Under Night In-Birth/UNI2/Carmine: Difference between revisions

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The B version has quite a bit of differences from the A version.  
The B version has quite a bit of differences from the A version.  
The fastest and biggest version of the move, both for the move itself and the dissolves following it.  
The fastest and biggest version of the move, both for the move itself and the dissolves following it, and one of Carmine's reversals, with very lengthy invulnerability.

Revision as of 06:58, 26 February 2024

Uni2 profile carmine.png


Carmine is a brash young man who uses his EXS for his own amusement.
Thus far, no one has been able to defeat him; in Carmine's eyes, they're all hideous failures--including the so-called strongest In-Birth of all.
That changed one Night, however, when Carmine was utterly defeated by a Re-Birth who suddenly appeared before him. For the first time ever, Carmine experienced fear... but it didn't last for long.
"Someone out there's pissin' me off... I'll feel better once I crush 'im. That's for sure."
Carmine heads out into the final Night with nothing on his mind but the person he hates most.

Listen up, Mr. High-And-Mighty Lord of Eternity...
If you thought you could kick back on your throne forever, you're dead wrong.


Carmine is a mixed bag of space control with his long range normals and zoning specials, to a hyper aggressive set play character with a plethora of mix up options. He is a high risk/reward character because every aspect of his game play, including his combos, require him to spend his health. You will be treating his life as currency in order to play a neutral game to create openings for his offensive pressure. He is a character that can never be counted out at any point in the match as he becomes increasingly dangerous the lower his life is. The draw backs to Carmine is that he needs to spend a lot of his life to do anything and he lacks a solid reversal option but this balances out his sometimes over whelming options.

Carmine's ability to extend offensive pressure is unique in that it doesn't follow the typical method of anime fighters through dash attacks, as his non-dash specific attacks instantly stops his forward momentum. This means he has to rely more on the range of his normals, frame traps, and certain special moves to create a continuous offense. However, doing this creates gaps in his pressure strings that allow his opponents to counter poke or reversal out, creating a level of risk that needs to be understood when executing these tactics.

During the neutral game you'll want to space control with his long range pokes via 5B, 2C, 5C, and j.C in combination with his zoning tools of 6B, j.6B, 236X, j.236X and 623X. Placing dissolves on the stage is important to establish screen control presence to force your opponent to either play more defensively or take risks to get in on Carmine. This will allow you to capitalize on their risks, create offensive pressure, or gain optimal combo damage once you land a hit. Typically, 6B, 236X, j.236X, and 214X are the ideal methods to place dissolves on the screen. Be careful to not over utilize these attacks since the life loss can add up quickly. Essentially, the goal of Carmine's neutral game is to land any type of hit because he is able to convert stray hits into a full combo that ends in a knockdown to create a mix up/okizeme game after wards.

Carmine's okizeme game involves placing a meaty 236X on top of the opponent then go in with a high/low/throw game and then convert any hit into a combo that ends in a knockdown so the process can be repeated. The other option is to threaten the opponent with a 214[A/B] and have them second guess when they can push a button in fear of getting hit by the follow up attack when you release A or B. This again allows you go for a high/low/throw game that ends in the same way as the 236X route. In this manner, Carmine becomes a heavy set play type of character.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Oppressive Extended Pressure: Blood pools and other specials moves make for amazing okizeme tools, but also serve as pressure resets when used effectively. This allows Carmine to run constant mixups on the opponent with Assault, F-Shikis, command overheads, crossups, and anti-shield grab options.
  • Space Control: While they make for great offensive tools, Carmine's variety of projectiles and large normals also give him amazing area denial and lockdown ability, giving him plenty of opportunities to start his offense from midrange exchanges. He is also equipped with an excellent close range anti-air, and a fullscreen, tracking, air unblockable ground spike.
  • Mobility: Carmine's run is very fast, complemented by a good backdash and options to cover his retreat using blood pools, so he can get around neutral very effectively.
  • Damage Potential: To offset his health expenditure on his attacks, Carmine can deal massive damage with the right setups, making defending against him very risky.
  • Health as a Resource: Carmine's central gimmick has many of his moves drain from the player's HP when used. While he has tools to heal with, and very strong snowball potential, in practice Carmine has one of the lowest effective health pools in the game, making him a very volatile character.
  • Flawed Defense: All of Carmine's abare and reversal options, save for his backdash, are notably slow (6F Abare, 13 frame metered reversal), or otherwise flawed (63214B+C jumpable after super flash and ineffective against airborne opponents). This makes him weak to more setups and limits his ability to contest many pressure situations.

