Spectral vs Generation/Ryuken

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Spectral VS Generation Ryuken Image.jpg
Health 500
Pre-Jump Frames 3
Play Style Rushdown, Mixup
Dash Type Step

Character Background

Race: Human
Motivation: Restor order to the world
Weapon: Fenrir Knuckle
Likes: Martial Arts
Dislikes: Evil

Character Info

Ryuken is a strong and fast rushdown character with a balanced toolkit. He possesses a great fireball, excellent mobility, and potent pressure that can either be used to mix-ups or guard breaks. Ryuken's combos deal very high damage, often allowing him to three-touch opponents his stubby normals means he has to work to get in, something he excels at with his very fast speed, his teleport dash and useful special moves
Ryuken also has access to great damage combos in the corner, a position he gets very easily with his insane corner carry potential

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Combo character, plenty of combos to mess around with.
  • Combos extend even further in the corner.
  • Teleport dash that allows for side-switch mix-ups.
  • Fast mobility with his super jump and quick dashes.
  • Strong pressure tools. Ryuken has access to guaranteed guard break combos.
  • 623A/B/C has invincibility on the roll, which can avoid most attacks.
  • J.C is a great air button. It's his best air to air and cross-up button.
  • 214C immediately cancels into wolf stance.
  • Wolf stance changes have a few frames of invincibility between them.
  • 236D > A causes a hard knockdown on hit and is good for spacing against some characters.
  • 50/50 mix-ups with 236D > 2D or 5D. Both can be comboed off of.
  • j.236-236D is Ryuken's best super. Best damage, best utility, best corner carry.
  • 236-236D is a good anti-air.
  • Extremely short normals. You have to be in the opponent's face to do anything
  • Dust finisher can miss if not done quick enough.
  • Both Wolf and Wild Shadow stances are difficult to set-up without proper positioning.
  • 236-236A/B/C scales combo damage hard.
  • 236-236C is punishable in the corner on hit.
  • 236-236D is only good as an anti-air, lacks the utility of the jumping version.
  • 214-214C scales the combo hard.
  • No optimal burst combos since scaling hits Ryuken hard.


Far Standing Normals

SVG Ryuken Far5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
15 Mid Specials - - - -

quick jab

SVG Ryuken Far5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 Mid Specials - - - -

horizontal punch

SVG Ryuken Far5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
50 Mid - - - - -

long normal that slightly launches on hit
while the range is pretty good, this property makes it very hard to include this move in combos

SVG Ryuken Far5D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
20 Mid Specials - - - -

the preferred poke. a long and fast kick

Close Standing Normals

SVG Ryuken Close5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
15 Mid Specials - - - -

quick elbow

SVG Ryuken Close5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 Mid Specials - - - -

usually used instead of Cl.5A since it's fast and doesn't scale the combo as much

SVG Ryuken Close5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
50 Mid Specials - - - -

very good combo filler
good damage and can cancel into specials

SVG Ryuken Close5D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
20 Mid Specials - - - -

5D but a bit lower

Crouching Normals

SVG Ryuken 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
15 Mid - - - - -

crouching slap

SVG Ryuken 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 Mid Specials - - - -

although it looks identical to 2A it's much slower and more damaging

SVG Ryuken 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
50 Low Specials - - - -

strong normal that launches aerial opponents
present in nearly all BNBs

SVG Ryuken 2D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
20 Low Specials - - - -

A short kick.

Jumping Normals

SVG Ryuken j.A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
15 High - - - - -

fast horizontal punch, very active

SVG Ryuken j.A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
30 High - - - - -

similar to j.A but nowhere near as active

SVG Ryuken j.C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
50 High - - - - -

your most used normal
has very high priority and is extremely fast
wins most air-to-air interactions and is an excellent jump-in normal

SVG Ryuken j.D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
20 High - - - - -

Air kick.

Command Normals

Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 4C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
20 Mid - - - - -

short slam that hits overhead
cannot be comboed off and can't cancel into specials or supers

SVG Ryuken 3D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
45 Mid - - - - -

very fast sweep that causes a hard knockdown
hits OTG

Chain Specific Normals

2B -> 2C
SVG Ryuken 2C2.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
22 High - - - - -

2C becomes another slap with ryuken's other hand


Forward Throw
SVG Ryuken Grab1.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
60 Throw N/A - - - -

Ryuken grabs his opponent and uppercuts them

Back Throw
SVG Ryuken Grab2.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
70 Throw N/A - - - -

Ryuken dashes behind the opponent and punches them

Sword Series Slash (Dust)

Standing SSS
SVG Ryuken Grab1.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
150 High N/A - - - -

Triggers an air chase when you press A. To complete the air chase you must do AAABBBCCCD > 236D.

