Under Night In-Birth/UNI2/Kuon

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Uni2 profile kuon.png


In the story of the Night, Kuon stands as the root of all evil.
He is a Re-Birth--said to be the strongest form of existence.
Kuon has lived for 500 years, wielding the inexhaustible power of the Night; now, he aims to bring an end to the world.
Long ago, Kuon and his sister Linne were charged with protecting the Power of Sealing.
However, the immense power eventually consumed Kuon, and he lost sight of himself.
Now he desires further power--which he can attain by seizing the other half of the Power of Sealing possessed by his sister.
Kuon's arch-nemesis fled beyond the Night. By taking Linne's power and breaking the wall of the Night, Kuon hopes to reach him.

The resulting destruction of the world is merely the means to that end.

My guests will start arriving here at the abyss shortly... to become the stakes with which I bore through the wall of the Night.
I must defeat every last one of them.


Kuon has a zoner's toolkit and a unique flight ability that allows him to control his opponents anywhere on the screen. He has long-range specials to keep away or fight at range, but also has tools to close the gap when Kuon's turn arrives.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Airgame Heavenly Law, its followups, and other strong aerial attacks and projectiles make Kuon difficult to contest midair.
  • Projectiles Kuon has several projectiles useful for zoning, counterzoning, and area denial, making him a very adaptable character in neutral.
  • Mobility Kuon's run is great at covering long distances, on top of his access to several teleports, his increased flight speed in vorpal, and many advancing attacks.
  • Pressure On top of being useful in neutral, Heavenly Law can be used to quickly reset pressure, or run semi-ambiguous high/low/throw mixups, while dealing chip damage with most of your normals on block. 214X also serves as an excellent corner oki tool that gives him reversal-safe setups.
  • GRD expenditure Heavenly Law, being a Force Function, drains Kuon's GRD gauge for its entire duration so long as he isn't moving towards the opponent, with the activation alone taking a large chunk of it. This forces Kuon to forfeit Vorpal in a lot of situations, or play around gaining GRD and use the move less.

Character Stats

Health Smart Steer Route
10100 5A > 5B > 5C > 236A > 5A+B > IW (requires 200 EXS)
Forward Walk Speed Backward Walk Speed Jump Startup Jump Duration
1100 -910 4 42
Dash Startup Initial Dash Speed Dash Acceleration Max Dash Speed
6 1800 180 4500
Backdash Startup Backdash Duration Backdash Distance Backdash Invul
6 29 -45670 1~8 Full
9~10 Throw
Throw Width (pixels) Throw Range (pixels)
Unique Trait
  • Similar to Hyde, Kuon's blade normals deal chip damage.
Vorpal Trait
  • Increased chip damage from normals
  • Faster movement speed during Heavenly Law
Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Damage Damage done by this attack.
(x) denotes combined damage
[x] denotes minimum damage
Guard The way this move must be blocked.
High = Can block standing
Low = Can block crouching
Mid = Can block standing or crouching
Air = Can block in the air
Air Shield = Can block in the air while shielding
Unblockable = Cannot be blocked
Cancel Actions this move can be canceled into on hit or block, unless specially noted.
N = Normal Cancelable
SE = Self Cancelable
SP = Special Cancelable
EX = EX/IW Cancelable
CS = Chain Shift
UNQ = Unique (See description)
TH = Throw Cancelable
J = Jump Cancelable (Hit cancelable only by default)
(X) = Hit cancelable only
-X- = Can additionally be cancelled during whiff
Property Special properties this move has. Click on the property to navigate to an explanation.
Cost The resources this move costs to use.
GRD = GRD Blocks
EXS = EXS Meter
Vorpal = Vorpal
GRD Break = Causes GRD Break
Attribute Attributes of the attack. Mostly used in situations involving invul.
There are two sets of attributes: Strike/Throw and Head/Foot/Dive/Projectile
Every move has a Strike/Throw attribute, but doesn't always have Head/Foot/Dive/Projectile attribute.
Strike = Strike (Anything that isn't a Throw is a Strike)
Throw = Throw
Head = Head (Most jump normals)
Foot = Foot
Dive = Some air specials
Projectile = Projectile
Startup Frame when the first hitbox is present.
+ denotes the frames before and after super flash.
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.
(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present.
Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled.
Overall Frames that this move takes from start to finish before the character returns to neutral.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).
If the opponent uses a move with startup equal or less than this move's advantage, it will result in opponent hitting that move.
±x~±x denotes a possible range of advantage. The left value is when the active frames hit sooner (generally worse) and the right value is for when the active frames hit later (generally better).
Invul The frames where this move cannot be hit by an attribute.
Full = Fully invincible
Strike = Strike invincible
Throw = Throw invincible
Head = Head invincible
Foot = Foot invincible
Dive = Dive invincible
Projectile = Projectile invincible

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

UNI2 Kuon 5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
200 Mid - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 - - 21 -4 -

Standard jab, and decently fast at 6 frames.