Character Stats

Health Smart Steer Route
10800 5A > 5B > 6C > 6B~B > 5A+B > IW (requires 200 EXS)
Forward Walk Speed Backward Walk Speed Jump Startup Jump Duration
1260 -1000 5 42
Dash Startup Initial Dash Speed Dash Acceleration Max Dash Speed
8 2800 300 4000
Backdash Startup Backdash Duration Backdash Distance Backdash Invul
4 26 -41794 1~8 Full
9~10 Throw
Throw Width (pixels) Throw Range (pixels)
Unique Trait
  • Certain moves cost health, but in return those attacks leave a Dissolve puddle.
    • Dissolves are activated in various ways to attack the opponent.
  • Throw and command throws regain health.
Vorpal Trait
  • Dissolve self damage reduced.
  • Force Function startup decreased.
Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Damage Damage done by this attack.
(x) denotes combined damage
[x] denotes minimum damage
Guard The way this move must be blocked.
High = Can block standing
Low = Can block crouching
Mid = Can block standing or crouching
Air = Can block in the air
Air Shield = Can block in the air while shielding
Unblockable = Cannot be blocked
Cancel Actions this move can be canceled into on hit or block, unless specially noted.
N = Normal Cancelable
SE = Self Cancelable
SP = Special Cancelable
EX = EX/IW Cancelable
CS = Chain Shift
UNQ = Unique (See description)
TH = Throw Cancelable
J = Jump Cancelable (Hit cancelable only by default)
(X) = Hit cancelable only
-X- = Can additionally be cancelled during whiff
Property Special properties this move has. Click on the property to navigate to an explanation.
Cost The resources this move costs to use.
GRD = GRD Blocks
EXS = EXS Meter
Vorpal = Vorpal
GRD Break = Causes GRD Break
Attribute Attributes of the attack. Mostly used in situations involving invul.
There are two sets of attributes: Strike/Throw and Head/Foot/Dive/Projectile
Every move has a Strike/Throw attribute, but doesn't always have Head/Foot/Dive/Projectile attribute.
Strike = Strike (Anything that isn't a Throw is a Strike)
Throw = Throw
Head = Head (Most jump normals)
Foot = Foot
Dive = Some air specials
Projectile = Projectile
Startup Frame when the first hitbox is present.
+ denotes the frames before and after super flash.
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.
(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present.
Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled.
Overall Frames that this move takes from start to finish before the character returns to neutral.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).
If the opponent uses a move with startup equal or less than this move's advantage, it will result in opponent hitting that move.
±x~±x denotes a possible range of advantage. The left value is when the active frames hit sooner (generally worse) and the right value is for when the active frames hit later (generally better).
Invul The frames where this move cannot be hit by an attribute.
Full = Fully invincible
Strike = Strike invincible
Throw = Throw invincible
Head = Head invincible
Foot = Foot invincible
Dive = Dive invincible
Projectile = Projectile invincible

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
185 Mid 6 2 12 -2 N, SP, EX, CS Strike
Carmine's fastest normal.
  • It has a deceptively far hit box for a 5A.
  • It is useful for punishes, pressure, and a situational anti-air against ground assaults or mis-spaced jump ins.
  • It is mostly used in block strings to reduce the recovery of his C attacks and in combos after an assault j.X starter.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
19 /Data#5A
5A :
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
5B 570 Mid 9 5 16 -5 N, SP, EX, CS Strike
Carmine performs a raising elbow attack with a trail of blood crystals.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
5BB 490 Mid 14 7 14 -5 (N), SP, EX, CS Strike
Carmine takes a step forward and does a raising elbow attack with his other arm, leaving behind a second trail of blood crystals.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
5BBB Unblockable 16 Total 50 +42 CS Throw
Carmine leaps forward and grabs the opponent by the throat for a techable throw.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
5B 29 /Data#5B
5BB 34 /Data#5BB
5BBB 50 /Data#5BBB
5B :

