Under Night In-Birth/UNI2/Hyde/Combos: Difference between revisions

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(→‎3B Starters: Added video links)
(→‎2C Starters: Added video links)
Line 583: Line 583:
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Midscreen}}
   | notes        = *Basic combo off 2C.
   | notes        = *Basic combo off 2C.
*[https://youtu.be/1t86rEEYCMs Click here to see a video].
Line 594: Line 595:
   | notes        = *Combo off max range 2C.
   | notes        = *Combo off max range 2C.
*Usually the basic 2C above this one is a good route to use at midscreen, but it's less consistent the farther away the opponent is when 2C hits. This route works at any range and does more damage.
*Usually the basic 2C above this one is a good route to use at midscreen, but it's less consistent the farther away the opponent is when 2C hits. This route works at any range and does more damage.
*[https://youtu.be/xhFGSqB5i_g Click here to see a video].
Line 604: Line 606:
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
   | location      = {{Property-UNI|Corner}}
   | notes        = *Basic corner combo for 2C.
   | notes        = *Basic corner combo for 2C.
*[https://youtu.be/TYvzJCJMxBM Click here to see a video].

Revision as of 19:21, 23 January 2024

UNI2 profile Hyde.png
Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so notation may differ slightly from this notation.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls

X+Y Buttons "X" and "Y" must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Input "X" or "Y" can be used.
dl.X There should be delay before inputting "X".
w.X Attack "X" should whiff and not hit the opponent.
j.X Button "X" is input while jumping or in the air.
dj.X Button "X" is input after a double jump.
jc Jump cancel the previous action. Usually will be omitted due to being obvious.
md.X Perform a micro-dash before performing "X".
TK.X Indicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.
(X) Input "X" is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input "X" is held down. Also can be known as "Increase" or "IC" for short. Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input "X" is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down.
{X} Button "X" should only be held down briefly to partially charge the attack, instead of the full increased version.
X(#) Attack "X" should only hit # of times.
X > Y Cancel "X" into "Y".
X, Y Link "X" into "Y", allowing "X" to fully recover before "Y".
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack "X" with "Y" follow-up input.
  2. Input "X" then within a few frames, input "Y". Usually used for option selects.
CH The first attack must be Counter Hit.
CS Perform a Chain Shift, which is performed by inputting D twice.
CVO Perform a Cross Cast Veil Off, which is performed by inputting A+B+C.
IW Perform an Infinite Worth, which is performed by inputting 41236D or A+B+C during CVO.
IWEX Perform an Infinite Worth EXS, which is performed by inputting A+B+C+D.

Getting Started

Starter Combos

The combos listed below are a mix of BNBs and generally easier combos to supplement Hyde's mission mode combos. It's recommended to at least look though the mission mode combos since a lot of routes there serve as good beginner combos and will work well if you're looking for something simple so you can jump in and start playing.

Some of the combos listed below require the use of delayed rekkas (214X), as it's a key part of his combo structure. If you can't do that yet, just end those combos there until you can delay the rekkas properly. If you want to learn them, combo 4-2 in the mission mode is a good place to start.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • 2A midscreen BNB. Good balance between damage and corner carry.
  • Make sure to buffer the dash before you land so that Hyde will already be running once he lands. You can do this by double tapping and then holding forward while Hyde is in the air after pressing j.6C. Once Hyde is dashing, you only need to press C to activate 66C.
  • Click here to see a video.
    • Also works off assault.
      • Just about any air-normal works, with the exception j.2C.
  • Corner BNB off 2A. Can also replace 2A with any normal into 2C (e.g. 5A > 5C > 2C, 5B > 5C > 2C, or 5C > 2C) for more damage.
  • 22A into 3B is a tricky link at first, but is essential in many of Hyde's corner combos. If you can do it, you'll be well on your way to learning other corner combos.
  • Click here to see a video.
    • Also works off assault.
      • J.B, j.[C], and j.6C (has to be delayed slightly against a crouching opponent) are your options there. Uncharged j.C makes the combo drop, and j.2C requires different routing.
  • 5A BNB using delayed rekkas. Works anywhere.
  • Can replace 5A with 5B for more damage or start at 5C instead. The second 2C can also be removed if the delay there is too difficult.
  • Mission mode combo 4-2 is generally the basic delayed rekka combo as 6B is consistently one of the best starters for it, but this route works off more normals (literally any of them except 2A). Once you can delay the rekkas consistently, make learning this route a priority.
  • Click here to see a video.
  • Easy anti-air combo.
  • The whiff 2A rebeat is key in combo routing off an anti-air 3C. Making 2A miss instead of waiting for the recovery on 3C to end means it's easier to land a hit before the opponent hits the ground and is able to tech. You can choose whatever normal you like afterward, but 2C is generally a good choice.
  • Stronger anti-air combos all follow this basic structure, with longer routes delaying the rekkas instead and picking up from there. It's a great place to start so you can get in the habit of 3C > whiff 2A > whatever normal you want to use early on once you're ready for more advanced combos.
  • If you can't delay the rekkas, just end the combo there.
  • Click here to see a video.
  • Simple hit-confirm combo off 236X~236A.
  • 236X~236A is one of Hyde's best moves, so being able to convert a hit into a combo is extremely useful. If you're just starting out, don't worry about delaying the rekkas and end the combo there. It's more important to be able to convert off that move than to optimize.
  • If you can delay the rekkas but you route into this off 66C, you have to end the combo there as the proration becomes too high for them to be delayed.
  • Click here to see a video.
  • Basic combo off 22A at midscreen.
  • Great for starting pressure since 236C allows you to approach safely on block.
  • 22A is one Hyde's best pokes, but can't be converted into a combo outside of the corner without meter or Chain Shift. Canceling into 236C is the easiest way to pick up off it.
  • If you want make the combo easier, go for 66C > 214B~4B~4B or dash > 5B > 5[C] > 214B~4B~4B after 236C instead.
  • Click here to see a video.


