Duels of Fortune/Clyde

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Clyde Brightstar is the main character of Duels of Fortune. While you may be expecting the usual all-rounder shoto, Clyde is THE rushdown character of the game.

Clyde relentlessly rushes in to overwhelm opponents with his fast buttons and left/rights.
Pros Cons
  • Speed Demon - Clyde is the fastest character in the game, particularly with his unique forward dash that can go full screen in the blink of an eye. If that weren't enough it also low profiles and he can do a noncommittal invincible back dash out of it. His aire dash and walk speeds are also quite good, allowing him to move across the screen better than anyone else.
  • Ruthless Left/Right - Thanks to his forward dash going through opponents, Clyde can do fast left/rights from any part of the screen, which get especially ambiguous after a hard knockdown. It's hard to stay blocking against him forever.
  • Consistent Carry - While his damage isn't special, Clyde can always convert into full corner carry and hard knockdown from just about any hit at any part of the screen, which leads to his left right mixups.
  • Fast Staggers - Clyde's buttons are all faster than average, letting him play an incredibly strong stagger game with a multitude of ways to frame trap and reset his pressure using his normals alone.
  • Stubby Buttons - Clyde is lacking for actual pokes outside 66M. On top of that, none of his buttons are disjointed, the cost he pays for having fast frame data. While this isn't a major issue, it means he can have a hard time poking out of pressure or contesting bigger buttons.
  • Needs to be Belligerent - Clyde has no real options at full or mid screen besides forcing his way in with one of his movement options. He is admittedly very good at this, but against zoners with strong projectiles he can have a difficult time getting his gameplan started. This means he's effectively forced to constantly make high risk decisions in neutral versus some match-ups.
  • Slow Lows - Clyde's fastest low, 2L, is 11 frames. This means he's not good at beating armor or up back during pressure, and also makes his high/low weaker than it otherwise would be.

DoF Clyde Name.png
DoF Clyde profile.png

DoF Clyde Name.png
DoF Clyde profile Boxer.png
DoF Clyde Name.png
DoF Clyde profile Skeleton.png
DoF Clyde Name.png
DoF Clyde profile Renzo.png
DoF Clyde Name.png
DoF Clyde profile Casual Suit.png

Character Properties
Unique Movement
Low Profile Side Switching Run
Fastest Attack
5L (5F).

Unique Mechanic: Forward Dash

Clyde's forward dash is unique, even compared to other run type dashes. Not only is it the fastest run in the game, but it low profiles and can side switch. As a result, it's probably his most important tool both in neutral and offense. The low profile is almost immediate (frame 2-3 after inputting dash) and while not especially low, it still goes under many projectiles and higher hitting pokes. When he side switches, any normals done will auto-correct to face the opponent, which creates Clyde's powerful left/right mixups. Additionally, Clyde has two unique command normals out of his dash with 4L and 6M. 4L is a partially invincible backdash that lets him bait out a reaction while not having to commit much. 6M is Clyde's biggest button, although it's still not especially big and is incredibly unsafe on block. These options make challenging his forward dash even scarier and builds up the mental stack. While one can be belligerent with it, making calculated use of his forward dash can allow Clyde to dominate the neutral game.

DoF Clyde Dash Hitbox.png

Character Summary

Move List

Command Normals
4H - Rushing Upper: Low profile, even lower than his dash, forward moving upper cut. Launcher that's good for combos, pressure, and defense.
4L While Dashing - Fake Out: Invincible back dash out of forward dash.
6M While Dashing - Rushing Straight: Large and fast normal exclusive to his dash. Uncancellable on block.
Special Moves
5S - Heat Rush: A short ranged but high damage baarrage of strikes ending in a jump cancelable uppercut. Combo filler.
4S (Air OK) - Blazing Dash: Dash punch with three hits. Good for combos and occasionally for rushing in.
2S - Inferno Upper: Fast and high reward anti-air with invuln to air attacks, has an unfortunate tendency to trade.
j.S - Meteor Slam: Dive punch. Primary combo ender but also a fast overhead that wallbounces in the corner.
5SP - Eruption Fist: Fast super with a large anti-air hitbox. Air unblockable. Good combo ender and anti-air.
2SP - Brightstar Barrage: Clyde teleports behind the opponent to do an invincible strike. Somewhat slow.
2[SP] - Frontal Assault: Clyde teleports in front of the opponent without doing a strike.
Quick combo reference

5L > 5M > 4H > 9jc j.H, land 2M > 2S, land 2M > 5S > 9jc j.S: Easy corner to corner combo.
5L > 5M > 4H > 9jc j.H > j.4S, land 2M > 5S > 9jc j.4S, land 2M > 5H > 5SP: Corner bnb combo.