5BB :

5BBB :

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
670 Mid 15 3 23 -8 N, SP, EX, CS Strike
Carmine swings his arm leaving behind a trail of blood crystals.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
40 /Data#5C
5C :

Crouching Normals

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
180 Mid 6 2 12 -2 N, SP, EX, CS Strike
Noticeably subpar for a 2A, with slower than average startup and can't even hit Low. Used for blockstrings and rebeats and that's it.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
19 /Data#2A
2A :
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
430 Low 7 5 13 -2 N, SP, EX, CS Strike
Carmine performs an awkward crouching kick.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
24 /Data#2B
2B :
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
590 Low 11 2 28 -14 N, SP, EX, CS Strike
Carmine performs a crouching elbow attack that shoots out a long ranged blood crystal.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
40 /Data#2C
2C :

Air Normals

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
140 High 8 - N, SP, EX, CS Strike, Head
Carmine performs a quick downward swipe.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
jA :
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
410 High 10 3 17
[3 on landing]
Varies N, SP, EX, CS Strike, Head
Carmine performs a wide downward strike with a blood crystal.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
jB :
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
jC 604 High 12 1, 1 34
[4 on landing]
Varies N, SP, EX, CS Strike, Head
Strong air normal with a hitbox around Carmine.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
j[C] 781 High 25 1, 2 34
[4 on landing]
Varies N, SP, EX, CS Strike, Head
Charged version.
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Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
jC /Data#jC
j[C] /Data#j[C]
jC :

j[C] :

Command Normals

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
720 Mid, Air Shield 14 22 24 -2 UNQ Projectile
Fires a horizontal blood crystal projectile and sets dissolve where the projectile impacts.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
6B~B Mid 18 7 15 +3 SP, EX, CS Projectile
Follow-up from 6B, Carmine creates a large curved spike in front of him.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
720 Mid, Air Shield 13 Total 38 -3 UNQ Projectile
Charged version.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
6B 38 /Data#6B
6B~B 39 Launch /Data#6B~B
6[B] 38 /Data#6[B]
6B :

6B~B :

6[B] :

Requires 300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
720 Mid, Air Shield 20 - +10(TK) UNQ Projectile
Fires an aerial, 45 degree version of 6B and leaves a dissolve upon impact.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
j6B :
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
564 Mid 8 3 23 -6 SP, EX, CS Strike 7~10 Head
Carmine does an upwards roundhouse kick at a 45 degree angle.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
33 Launch /Data#3B
3B :
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
6C 550 Mid 13 3 21 -6 SP, EX, CS Strike
Carmine does a back hand spinning swipe shooting forth a large trail of blood crystals.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
6[C] 740 High 27 3 26 -11 SP, EX, CS Strike
Charged version of his 6C that extends the hit box horizontally.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
6C 36 /Data#6C
6[C] 55 Launch /Data#6[C]
6C :

6[C] :

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
3C 781 Mid 15 5 20 -9 SP, EX, CS Strike 11~16 Head
Carmine shoots a large splatter of blood crystals.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
3[C] 890 Mid 20 5 20 -7 SP, EX, CS Strike 17~21 Head
Charged version.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
3C 39 Launch /Data#3C
3[C] 44 Wall bounce /Data#3[C]
3C :

3[C] :

Dash Moves

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
620 Mid 10 3 15 -4 SP, EX, CS Strike 7~12 Head
Carmine does the roundhouse kick that he does in his 3B.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
27 Launch /Data#66B
66B :
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
1122 Mid 15 5 16 -1 SP, EX, CS Strike
Carmine does the spinning swipe attack that he does during his 6C.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
35 Knockdown /Data#66C
66C :