Hyde’s combos usually have one of two goals in mind depending on his position: corner carry at midscreen and damage in the corner. But regardless of position, the general combo theory remains the same:

Ground normals > launcher > air normals or delayed rekkas (214B) > ground normal > ender

The choice of delayed rekkas versus air-normals mid-combo depends on the starter (at least for midscreen combos; in the corner, always use the rekkas). Some combos use a bit of both -- delayed rekkas into another launcher (such as 3C) followed by an aerial string into an ender. Generally, however, it's simply a matter of whether the combo can support using delayed rekkas or not. Either way, learning how to delay the rekkas is necessary to make the most of Hyde's combo potential.

Midscreen combos can also generally end with either 66C > 236X~236B or 66C > 214B~4B~4B depending on whether you want to maximize corner carry or get decent oki on wake up. The fireball ender usually puts the opponent closer to Hyde, allowing him to close in and potentially continue pressure, while the rekka ender pushes the opponent farther away from Hyde and closer to the corner. Barring cases where proation causes the rekkas to drop, the choice pretty much comes down to what you value more at a given moment.

Hyde's mission mode combos are a good place to go for actually getting a feel for his combo theory as they cover basics very well.


How do I delay 214A/B's follow-ups properly?

Watch the hitstun timer and press the button as close to the timer expiring as possible. The more you delay the second and third hits, the easier it is to land whatever link you're aiming for once you land. Start by practicing 3B since that's the easiest normal to link into. Hyde's mission mode combo 4-2 is a good place to practice it. Watching the demonstration can help with learning the exact timing on the delays. Do it enough, and you should be able to delay the rekkas entirely by feel.

Don't rush to learn how to delay them right off the bat, though. This is by far one of the biggest hurdles to clear when learning Hyde. Just take it slow and keep trying until you can do it consistently. Once you can, then it's just a matter of learning to adjust the delays to meet the requirements of each link post-rekkas.

How much do I need to delay 214B's follow-ups for each link?

3B is the most lenient. If you can delay the rekkas, you can almost always connect 3B without trouble as long as the opponent is within range of it.

2C is more stringent and requires close to maximum delay to connect. The more you delay, the easier it is to land. One of the harder links to learn.

5C is about the same as 2C as both moves have the same amount of startup frames and is only used when the opponent is outside of 3B's range at midscreen.

3C is a bit tricky since it's technically a faster move but has less horizontal reach. The window is slightly more generous than 2C, but you have to either microdash into 3C on landing or delay the first hit of the rekkas as well to ensure the opponent lands as close to Hyde as possible.

22A is roughly the same as 2C, albeit slightly easier since the corner removes any potential for the opponent to fall out of range. Works best when you're right in the corner, but can sometimes connect if you're just slightly farther from your opponent when they land in the corner.

