Chaos Code/NSC/Cait & Sith

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Cait & Sith's father, Pit, got turned into a hat for some reason and so now Cait (Brother) & Sith (Sister) want to find the Chaos Code and use it's limitless power to revive their still alive father. Also Cait hates Cerberus for getting Pit cursed and Sith is super into boyslove manga.


Health: 27000 Stun: 75

Cait & Sith are a puppet character with strong mix-ups and pressure strings thanks to the two being able to act independently. They have a wide variety of practical unblockable setups as well as lots of hard to block high/low mix-ups. Their damage is on the lower side and with notably low health and stun they can't afford to make many mistakes. A lack of long range options and limited defensive tools along with technically demanding setups and combos make them a lot of work, but if you like doing a safejump and then blockstringing into an unblockable that then leads back into the same safejump, this is the character for you.

Run vs Step

Run The most common choice for Cait & Sith. Run makes up for their stubby normals and microdashes are extremely useful in combos and for stagger pressure. Also their run animation is adorable.

Step Cait & Sith don't have a particularly good step. They can still step cancel moves which can lead to strong tick throws, but the worse mobility really hurts.


Cait and Sith are fairly low damage, but chaos code is a high damage game so its still very easy to close out rounds quickly. They don't build stun crazy fast but since their combos are long and damage low you tend to have lots of oppertunities to stun, especially if you opt to end combos early for oki/reset potential

video example

With Sith Midscreen

5A > 5B > cl.C > 214A > 214A > 214A

Basic confirm into rekka, afterwards you can use 22B/D to put sith in position or use 236BD to meaty and put sith in position at the same time while leaving cait free to do whatever he wants, like bait a DP.

5A > 5B > cl.C > 214AC > otg 2A > 2C > sjc > j.A > j.B > j.C > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.A+C

Confirm into ex rekka, you only get the otg and rejump if you were already kind of close to the corner. If you want to dump some extra meter on this you can land and super after either the first air series or after the second instead of double jumping.

5A > 5B > cl.C > 214BD > [9] > j.A > j.C > j.D > Double Jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.A+C

Basic half bar midscreen combo, if you want you can a more plus knockdown and bit more damage by ending in an air 214BD.

5A > 5B > cl.C > 214BD > [9] > j.A > j.B > j.C > Land > 236236A > 5A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.B > j.D > super hits > possible OTG

In case you want to spend some extra meter. You need to delay the air normals a little bit to give C&S enough time to land without the opponent teching out. The combo you do after 236236A is highly dependent on how close you are to the corner, the further you are the less stable it becomes, not really recommended if you're far away but you can go for it if you're confident.

5A > 5B > cl.C > (236A) > 2363214A

Real basic confirm into ranbu. Good for midscreen damage and corner carry if you aren't confident in the longer combos. Use the tackle for a super cancel if you want to dump an extra bar for some extra damage

With Sith Corner

All midscreen combos still work in the corner

2A > 2B > 2C > 236D > microdash > otg 2A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.B > j.C > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.A+C

Corner stand confirm BnB

2A > 2B > 2C > 214B > otg 2A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.B > j.C > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.A+C

Variation of the above for crouching opponents

2A > 2B > cl.C > sjc > j.214B > otg 2A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.B > j.C > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.A+C

Another variation, this one doesn't require stance confirming, but it way harder.

2A > 2B > 2C > 236BD > microdash > otg 2A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.214D > 22D > Land > 5A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.214BD

Metered combo, if you microdash with the right timing the game will forget that 236BD is an ex move and make it build you some meter back. Even if you don't get that you should build up enough meter for the ex overhead ender if you do the full rejump combo

2A > 2B > 2C > 236BD > microdash > 5A (restand) > 5B > 5C > 214A > 236B > 2A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.A+C

Alternative to the above that uses a restand glitch. Timing on that 5A is tight, you might find it easier to do 5A > 5B (restand) > 2C > 214A instead with each of the normals being done as fast as possible (don't forget chaos code has an infinite buffer on normals as long as you hold the button down), but that will only work when very close.

