Spectral vs Generation/Krayce

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Spectral VS Generation Krayce Image.jpg
Health 500
Pre-Jump Frames 4
Play Style All-Around
Dash Type Step

Character Background

Race: Human
Motivation: To destroy all the Devil Swords
Weapon: Sword Breaker
Likes: Macaroni
Dislikes: Sashimi

Character Info

Krayce is the BIG Rekka character. By that, I mean that he has the BIG hurtbox (slightly smaller than Earth's). To compensate for his BIG hurtbox, he also has BIG normals, but that itself is a double edged sword, since all swords in this game actually has a hurtbox themselves. Krayce's movement is good, being one of the four characters in the game to have a step type dash gives him strong crossunder mixups if you manage to parry your opponent's jump-in. His combo game is one of his strengths. While he can't two touch his opponents in comparison to most of the cast, his corner carry potential is very strong compared to the other characters, at the corner is where he really shines. Very strong high/low mixup pressure, along with a strong projectile setup in the corner makes him a force to be reckoned with. Aside from a big hurtbox and a hurtbox on his sword, he is also extremely dependent on meter, as he cannot in any way end his bnb combos with a hard knockdown unless he spends meter by either doing a Seal of Time or one of his supers. And opponents with strong setplay generally has a very good advantage against him.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Armored moves that open some safe options for anti-airs
  • Big normals, which can stuff a lot of zoning if spaced properly.
  • 623A/B/C is his strongest anti-air and covers a lot of space.
  • Far 5D is one of his best neutral buttons since it not only eats most projectiles, but can also cancel your dash.
  • Krayce's lvl 3 is really good at punishing raw super projectiles since it's fully invincible and covers a lot of distance.
  • Incredible corner game pressure, thanks to his corner carry combos and okizeme setups.
  • He has the best D Palette in the game because it makes him Ike from Fire Emblem.
  • armored moves can be beaten by lows or 2+ attacks
  • armored moves are inconsistent in general and need further testing
  • Big hurtbox, prone to getting hit by high normals that would normally be anti-airs.
  • No good wakeup options, as his 623A/B/C is not invincible on startup.
  • Without meter, he lacks damage, corner carry and hard knockdown, making him extremely weak without it.
  • Just like every other sword user in this game, his sword also has a hurtbox and can be whiff-punished.
  • A lot of his combos scale a lot, which makes him unable to two touch his opponents.
  • His other palettes are sub-par


Far Standing Normals

Spectral VS Generation KrayceFar5A Image.png
Far 5A
Far 5A
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

quick jab. whiffs erile and ryuken in 214d

Spectral VS Generation KrayceFar5B Image.png
Far 5B
Far 5B
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

far poke. can anti-air if at a right distance

Spectral VS Generation KrayceFar5C Image.png
Far 5C
Far 5C
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High - - - - -

causes a KD. has lots of startup

Spectral VS Generation KrayceFar5D Image.png
Krayce won't hesitate to play dirty
Krayce won't hesitate to play dirty
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Extremely good button. Visually similar to Close 5D. But this one kicks up dust that is blocked Mid AND eats most projectiles. Pressing 5D in the middle of your dash makes you stop in place, arguably giving Krayce the best ground movement control of the cast.

Close Standing Normals

Spectral VS Generation KrayceClose5A Image.png
Close 5A
Close 5A
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

nearly identical to f.5a. need to test

Spectral VS Generation KrayceClose5B Image.png
Close 5B
Close 5B
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

launches opponents
pseudo anti-air

Spectral VS Generation KrayceClose5C Image.png
Close 5C
Close 5C
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

fast slash

Spectral VS Generation Krayce5D Image.png
A kick to the shins has always worked out, hasn't it?
A kick to the shins has always worked out, hasn't it?
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Low - - - - -

Visually similar to Far 5D. Kick that hits Low. This one does not kick up dust, therefore making it an inferior version of Far D
still a very fast low

Crouching Normals

Spectral VS Generation Krayce2A Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Low - - - - -

oh boy 5a but it's a low now
Krayce you mad man

Spectral VS Generation Krayce2B Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Low - - - - -

good reach. better poke than 5b at closer ranges

Spectral VS Generation Krayce2C Image.png
Making Order-Sol proud with this one
Making Order-Sol proud with this one
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/low - - - - -

if hitting a jumping opponnent it will cause a HKD. can be special canceled

Spectral VS Generation Krayce2D Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Low - - - - -

the god kick
one of Krayce's fastest moves and his go to low. goes into all of his bnbs

Command Normals

Spectral VS Generation Krayce4C Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High - - - - -

the god overhead.
the only standing overhead normal in the game. extremely fast for an overhead. nearly impossible to react to with the visual clutter of a 236b/c. special cancelable

Spectral VS Generation Krayce3D Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Low - - - - -

very bad sweep, honestly just forget this move exists.
if the kick hits the second attack will knock down.
if the kick is blocked, the second attack can be parried.

Jumping Normals

Spectral VS Generation KrayceJ.A Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High - - - - -

good, fast normal that hits grounded opponents.
if the opponent can react to 4C use this instead, however it can't be comboed off of

Spectral VS Generation KrayceJ.B Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High - - - - -

best air-to-air in the game??
big hitbox and very wide range. can hit grounded opponents if done low enough. can't be comboed off of

Spectral VS Generation KrayceJ.C Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High - - - - -

knocks jumping opponents down. only jump-in that can be comboed off of. somewhat risky to use as a combo starter however since the parry timing is very easy to anticipate

Spectral VS Generation KrayceJ.D Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High - - - - -

knee. useless until further testing

Chain Specific Normals

Chain 5C
Spectral VS Generation KrayceChain5C Image.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

5C after 5D, Close/Far 5A, Close 5C
great normal. deals good damage and is special cancelable. present in a lot of bnbs

Chain Combos


Wind Slice Blade/Sword
Spectral VS Generation Krayce214x Animation.png
Distance will vary based on button pressed
Distance will vary based on button pressed
Spectral VS Generation Krayce214xFollowUp1 Animation.png
1st Follow up
1st Follow up
Spectral VS Generation Krayce214xFollowUp2 Animation.png
2nd Follow up
2nd Follow up
Spectral VS Generation Krayce214xFollowUp3 Animation.png
3rd Follow up
3rd Follow up
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

A goes the shortest distance, B a medium distance, and C goes the longest distance. A and B are not used much compared to the C version due to the risk of you dropping your combos when you do the A or B version.

Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High/Low - - - - -

Hits three times and can cancel into supers. third followup can be parried on block
The last hit will knock the opponent into the air
canceling on the second hit is usually preferable for combos

System Specifics