2A and 5B both have the same leniency as 3B (2A being easier since it's a much faster move) and are reserved for specific use cases in the corner. 2A for combos where you think you messed up the delays or ones that are possibly too prorated for the usual corner enders and want a quick and safe way to end the combo, and 5B is used generally in conjunction with Force Function (B+C) for more damage off certain starters.


The combos listed on this page already have set enders to use for consistency since rekka enders can sometimes not work on some combos. Also because most of the combo enders listed here use EX moves for extra damage and can be easily attached onto the end of most combos or can be used in place of the standard ender of whatever route you're using.

Combo Cost Location
  • Most common finisher for Hyde’s combos.
  • Ends in knockdown that puts the opponent close to Hyde, providing decent oki.
  • Most combos use 236A~236B to avoid same move proation, though sometimes 236B~236B is used instead in cases where the A fireball would be too slow to connect.
  • Can add 214C for additional damage and corner carry.
  • Mostly used for better corner carry in midscreen combos, but works anywhere.
  • Sets up decent oki in the corner; at midscreen, the opponent often lands too far to do much.
  • Can add 41236C for additional damage depending on the combo.
  • 623A is usually used to setup metered enders in combos but can provide good oki due to how the opponent often can't tech out of it before they touch the ground.
  • Whether the opponent can tech early or not depends on the route and whether you get all three hits of 623A or just two. The latter is less likely to let that happen in most routes, though can still happen occasionally. If ever in doubt, just go for another ender or cancel into j.236C if you have meter available.
  • Ender to use if for any reason you can't do the fireball routes.
  • 623A or 214B are valid options for most routes. 623A has the advantage of always hitting, however, while the rekkas can drop before the third hit depending on the route. Better to use 623A then if possible, but rekkas are fine as long as you know which routes they'll drop on.
  • 3B may have to be removed at midscreen depending on distance.
  • Does less damage than most other enders, but may be easier than the 236X~236X enders if inputting double quarter-circles are hard for you.
  • Common EX ender for midscreen combos, though it works anywhere.
  • Adds a ton of corner carry and ends in a hard knockdown.
  • More consistent than canceling into 214C off of 236X~236B at midscreen.
  • Easier ender for corner combos.
  • Does less damage but is less likely to drop.
  • Corner combo ender for when you think you messed up the delay on the rekkas or for combos that might be too heavily prorated for more damaging enders.
  • Common route for j.236C ender in the corner.
  • Adding j.A makes it harder for the opponent to escape the corner if they forward tech. Also lets you cancel into CVO.
  • Alternate route for j.236C ender.
  • J.236C ender that ends in a knockdown.
  • Very tricky timing on j.236C to make the fireball and its follow-up hit. They have to be just close enough to the ground that the fireball can connect, but not too close that j.236C misses and the opponent recovers instead.
  • Go-to route for EX DP ender.
  • 623C deals the most damage of any of Hyde's EX moves, making it the best option when you want to maximize damage but only have (or only want to spend) 100 meter and don't have Vorpal.
  • 623C will allow the opponent to forward tech if it doesn't kill, so it's best reserved for when you're certain it'll end the round.
  • Common Veil Off route to use off most corner combos.
  • CVO route when above 30% health with 200 meter.
  • This specific route only works in the corner because 623A > j.236C > 623A doesn't work midscreen.
  • Basic CVO route when under 30% health with full meter.
  • Works off any combo ender in the corner.
  • Optimal CVO route.
  • Much harder than other CVO routes due to the precise timing on 236C to ensure it connects and the extremely small window you have to follow-up with IWEXS. But if you want to maximize damage off a CVO ender, this is your best bet.


2A Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Maximum corner carry combo off 2A without spending meter.
  • The delay on j.C can be tricky on some characters. Try to delay it as much as possible.
  • Click here to see a video.

5A Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Difficult high damage 5A combo.
  • Rising j.2C combos are some of the hardest combos Hyde has. You have to input j.2C immediately following the jump cancel and then time j.[C] just right for it to connect. The window to do so while getting both hits of j.2C in is very narrow. If you're even slightly off on the timing, the combo will drop.
  • Click here to see a video.
  • 5A corner combo utilizing Force Function (B+C) for high damage.
  • The delay on 236B is very small, but crucial. If you don't delay the fireball, the combo will drop because the opponent won't be low enough for the ender to connect.
  • Click here to see a video.

2B Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Basic combo off 2B at midscreen.
  • You can have both hits of j.A connect, but the single hit is recommended since its easier.
  • Click here to see a video.
  • Slightly harder combo off 2B that does more damage.
  • Can sometimes drop if you choose to add the second 2C.
  • Click here to see a video.