Sith Set

5A > 5B > cl.C > 214A > 236B > 5A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.A+C

236b into rejump, microdash before the 5A pickup outside of the corner.

5A > 5B > cl.C > 214A > 22A > IAD j.C > j.D > 5A > cl.C > 5D > j.214D > 2A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.A+C

You can omit the IAD and just run up and do 5A if you want.

2A > 2B > cl.C > 5D > j.214D > otg 2A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.214D > 22D > Land > 5A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.214BD

pretty easy stand confirm, replace 5D > j.214d with just 214B to make it work on crouching. Corner only

2A > 2B > cl.C > 5D > j.214D > otg 2A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D (input as 236D) > j.214D > 236D hits > land > otg 2A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.A+C

Variation of the above that uses 236D instead of 22D for the air combo extension. By doing this you free up sith allowing you to end the combo with an airthrow.

Rising j.A > 236B > falling j.C > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.A+B

Combo off instant overhead. Only works against Bravo, Kudlak, and Cerb (but only during specific frames of his crouching animation), however if timed meaty rising j.A will hit everyone except C&S and Kagari. Corner only.

With "My Own Style"

the neutral & down followups can be otg'd in the corner and lead to normal corner OTG routes

2363214B > [8] > microdash > 5A > cl.B > sjc > j.A > j.B > j.C > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.A+C

Will carry corner to corner.

2A > 2B > 2C > 236BD > microdash > 5A (restand) > 5B > cl.C > 2363214B > 22A (at around hit 4) > [6] > IAD j.C > j.D > 2A > 2B > 2C > 236D > otg 2A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.A+C

Combo into guard break followup, does good damage. You don't need the restand if you have sith already setup. Do a 236A before the super to unscale it and do even more damage for an extra bar, or do a 236BD instead of 236D in order to loop and look really cool.

236A > exceed > 2A > 2B > 2C > 236BD > microdash > 5A (restand) > 5B > 5C > 236A > 2363214B > 22A (at around hit 4) > [6] > IAD j.C > j.D > 2A > 2B > 2C > 236BD > microdash > 5A (restand) > 5B > 5C > 236A > 2363214B > 22A (at around hit 4) > [6] > IAD j.C > j.D > 2A > 2B > 2C > 236D > otg 2A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.A+C

Exceed combo using restands and guard breaks.

236A > exceed > 236AC > 2363214B > [5] > 236AC > 2363214B > [2] > 236AC > 2363214A

Much simpler exceed not using restands or guard breaks

With Rising Dragon Attack

5A > 5B > cl.C > 214AC > otg 2A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > Land > 236236A > 623C > super hits > otg 2A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > Land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.214BD

Rising dragon attack is the best move to use for combo filler with 236236A, it's also an easier combo. This will work midscreen or corner, but you might not get the otg pickup if you're too far from the corner.

2A > 2B > 2C > 236AC > microdash > 5A > 5B > cl.C > 623C > 22D > 5A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.214BD

Corner combo using Rising dragon attack. If sith is already set you can just ignore the first few hits. If you use 236AC it wont matter if you get the restand or not, although ideally you want it. This route does higher damage than other routes with sith set, but it can't lead to an airthrow knockdown which means your oki options are somewhat limited.

2A > 2B > 2C > 236AC > microdash > 5A > 5B > cl.C > 5D > j.214D > otg 2A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > 623A > 22D > Land > 5A > cl.C > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.214BD

This is a harder and longer version of the above, it requires getting the restand off 236AC and doesn't actually do much more damage. But it nets around 6 extra stun which is nice.

Unblockable setups

Off of a rekka knockdown you should have enough time to set sith with 22b and still meaty with 2C. Input the meaty as 22C and hit 6CD, Sith's spin will keep the opponent locked down and they'll eat the guard break. Only works in the corner. Same setup works off of a throw only you don't need to set sith since the throw animation will set her for you.

