Chaos Code/NSC/Kagari

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Kagari is a secret agent for Kurenai, a clan of ninjas that hate the earth-union military and raised Kagari. Her parents and brother were killed in war, now she fights to honor their memory and to repay Kurenai, her adoptive family.


Health: 28000
Stun: 75
Full hitboxes

Kagari is an all-round character with a good fireball and DP, she's the closest thing to a traditional shoto in Chaos Code. She has strong space control and movement which she can use to control the pace of a match. Her mix-up is dangerous too thanks to being able to combo off throw anywhere on screen. Her damage leaves a bit to be desired, but she makes up for it with strong reset options thanks to her teleports. She's relativly simple to learn, but thanks to having such a wide array of tools she has a really high ceiling.

Mobility (Run vs. Step)

Kagari's backdash is 20f total regardless of bounce choice

Run: Kagari has a very fast run speed, making it a good choice for tech chasing and aggressive styles of play.

Step: Supplies faster meter gain and evades lows/throws. Kagari is committed to the step for 16 frames.

Extra Move Selection

Shuriken - Rakurai: Air fireball, the angles are very good for controlling space. Probably Kagari's best neutral tool, but also has uses in combos either for special to super cancels or turn an air throw knockdown into an air tech for tech chase/air reset options.

Kawarimi - Oboro: Teleport counter, it typically doesn't actually punish things because of it's recovery, but it gets Kagari close and activates on projectiles. It's utility is a little more matchup specific than kagari's other extra moves, but it's never useless.

Ouji - Harinezumi: Poison Super, Does pretty good damage if you get all the poison ticks. Kagari has some pretty high damage exceeds using this move to stack on poison. A good choice for the resource dumps, but also good if you plan on running away and zoning out.

Ougi - Ryuusei Kyaku: Divekick super, works as an ender for air combos and for exceed routes. Not as high damage as Harinezumi but because it can be used from air combos the chances to use this super are higher, and since it's damage is all upfront rather than poison it can be a better choice if you want to go in more than run away.

Recommended Sets

Kagari is pretty mix and match, all of her options are strong so it comes down more to what you value and what the matchup calls for.

Shuriken - Rakurai & Ouji - Harinezumi

This pairing is pretty common. It's one of the most straight-forward Kagari sets since Shuriken helps her control space and it's very easy to find times when Harinezumi will combo. This set also has some nice synergy since Shuriken is an air special that Kagari can cancel into Harinezumi, her only air super. It will work with basically any kagari playstyle.

Shuriken - Rakurai & Kawarimi - Oboro

This pairing gives kagari the most neutral tools, but limits her damage output. That limit on her damage output isn't necessarily a huge deal however, as Kagari can get by using her default supers.

Shuriken - Rakurai/Kawarimi Oboro & Ouji - Harinezumi Harinezumi's draw is mostly the damage, to that end it doesn't really matter which other extra move you take.

Move List

Click on a header to expand that section of the movelist

Normal Moves

Normal Moves
Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 7f - - +2 Yes -

put words here

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 6f - - +4 Yes -

put words here

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 7f - - +2 Yes -

A pretty quick move, good for catching people when in range.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - Low 6f - - +3 Yes -

Fast crouching low kick with decent range.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 13f - - -2 Yes Stagger

Hits twice, both hits are cancelable.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 8f - - -5 No Stagger

Good range.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 12f - - -6 Yes Stagger

Sword swipe anti-air. Moves Kagari forward a bit.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 9f - - -3 Yes Stagger

put words here

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 10f - - -5 No Stagger

Good anti-air.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - Low 11f - - -2 No Launch


Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High 6f - - - Yes -

put words here

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High 6f - - - Yes -

Hits twice.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High 10f - - - Yes Stagger

Lots of active frames, good jump-in

Neutral jump C
Neutral jump C
Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High 8f - - - Yes Stagger

put words here

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High 7f - - - Yes Stagger

put words here

neutral jump D
neutral jump D
Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High 8f - - - Yes Stagger

put words here

Command Normals

Command Normals
Grind Kick
Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - Low 11f - - -3 Yes -

Combo extender, good for picking up off of throw and wall bounces

Normal Throw
Normal Throw
Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - Throw 5f - - - - -

Kagari teleports you to the sky and lets you fall. Buffer and whiff a 5A or 2A to frame kill and then buffer a 3B to catch them falling and super jump cancel from there into combo stuff.

Air Throw
Air Throw
Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - Throw 5f - - - Yes -

Combo ender. You can either take the knockdown or cancel it into an air shuriken for a little extra damage and the ability to super cancel.

Special Moves

Special Moves
Kasumi Nagi
Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
A - - High/Low 10f - - -10/-12/-6 - -

ends in a teleport, safer on block

Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
C - - High/Low, High(third hit) 10f - - -10/-12/-8 - -

ends with an overhead, more damage on hit

Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
EX - - High/Low 10f - - -8/-5/-15 - -

Ends with a ground bound and is Kagari's primary combo extender. Doesn't fully blockstring for the final hits.

Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
A - - High/Low 10f - - -9 - -

Slower than C version. Pretty classic fireball, good for controlling space. Frame advantage assumes point blank

Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
C - - High/Low 10f - - -6 - -

Faster than A version.

Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
EX - - High/Low 10f - - +8 - -

Faster than C version. Hits 3 times and launches, can be comboed off of in the corner.

236K (hold D for low)
Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
B - - High/Low 15f - - -7 - -

Run up slash. Useful to cancel from since the first hit keeps the opponent grounded.

Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
D - - High 29f - - -10 - -

Has some use in combos and can be used for resets.

Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
[D] - - Low 43f - - -1 - -

Fake the overhead and go low. Not the best as a mix-up, but only being -1 is pretty good.

Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
EX - - High/Low, High(last hit) 13f - - -6 - -

Launches if it hits an airborne opponent which is very useful for picking someone up off a ground bound or OTG and then carrying them to the corner. Hold the input to go low.

Mugen - Utsuroi
Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
B - - - 24f - - - - -

Command dash, good for mix-ups and resets when you have respect. Stays grounded

Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
D - - - 26f - - - - -

Goes into the air

Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
EX - - - 23f - - - - -

can cross through cornered opponents. Stays grounded

Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
A - - High/Low 4f - - -20 - -

Invun until first active frame. Gives combos on trade. Does have a lot of horizontal reach but will tag opponents directly above Kagari.

Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
C - - High/Low 8f - - -25 - -

Invun through active. Hits further horizontally but can miss opponents directly above.

Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
EX - - High/Low 5f - - -18 - -

not invun on startup. Applies Poison

Extra Specials

Extra Specials
Kasumi Nagi
Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 18f - - - - -

Air fireball. A version goes at a very steep angle. C version has a wider angle. You can have an air fireball and a ground fireball out at the same time. Doing this move also restores your airdash if you've used one already.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - - 5f - - - - -

Teleport counter, hit invun before active. Has a lot of recovery so it typically doesn't punish things, but it's good to get past projectiles or get out of really bad situations.

Ultimate Chaos

Ultimate Chaos
Move Startup Block Adv Guard CH
Ougi - Rasen
- -13 HL - D version dashes up further, but both do the same amount of damage.
Ougi - Manji Senkou Ha 2141236P
- +12 HL - Energy wave that pushes the opponent back. It's good for corner carry since you can dash up afterwards and keep a combo going. It's also good for pressure.

Extra Ultimate Chaos

Extra Ultimate Chaos
Move Startup Block Adv Guard CH
Ougi - Harinezumi
- -11 HL - Hair stabs that do alright damage and apply 3 stacks of poison. It's a lot of poison if you can run away and let it all tick down.
Ougi - Ryuusei Kyaku
214214K(air okay)
- -24 HL - DiveKick super, B version works better in combos, D version travels further in neutral.

Destruction Chaos

Destruction Chaos
Move Startup Block Adv Guard CH
Hi Ougi - Ura Rasen
- -11 HL - Level 3. Easy to combo into and can be a good punish. Exceeds do better damage, but not too much better, if it's early in a match and an exceed wont kill it's probably better to use this so you can build back meter afterwards.


for all combos ending in airthrow > 236A you can buffer a 5A afterwards to catch no tech. If the opponent doesn't no tech you can jump up to chase their tech. If you don't want this tech trap and would rather have more standard oki you can just ignore the ending 236A and take the knockdown off air throw.


video example

2A > 2B > cl.C > cl.D > 3B > 214C > 214C > 214C

Confirm into rekka, the string of normals before the rekka isn't super important, but you need to confirm that you're close enough for the rekka to connect.

2A > 2B > 2A > 2B > 2A > 2B > 5C > 236B

236B will work when you push yourself out in the confirm, or if you just start a string far away.

Throw > 5A/2A (whiff) > 3B > sjc > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > land > jump > j.A > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > Air throw

Throw combo, use the whiff to make it easier to get the 3B to hit (don't forget that chaos code has an infinite buffer for held normals). Also, the first air series needs to be delayed a bit so that the opponent doesn't get floated too high for the rejump.

Throw > 236D > 2C > cl.D > sjc > j.B(1) > j.C > D > land > jump > j.A > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > j.236A > air throw > 236A

Corner only throw combo. The j.236A isn't needed, so just ignore it and go straight into airthrow if you didn't take that extra move.

CH 623A(1) > 2B > 2C > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > air throw

Combo off DP. The situation may seem unlikely, but A DP will trade in a lot of situations and most trades will lead to this combo.

EX combos

video example

2A > 2B > cl.C > cl.D > 3B > 214AC > 214P > 214P > 2B > 236B

simple confirm into EX rekka, will carry to the corner and let the opponent air tech out.

2A > 2B > cl.C > cl.D > 3B > 214AC > 214P > 214P > 2B > 236BD > jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > 236A > air throw > 236A

ex rekka into ex mugen, full screen corner carry for 1 bar into an air throw.

2A > 2B > cl.C > cl.D > 3B > 214AC > 214P > 214P > 5B > 2C > sjc > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > land > jump > j.A > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.B > j.C > j.D > 236A > air throw > 236A

Corner combo off ex rekka

2A > 2B > cl.C > cl.D > 3B > 214AC > 214P > 214P > 5B > 2C > 236BD > jump > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > 236A > air throw > 236A

Corner combo using ex rekka and ex mugen, bit more damage for 50 more meter, also easier since it avoids the rejump.

Super combos

video example

Throw > 5A/2A (whiff) > 3B > sjc > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > land > jump > j.A > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > 214214D > land > 2A > 2C > sjc > j.A > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > air throw

throw combo into divekick super.

2A > 2B > cl.C > cl.D > 3B > 214AC > 214P > 214P > 5B > 2C > 236BD > jump > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > 214214B > oki

after the super you can jump and input an air shuriken to meaty the opponent back into the corner.

2A > 2B > cl.C > cl.D > 3B > 214AC > 214P > 214P > 5B > 2C > 236BD > jump > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > 236A > air throw > 236A > 214214D

for damage, it doesn't really matter what you start with, just know that you can cancel air shuriken into divekick super to kill for 2 bars



  • A Button: Normal version.
  • B Button: Eva Unit 02 (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
  • D Button: Nirvash (Eureka Seven)
  • R1+B Buttons: Hyaku Shiki (Zeta Gundam)
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