5B Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Basic 5B combo focusing on corner carry.
  • Similar to the mission mode route, but easier for only slightly less damage.
  • Click here to see a video.
  • Alternate corner carry route off 5B.
  • Can attach 214C on the end for additional damage or to take your opponent all the way to the corner.
  • Click here to see a video.
  • 5B corner combo.
  • Stronger than the standard BNB and only slightly harder.
  • B+C can be replaced with 2C to save GRD.
  • Click here to see a video.

6B Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Standard delayed rekka combo off 6B.
  • Using both 3B and 2C adds more damage. If 2C keeps dropping, route straight into the fireball ender instead.
  • Slightly stronger delayed rekka combo with strong corner carry.
  • Have to delay the first hit of the rekka slightly for 3C to connect. You can otherwise not delay the first hit and microdash into 3C instead if you prefer.
  • Adding j.C > j.2C adds more damage to most delayed rekka combos at midscreen.
  • 2C may sometimes miss if the opponent ends up landing too far from Hyde after the rekkas. Delay each hit as much as you can to help avoid that happening.
  • Best mix of damage and corner carry off 6B. Can also add 214C on the end for full corner carry.
  • Using both hits of 6B always leads to better damage, but is riskier to confirm since you can't cancel the second hit with normals on block.
  • If the combo ends in the corner by the time you press j.6C, swap the rest of the combo for 5B > 214B~4B~4B.
  • Midscreen 22B route off delayed rekkas.
  • Very difficult to land. Each part of the sequence following 22B is prone to dropping depending on spacing and timing, but deals excellent damage if you can pull it off.
  • Easier 22B midscreen combo off 6B.
  • Pretty consistent combo overall, though 66C can fail connect sometimes if the opponent lands just slightly too far after the rekkas.
  • Combo to use when rekkas will put you in the corner. Also serves as a good basic BNB for the corner as well.
  • Works off both hits of 6B as well, whether close to or in the corner.
  • Can sometimes drop after Force Function. Swap for 2C in case it's a frequent problem or if you want to conserve GRD.
  • High damage corner routing off of 6B without utilizing Force Function.
  • The delay on 236B is slight. Can't wait too long or else the opponent will tech before the fireball can connect.

3B Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

66B Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Dash B combo using 6B link.
  • As of UNI2, 66B now causes the opponent to tumble on any hit, which opens up more routing possibilities. This route is does good damage without being too difficult if you can delay 214B properly.
  • Side-swap combo off 66B.
  • Higher damage combo off of 66B.
  • A rekkas have to be delayed precisely for 3C to connect.
  • Can drop 2C from the combo and save it for counter hits to make the combo easier.

2C Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Combo off max range 2C.
  • Usually the basic 2C above this one is a good route to use at midscreen, but it's less consistent the farther away the opponent is when 2C hits. This route works at any range and does more damage.
  • Click here to see a video.

5C Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Basic combo off 5C.
  • Works at just about any range 5C can connect at. Charged 5C starter extends effective range you can confirm off of.
  • If the combo keeps dropping around 2C > 5[C], change route to 3B > 5C > 214B~4B~4B instead. You lose a bit of damage, but it's less likely to drop.
  • Stronger combo off 5C.
  • Only works at ranges where 2C can connect.
  • Can also use charged 5C starter for additional damage.
  • Max range 5[C] route using Chain Shift.
  • 22B can be difficult to land as all three hits need to connect for the combo to work and the opponent can sometimes end up just slightly outside of the correct spacing you need to do so.
  • Damage differs depending on whether you end up in the corner before the combo ends. If you do, you get slightly less damage.
  • Corner combo off 5C.
  • Force Function has to be delayed slightly for it to connect.

66C Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Combo off 66C into rekkas.
  • Standard 66C into Force Function combo.
  • Chain Shift or meter need to be used to convert off FF at midscreen because of the knockback.
  • 66C combo with strong balance of corner carry and damage.
  • Bit tricky due to how you have to resist special canceling 66C immediately. 6B can be a difficult link at first, but as long as you input as soon as you possibly can, it should always connect.
  • Can sometimes drop before 2C connects. Can replace with 3B instead for better stability at the cost of slightly less damage.
  • Combo off 66C into Force Function that uses meter.
  • Fireball has to hit before detonating it, and the detonation must happen as soon as the fireball connects for it to work.
  • 66C into Force Function combo to use if you're close to the corner.
  • 66B is harder to land after FF than 66C is, but leads to better damage.
  • [ Click here to see a video]
  • 66C into rekka combo to use when you'll end up in the corner.
  • Also works in the corner if the dedicated corner combos are too difficult.
  • Corner combo off 66C.
  • Like the midscreen route that uses the 6B link, it's a bit tricky due to how easily it is to autopilot into special canceling 66C.
  • If you're having trouble not canceling 66C immediately, just use the midscreen into corner route (listed above) instead.

