Spectral vs Generation/Hiro: Difference between revisions

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m (Fixed navbox)
Line 58: Line 58:
   | guard = Mid
   | guard = Mid
   | cancel = Specials
   | cancel = Specials
   | startup = 5
   | startup = 9
   | advHit =  
   | advHit =  
   | advBlock =  
   | advBlock =  
   | description = Hiro jabs her scythe forward.
   | description = Hiro jabs her scythe forward.
The usefulness doesn't seem apparent at first but remember that not everyone on this game has a quick, long reaching jab. Mostly used on the corner if by some reason you couldn't get a HKD such as after super fireball which leaves you at jab range allowing you to  cover opponents holding up after tech, just beware of parry.
Line 78: Line 79:
   | advBlock =  
   | advBlock =  
   | description = Hiro pokes her scythe diagonally upwards.
   | description = Hiro pokes her scythe diagonally upwards.
</Br>Whiffs on ''standing'' Hiro (1 & 2), Orochimaru, Roze, Wells, and Erile. Mainly used as an anti-air button.  
The Stop sign button, the hitbox is around the same as the end of the scythe.
</Br> it only hits standing both Jadous, Earth, Ryuken and Krayce.

Revision as of 16:49, 15 January 2024

Spectral VS Generation Hiro Image.jpg
Health 510
Pre-Jump Frames 3
Play Style All-Around, Setplay
Dash Type Step

Character Background

Race: Demon
Motivation: To revive the Demon King
Weapon: Gate Of Heaven
Likes: Pride in demons
Dislikes: "Heroic" Humans

Gameplay Overview


Hiro is a strong character with an all-around tool kit that mainly focuses on set-play and solid neutral play. Hiro has decent anti-zoning tools, rushdown tools, and solid buttons to keep the opponent in check. Hiro's main strengths lie within her 214D floor trap. If the opponent steps onto the trap, it will be triggered. This is amazing for holding neutral, punishing careless rushdown, and setting up 50/50 okizeme situations. Most of her match-ups allow Hiro to stay back and set-up 214D but, she falls short to rushdown characters who can abuse her poor defensive options. Finding a way to set-up 214D is your main priority in most match-ups to keep a stranglehold on neutral.

Hiro is a jack-of-all-trades mainly focused on setplay with strong neutral tools allowing her to play as she wants, may it be rushdown or zoner.
Pros Cons
  • Keepaway Master: Most of her tools such as her 236x and 214x forces the opponent into approaching while her 214D works as a trap which can catch those who are careless enough to step on it making Hiro hard to pin down.
  • Anti-Zoning : Because they wanted her to fill the 'shoto' role despite not having a dp, they gave her a super fireball which tends to end any projectile war, and even without it, she can use 214x to stop careless zoning or dash through with 236D.
  • 50/50 On Demand: Thanks to 214D alongside her unique string 5B>5C>j.B>j.C allowing for a HKD, she can force the opponent to guess between high and low anywhere on the screen after most hitconfirms, meaning she can play agressive if she wants.
  • Amazing Normals: 5B, 5C, 8C have huge range compared to most of the cast's moves, 5b being an excellent anti air while the other two can stop approaching attempts. Her j.C works as an excellent jump in for good damage and j.B can be used for crossups.
  • Simple Yet Effective Hiro doesn't have a demanding execution compared to most of the cast making her easy to pick and learn but hard to master.
  • Poor Defense: Hiro relies on meter to get out of pressure, such as using guard cancel or a super reversal, outside of it she's forced to block on most situations and guess right.
  • Average Damage: Without meter, Hiro's damage can be a bit underwhelming, requiring up to 4 or 5 interactions to get a round. Sometimes it makes you pick between damage and okizeme or dust for meter gain which resets neutral. This lack of damage also allows the opponent to enter burst threshold often and spin the round on their favor.
  • Honest In A Dishonest Game: While she has many tools to work with, she's often the one having to play a lot more careful as most of the cast can blow her out of 2 or 3 hitconfirms and she doesn't have anything extremely crazy compared to some characters.


