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Spectral VS Generation Welles Image.png
Health 450
Pre-Jump Frames 3
Play Style Rushdown, Mixup
Dash Type Run

Character Background

Race: Human
Motivation: Reconnaissance and to test his skills
Weapon: Twin Swords
Likes: Fighting
Dislikes: Boredom

Character Info

Welles is an extremely fast and agile character with the damage on even the most basic of his optimal combos able to deal over half the enemy's health and his approach game is some of the most varied in the whole game.
He has an invulnerable dp that can be comboed into and off of and has ridiculous pressure and mixups, being able to kill opponents and break guards relatively quickly.
His downside is that he is extremely weak to zoning and setplay, and he really needs to keep his momentum. He can only be played aggressively but with his ability to swoop in from full screen and take over a game, that isn't an issue.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Some of, if not the best air movement in the game
  • Optimal combos can be some of the most damaging in the game and meter efficient to boot
  • Has lots of fast, solid reaching, and safe enough normals
  • Air normals are amazing for both air to air and air to ground
  • Has solid overhead and low mixups
  • Has a dp that you can confirm into and combo off of
  • Has an extremely fast approach both on the ground and in the air, thanks to having one of the fastest run speeds and super jump speeds
  • 214A/B/C moves like a dandy step and is entirely invulnerable when dashing away, although it lacks anything on the return
  • Does not have a fireball, or any real way to create and/or keep space besides running away
  • Weak to zoning and setplay
  • Like other sword characters his sword attacks have hurt boxes, which can lead to bad trades
  • Optimal combos are entirely dependent on who you are facing as the timings on his optimal combos will vary based on fall speeds


Far Standing Normals

Spectral VS Generation WellesFar5A Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welles swings his sword vertically, not the fastest but also not the slowest, when hit from max range it wont combo into 5b

Spectral VS Generation WellesFar5B Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welles swings his sword vertically, not as much horizontal range as Far 5a but is leagues faster and hits a large area in front of Welles
solid anti air option

Spectral VS Generation WellesFar5C Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welles swings both his swords in an x shape, shooting an x shaped sword beam for a short distance, has a bit of startup
useful if your enemy air techs near the ground

Spectral VS Generation WellesFar5D Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welles does a roundhouse kick, same range as Far 5b and is about as fast so it can also be used as an anti air

Close Standing Normals

Spectral VS Generation WellesClose5A Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welles taps the enemy with the pommel of his sword, has fast startup and recovery, allowing you to tick throw with this

Spectral VS Generation WellesClose5B Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welle swings his sword vertically down, is about as fast as Far 5b

Spectral VS Generation WellesClose5C Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welles shoulder bumps the enemy, can be used to end combos to reset your turn and possibly tick throw, but in neutral or pressure if you are close enough to do this move you should probably do something else

Spectral VS Generation WellesClose5D Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welles knees the enemy, fast startup and recovery, can be used for tick throws

Crouching Normals

Spectral VS Generation Welles2A Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welles pokes the enemy with his sword, fast startup and recovery

Spectral VS Generation Welles2B Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welles reaches with both of his swords to poke the enemy, has amazing reach and is very fast, the farther away you hit it the less options you have to combo into, from max range it just doesn't combo

Spectral VS Generation Welles2C Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welles swings his sword horizontally, has solid range and is fast, solid poke in the neutral

Spectral VS Generation Welles2D Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welles pokes the enemy with his foot, fast startup and recovery, can be used to tick throw, due to hitstun scaling it screws with your combos so I wouldn't recommend using it to start one

Jumping Normals

Spectral VS Generation Wellesj.A Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welles holds his swords out pointing down, doesn't last long enough to warrant use over other air normals

Spectral VS Generation Welles8j.B Image.png
Spectral VS Generation Welles7 9j.B Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welles swings his sword vertically up, is almost instant and has solid reach for how much space it covers

Spectral VS Generation Wellesj.C Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Exactly the same as Far 5c but in the air and aimed down forwards, one of your main jump in normals