Midscreen you'll need to use 22A to vacuum the opponent into your guard break. Do a meaty 2A and chain into 2C by inputing 2A > 22A+C, then hit 6CD for the guard break.

In training mode you'd have to record the setup then try to get out of it to test, but once you get it right it becomes easy to eyeball it.

Move List

Normal Moves

Note: Many normals change depending on sith's state.

After each move is it's startup and advantage on block. Block advantage assumes the first active frame connects, if you hit with a late active frame the advantage should be greater.

5A - 6F +2

Standard jab. Fast with better range than 2A, can be low profiled. Cancelable

2A - 6F +3

Crouching jab. Just as fast as 5A, shorter range but not going to be low profiled. More advantageous on block than 5A, good for stagger pressure. Cancelable

cl.B - 7F +0

Shin kick. Hits low. Cancelable

5B - 7F -2

chest kick. Decent range, useful in combos when you're too far for a close heavy. Hits mid. Cancelable

2B - 7F -1

Standard low kick. Hits low, good for otg hits on knockdowns too low for 2A to pickup. Cancelable

cl.C(while together) - 11F +1

Windmill arms. Hits twice, in the corner you can link into A normals after if you're close enough. Cancelable

cl.C(while apart) - 9F -4

Shoulder check. Faster than toghether cl.C, but worse advantage. It doesn't matter too much since you mostly only do this move in combos or blockstrings when you have sith ready to back you up. Cancelable

5C(While together) - 10F -6

Stretched out punch. Good range, can confirm into a small combo at most spacings. Cancelable.

5C(while apart) - 14F -5 double punch. Not cancelable and range isn't too good, you usually get this when by accident when you want cl.C in combos. If you're afraid of that happening, use 5B instead, it has a similar range and can be canceled.
2C(while together) - 9F -7

dip punch. Lowers C&S's hitbox a bit making it work as an anti-air at times, it's not super reliable but better than nothing. The range on this move is pretty solid, it's shorter than 5C(while together) but it's still good and ~slightly~ faster.

2C(while apart) - 9F -2

One-two punch. Has okay range, Hits twice. Because the animation is so long this move is really good for when you need to buy time for sith to get setup. it's also only slightly negative on block, even though it looks punishable.

cl.D(while together) - 10F -4 Jazzy kick. Good damage and stun, if you know it'll hit do this move, but if you're not sure don't risk it. Cancelable. When apart cait and sith have no close D.
5D(while together) - 12F -1

Spin kick. Moves Cait & Sith forward slightly on startup which helps give it good range. Not cancelable though so it's use is pretty limited.

5D(while apart) - 12F -4

Jumping kick. Moves Cait forward a bit. The range isn't as good as together 5D and it'll whiff on most crouching characters. This move is considered airborne, so while you can cancel it, you can only cancel into 214K or air throw since those are cait and sith's only air moves.

2D - 9F -11

Slide. Moves forward a lot, knocks down on hit, punishable on block. Not cancelable

j.A - 6F

Downwards air jab. Fantastic hitbox, this move has the potential to beat out seemingly every anti-air in the game, press it a lot.

j.B(while together) - 8F

Double kick. Generally worse than j.A as an air to air, has a really good cross-up hitbox due to sith's kick, but someimes they'll get pushed out too far to get comboed so try to space it well. Also for some reason this move does 200 more damage if you've double jumped.

j.B(while apart) - 8F

Mid height kick. It has a decent upwards hitbox, so it has use as an air-to-air, but it's not great as a jump-in or IAD normal when compared to j.A or j.C.

j.C(While together) - 10F

Downwards headbut. Hitbox is pretty long and since it's a heavy normal it's good on hit/block. Good alternative to j.A for when you have some extra time.

j.C(while apart) - 8F

Air dunk. Faster than while together, but the hitbox isn't as long, instead it starts a bit higher up which can be better or worse depending on the situation. Not as good as an IAD button but still good.

