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Stun: 90
Health: 30000 Stun: 90

A war orphan separated from his sister during the Earth-Union war. Vein has come to believe that his sister abandoned him on that tragic day, and has lived on his own ever since. Now that he has discarded everything relating to his past, he has formed a strong resolve; to end the world filled with deception.
A war orphan separated from his sister during the Earth-Union war. Vein has come to believe that his sister abandoned him on that tragic day, and has lived on his own ever since. Now that he has discarded everything relating to his past, he has formed a strong resolve; to end the world filled with deception.

Revision as of 23:38, 20 March 2017


Health: 30000 Stun: 90

A war orphan separated from his sister during the Earth-Union war. Vein has come to believe that his sister abandoned him on that tragic day, and has lived on his own ever since. Now that he has discarded everything relating to his past, he has formed a strong resolve; to end the world filled with deception.

Run vs Step


Best choice for Vein overall, lets you do short dashes which makes his spacing alot stronger, dashing jump ins, maximum damage and meter gain combos, and midscreen to corner exceed/chaos shift combos.


Vein's normals aren't exactly that fast, doesn't really improve his mixup game much since he already has a teleport and he doesn't get much off of throws, and he has to spend at least 1 stock to get any decent damage off of command throw which he can easily setup tick throws for with run.


There is an archieve of the old combo section here. Those were for vanilla PS3 and most likely don't work in the PS4 version, but some of them might and lots of the concepts remain the same.

"All you need to play this character are these combos" - ChronoReyer

While all these start off of jump-ins your starter largely doesn't matter, as long as you can find a way to confirm into the route you should be good

IAD j.B > j.D > 2A > 2B > 5C > 236AC > IAD j.B > j.D > super jump > j.B> j.C > j.D > land > 5A > jump > j.A > j.B > j.D > double jump > j.B > j.D

Midscreen (easy) tip:make sure you forward jump when you IAD, spacing on that part of the combo is a lil specific or else j.c or j.d will whiff

IAD j.B > j.D > 2A > 2B > 5C > 236AC > IAD j.B > j.D > super jump > j.B > j.C > j.D > land > 5A > jump > j.A > j.B > j.C > double jump > j.B > j.C > j.4C

Midscreen to corner (easy) will also work when starting in the corner if you neutral double jump for the combo ender, it puts you at this spacing to put down a stationary puddle (236236b). Even though they airtech, its a very good situation in your favor. Worth a bar.

IAD j.B > j.D > 2A > 2B > 5C > 214BD > 2B > cl.C > 6A > sjc > j.C > j.D > land > 6A > sjc > j.A > j.B > j.C > land > 623AC > 2A > 5D(1) > sjc > j.C > j.D > land > 5A > jump > j.A > j.B > j.C > double jump > j.B > j.C > j.4C

Midscreen rejump tip: delay the f.5c cancel into 214bd

IAD j.B > j.D > 2A > 2B > 5C > 214BD > 2A > 5D(1) > sjc > j.C > j.D > land > 6A > j.C > j.D > land 5A > jump > j.A > j.B > j.C > double jump > j.B > j.C > j.4C > 236236P

Corner double rejump Difficult combo, but worth it in stun and damage. Same concept as the easy corner combo in regards to the puddle oki at the end

CH 6A > otg 2B > cl.C > 6A > sjc > j.C > j.D > 5A > jump > j.A > j.B > j.C > land > 623AC

otg route This is possible to do midscreen but incredibly inconsistent. Running start helps. The ex dp ender after 5a works for all of his other corner combos as well, it's the knockdown ender. It's usefulness varies depending on character and current meter.


63214c command throw disables their walking, running, rolling, specials, and supers. all they can do is parry and mash normals. If executed correctly, a well timed fireball into unblockable is inescapable. In addition, when in the debuffed state of the command throw, they don't get pushed back on hit. you can link some extra light normals for meter.

Move List

Normal Moves

5A - Mid. Cancelable.

Short range jab, whiffs on crouchers, go to move when it comes to catching air techs since 6A is a bit slow, not that reliable though but good if you have them blocking in air already so stuff like j.B>5A is really good.