Far Standing Normals

SVG Hiro Far5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
15 Mid Specials 9 - - -

Hiro jabs her scythe forward.

The usefulness doesn't seem apparent at first but remember that not everyone on this game has a quick, long reaching jab. Mostly used on the corner if by some reason you couldn't get a HKD such as after super fireball which leaves you at jab range allowing you to  cover opponents holding up after tech, just beware of parry.

SVG Hiro Far5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 Mid Specials 5 - - -

Hiro pokes her scythe diagonally upwards. The Stop sign button, the hitbox is around the same as the end of the scythe.
it only hits standing both Jadous, Earth, Ryuken and Krayce.

SVG Hiro Far5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
50 Mid Specials 9 - - -

Hiro thrusts her scythe forward. Causes knockdown and does not push you back on Hit.

SVG Hiro Far5D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
10 Mid Specials 8 - - -

Hiro balances on her scythe and kicks. Moves her forward a bit.

Close Standing Normals

SVG Hiro Close5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
15 Mid Specials 4 - - -

Hiro jabs her scythe at a lower angle.

SVG Hiro Close5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 Mid Specials 5 - - -

Hiro swipes her claw vertically.

SVG Hiro Close5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
25, 25 Mid Specials 6 - - -

Horizontal scythe slash. Hits twice and can be canceled after the first hit.

SVG Hiro Close5D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
10 Mid Specials 4 - - -

Just a knee.

Crouching Normals

SVG Hiro 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
15 Mid Specials 5 - - -

Forward claw swipe.

SVG Hiro 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 Mid Specials 5 - - -

Upward claw swipe.

SVG Hiro 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
50 Low Specials 6 - - -

Hiro's scythe turns into multiple blades.

SVG Hiro 2D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
10 Low Specials 3 - - -

A short kick.

Jumping Normals

SVG Hiro j.A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
15 High - 3 - - -

Hiro pokes her scythe out until she lands.

SVG Hiro j.B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 High - 6 - - -

Hiro twirls her scythe around her. Long hitbox that extends behind you. Cross-up tool.

SVG Hiro Neutralj.C.png
Neutral jump (8)
Neutral jump (8)
SVG Hiro Directionalj.C.png
Directional jump (7/9) or Airdash
Directional jump (7/9) or Airdash
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
Neutral 50 High - 12 - - -

Hiro swings her scythe down.

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
Directional 50 High - 6 - - -

Faster swing, but shorter range. Has Knockdown property if chained after j.B if used as an air-to-air.

SVG Hiro j.D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
10 High - 5 - - -

Air kick.

Chain Specific Normals

A -> 3C
SVG Hiro 3C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 High None - - - -

Only accessible after chaining from any A normal. See Chain Combos.
Hiro crouches and does a downward claw swipe. Long startup, but the opponent won't have enough time to do anything except block or parry high.


Forward Throw
SVG Hiro Grab1.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
60 Throw N/A 4 - - -

Hiro picks the opponent up and crushes them.

Back Throw
SVG Hiro Grab1.png
SVG Hiro j.B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
70 Throw N/A 4 - - -

Hiro picks you up, teleports behind you, and slashes you. Can be comboed off of, but any immediate specials or supers need inputs in the same direction you were before the throw. The opponent cannot tech until they hit the ground, which carries over to any combos.

Sword Series Slash (Dust)

Standing SSS
SVG Hiro SSS.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
150 High N/A 30 - - -

Triggers an air chase when you press A. To complete the air chase you must do AAABBBCCCD > 236D.

SVG Hiro 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
150 Low N/A 30 - - -

Same as standing SSS but hits low. Triggers an air chase when you press A. To complete the air chase you must do AAABBBCCCD > 236D.

