Avengers in Galactic Storm/Dr. Minerva/Matchups

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*All info on this page is a result of player opinions and should not be taken as fact. We encourage healthy discussion of matchups and will be updating this page as the game develops.

Captain America CS.png
Captain America
[character page]
Tough matchup. Watch out for tackle and st.D, as getting hit by those moves pretty much ends the round. It's possible to counterpoke raw tackles with 2D. It's a fairly high commitment, but it works. Tackle's also punishable on block, so take advantage of that. It's a very bad idea to drill kick in this matchup; Cap can almost always punish it on block or ON HIT.

Cap's zoning is also pretty tough. If you can read minds, it's possible to go over low shield with 236A/B, but this is generally a super risky maneuver. Generally you'll just jump over the fireballs, maybe even short hop them if your timing's good.

If Cap has an assist or super on hand, it's probably best you respect him and try to bait him into wasting meter. Vision is pretty much instant, Giant Man is very threatening as Cap's followup juggle can melt half of your health, Iron Man and Thor you don't have to be as afraid of but be aware. Thor in particular might force you to give up the corner, which enables Cap to do his zoning. For his super, it's definitely something you must avoid at all costs. As you'd expect, it does absurd damage, not to mention that Cap can follow it up.

Black Knight CS.png
Black Knight
(Slight Advantage)
[character page]
While a good matchup for Minerva, Black Knight has a few annoying aspects. His crouching hitbox is painfully hard to hit consistently, as sometimes cl.D or even 2A will whiff on him. 2C is one of your most consistent normals when fighting against Knight.

Black Knight is capable of doing a lot of damage to you by linking a ton of 2As, so don't get reckless just because you have the upper hand in damage. All of Knight's specials are quite punishable on block, and one punish is all you'll need to end the round.

Knight might try to do a crossup j.2B vortex on you. While tricky to deal with, once you guess right and block one of the j.2Bs, you can punish it. Due to Knight's weird hurtboxes, 2C is probably the most consistent move you can use to punish j.2B.

DP is one of Knight's stronger tools. You can't really jump at him because of it. He might also do a wakeup DP sometimes, so keep an eye out for that. 2D is another good normal of Knight's that can beat out some of your options. It's generally best to wait for Knight to slip up, as the unsafety of his specials (and some of his normals) allows for strong punishes that'll easily turn the tide of the match in your favor.

Thunderstrike CS.png
[character page]
You can duck Thunderstrike's fireball, but he can still zone with thunderbolt, thunderwave, and Thor. Often, it's best to just block it until you build meter for an assist that'll allow you to interrupt his zoning and approach. Lifelead's important in this matchup, as Thunderstrike's chip damage won't be enough to make it up if he's at a big life deficit.

Thunderstrike's pressure is slightly weakened by your crouching hurtbox, as it causes his cl.B to whiff. If Thunderstrike corners you, chances are he'll try to go for a throw loop, which is very very bad. Avoid it like the plague. You can do so by jumping, doing abare jabs, or if it's absolutely necessary, just getting hit.

You can punish thunderwave when close via 2C.

Crystal CS.png
Crystal[No Data]
[character page]
Dr. Minerva CS.png
Dr. Minerva[No Data]
[character page]
Shatterax CS.png
[character page]
2D or even a well-timed 2C can allow you to go under Shatterax's fireballs.

Use Sentry in this matchup, it's pretty much your only hope to interrupt Shatterax's zoning.

Korath CS.png
Korath[No Data]
[character page]
Supremor CS.png
(Slight Advantage)
[character page]
Important note about Supremor; he has a sort of weird pushbox that can sometimes interfere with your proximity normals. Instead of doing cl.C cl.D, just do cl.D. A lot of the time, cl.C will come out as 5C instead, which is not ideal. This most commonly happens when he's stunned or on wakeup.

Supremor's pressure is very threatening. Reacting to his short hops is very difficult, tentacle can catch mashing and jumping, and Death Ray could get you caught in a throw setup. Keeping yourself out of the blender is the key to this matchup. Tentacle can definitely be an issue, as it will shut down any jump-in attempts or catch you on the ground if you aren't blocking. However, it's insanely punishable on block/whiff. Take advantage of that. Conditioning Supremor to make him attempt tentacle less can help a lot, your jump-ins can be effective versus him. 5D is a pretty good poke in this matchup. 2D is also good.

If you get caught up in Supremor's pressure, don't risk interrupting it. Try your best to block his short hops. An assist can give you a way out; remember that blocking gives you meter. You can't always escape throw setups, but if you think he's going to attempt one, jump or abare 2A can work to stop it if the setup isn't inescapable. When you're cornered, that's when Supremor will be at his most threatening. Generally, you can escape by jumping out, but beware of Supremor's tentacle snatching you out of the air and putting you back where you started.

This matchup is certainly doable, as your damage can match his and your superior mobility can be tough for Supremor to deal with. Sentry is definitely the best pick in this matchup, as getting the j.236B xx j.236D setup is very consistent on Supremor. If Supremor's zoning you out or building meter with Death Ray, 2D can go under it.

As mentioned in the assist strategy section, Supremor is particularly vulnerable to some unblockable setups.

Assist Strategy
Captain America
Black Knight
Dr. Minerva
Galen Kor