Spectral VS Generation Wellesj.D Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Welles kicks right below him, can hit most opponents if doneimediatly when jumping forward, not used very much

Command Normals

Spectral VS Generation Welles3D Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Low - - - - -

Spectral VS Generation Wellesj.A Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High - - - - -

Chain Specific Normals

Chain 5B
Spectral VS Generation WellesFar5B Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Chain 2B
Spectral VS Generation Welles2C Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Chain 5C 1
Spectral VS Generation WellesChain5C1 Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Chain 5C 2
Spectral VS Generation WellesFar5B Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Chain 5C 3
Spectral VS Generation WellesChain5C2 Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Chain 2C
Spectral VS Generation WellesChain2C Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -


Spectral VS Generation WellesGrab Image.png
Spectral VS Generation WellesFar5D Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Throw N/A - - - -

Both throws will end in a roundhouse kick in the direction of the throw

Dust (Sword Series Slash)

Spectral VS Generation WellesDust Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High N/A - - - -

Is an overhead.
Triggers an air chase when you press A.
To complete the air chase you must do AAABBBCCCD > 236D.

Spectral VS Generation WellesLowDust Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Low N/A - - - -

Same as standing Dust but hits low.
Triggers an air chase when you press A. To complete the air chase you must do AAABBBCCCD > 236D.

Parry (Chaos Breaking)

Spectral VS Generation WellesParry Image.png
Standing Parry
Standing Parry
Spectral VS Generation WellesLowParry Image.png
Crouching Parry
Crouching Parry
Spectral VS Generation Wellesj.Parry Image.png
Jumping Parry
Jumping Parry
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- - - - - - -

Dodges projectiles and counters any physical, non-grab attacks.
The Standing and Jumping versions parry anything that can be blocked High, but is vulnerable to grabs. The Crouching version only parries lows and cannot be grabbed.

Special Moves

Battle Gale Slice
Spectral VS Generation Welles236X Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 High/Low - - - - -
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
33 High/Low - - - - -
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
35 High/Low - - - - -

Battle Thunder Combo
Battle Gale Slice ~> A/B/C
Spectral VS Generation Welles236X ABCFollowup Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
51 High/Low - - - - -

Lightning Smash Kill
Battle Gale Slice ~> D
Spectral VS Generation Welles236X DFollowup Image.png
Your only real combo ender
Your only real combo ender
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
40 High/Low - - - - -

Shining Break
Spectral VS Generation Welles623A Image.png
The 8 ways from Sunday mixup
The 8 ways from Sunday mixup
Spectral VS Generation Welles623B Image.png
Spectral VS Generation Welles623C Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
50 High/Low - - - - -
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
50 High/Low - - - - -
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
50 High/Low - - - - -

Gale Break
Spectral VS Generation Welles623X 2ABCFollowup Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 High/Low - - - - -

Illusion Flash
Spectral VS Generation Welles214X Image.png
This is Slayer on crack
This is Slayer on crack
Spectral VS Generation Welles214X2 Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
50 High/Low - - - - -
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
50 High/Low - - - - -
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
50 High/Low - - - - -

Slice Hurricane
Spectral VS Generation Wellesj.236X Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
80 High/Low - - - - -

Death Sword Dance
Spectral VS Generation Welles236D Image.png
Remember that this has no invulnerability
Remember that this has no invulnerability
Spectral VS Generation Welles236D DFollowupImage.png
Death Sword Dance ~> D
Referred to as Double Jump
Death Sword Dance ~> D
Referred to as Double Jump
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
N/A High/Low - - - - -

Gale Successive Slices
Death Sword Dance/Double Jump ~> A/B/C
Spectral VS Generation Wellesj.236X Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
80 High/Low - - - - -

Gale Thunder Strike
j.236D OR Death Sword Dance/Double Jump ~> 2D
Spectral VS Generation Wellesj.236D Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 High/Low - - - - -
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
50 High/Low - - - - -

Super Moves

Level 1 Supers

Level 3 Super


Peck them


Chain Combos

Chain Combo Total Damage Notes

Basic Combos

System Specifics