2A - Mid. Cancelable.

Pretty good range crouching jab, also his fastest startup normal and fast recovery making it one of his best pressure tool.

5B - Low. Cancelable.

Standing low kick. Rather slow startup,recovery, and a mediocre hitbox(reach is slightly longer than 2A). 2b is the low to use.

2B - Low. Cancelable.

Crouching low kick, links into 2A on hit and can be used for tick throws or pressure reset.

c.5C - Mid. Cancelable.

Short range hook, high damage normal with alot of knockback on block. Gattles into 5D, 2D, and 6A, mainly used for combos and possibly fuzzy j.B if blocked high.

f.5C - Mid. Cancelable.

Mid range slash. Furthest reaching cancelable normal, very useful for combos.

6c - Mid. Not cancelable.

Vein's old f.5c, now a command normal. Can be whiff canceled into from f.5c by hitting c again. Gained a new property that on CH, causes a wallbounce into a comboable knockdown.

2C - Both hits mid. Both hits cancelable.

Two crouching slashes, 1st hit has about the same reach as 2B, pretty quick startup and decent recovery. Quite a bit of knockback on hit so use this for proper spacing when going for 2D knockdown into fireball oki.

5D - Both hits mid. 1st hit cancelable, 2nd hit Not cancelable.

1st hit is a kick with pretty fast startup, 2nd hit is a long range forward kick with a great hitbox. 2nd hit blows back on hit and is air techable, 1st hit can cancel into 6A for damage combos.

2D - Low. Not cancelable.

Vein moves forward a bit and sweeps with both feet, long reach but slow startup and recovery. Knockdown only on ground hit, gives you enough time to set fireball oki but be wary because they can roll through it on wakeup.

j.A - High. Cancelable.

Quick startup short jab that cover up and forward area, is active for quite long.

j.B - High. Cancelable.

Pretty quick startup diagonal downward kick, very good jump in move and possibly used for fuzzy guard.

j.C - High. Cancelable.

Kinda slow slash that hits around him, hits behind him also so you can use it for crossups, but has to hit a bit late for you to combo off it.

j.D - High. Cancelable.

Faster than j.C and hits down and forward area, has long reach so it's pretty good air to ground.

Command Normals

Special Moves

Demon Slaughter - 236+A/C
  • A ver: A dash followed by a series of slashes that causes a hard knockdown on the final hit. 2 hits. Has a decent startup as it can combo from any normal.
  • C ver: Dash goes further than A version and is 4 hits. Soft knockdown on final hit. Slower startup than A version. Basic meterless combo option.
  • ex ver (EX): A series of slashes that will cross the screen. 4 hits. Launches on final hit. Startup is about the same as A version. This is one of your basic launchers for air combos.
Heavenly Enchantment - 623+A/C
  • A ver: Fairly standard Dragon Punch, although it has no invincibility. Hits once and launches but can be teched. It can be blocked in the air but still has some anti-air utility under the right circumstances. Used in conjunction with 236+B/D, it can discourage air-dashes and build meter. Also used in imitsuki loops.
  • C ver: Turning hit followed by a rising slash. Like Setsuna's strong DP in LB2. Hits twice on the ground and twice in the air, which makes the first two hits air unblockable. No use as an AA, but does slightly more damage than 236C in combos. It can be supercancelled on the first and second hit. Wallbounces into knockdown on hit.
  • ex ver (EX): A fast DP that travels further forward than the A version, hits twice (if you're close enough), and can cause wallbounce.
Lightening Insanity - 236+B/D
  • B ver: Grounded fireball. Hits roughly 2 character lengths away from Vein. Upon inputting the fireball, it appears then becomes active about half a second later, hitting 3 times. It also blocks most projectiles. The move is also cancellable into B or D teleport. Very useful for preventing zoning and oki.
  • D ver: Grounded fireball. Hits roughly 3 and a half character lengths away from Vein. Upon inputting the fireball, it appears then becomes active about half a second later, hitting 3 times. It also blocks most projectiles. The move is also cancellable into B or D teleport. Very useful for preventing zoning and oki.
  • ex ver(EX): Grounded fireball. The ex ver. tracks the opponent unless they are completely fullscreen away. Hits 3 times, and is cancellable into teleport. Good for oki and pressuring a passive opponent.
Illusive Darkness - 214+B/D
  • B ver: Vein's teleport. The B version goes the exact distance of the D fireball. The move is not invuln, so be careful as you can get hit out of it. Despite that, it's a great all around tool due to the fact that you can cancel his teleport into this.
  • D ver: Vein's teleport. The D version goes almost fullscreen. Not invuln, but still useful in a variety of situations due to the fact that it can be done out of his fireball.
  • ex ver(EX): Ex teleport is one of Vein's best moves. Hits almost fullscreen, low profiles many projectiles, and leads to a combo as long as you hit them from a certain distance. This move can be used to punish people not being very careful from across the screen, as it's near instant. It's punishable, but you can space it to be safe if careful. If you have the meter to use it, they should be on watch. Make them scared of this move.