j.D(while together) - 7F

Spin kick, hits twice. For the first hit both Cait and Sith kick, Sith's kick has great range and a good downwards hitbox, making this an alright jumpin but not as damaging as j.C. Cait's kick has a cross-up hitbox but it's very hard to combo off. The second kick is Cait only, it doesn't hit as far but it has a good upwards hitbox.

j.D(while apart) - 7F

Basically the same hitbox as the second hit of together j.D. Still a good normal in general. Better for air-to-airs

Command Normals

3C - 15F +3

Stretched out toe tap. Great range; too slow to use as a poke, but since everything cancels into it you can use it to extend combos.

Normal Throw(while together) - 5F +50(on hit)

Cait & Sith have 2 normal throws depending on if they're together or apart, cait will dropkick the opponent and then sith will slidekick through them and setup if they're together.

Normal Throw(while apart) - 5F +43(on hit)

This skips the slide, it's not as good advantage-wise and it doesn't setup. It's not supposed to come out if you're together but sometimes sith just decides to not help out.

Air throw - Cait kicks the opponent down, if Sith is with him she'll follow them and set up on the ground and cause a soft knockdown. Good for ending air combos

Special Moves

Suicide Little Sister Set - 22k (While together) - 24F

Use this to set up sith, once she's set all sith moves will happen from that location and with no startup for cait.

  • B ver

Sets sith up close to cait.

  • D ver

Sets sith up slightly further away. Sith wont be set by the time Cait recovers, it'll taker her an extra 30F or so

  • B+D ver

Sets sith up a lot further away. Sith wont be set by the time Cait recovers, it'll taker her an extra 30F or so. This doesn't actually take bar, it's just listed as an ex move in the command list for some reason.

Suicide Little Sister anti-air - 22k (while sith is set)

Sith shoots up into the sky. Really fast and launches the opponent super high. Useful as an anti-air or to extend air combos. After the move finishes sith takes a minute to catch her breath.

Suicide Little Sister attack - 236k

Sith runs up to the opponent and goes high or low depending on the version you do.

  • B ver

20F startup. Sith goes low, you can combo off of this while together if you're far enough away from a cornered opponent. If you're separated you can just call sith and run up. On hit it launches without a bounce property, so your damage doesn't get scaled as hard.

  • D ver

27F startup. Sith goes overhead, on hit you can OTG, this is one of C&S's primary meterless combo tools in the corner. Will only connect on standing characters so pay attention to your confirm. On block it's really plus but kind of slow. Since it's an overhead you can use it as a mix-up, but it's not really fast enough to be super strong, but if you set sith up off screen and then call her the opponent wont be able to see the start-up let alone react to it.

  • EX ver

33F startup. Sith spins before going low, then sets up in that spot. This move is extremely usefull as it lets you set sith up while continuing pressure/a combo.

Combination Brother and Sister Crush- 214p - 9F startup (for first hit)

Standard rekka, main meterless ender for C&S because it gives a really good knockdown. Cait can do the first hit without sith but if he tries to do any more he'll get a headache and be punishable on hit. You can use that single hit in combos if sith is setup to buy time for her to kick/twirl the opponent. A and C versions are the same. The advantage on each hit is -12, -6, and -13. The second hit also pushes far enough back that it's more or less safe.

  • EX ver

7F startup, -15 on block. Gives and OTGable knockdown, you're not at good enough spacing to followup with much midscreen, but if you're in the corner you can pickup for an air combo. This version also travels around half screen, so you can use it for corner carry and then pick up for an air combo & ender of your choice afterwards.

Forgive Me, Little Sister Decoy Attack - 22p - 32F

Sith spins around, has lots of block/hitstun, if the opponent blocks this you basically get to do whatever you want to them, including guard crush them if you have the proper spacing/meter for it.

  • A ver

The spin will vacuum in, making it easier to keep pressure on or hit with a guard crush.

  • C ver

Sith will push the opponent away, but also she'll move up further.