Universal Mechanics

Force Function

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
320 Mid 15 3 23 -3 EX, CS Strike, Foot
B+C (Vorpal)
150 VIT, 0.5 GRD
352 Mid 12 3 23 -3 EX, CS Strike, Foot
Carmine does a mocking gesture and shoots out a dissolve in front of him.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
B+C 40 /Data#B+C
37 /Data#B+C
B+C :

B+C (Vorpal):

Aerial Force Function
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
300 VIT, 1 GRD
320 Mid 16 3 23 -3 EX, CS Strike, Foot
jB+C (Vorpal)
150 VIT, 0.5 GRD
352 Mid 12 3 23 -3 EX, CS Strike, Foot
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
jB+C 40 /Data#jB+C
37 /Data#jB+C
jB+C :

jB+C (Vorpal):

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
1580 Unblockable 4 1 26 +61 (hit) Throw
Carmine grabs the opponent by the throat and then slams them to the ground.
  • Recovers VIT.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
30 Knockdown /Data#A+D
A+D :
Guard Thrust
Guard Thrust
Requires 100 EXS, All GRD
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
0 Mid 15 5 26 -12 Strike 1~15 Full, 16~45 Full on hit
Guard Thrust is a type of Guard Cancel that is only usable during blockstun. Blows the opponent away on hit.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
45 Launch /Data#6A+B+C
6A+B+C :

Veil Off

Veil Off
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
100+ EXS
0 All 15 2 Total 64 (54 on hit) -23 Strike 1~30 Full
Universal reversal that blows the opponent back on hit.
  • Requires at least 100 meter and puts you in Veil Off state which grants 20% more damage, but drains your meter at a slow rate.
  • Meter drains much slower when health is below 30% (orange health).
  • If your opponent has Vorpal state and is hit with Veil Off outside of a combo, they will lose Vorpal.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
A+B+C (during a move)
100+ EXS
0 All 2 4 20 +3 Strike 1~19 Full
Cancels an action and launches the opponent high into the air on hit.
  • CVO cancel is treated the same as EX cancel; you can only CVO when you can EX and the opponent is in hit/blockstun.
    • Including in the air.
  • Requires at least 100 meter and consumes Vorpal state and drains meter at a fast rate.
  • Has a lot of hitstun, making it easy to combo from.
  • Allows for an additional bounce in the combo if two have been used so far, without hitting the combo bounce limit.
  • Pressing A+B+C can be used for a shortcut for Infinite Worth.
  • Used mostly as a way to tack on extra damage, or to reliably close out the round.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
A+B+C 64 (54 on hit) Launch /Data#A+B+C
(during a move)
25 Launch /Data#A+B+C
A+B+C :

A+B+C (during a move):

Special Moves

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
Mid, Air, Air Shield 34 37 Total 34 +53~+72 CS Projectile
Carmine throws a large spinning blade that travels backwards before leaving a dissolve behind.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
Mid, Air, Air Shield 34 37 Total 34 +53~+72 CS Projectile
The B version.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
100 EXS, 300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
Mid, Air, Air Shield 19 52 16 +62 CS Projectile 1~3 Throw
The C (EX) version.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
236A 34 /Data#236A
236B 34 /Data#236B
236C 34 /Data#236C
236A :

236B :

236C :

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
Mid, Air, Air Shield 37 37 Total 40 +70 Projectile
While in the air, Carmine throws a spinning blade that behaves like the grounded version before leaving a dissolve.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
Mid, Air, Air Shield 37 37 Total 40 +70 Projectile
The B version sets the spinning blade lower on the screen that behaves similar to the grounded version before leaving a dissolve.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
100 EXS, 300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
Mid, Air, Air Shield 22 52 Total 40 +60 Projectile 1~3 Throw
The C (EX) version creates a larger, faster, and longer lasting blade before leaving a dissolve.
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Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
j236A 40 /Data#j236A
j236B 40 /Data#j236B
j236C 40 /Data#j236C
j236A :

j236B :

j236C :