SVG Ryuken 3D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
150 Low N/A - - - -

Same as standing SSS but hits low. Triggers an air chase when you press A. To complete the air chase you must do AAABBBCCCD > 236D.

Chaos Breaking (Parry)

SVG Ryuken GroundParry.png
Standing Parry
Standing Parry
SVG Ryuken CrouchParry.png
Crouching Parry
Crouching Parry
SVG Ryuken AirParry.png
Jumping Parry
Jumping Parry
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- - - - - - -

Dodges projectiles and counters any physical, non-grab attacks.
The Standing and Jumping versions parry anything that can be blocked High, but is vulnerable to grabs. The Crouching version only parries lows and cannot be grabbed.

Special Moves

Over King Shot
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 236A.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
A 30 Mid - - - - -

Palm fist with somewhat long startup but good priority
button determines startup and range but not damage

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
B 33 Mid - - - - -

Palm fist with somewhat long startup but good priority
button determines startup and range but not damage

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
C 35 Mid - - - - -

Palm fist with somewhat long startup but good priority
button determines startup and range but not damage

Giant Axe Crush
Over King Shot > 66A/B/C
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 236A followup.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
39 (13 per hit) Mid - - - - -

Followup that is SOT cancelable
convenient to use as a combo extender or 1/3 of the screen punish. Hits 3 times, deals 13 per hit raw.

Beat Open
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 214C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
55 Mid - - - - -

slow mid attack that instantly enter the 214D stance

Waiting Wolf
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 214D.png
Assume the position
Assume the position
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Mid - - - - -

Ryuken's grounded stance
Non-low attacks will whiff(including a few supers)

WW: Blur Bullet
Waiting Wolf ~> AAA
SVG Ryuken Close5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
72 (20, 25, 27) Mid - - - - -

A ends the stance
AA launches and automatically uses 236D
AAA returns to stance and is SOT cancelable. will knock down on hit

Over King Shot
Waiting Wolf ~> B
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 236A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
70 Mid - - - - -

slow attack that instantly guard breaks on hit
returns to stance

Claw Slice
Waiting Wolf ~> C
SVG Ryuken Close5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
50 Mid - - - - -

shoulder tackle that launches on hit
has armor which protects against high attacks and dust but now lows, grabsa and supers
exists the stance

Spinning Kick
Waiting Wolf ~> 5D
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 214D 5D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
45 Mid - - - - -

overhead kick

WW: Raging Kick
Waiting Wolf ~> 2D
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 214D 2D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
20 Mid - - - - -

very quick low
returns to stance
can't be counter hit by normals so can be mashed then stopped to bait a down parry or jump

Roll into Kicks (No official Movelist Name)
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 66.png
214D ~> 66
214D ~> 66
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken AS BBB.png
214D ~> 66 ~> D
214D ~> 66 ~> D
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Mid - - - - -

an invulnerable roll forward

Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
60 (30, 30) Mid - - - - -

followup kicks. unsafe on block

Wild Shadow
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 236D.png
Demon Flip
Demon Flip
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Mid - - - - -
Energy Cannon
Wild Shadow ~> A
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken AS A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
60 Mid - - - - -

a large projectile shot downward
knocks down aerial opponents

WS: CLoud Kick
Wild Shadow ~> BBBC
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken AS BBB.png
SVG Ryuken j.C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
80 (20x4) Mid Super - - - -

3 Air kicks followed up by a swipe that grants a hard knock down and is super cancelable

WS: Control
Wild Shadow ~> C
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken AS C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
45 Mid - - - - -

fast divekick that enters the 214D stance

Wild Shadow ~> D
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken AC D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Mid - - - - -

very long and useful air parry
enters 214D stance when landing

Mountain Crusher
SVG Ryuken Grab2.png
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
A 24 Mid - - - - -

Ryuken does a short invulnerable roll and then attacks

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
B 27 Mid - - - - -

Ryuken does a short invulnerable roll and then attacks

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
C 29 Mid - - - - -

Ryuken does a short invulnerable roll and then attacks

MC Falling Tiger Strike
Mountain Crusher ~> A/B/C ~> A/B/C
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 236A.png
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 4C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
32 (16x2) Mid - - - - -