Normal Moves

DoF Buttons L.png
DoF Clyde 5L.png
DoF Clyde 5L Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
800 Mid 5 10 5 +3 +7 -

Fast but short ranged jab with amazing frame data for pressure. Strong stagger tool and pressure reset after a reverse beaat. Also an important abare tool as it's his fastest button. Leads into his usual routing on hit. His fastest option out of dash but 5M and 66M are almost as fast with better reward.

  • 80% starter proration
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
DoF Buttons M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
1200 Mid 6 6 16 +6 -8 -


Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
DoF Buttons H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
1400 Mid 11 6 21 KD -9 -


Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
DoF Direction Down.pngDoF Buttons L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -


Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
DoF Direction Down.pngDoF Buttons M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -


Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
DoF Direction Down.pngDoF Buttons H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -


Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
DoF Direction Up.pngDoF Buttons L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -


Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
DoF Direction Up.pngDoF Buttons M.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -


Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
DoF Direction Up.pngDoF Buttons H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -


Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Command Normals

Command Normal Name
DoF Direction Left.pngDoF Buttons H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -

Describe a command normal. Add bullet points if necessary.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Fake Out
(While Dashing) 4L
DoF Direction Left.pngDoF Buttons L.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- - - - 21 - - Full Invuln from frame 1-8

Clyde quickly does a backdash, moving Clyde backwards and also stopping his dash. Can be used as a great mixup tool to trick enemies into thinking you were going to do Rushing Straight, or as a makeshift dodge. If this move is used behind the enemy, it will autocorrect.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Command Normal Name
(While Dashing) 6M
DoF Direction Right.pngDoF Buttons M.png
DoF Clyde 66M.png
DoF Clyde 66M Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -

Describe a command normal. Add bullet points if necessary.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Universal Mechanics

DoF Direction Right.pngDoF Buttons H.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Unblockable - - - - N/A -

Describe their throw. Add bullet points if necessary.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
DoF Buttons Block.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -

Describe their regular reversal. Add bullet points if necessary.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Wakeup Reversal
5R on Wakeup
DoF Buttons Block.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -

Describe their wakeup reversal. Add bullet points if necessary.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
DoF Buttons Burst.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
0 Mid - - - - - -

Describe their burst, this should be roughly the same for most characters. Add bullet points if necessary.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Only add this section if a character has a taunt with a hitbox or some other unique effect like Sylvan's cheat. Otherwise remove it.

DoF Buttons Taunt.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -

Describe the taunt and its uses. Add bullet points if necessary.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Down Taunt
DoF Direction Down.pngDoF Buttons Taunt.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -

Describe the taunt and its uses. Add bullet points if necessary.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Special Moves

Special Name
DoF Buttons S.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -

Generally describe a special and its uses. Add bullet points for data things, and if need be, a table.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Special Name
DoF Direction Left.pngDoF Buttons S.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -

Generally describe a special and its uses. Add bullet points for data.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Special Name
DoF Direction Down.pngDoF Buttons S.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -

Generally describe a special and its uses. Add bullet points for data.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Special Name
DoF Direction Up.pngDoF Buttons S.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -

Generally describe a special and its uses. Add bullet points for data.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Super Move

Super Name
DoF Buttons Super.png
Informative and maybe funny caption
Informative and maybe funny caption
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -

Describe the super and what you can do with it.

  • Any additional information that doesn't fit with the main description, such as it whiffing on certain characters.
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Super Name
DoF Direction Down.pngDoF Buttons Super.png
Informative and maybe funny caption
Informative and maybe funny caption
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Mid - - - - - -

Describe the super and what you can do with it.

  • Any additional information that doesn't fit with the main description, such as it whiffing on certain characters.
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes



Describe how a character plays the neutral game. Add sub-categories if necessary, these should usually be on how you use a specific move.


Describe how a character runs their offense.


Describe how a character defends themselves when they're on the receiving end.

Additional Resources

Links to any additional resources like a tutorial video, delete category if there are none. If there aren't any but one gets made later, then re-add the category.

Additional Categories

Add any further categories as needed, just make sure they're worth a whole section.


General info on a character's combos, such as if they can always end a combo with a super as an ender rather than usual listed enders.