Chaos Breaking (Parry)

SVG Hiro GroundParry.png
Standing Parry
Standing Parry
SVG Hiro CrouchParry.png
Crouching Parry
Crouching Parry
SVG Hiro AirParry.png
Jumping Parry
Jumping Parry
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- - - - - - -

Dodges projectiles and counters any physical, non-grab attacks.
The Standing and Jumping versions parry anything that can be blocked High, but is vulnerable to grabs. The Crouching version only parries lows and cannot be grabbed.

Special Moves

Flaming Soul
SVG Hiro 236ABC.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
A 33 Mid Super 10 - - -

Light (A) version. Travels the slowest and does the least damage.

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
B 35 Mid Super 11 - - -

Medium (B) version. Moderate speed with moderate damage.

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
C 37 Mid Super 12 - - -

Heavy (C) version. Travels the fastest and does the most damage.

Scythe Ride Strike
SVG Hiro 623ABC.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
A 33 High SoT 21 - - -

Light (A) version. Hiro dives forward with an overhead attack. Move doesn't become active till hiro starts her dive.

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
B 35 High SoT 21 - - -

Medium (B) version. Hiro dives less than half a screen forward with an overhead attack that can cross-up if angled right. Move doesn't become active till hiro starts her dive.

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
C 37 High SoT 21 - - -

Heavy (C) version. Hiro dives more than half a screen forward with an overhead attack that can cross-up if angled right. Move doesn't become active till hiro starts her dive.

Gate of Hell
SVG Hiro 214A.png
A version
A version
SVG Hiro 214B.png
B version
B version
SVG Hiro 214C.png
C version
C version
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
54 (18 per hit) Mid N/A 28 - - -

All three versions do the same damage, hit three times, and cause a knockdown on hit. Good tool for anti-zoning.

  • 214A appears directly in front of Hiro.
  • 214B appears mid-screen.
  • 214C appears at the opposite corner.

Gate of Hell (D)
SVG Hiro 214D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
60 Mid N/A 46 - - -

Hiro places a trap directly in front of her and said trap will not trigger unless the opponent steps on where it was placed. The trap does not detect the opponent if they have invincibility from Bursting, Parrying, etc. If the opponent doesn't step on the trap, it will disappear if Hiro is hit or after 10 seconds pass. 214D is extremely strong for Hiro's okizeme and can allow for 50/50 mixups.

Hell's Zone
SVG Hiro 236D.gif
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
0 N/A N/A - - - -

Hiro twirls forward and disappears for a few frames. She is invulnerable until she reappears. Good for avoiding projectiles but can be hit out of in recovery.

Super Moves

Level 1 Supers

Devil Dust ~ Inferno
SVG Hiro 236236A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
24x5 (120) Mid N/A - - - -

Consumes One Meter.
Five very slow moving fireballs are thrown horizontally together. Difficult to combo into but can pressure the opponent on oki. Excellent guard break tool when in burst.

SVG Hiro 236236D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
33x6 (198) Mid N/A - - - -

Consumes One Meter.
Three average speed fireballs thrown above Hiro. Excellent anti air for opponents trying to air dash in or backdash. Does the most damage raw but scales the hardest in combos.

SVG Hiro 236236C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30x5 (150) Mid N/A - - - -

Consumes One Meter.
Only one fireball is thrown but this is the fastest compared to the A and B versions. This is your go to super for ending combos or catching zoning.

Devil Summon ~ Purgatory
SVG Hiro 214214D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
115 Mid N/A - - - -

Consumes 1 meter.
Really good anti-air super. Knockdown on hit.

Blazing Ghost Slice
SVG Hiro 214214x 0.png
SVG Hiro 214214x 1.png
on hit
on hit
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
139 Mid N/A - - - -

Consumes 1 meter.
Hitgrab. Can catch opponents in the air.

Level 3 Super

Last Heaven
Hiro 2141236x.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
337 Mid N/A - - - -

Consumes 3 meter.
Hitgrab, sort of works like a raging demon but can be confirmed off of most things like a fireball.
Completely invulnerable on startup and active frames.