2 followups that are unsafe on block

MC Falling Tiger Strike ~> D
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken AS BBB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
28 (13, 15) Mid - - - - -

Air kick followup
SOT cancelable but will whiff crouch blocking opponents
delaying the SOT gives maximum fall time

Super Moves

Level 1 Supers

Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 236236AB.png
A/B version
A/B version
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 236236C.png
C version
C version
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
A/B 140 (30, 20, 20, 70) High/Low - - - - -

Both A and B Versions are point blank. C version fires a projectile that ignores other projectiles.

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
C 120 High/Low - - - - -

Both A and B Versions are point blank. C version fires a projectile that ignores other projectiles.

Wolf Howl
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 236236D.png
The Bruce Lee Kick
The Bruce Lee Kick
Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
Ground 150 (40, 40, 70) High/Low - - - - -

Ryuken Jumps in the air diagonally and does a high damaging kick
fully invulnerable at the start.
Depending on the height the opponent was if you hit them out of the air, you can combo off of this in the corner

Version Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
Air 160 (50, 110) High - - - - -

Ryuken dives downward from the air, transitioning into a leaping kick
Depending on the height the opponent was if you hit them out of the air, you can combo off of this in the corner

Level 3 Super

Wolf Fang Comet Splash
Spectral VS Generation Ryuken 214214C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
316 (72, 22, 22, 21, 21, 19, 18, 18, 103) High/Low - - - - -

very short attack that triggers a sequence
while boasting high damage, this move suffers the most from scaling in the entire game
it's short range and low damage in combos means it's usually used in burst or as a risky tech punish


Chain Combos

Basic Combos

Combo Total Damage Notes
Meterless BnB
2D -> 2A -> 2C >> 623C ~> C ~> C ~> D
2D -> 2A -> 2C >> 236A ~> 66A
9C >> clB -> C >> 236A ~> 66A
9C >> clB -> C >> 623C ~> C ~> C ~> D
214D ~> 5D >> 5A -> B -> C >> 236C ~> 66C
214D ~> 5D >> 5A -> B -> C >> 623C ~> C ~> C ~> D
One Bar BnB
2D -> 2A -> 2C >> 623C ~> C ~> C ~> D (SOT) >> B+D (AAABBBCCCDD > 236D)
2D -> 2A -> 2C >> 236A ~> 66A (SOT) >> B+D (AAABBBCCCDD > 236D) Walk or Dash up to land B+D.
2D -> 2A -> 2C >> 623C ~> C ~> C ~> D (SOT) >> 2C > 236D ~> B ~> B ~> B ~> C Walk or Dash up to land 2C.
2D -> 2A -> 2C >> 236A ~> 66A (SOT) >> 2C > 236D ~> B ~> B ~> B ~> C Walk or Dash up to land 2C.
2D -> 2A -> 2C >> 623C ~> C ~> C ~> D > j.236-236D
Two Bar BnB
9C >> 2A -> 2C >> 623C ~> C ~> C ~> D (SOT) >> 2C > 236D ~> B ~> B ~> B ~> C > j.236-236C Walk or Dash up to land 2C.
(Corner Only) 9C >> clB -> C >> 236D ~> C ~> A ~> A ~> A (SOT) ~> C >> 2C > 236D ~> B ~> B ~> B ~> C > j.236-236D >> 2A -> 2C > 236A ~> 66A 236D ~> C ~> A must be done QUICKLY to link... After j.236-236D, linking 2A -> 2C will require you to hit the opponent in the air and immediately cancel into 236A.
Three Bar BnB
[combo starter] >> 623C ~> C ~> C ~> D SOT > burst > 236A ~> 66A SOT > 214D ~> C >> 2C > 236D ~> B ~> B ~> B ~> C > j.236-236D >> 214214C level 3 super can be substituted with 236236A if you want to conserve burst
[combo starter] >> 623C ~> C ~> C ~> D SOT > burst > 236A ~> 66A SOT > 214D ~> C >> 2C > 236D ~> B ~> B ~> B ~> C > j.236-236D >> 2A -> 2C > 236A ~> 66A SOT > [combo ender] despite being a true loop, this combo is too long to be used twice in burst. so choose any combo or super you want to end it with

System Specifics