  • Tall enough to anti air but not consistently.
  • It still hits crouching opponents, so it mostly sees use in pressure and hitconforming.
  • One frame slower than 2A, so it's not your best option for rebeats.
UNI2 Kuon 5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
490 Mid - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 - - 30 -6 -

Very important poke and combo tool. Low profilable, but rarely.

  • Outranged and slower than 2B, but hits sme airborne opponents.
  • Converts into several routes at many ranges, and a good starter too.
UNI2 Kuon 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
690 mid - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 - - 39 -10 -

Increasable advancing slash that's great for pressure and hitconfirms.

  • Moves Kuon forward enough to help stay close for combos or offense.
  • One of Kuon's best starters, and a damaging extender mid-combo.
  • Hits opponents OTG after moves like 3C or 236X~X
  • -3 if followed with a whiffed 2A, which is Kuon's least minus rebeat option.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
780 mid - B button into 5[C] 9f gap, C button into 5[C] 7f gap - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
24 - - 59 -5 -
  • Does not change grounded hitstun or blockstun, so it's not more adventageous on rebeat.
  • Increases dustance travelled compared to non-increased version.
  • Increases damage but lowers proration, so its use as a combo tool is more specific.

Crouching Normals

UNI2 Kuon 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
160 Mid - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 - - 20 -3 -
UNI2 Kuon 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
460 Low - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 - - 30 -7 -
UNI2 Kuon 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
640 Mid - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 - - 34 -7 -

Air Normals

UNI2 Kuon j.A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
140 High - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 - 2 on landing 25 - -
UNI2 Kuon j.B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
420 High - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 - 3 on landing 30 - -
UNI2 Kuon j.C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
590 High - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 - 4 on landing - - -
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
760 High - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 - probably 4 on landing long - -

Command Normals

UNI2 Kuon 6B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
520 Mid - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 - - 38 -12 -
UNI2 Kuon 6B 6B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
590 Mid - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - - 50 (full sequence) -11 -
UNI2 Kuon 6C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
240×4 (852) Mid/Air - B button into 6C is a 10f gap, C button into 6C is an 8f gap - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
25 - - 62 -5 -
UNI2 Kuon j.6C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
710 - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13 - 4 on landing 31 - -

UNI2 Kuon 4C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
660 Mid - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 - - 32 -8 -
UNI2 Kuon 3C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
640 Low - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 15 13 35 -10 ~ +4 -

Dash Moves

UNI2 Kuon 66AB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - - 39 - 10~13 Strike
UNI2 Kuon 66B 1.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
490×2 (931) Mid - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 - - 46 -4 -
UNI2 Kuon 66C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
940 High - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
27 - - 50 -6 -

Relatively slow and REALLY obvious overhead, but goes airborne and combos for free to compensate.

  • Since Kuon has several other overheads that are less obvious and at least plus while still comboing, this one is rarely used for mixups.
  • Special cancelable after landing, even on block.
  • Knocks the opponent down, allowing for links afterwards. This also makes it your best knockdown for 214X setplay.
  • Kuon is lifted off the ground for the move, beating lows and throws, but granted, he has safer options for that purpose.

Universal Mechanics

Force Function
Heavenly Law
UNI2 Kuon BC.png
Heavenly Law
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
17 - - - - -
Heavenly Law
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
44 - - - - -
UNI2 Kuon AD.png
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1635 Throw - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 - - 30 - -
Guard Thrust
Guard Thrust
UNI2 Kuon 66B 2.png
Guard Thrust
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid - Launch 100 EXS, All GRD Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 5 26 45 -12 1~15 Full, 16~45 Full on hit
Guard Thrust is a type of Guard Cancel that is only usable during blockstun. Blows the opponent away on hit.
Veil Off
Veil Off
UNI2 Kuon ABC.png
Veil Off
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 All - Launch 100+ EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 2 7 (3 on hit) on landing 64 (54 on hit) -23 1~30 Full

Universal reversal that blows the opponent back on hit.

  • Requires at least 100 meter and puts you in Veil Off state which grants 20% more damage, but drains your meter at a slow rate.
  • Meter drains much slower when health is below 30% (orange health).
  • If your opponent has Vorpal state and is hit with Veil Off outside of a combo, they will lose Vorpal.
Cross Cast Veil Off
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 All - Launch 100+ EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
2 4 20 25 +3 1~19 Full

Cancels an action and launches the opponent high into the air on hit.

  • CVO cancel is treated the same as EX cancel; you can only CVO when you can EX and the opponent is in hit/blockstun.
    • Including in the air.
  • Requires at least 100 meter and consumes Vorpal state and drains meter at a fast rate.
  • Has a lot of hitstun, making it easy to combo from.
  • Allows for an additional bounce in the combo if two have been used so far, without hitting the combo bounce limit.
  • Pressing A+B+C can be used for a shortcut for Infinite Worth.
  • Used mostly as a way to tack on extra damage, or to reliably close out the round.