Extra Specials

Scorching Purple - j.236+A/C
  • An air fireball. A version goes downwards diagonally, while C version goes horizontal. Picking this gives you a fast way to keep people in check from about midscreen distance, makes many of your confirms easier as you can just end buttons in fireball to be in a good situation, and also lets you have access to the ... 6a(1) > sj.b > j.236a combo ender (only works on a standing opponent). An okay choice for an extra special, but the pit and the command grab are honestly more worth it unless you need the extra space control for specific matchups.
Infernal Devotion - 63214+A/C
  • Vein's command grab. The A version is a quick untechable throw that causes damage and soft knockdown. The C version of the throw is slower, does a little damage, and puts a special status effect on the opponent. While they are flashing, they lose access to walking, running, dashing, specials, rolling, and supers. In addition, they do not get pushed back when you hit them, so if you hit them you can link light normals into themselves to build meter until the effect wears off. This selectable special adds a lot to Vein's mixup game, and it's possible to get a guaranteed unblockable from a successful C command throw.

Ultimate Chaos

Grievous Madness - 236236+A/C
  • Vein slashes his sword in an upwards crescent that hits the entire area above him. This super has a lot of invinicibility, comes out very quickly, and is quite hard to punish. This is a fantastic reversal super to call out any crossup attempts that would normally make your dp whiff. On hit the move wallbounces, but with the recovery it has you will still need to cancel to get a combo.
Saka Manji Raikou Ha - 2141236+A/C
  • Vein sends out a shockwave about two and a half character lengths away from him that pulls the opponent toward him on hit. On block, the opponent stays in place and you recover fairly fast, so it's advantage but not really worth it for a full meter. The move is also lacks a good use in neutral because what it does is done better by EX teleport. Overall, a good move for combos and resets into unblockable, but not much else.

Extra Ultimate Chaos

Fatal Finale - 214214+A/C

A reversal super that issens the opponent twice, then throws them behind Vein and will wallbounce near the corner. It will catch all types of strike attacks (high, low, mid) and even supers, but it will not work against projectiles. A failed attempt will put you in counter-hit state. One of the most interesting properties of this move is that it will activate during a super cancel as long as you are slightly closer than throw distance and the opponent is still standing.

Guilty Darkness - 236236+B/D

Vein lays a trap on the ground and if the opponent gets near a bunch of hands fly out and either hit them or keep them in blockstun. Light version stays put, heavy version moves in on the opponent. Good for oki or just for shutting off part of the screen. Both versions hit 12 times

Destruction Chaos

Lunatic Butterfly - 2363214+AC



  • Console Versions: You can hold R1 button while selecting a character to get an alternative color.
  • Arcade Version: You can hold START button while selecting a character to get an alternative color.


  • A Button: Normal version
  • D Button: Vergil (Devil May Cry)
  • R1+C Buttons: Kuroh Yatogami (ieKKei / (Project) K)
MG Hikaru
Celia II Kai
Cait & Sith