.png
Heaven and Earth Switch ~> 214A/B/C ~> 623A/B/C
Heaven and Earth Switch ~> 214A/B/C ~> 623A/B/C
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
65+23+90 Mid N/A 50 - - -

similar to 41236D but is invulnerable at the start and starts a rekka
finishing the rekka is free and recommended until learning harder advanced combos that only use parts of it
stopping at the second part of the rekka will guarantee a corner combo if done close enough

Level 3 Super

God Raging Claws ~> A->B->C->D
SVG Earth ABCD.png
Uh oh
Uh oh
SVG Earth ABCD2.png
you're dead
you're dead
SVG Earth ABCD3.png
Drabon ball Z
Drabon ball Z
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
A lot Mid N/A X - - -

Earth’s level 3 is the best in the game. With the only drawback being it can only be done after a 214 command grab.
However that can also be beneficial since it means the 3 bars of meter will only be consumed on hit and can never be wasted. it scales, but unscaled it deals ~70% damage.
Essentially, earth has an ultra safe Akuma raging demon that deals 70%, only consumes meter on hit, and can be accessed with one mix up
If you're struggling with getting it out, press the buttons slowly and try to time D to be right before/during the last slam of the command grab.


Being the Grappler of the game, Earth's gameplan heavily consists of creating fear within the opponent at close range, even if only for a miniscule period of time, so he can eventually throw them to the floor and restart his vortex of grabs. As Earth, you'll want do anything for an HKD. One knockdown can mean a guessing game for the enemy that lasts forever and luckily his combos and normals compliment his gameplan to a great extent. His okizeme is very vital to his pressure as it safely covers his options on the opponent's wakeup, not allowing the opponent to move, only to force them to guess what you're going to do next, usually being his 41236D, 236x, 214x or cl.5B. He even has a fair share of anti-airs to get the opponent in his tick zone aswell.

Earth is free to fend himself off from afar with his 5B and 2C, and to an extent guard his space with J.C, but if the enemy catches you lacking in the corner, you're a goner. Earth CANNOT handle being pressured. He needs to be the one conditioning the opponent at all times or else he's fundamentally lost the match. His aggressive play is definitely the way to go here. In burst, he'll become even scarier. In this state you're going to want to try everything in your power to tick grab the opponent with 214x at odd times as it confirms into his extremely good Level 3,and given that he has a variety of true guard breaking strings in this form it shouldn't be too difficult of a task to complete.


Offence (On Hit)

====HKD OKI==== see close 5.C

Offence (On Block)

===Defense=== either pray, or guard cancel.


Chain Combos

Basic Combos

Combo Total Damage Notes
Meterless BnB
jC > 5A > 5B > 214A
jC > 5A > 5B > 236A > 2D
jC > cl.C > 236C > 2D Harder to time compared to 5A > 5B but gives more damage.
(Corner Only) 9C > 5A > 5B > 5C > 623C
1 Bar BnB
jC > 5A > 5B > 236A > 2D SOT > B+C (AAABBBCCDD > 236D) Returns 1.3 meter after finishing the combo.
jC > 5A > 5B > 236A > 2D SOT > 623C Does more damage than the dust combo but returns less meter.
jC > cl.C > 236236B > 8B OTG Does slightly more damage than the last combo and gives a HKD.
214-214C > 214C > 623C
jC > 5A > 5B > 236A > 2D SOT > 5D > 5B > 623C Big one bar damage.. requires proper timing to land midscreen.
(Corner Only) 214-214C > 214C > 5C > B+C (AAABBBCCDD > 236D) Space yourself out so you get far 5C instead of cl.C.
(Corner Only) jC > 5A > 5B > 236A > 2D SOT > 5C > B+C (AAABBBCCDD > 236D) Space yourself out so you get far 5C instead of cl.C.
2 Bar BnB
jC > 5A > 5B > 236A > 2D (SOT) > 5D > 5B > 236236A > 8B (OTG) Big damage + okizeme
(Corner Only) 214-214C > 214C > 5C > 236B > 2D (SOT) > 5C > B+C (AAABBBCCCDD > 236D) Returns about 1.5 meter after finishing the combo.
3 Bar BnB
jC > 5A > 5B > 214A > ABCD Easy burst damage + HKD. Use to kill since you will deplete all of your meter.
Burst BnB
(Corner Only) jC > cl.C > 236C > 2D (SOT) > 236C > 2D (SOT) > Burst 236C > 2D (SOT) >

5C > 236C > 2D (SOT) > 5C > 236C > 2D (SOT) > 5C > B+C (AAABBBCCCDD > 236D)

Requires a 1 bar burst. Returns 1.2 meter after finishing the combo.

System Specifics