Combo Legend

Numpad Notation

DoF Buttons Up-Left.png DoF Buttons Up.png DoF Buttons Up-Right.png
DoF Buttons Left.png DoF Buttons Right.png
DoF Buttons Down-Left.png DoF Buttons Down.png DoF Buttons Down-Right.png
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
up-back up up-forward
back neutral forward
down-back down down-forward
  • 236 = DoF Direction Down.pngDoF Direction Down-Right.pngDoF Direction Right.png
  • 214 = DoF Direction Down.pngDoF Direction Down-Left.pngDoF Direction Left.png
  • 63214 = DoF Direction 624.png
  • 46 = DoF Direction Left.pngDoF Direction Right.png
  • 28 = DoF Direction Down.pngDoF Direction Up.png
  • Light: DoF Buttons L.png
  • Medium: DoF Buttons M.png
  • Heavy: DoF Buttons H.png
  • Special: DoF Buttons S.png
  • Super: DoF Buttons Super.png
  • Block/Reversal: DoF Buttons Block.png
  • Burst: DoF Buttons Burst.png
  • Taunt: DoF Buttons Taunt.png
Dash = 66 DoF Direction Right.pngDoF Direction Right.png
j. = Jump DoF Direction Up-Left.png / DoF Direction Up.png / DoF Direction Up-Right.png
dc = Dash Cancel
jc = Jump Cancel
dl. = Delay
[X] = Hold
]X[ = Release
gb = Ground Bounce
wb = Wall Bounce
bb = Blast Burst
tc = Trigger Cancel
SP = Super
[X]*N = Repeat sequence N amount of times.
X(N) = Multi-hit move hits only N times. May be omitted if all hits are used.
(X) = Optional input
OTG = On The Ground
TK = Tiger Knee (doing an air move the moment a jump sends you airborne)
> = Cancel
, = Link
AA = Anti-air
land = Land before doing the next input.

Basic Combos

Easy combos for starting.

Combo Damage Difficulty Meter Spent Position Notes
5L > 5M > 5H > 5S, Ender X Very Easy/Easy/Medium/Hard/Very Hard 0/50/100 Midscreen/Corner/Near Corner/From Corner

Description of the combo.

Combo Damage Difficulty Meter Spent Position Notes
2L > 2M > 2H > 2S, Ender X Very Easy/Easy/Medium/Hard/Very Hard 0/50/100 Midscreen/Corner/Near Corner/From Corner

Description of the combo.

Advanced Combos

Harder combos that deal more damage or provide some other benefit.

Combo Damage Difficulty Meter Spent Position Notes
5L > 5M > 5H > 5S, Ender X Very Easy/Easy/Medium/Hard/Very Hard 0/50/100 Midscreen/Corner/Near Corner/From Corner

Description of the combo.

Combo Damage Difficulty Meter Spent Position Notes
2L > 2M > 2H > 2S, Ender X Very Easy/Easy/Medium/Hard/Very Hard 0/50/100 Midscreen/Corner/Near Corner/From Corner

Description of the combo.

X Combo Category

If a character has a specific kind of combo they do that has multiple variants, then you can make a new category for it. If they don't delete this.

Combo Damage Difficulty Meter Spent Position Notes
5L > 5M > 5H > 5S, Ender X Very Easy/Easy/Medium/Hard/Very Hard 0/50/100 Midscreen/Corner/Near Corner/From Corner

Description of the combo.

Combo Damage Difficulty Meter Spent Position Notes
2L > 2M > 2H > 2S, Ender X Very Easy/Easy/Medium/Hard/Very Hard 0/50/100 Midscreen/Corner/Near Corner/From Corner

Description of the combo.


List of combo enders a character has when there's multiple enders they can pick between, such as sacrificing oki for damage and vice-versa.

Combo Damage Difficulty Meter Spent Position Notes
2H > 2S X Very Easy/Easy/Medium/Hard/Very Hard 0/50/100 Midscreen/Corner/Near Corner/From Corner

Description of the ender.

Combo Damage Difficulty Meter Spent Position Notes
2H > 2SP X Very Easy/Easy/Medium/Hard/Very Hard 0/50/100 Midscreen/Corner/Near Corner/From Corner

Description of the ender.


DoF Clyde Jacket Icon.png
DoF Clyde Boxer Icon.png
DoF Clyde Skeleton Icon.png
DoF Clyde Renzo Icon.png
DoF Clyde Casual Suit Icon.png


DoF Clyde Jacket Colors.png


DoF Clyde Boxer Colors.png


DoF Clyde Skeleton Colors.png


DoF Clyde Renzo Colors.png

Casual Suit

DoF Clyde Casual Suit Colors.png


  • Clyde likes to punnch things with his fist.
  • During the early stages of development, Clyde was called "Boxer".
  • Clyde's Aspect is called "Flame Jacket". His skin has special glands that let him produce fire! As an added bonus, it also makes him vewry heat-resistant.
  • Originally, Clyde was designed as a hunter who would fight otherworldly monsters.
  • Clyde's older brother Matthew created the highly successful Buff Boy comic series, known across all of Eagleton.
  • Clyde originally started boxing just to spite his father Baron and prove that he's the "better man". Although it didn't take long for him to start genuinely enjoying it.
  • Clyde's Aspect first manifested while he was trying to help his mom cook garlic bread. Needless to say, the garlic bread was seared to a crisp.

Clyde Wiki Roadmap

100% complete
Page Completed To-do Score


Move List 25/25
Strategy 25/25
Combos 25/25


Getting Started
Game Data
Black Heart