J.A Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Combo off jump-in j.A.
  • Does not work off assault.
  • Slightly harder combo off jump-in j.A at midscreen. Also works as an air-to-air, though can be harder chain into 214B depending on how the high in the air the opponent is.

Assault Starters

All the counter hit combos listed here also work on GRD Break.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Counter hit route off assualt j.B starter.
  • Also works with j.[C] and j.6C.
  • Counter hit route off assualt j.C starter.
  • J.C starter combos have a lot less hitstun to work with. Trying to go for the usual routes you'd use off j.B or j.[C] won't work because the combo will drop early, so you need to keep different routes in mind when using j.C.
  • Standard assault combo off j.2C.
  • Counter hit combo off assault j.2C.
  • Corner combo off assault j.2C.
  • 22A can be difficult to link sometimes. Try delaying the rekkas as much as possible.
  • Counter hit corner combo off j.2C.
  • The timing on 2B > B+C can be difficult. May need to slightly delay one or the other.

Anti-Air Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Basic anti-air combo.
  • Jump cancel must be a neutral jump. Forward jumping can make 66C cross up.
  • Alternate route with better corner carry.
  • This is the route from mission mode 5-13. It's a solid option to confirm off a non-counter hit anti-air and get some good corner carry.
  • Strong but difficult anti-air combo.
  • Getting j.C > j.2C to connect is tricky. It's very height dependent on whether you'll be able to chain into 214B afterward.
  • Primary anti-air combo off counter hit 3C. Good mix of damage and corner carry.
  • Counter hit anti-air combo focusing on corner carry.

Throw Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Standard throw combo.
  • Wait for the opponent to bounce off the wall to use 6B so that both hits will connect. Do it too early and it'll miss entirely.
  • The timing on 2B can be tricky as the opponent needs to be just low enough to the ground so that 3B will be able to connect after Force Function.
  • Can add j.236C > j.A on the end for additional damage.

Force Function (B+C) Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Standard Force Function combo at midscreen using Chain Shift.
  • Counter hit confirm off of Force Function. Does not work off charged Force Function.
  • Usually you need to either spend meter or use Chain Shift to convert off FF, but counter hits keep the opponent from recovering just long enough to toss a fireball out and go into a combo from there.
  • Have to use the A version of the fireball because the B version travels too fast for Hyde to reach the opponent.
  • Metered confirm off of Force Function.
  • Difficult to land due to the opponent being able to be slightly too high for 3B to connect after the aerial strings.
  • Fireball has to be detonated right as it hits the enemy for maximum damage.
  • 6B and 3C can be removed from the combo for better stability.
  • Corner combo off Force Function using rekkas.
  • Corner combo off charged Force Function
  • Combo off max range charged Force Function in the corner.
  • Can work on non-counter hits as well when you have Vorpal, but is harder to do.

Force Function (2B+C) Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

236X Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Basic confirm off 236A.
  • May have to slightly delay 66C at certain distances for it to connect.
  • Counter hit route off 236A.
  • Standard combo off of 236C that works anywhere.
  • Corner combo off 236A.
  • Only works if the fireball is thrown from a bit of distance. Have to use one of the fireball's follow-ups to combo close to/at point-blank range.
  • Can swap 66B for 66C and B+C for 2C instead to make it a bit easier at the cost of slightly lower damage.

236X~236A Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Standard confirm off of 236X~236A.
  • Harder but stronger combo off 236X~236A with great corner carry.

236X~236B Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Solid hit-confirm route off of 236A~236B.
  • High damage combo off 236X~236B.
  • Though very difficult to do, you can technically use the 236B fireball follow-up to create a frame trap. In such an event, use this combo to maximize damage.