Spin! (Dissolve)
Spin! (Dissolve)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
Mid, Air, Air Shield 30 18 - Varies Foot, Projectile
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
236X :
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
623A Low 18 6 12 -4[+2] EX, CS Strike 15~23 Head, 12~23 Dive
Carmine swings his arms in a cross pattern forming two arcing trails of blood crystals that intersect.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
623B Low 11 6 18 -10[-5] EX, CS Strike 6~16 Head, 3~16 Dive
The B version has quite a bit of differences from the A version.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
100 EXS
Mid 13 12 20 -12~+11 CS Strike 1~13 Full
The fastest and biggest version of the move, both for the move itself and the dissolves following it, and one of Carmine's reversals, with very lengthy invulnerability.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
623A 35 /Data#623A
623B 34 /Data#623B
623C 44 /Data#623C
623A :

623B :

623C :

Pulverize! (Dissolve)
Pulverize! (Dissolve)
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
623A (Dissolve) Mid, Air, Air Shield 24 7 - +20 Projectile
Performed if Pulverize! is used with at least one Dissolve out. It creates a blood arc that travels towards Carmine and launches the opponent high up in the air on hit. The A version is very rewarding if performed up close because it puts Carmine at +2 on block.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
623B (Dissolve) Mid, Air, Air Shield 17 7 - +14 Projectile
The B version happens faster and is more likely to be used in neutral situations owing to how Pulverize! itself functions. Great combo starter.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
623C (Dissolve) Mid, Air, Air Shield 16 7 - +3 Projectile
The biggest version of the move. Nice to have, but if you're using 623C, it's probably not for Dissolve damage conversions.
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Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
623A (Dissolve):

623B (Dissolve):

623C (Dissolve):

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
214A Mid 13 2(9)7 24 -2 EX, CS
Carmine throws down a dissolve with one arm that explodes into a blood crystal, then swings his other arm upwards shooting a blood crystal from the ground.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
214B Mid 14 2(13)7 27 -5 EX, CS
The B version has a bit more range than the A version.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
100 EXS
Mid, Air, Air Shield 16 - +2 CS Strike
The C (EX) version causes Carmine to jump up and rain blood spikes in the area in front of him.
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Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
214A 54 /Data#214A
214B 62 /Data#214B
214C /Data#214C
214A :

214B :

214C :

214UNI Input Hold.png[X]
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
Mid 31 5 18 -1 EX, CS Strike
When Charged, Carmine does not perform the second attack and the first attack leaves a dissolve trap.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
Mid 31 5 18 -1 EX, CS Strike
The B version.
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Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
214[A] 53 /Data#214[A]
214[B] 53 /Data#214[B]
214[A] :

214[B] :

Thrust! (Release)
Requires 300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
214UNI Input Release.png]X[
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
Mid - EX, CS Strike
The follow-up is the same for both versions.
  • Launches on hit.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
214]X[ :
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
Low 18 3 25 +2 EX, CS Projectile
Carmine summons a blood crystal from the ground.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
Low 18 3 25 +2 EX, CS Projectile
Same as 22A but summoned mid range.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
300 VIT (Vorpal: 150 VIT)
Low 16 3 24 +3 [+4] EX, CS Projectile 1~3 Throw
Summons a crystal that homes in on the opponent and got a completely ridiculous hitstun.
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Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
22A 44 /Data#22A
22B 44 /Data#22B
22C 41 /Data#22C
22A :

22B :

22C :