Special Moves

Void-Piercing Shadow
UNI2 Kuon 236X.png
Lua error in mw.text.lua at line 219: bad argument #1 to 'len' (string expected, got nil).
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Void-Piercing Shadow
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
818 Mid/Air - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 - - 44 -7 -
Void-Piercing Shadow
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
870 Mid/Air - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 - - 52 -7 -
Void-Piercing Shadow
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1769 Mid/Air - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 - - 41 -1 -
Vortex of Chaos
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
- - - - -4 -
Mantle of Nothingness
UNI2 Kuon 623A.png
UNI2 Kuon 623A HB.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Mantle of Nothingness
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - 623A dissapears on the 12f - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
22 - - - -11 -
Mantle of Nothingness
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - 623B dissapears on the 16f - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
29 - - - -5 -
Mantle of Nothingness
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
23 - - - -18 -
Mantle of Nothingness (Air)
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
22 - - - -11 -
Mantle of Nothingness (Air)
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
39 - - - -10 -
Mantle of Nothingness (Air)
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
23 - - - -18 -
Vortex of Chaos
UNI2 Kuon 22X.png
Lua error in mw.text.lua at line 219: bad argument #1 to 'len' (string expected, got nil).
Lua error in mw.text.lua at line 219: bad argument #1 to 'len' (string expected, got nil).
Lua error in mw.text.lua at line 219: bad argument #1 to 'len' (string expected, got nil).
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Vortex of Chaos
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
14 - - - -6 -
Vortex of Chaos
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
14 - - - -4 -
Vortex of Chaos
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
19 - - - +12 -
Vortex of Chaos (Air)
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
18 - - - +3 -
Vortex of Chaos (Air)
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
18 - - - +3 -
Vortex of Chaos (Air)
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
19 - - - -1 ~ +20 -
Whirlpool of Omens
UNI2 Kuon 214X.png
UNI2 Kuon 214X HB.png
UNI2 Kuon 214X HB.png
UNI2 Kuon 214C HB.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Whirlpool of Omens
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
34 - - - +19 -
Whirlpool of Omens (Increase)
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
40 - - - +25 -
Whirlpool of Omens
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
25 - - - +18 -
Whirlpool of Omens
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 - - - +60 -
Barrier of Isolation
UNI Input Hold.png[2]UNI Input Then.png8X
UNI2 Kuon -2-8A.png
Lua error in mw.text.lua at line 219: bad argument #1 to 'len' (string expected, got nil).
Lua error in mw.text.lua at line 219: bad argument #1 to 'len' (string expected, got nil).
Lua error in mw.text.lua at line 219: bad argument #1 to 'len' (string expected, got nil).
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Barrier of Isolation
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 - - - -14 1~X Head

(Check Dive)

Barrier of Isolation
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 - - - -29 -
Barrier of Isolation
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 - - - -38 -

Super Moves

Infinite Worth

The Silent Orchard of the Abyss
UNI2 Kuon 41236D.png
UNI2 Kuon 41236D HB.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
The Silent Orchard of the Abyss
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
3442 All - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 - - 75 -32 -

Infinite Worth EXS

Black Scarlet Carving
UNI2 Kuon ABCD.png
Lua error in mw.text.lua at line 219: bad argument #1 to 'len' (string expected, got nil).
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Black Scarlet Carving
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
3760 All - Knockdown 200 EXS, Vorpal or GRD Break (only when IWEXS does not hit) Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
3+14 2 51 69 -25 1~? Full
Highest damage super option for 200 meter.

Notable Rebeats and Gaps

Rebeat Table
Attack Chain Advantage
Gap Table
Attack Chain Frame Gap
5A 5C 1F


External Links


Default Unlocks

001 Total Eclipse
002 Fallen Sunlight
003 Green Flash
004 Deep Light
005 Twilight Fire
006 Redshift
007 Dark Matter
008 Bright Nebula
009 Cosmic Microwave
010 Red Dwarf
011 Forest Kingdom
012 Bright Giant
013 Brine Pool
014 Sunset Glow
015 Flaming Illusion
016 Endless Guilty
017 Chaos Chronicle
018 Disaster Genesis
019 Mirage Emblem
020 Grudge Stigma
021 Sacred Dogma
022 Ruin Fragment
023 Inferno Vortex
024 Dystopia Matrix
025 Strange Eclipse
026 Arcadia Demise
027 Calamity Sinner
028 Moonlight Canon
029 Crisis Nexus
030 Criminal Legion
031 Equatorial Wave
032 Inferno Blaze
033 Annular Eclipse
034 Seeds of Heaven
035 Clamorous Colors
036 Royal Calibur
037 Stella Nest
038 Little Briar Rose
039 Betrayal of Savior
040 Switching Contrast
Starter and Resources
Getting Started
Frame Data
Resources and Links
Patch Notes
Damage and Combo System
Attack Attributes