Hiro is a very well rounded character for playing neutral. She has solid buttons to cover various angles, such as 5B which is great as a predictive anti air, 5C which covers a lot of space in front of her, and 8j.C which covers a lot of air space and makes it very hard to approach. Hiro also has a fast step dash letting her get in fast when there is a gap she can take advantage of. Hiro's main goal in neutral is to set up her 214D trap to control space and force the opponent to have to alter their approach, normally forcing them into the air which Hiro has options for.

Offence (On Hit)

On hit Hiro will aim to get a hard knockdown, normally achieved with her standard bnb 5B -> 5C >> 9jc >> j.B -> j.C which lets you set up a 214D for oki. Alternatively, you can instead of doing a jump cancel use 623A/B/C Sot which lets you extend for damage which still leads to a hard knockdown or a dust for meter. For the most part you wont use supers for combos as the meter is best spent on a 623A/B/C Sot, though in burst you should 100% go for a lvl 3 for damage.


Hiro's HKD OKI is the best part of her kit thanks to her 214D and how easy it is to set it up after a combo. afterwards with a meaty 214D you have a solid mixup with 2D for a low, j.A for an instant overhead, and side swap mixups as well, letting you vortex the opponent into another HKD into 214D mixup.

Offence (On Block)

On block Hiro doesn't have to many tools for pressure on block, and most of her specials are for neutral and zoning, though her 623A/B/C is a true overhead, letting you open up people who arent expecting it. Note that it can be reacted to on block with a parry, complacently ending your turn


Unfortunately for Hiro she lacks a meterless reversal, though you thankfully have a reversal super that hits on both sides.


Chain Combos

Chain Combo Damage Per Hit Notes
5A -> B -> C 15,15,22 C causes a knockdown.
5D -> B -> C 10,15,22 The Same as 5ABC chain but with D and does less damage. C causes a knockdown.
2A -> B -> C 15,15,22 Starting mid.
2D -> B -> C 10,15,22 Starting low.
5A -> C 15,25 C causes a knockdown. Always far C no matter how close you are.
5D -> C 10,25. C causes a knockdown. Always far C no matter how close you are.
5B -> C 30,22 Launches the opponent into the air. Jump cancelable.
jB -> C 30,18 Air chain. If done as an air to air it will hard knockdown.
A -> 3C 15,30 C is an overhead that cannot be canceled. See Chain Specific Normals

BnB Combos

Combo Total Damage Notes
Meterless BnB
9C > 2D > 2B > 2C > 236C
9C > 5B > C > 9B > 9C Hard knock-down finish. Good oki tool.
9C >> 5B -> C > 623C
9C > 5A > 5B > 5C > 214C Mid-Screen Only
One Bar BnB
9C > 5B> C > 623C (SOT) > B+C (AAABBBCCCDD > 236D)
9C > 2D > 2B > 2C > 236C > 236-236C Punishable on hit in the corner point-blank. If in the corner, use 236-236B.
9C > cl.C (2 hits) > 214-214C
9C > 5B > C > 623C (SOT) > 5B > C > 9B > C Hard Knockdown finish. Good tool for oki set-ups.
Two Bar BnB
9C > 5B > C > 623C (SOT) > 5B > C > 214-214C Cancel into 214-214C quickly or you'll drop the combo.
Three Bar BnB
9C > 5B > C > 623C (SOT) > 5B > C > 623C (SOT) > 5B > C > 214-214C Cancel into 214-214C quickly.
(Corner Only) 9C > 2D > 2B > 2C > 236C > 214-1236C You can set up 214D after level 3.
9C > cl.C (2 hits) > 214-1236C You can set up 214D after level 3.
Burst BnB
9C > 5B > C > 623C (SOT) > (Burst) 5B > C > 623C (SOT) > 5B > C > 623C (SOT) > 5B > C > 623C (SOT) > clB > C > 623C (SOT) > 214-1236A Requires 2 bar. In the end wait for your opponent to be close to the ground, about Hiro's head level, before doing level 3. If you don't they can tech out of the after the super flash.

System Specifics