236X~236C Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Stronger combo off laser that's slightly harder.
  • Landing 2C can be tricky on some characters. Try slightly delaying j.2C and delay the rekkas as much as possible to help avoid that from happening.
  • Combo to use if the fireball hits before activating laser.
  • This combo is generally reversed for when you get a hit when trying to use 236X~236C in pressure. Not something you specifically want to look for as a starter since the fireball being the first hit prorates the combo pretty hard.
  • Damage varies based on whether the fireball and detonation happen at point-blank range or not. If not, 3353 is the base damage. If so, it increases to 3661.
  • Laser side-swap combo.
  • 66C can cause a side-swap anywhere if timed correctly, so you can technically use this route (minus 22A, of course) to cause a side-swap at midscreen as well. It's better to save this route for when you're in the corner, however, since it's most effective there.
  • Laser combo for the corner.
  • 5[C] is much easier to use off of laser when the opponent is in the corner since you don't have to worry about moving forward first to make it connect.

j.236X Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Midscreen combo off tk j.236A.
  • Good for countering throw attempts.
  • Works off assault.
  • Harder version of the above combo.
  • Very difficult to do, but also deals some of the best damage Hyde can do without spending resources at midscreen.
  • Corner combo for j.236X.
  • Works off assault as well.
  • Corner route for j.236A that doesn't use rekkas. Very difficult combo, but it's also some of the highest damage you can get off j.236A without spending meter.
  • The timing on 22A > 6B is extremely precise. You can't cancel into either immediately, but rather must time each one perfectly so that all three hits of 22A and both hits of 6B connect.

214X Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Midscreen combo for 214A starter.
  • Doesn't work on counter hit with 214A as the opponent lands too far to link into 3C. In such an event, change route to 3B > 5C > 214B~4B~4B.
  • This route does, however, work with a 214B starter on counter hit.
  • Greater corner carry off 214B starter.
  • Corner combo for rekka starter. Works with A or B rekkas.
  • Can swap the ender for 3C > 214B~4B~4B if the fireball ender keeps droping.
  • Stronger and much harder corner combo off 214A.
  • The window to link 5C after the second hit of 214A is very precise. If you can hit it, though, the rest of the combo isn't too hard.

623X Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Midscreen combo off 623A using meter.
  • Combo off 623B using CS.
  • Side-swap combo off 623A.
  • Timing on j.236C is extremely precise, making this combo very difficult to do.
  • Corner combo off 623A using meter.

22X Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Midscreen combo off 22A using Chain Shift.
  • Limited use given how you're generally better off using 236C to combo off 22A at midscreen, but this route is useful all the same should you want to convert into a combo and don't have the meter to spare.
  • Midscreen 22B combo.
  • Hard to use given the specific spacing needed for all three hits of 22B to connect, but useful to learn should it happen.
  • Standard combo off 22C.
  • The corner carry is most effective when either you or your opponent are in the corner since you can go all the way to the other side of the stage with this route, but works well pretty much anywhere.
    • If you end up in the corner after j.6C, change the ender to 5B > 214B~4B~4B.
  • 22C's use is mainly as a pressure tool, but it's a solid combo starter as well. It's most effective when the opponent is in or close to the corner, as the flames bounce off the wall and keep them in blockstun, but it's worth learning how to confirm off it just in case you get a hit whenever you try to use it.
  • 22C route to use if 22C will put the opponent in the corner.
  • Force Function can be replaced with 2C instead if the combo is dropping there.
  • 22A combo that doesn't use rekkas or Force Function.
  • Useful if you want to conserve GRD (most 22X corner routes use Force Function somewhere) or are having trouble landing the rekkas.
  • Standard 22A combo in the corner.
  • 22B corner combo.
  • 2B is used in place of 5B here because the former has better damage scaling off 22B.
  • On counter hit, add 22A after the rekkas for additional damage.
  • Stronger corner combo off 22B.
  • More difficult than the above 22B route due to how tight the timing is throughout the combo, especially if you decide to add 2C. The combo becomes less likely to drop without it.

41236D Starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location
  • Standard combo off Gyro Vortex.
  • Literally just the mission mode route, but it's also the most reliable and stable combo off this move.
  • Side-swap combo off Gyro Vortex.
  • 66C has to connect before the opponent hits the ground. If they do, the combo will end after using Force Function due to all the ground/wall bounces being used up.
  • Click here to see a video.


UNIclr Hyde combo guide by MIYAGI Muteki
UNIst Hyde combos for punishing reversals by MIYAGI Muteki

External Links

Mizuumi Wiki:Roadmap/UNI2

Starter and Resources
Getting Started
Frame Data
Resources and Links
Patch Notes
Damage and Combo System
Attack Attributes