Great Overhead Nova - 214k (air ok)

Cait shouts "overhead" and slowly kicks over the opponents head. Not actually an overhead.

  • B ver

20F startup, -12 on block. Faster, less damaging. Main meterless combo tool for crouching opponents in the corner as it causes an OTGable knockdown

  • D ver

24F startup -10 on block. Slower, more damaging. This is the one you typically use while airborne. 5d>214d is the main way to meterlessly combo standing opponents in the corner when sith is too busy to help you. end air combos with this for a little extra damage at the cost of a knockdown.

  • EX ver

22F startup. -3 on block. Main combo tool midscreen, it bounces the opponent and you can jump to follow up with an air combo, but only if sith is with you. If she's gone they'll just tech out. The air version of this move is one of 2 ways to get a knockdown from an air combo, and the only one if sith isn't with you.

Miracle Super Tackle - 236p

Cait rolls forward, this is a really good move to super cancel from, especially in exceed combos due to it's speed

  • A ver

9F startup -14 on block. Fast and safeish because cait bounces away on block.

  • C ver

12F startup -8 on block. Slower, not safe, has better range. Hits twice but if you can get just one of those hit and it counters you get a giant wall bounce that leads to giant damage.

  • EX ver

6F startup -17 on block. Fast and safeish with good range. On normal hit you get a wall splat that you can sometimes combo from depending on spacing, but usually not. On counter hit you get that giant wall bounce and giant damage. This is probably C&S's strongest neutral tool due to it's speed, range, and threat of damage.

Extra Specials

Rising Dragon Attack - 623p

Uppercut for Cait. A version is 4F, not invun, and -34 on block. C version is 10F, invun through active, and -44 on block. Both versions are good anti-airs if you know they'll hit, and have uses in combos.

Our Graceful Trick Through- 632146k

23F Command grab, cait jumps over the opponent, if sith's with him then she'll slide under their feet, afterwards they have enough frame advantage to do pretty much any normal and they're guaranteed to be point blank. This move has invun starting on frame 1, but not all the way through. Still, it can work as a reversal.

Ultimate Chaos

Parent and Daughter Special Attack - Swooping Daddy Balloon - 236236p - 4F

Pit turns into an even more giant hat and takes himself, Sith, and the opponent to the sky, then falls down a little bit later. First hit can whiff on crouching opponents. The two hits don't naturally combo into each other so you have to do some filler. The second hit is actually an overhead so if you want you could use it for some high/low shenanigans. This move is probably C&S's most consistent anti-air since it hits basically all the way to the top of the screen and is super fast. This move has invun, but if it gets blocked there's no blockstun so you're punishable by pretty much anything.

Brother and Sister Special Attack - Double Spin Attack Deluxe - 2363214p - 8F -41

Ranbu super. Good for straight damage, if you want to spend 2 bars cancel into this super. It also carries a fair distance and you can Chaos Shift it on hit for followups.

Extra Ultimate Chaos

Daddy's Surprise Meal - 6321463214k - 3F

Command grab super, Cait throws the opponent to Pit, who puts them in a bag or something and slams them into the ground a bunch. In the corner it'll wallsplat and you can combo off it. This super is weird and appears to be jumpable immediately after the flash, but only for the first few frames after the flash. It seems possible to react to, but not easy to react to, so watch out.

My Own Style Special Attack... Dynamic Special Attack - 2363214k - 15F

Cait does a ranbu super by himself, then does one of 5 enders depending on the direction of the stick. This is the only super that doesn't teleport sith to cait's side, so if she's set up you can call her during it. None of the followups blockstring

  • 4 Ender Cait backdashes
  • 5 Ender Cait uppercuts the opponent, then slams them down. You can OTG after this for a combo, good for damage in the corner. -50 on block.
  • 8 Ender Cait does an overhead kick that actually hits overhead. You recover in time to hit the opponent out of the air and combo, generally good midscreen. -17 on block.
  • 2 Ender Cait slides and hits the opponent low. you can pick up off it for a combo in the corner. If the opponent was hit by the slide out of the air, they'll get launched and cait can followup no matter where he is, good midscreen when the opponent is launched already. It's also the safest followup on block at -1.
  • 6 Ender Cait does an unblockable palm strike. You can blockstring or combo into this palm strike if sith is setup by calling 22p at just the right time, does a lot of damage when combo'd into. If you don't blockstring into it the unblockable takes 18F to come out, so it's fairly reactable.