Launch! (Dissolve)
Launch! (Dissolve)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
Low 18 3 25 +2 EX, CS Strike
A smaller pillar will raise where any previously placed dissolves are.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
44 /Data#22X
22X :
Give Me That!
Requires 100 EXS
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
Unblockable 10 2 Total 46 +52(hit) CS Throw 1~10 Full
Carmine steps forward and grabs the opponent, syphoning health from them.
  • Recovers 1200 VIT over time.
  • Will connect one frame earlier and against airborne opponents if used during a combo.
  • Carmine will not sustain self-inflicted damage while regenerating health.
  • Avoidable post-super flash by jumping.
Can be Chain Shift canceled on hit for an okay combo, which makes it at least a little more worthwhile than Guard Thrust and Veil-Off. Worse as a mixup tool compared to Carmine's normal throws, as it forces sideswap and the knockdown time isn't long enough to lay down Carmine's usual good okizeme tricks. Can land on airborne opponents during combos, but the scaling typically makes it not worth it.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
46 /Data#214B+C
214B+C :


Infinite Worth

Hahahaha! Be Devoured!
Requires 200 EXS
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
Low (ground spikes only), Mid, Air, Air shield 7 Total 73 -38~-22 Strike, Projectile 1~25 Full
Carmine becomes surrounded by spikes.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
73 /Data#41236D
41236D :

Infinite Worth EXS

You Shit! This is the END!
Requires 200 EXS, Vorpal or GRD Break (only when IWEXS does not hit)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
All 3+14 2 51 -25 Strike 1~? Full
Carmine becomes surrounded by a pillar of light which goes into a cinematic on hit.
  • Must have less than 30% health (orange health) to use.
  • After the cinematic, characters will be moved to the middle of the stage, regardless of where they were positioned before.
  • Due to the cost, it is usually not recommended to use this move unless it will kill the opponent.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
69 Knockdown /Data#A+B+C+D
A+B+C+D (while at orange health):

Notable Rebeats and Gaps

Rebeat Table
Attack Chain Advantage
5C 2A
2C 2A
6C 2A
3B 2A
Gap Table
Attack Chain Frame Gap
5A 5C
5A 6C
2C 3C
5BB 22A


Players to watch

Players listed here are either top-level/high-level players of the character who provide excellent reference footage, or high to mid level players actively playing the game and outputting reference footage across a variety of playstyles as a result. The purpose of this list is to provide a wide list of playstyles and reference footage for newer players to look to. (Classed in alphabetical order)

Disclaimer: This list is derived from community input and is in no way comprehensive or a form of ranking of any kind. Our community criteria can be found here.

Usual Color Handles/Links Region Status Notes
Active Started in EL
  • Pad player
Inactive Started in EL

Strongest Carmine player in Japan if not in the world, also the only one to have won an offline major yet at EVO Japan 2020

  • Arcade stick player
Paddu European Union
European Union
Inactive Started in [ST]

Strongest Carmine player in Europe

  • Arcade Stick player
PapaPesto United States
United States
Active Started in [CL-R]
  • Arcade Stick player
United States
United States
Inactive Started in EL
  • Pad player
United States
United States
Active Started in EL

Strongest Carmine player in America, does well in tournaments since ST

  • Arcade stick player


Default Unlocks

001 Red Heat Blood
002 Black Punishment
003 Aqua Regia
004 Ride on Light
005 Dead and Violet
006 Bloody Lost
007 Wild Fang
008 Bad Peace Forest
009 Fade Noise
010 Purplish Gouache
011 Strange Strawberry
012 Plena Noche
013 Emerald Island
014 Ortensia
015 Light of Daybreak
016 Flash Magic
017 Claro de Luna
018 Brave Satan
019 Peligro Diosa
020 Demon Angel
021 Crimson Surfer
022 Fake Hero
023 Liquid Metal
024 Noble Blood
025 Vegetarian
026 Mr. Monochrome
027 Surfusion Eau
028 Prunella Honey
029 Western Feast
030 Dead and Black
031 Equatorial Wave
032 Inferno Blaze
033 Annular Eclipse
034 Seeds of Heaven
035 Clamorous Colors
036 Royal Calibur
037 Stella Nest
038 Little Briar Rose
039 Betrayal of Savior
040 Switching Contrast
Starter and Resources
Getting Started
Frame Data
Resources and Links
Patch Notes
Damage and Combo System
Attack Attributes