Destruction Chaos

Perfect Family Cooperation - 2141236pp

The whole family gets together and Pit pukes up a huge beam. Is extremely slow(~90F) and scales really hard. It is invun though so I guess you could use it to get out of a meaty and bank on your opponent getting up and walking away assuming they'd won the round.

Extra move selection

Rising dragon attack is Cait & Sith's only chance to have a meterless anti-air. On counterhit it can give combos and it has use in 236236p combos. It's not very exciting, but it's a very solid tool. Only the C version is invulnerable, and only through its startup.

If you do want a meterless reversal you can pick either extra move. trick through isn't fully invun but you can still use it to get out of pressure since it's so slow nothing will actually meaty it. It'll lose to grabs though. rising dragon attack is more reliable but you can't really get a combo off of it unless you spend meter or get a counter hit while the opponent is cornered.

Daddy's surprise meal is the better mix-up option, and while mixing up opponents isn't something Cait & Sith struggle with, they usually have to go through a bunch of set-up first. Surprise meal can be done whenever, including when sith isn't around, and it does give followups in the corner (although you can get better followups off my own style)

My own style is a reversal super, but also it's Cait & Sith's best option for damage off a super. The different followups ensure that you can get a good combo no matter what position you're in.

Recommended sets

Cait & Sith's extra moves are all useful, each one provides something that they don't normally have. Any combination of 2 is probably fine, these sets are just a suggestion.

Trick through & My own style

This set takes trick through mainly as a reversal to get out of frame traps and my own style as extra insurance and added damage. Trick through is very easy for an opponent to play around, but if they're playing around it they're not doing all the frame traps they could be so just the threat of it is good. My own style is a lot safer as a reversal if you have the meter, but also it leads to good damage in pretty much any situation. The main weakness of this set is that it forces you to use 236236p or something like 5A as anti-airs, and while the anti-air super is reliable, it leaves Cait stuck without Sith which can be a huge problem.

Rising Dragon attack & Trick through

This set gives Cait & Sith the defensive tools that they otherwise don't really have. Rising dragon attack works pretty well as an anti-air and as a reversal if the opponent does something obvious. Trick through is a serviceable reversal and since it's a grab rather than a hit it has to be baited more directly. The issue is that it doesn't really give them any kind of way to extend damage beyond slightly stronger 236236p combos thanks to Rising Dragon Attack, but those leave Cait without Sith for a while which can make it hard to continue pressure or open opponents up.

Rising Dragon attack & My own style

More or less the same as the above, but it trades trick through for My own style which is a more reliable reversal, but costs a full bar. My own style is also a good way to increase damage, although own style combos don't really synergize with RDA, so you can end up spending entire matches never really getting use out of one of your extra moves.

My own style & Daddy's surprise meal

This set kind of gives up on getting a good anti-air and instead focuses on improving Cait & Sith's offense. The two supers don't really synergize in the sense that you probably wont use both in the same combo, but instead they cover 2 very different situations which ends up giving Cait & Sith a more well rounded offense.



  • Console Versions: You can hold R1 button while selecting a character to get an alternative color.
  • Arcade Version: You can hold START button while selecting a character to get an alternative color.


  • A Button: Normal version.
  • B Button:
  • C Button:
  • D Button:
  • R1+A Buttons:
  • R1+B Buttons:
  • R1+C Buttons:
  • R1+D Buttons: Justice (Guilty Gear)
MG Hikaru
Celia II Kai
Cait & Sith