Chaos Code/NSC/Lupinus

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Lupinus is a member of the earth union military who wants to use the endless power of the chaos code to get senpai to notice her.

Lupinus has really strong movement options and good range thanks to her extendo arm. She can run away very easily and force the opponent to come in on her terms. If she takes wall cling she gets one of the strongest corner mix-ups in the game. That all being said, lupinus has some of the worst defensive options in the game and often has to rely on strong defensive reads to carry her through a match.

Run vs Step

Run Lupinus has one of the faster runs, and that extra mobility is nice, but honestly she doesn't need it. What she does need though, are midscreen combos, and microdashes help out there a lot. This is the more common choice among Lupinus players.

Step Because lupinus's walk speed is so good having to commit to a step isn't a big deal, if she doesn't want to she can just walk. Her step is relatively fast and it's airborne, so you can use it to avoid grabs and possibly some lows. Most characters like step for step canceling normals into tick throws, but lupinus just has a command run so she doesn't care so much for that.


Corner j.D > 5A > 5C > 623B > 2A > 5C > sjc > j.A > j.B > j.C > land > super jump > j.C > j.C > land > super jump > j.C > j.C > land > super jump > j.C > j.D > j.214C > exceed > 63214B > 236236P > chaos shift > 5D > 63214B > 236236P > chaos shift > 5C > 63214B > 6321463214P > 63214P > 236236P

Corner combo using 623B going int an exceed. video


Some of these might be off a bit, still needs to be checked, you can always reference the video if something seems wrong.

2D 5ABC 624B (corner) 5B sjcC,C jC,C jC,C jC djcBD ender 5AB 5AB etc

2C sjc j.214C 5AB sjcABD jABC (corner) jC,C jC djcBD ender

parry 5C iadC run jABC jC,C jC djcBD ender

back to corner parry 5C run under 5A sjcC,C jC,C jAC djcBD ender

CH jC 5B sjcABC run jABC 214A

CH jC 5A 624B (corner) 2A 5C sjcC,C jC,C jC djcBD ender

(corner) CH jC 2B 5C sjcC,C jC,C jAC djcBD ender

5ABC 624D 426BD dash 5A sjcABC run jABC (corner) jAC djcBD ender

5ABC 624D 426BD dash 5AC 624B 2A 5C sjcC,C jC,C jC djcBD ender

624624C~624C dash 5AB sjcABD jABC 214AC 2B 5C sjcBC 5A sjcC,C jC,C jC djcBD ender

corner whatever 236236D A+B 236C 5C sjcC,C jC,C jC,C jC djcBD ender

whatever 236236D A+B 624B (corner) 2A 5C sjcC,C jC,C jC djcBD ender

whatever 236A~A super

j214C B+C 624B 236236D A+B 236C 236236D A+B 236C 236236D

j214C B+D 214A 236236A(?) A+B 214A 236236A A+B 214A 236236A (corner) A+B 5C sjcC,C jC,C jAC djcBD ender

whatever 236A~A BC (uppercut?) 624B 236236D A+B 236C 236236D A+B 236C 236236D

CH 236236A iad jD 5AC 624B (corner) 2A 5C sjcC,C jC,C jC,C jC djcBD ender

corner CH 236236A 5C sjcC,C jC,C jC,C jC djcBD ender (can exceed into 2C into whatever combo

623D walk 5A sjcABD jABC 214A B+C 426B 236236A etc

Move List

Normal Moves

5A - Mid. Cancelable.

Standard high jab. Misses on crouching block, but will connect on a croucher in hitstun. Sees a lot of use in combos, and it's a strong move to use on offense, but just be aware it might miss and use 2A instead when that's important.

2A - Mid. Cancelable.

Crouching jab. Not much else notable about it, but it's pretty good for what it is.

5B - Mid. Cancelable.

Muay thai shin kick. One of Lupinus' core normals on offense, links back to a 5A on hit. You might not press it on its own, favoring a 2A instead to start a string, but even if you do it's not bad for that.

2B - Low. Cancelable.

Standard low kick. This is an important starter for Lupinus since it hits low, but needing to chain to a C normal to follow up makes confirming a little tricky. Get used to it, and try not to leave off on 2B since it's at a disadvantage on block.

5C - Mid. Cancelable.

Big horizontal swipe. This is one of Lupinus' core footsies buttons as it controls a lot of horizontal space. Since her D buttons are so janky, this and 2C are your primary cancellable buttons. Delayed cancels are A-OK so get used to confirming from this.

2C - low. Cancelable.

Strangely, this is Lupinus' go-to sweep button. It's a very long range sweep, though, and is just as good as 5C for controlling space, as well as for confirming from since its launch height is massive. It has a lot of recovery though, so try not to miss.

5D - Mid. Not cancelable.

Lupinus does a flash kick like they teach you in the military, but she's smart so she stays on the ground. Sees some use as an anti-air but its hitbox isn't great, so don't push it blindly and think carefully about which approaches you try to shut down with this.

2D - Low. Not cancelable.

Lupinus spins forward then does a sweep. One of the weirdest buttons in Lupinus' arsenal, but also one of the strongest. On any hit it'll link to an air hit 5A, allowing for a beefy followup combo. Its long startup makes it highly unlikely that you're going to confirm into this, but that's perfectly fine for a few reasons. It has an extremely strong low profile and is plus on block, so it's actually a relatively low risk button as long as you have the time to get it out.

j.A - Overhead. Cancelable.

Air knife hand. Not really too useful outside of combos and for a fast air-to-air. If you don't have to push it, you'd rather not.

j.B - Overhead. Cancelable.

Horizontal kick. Works pretty ok for an air-to-air when you're slightly above the opponent, but mostly just used in combos and after IADs since you can follow up with jD before landing.

j.C - Overhead. Cancelable.

Lupinus swings her arms upward in a half-circle. This normal is Lupinus. On top of being some of the strongest combo filler out there, this thing has the goofiest hitbox this side of Cerberus jD. It's a bit on the slow side, but if it has time to come out, you should be surprised if it loses. jC functions as an air-to-air at all heights as well as easily hitting air-to-ground from an IAD, and if it counterhits on air hit, it allows a followup no matter how high the opponent is.

j.D - Overhead. Cancelable.

Horizontal kick that's very similar to jB. It's not jC but you can chain it from jC and it's good in combos. Sometimes it's better than jC as an air-to-ground because it's faster.

Command Normals

162nd Gata = Sparrow (Suzume) - 3C - Mid. Cancelable. Good anti-air.

Lupinus makes an arcing swipe with her arm at a 45 degree angle. This is another strong AA tool for Lupinus as it's air unblockable and has a massive hitbox. It tends to whiff on grounded opponents, so use it more reactively than proactively.

Special Chaos Combo - 2D>5D - Mid. Cancelable.

The main use of this is for the really lazy combo from 2D, but you can also do a cute frametrap from a blocked 2D with it. Since this is cancellable, you can safely superjump and try to put on more pressure even if they block. You can do this target combo even on whiff so it can also be used to deter whiff punishing of 2D.

Special Moves

650th Gata = Nighthawk (Yotaka) - 214P

Anti-air grapple arm. The light version is blockable, but the heavy version isn't. Neither version will connect on a grounded opponent, so it's a risky move to throw out, but still pretty valuable in neutral since it allows Lupinus an extra way to deal with a lot of airborne shenanigans that might be difficult for other characters. EX is fast and damaging, as well as allowing a followup if it slams them just right into the corner.

96th Gata = God Hammer (Tetsui) - j.214P

One of Lupinus' most unique tools in neutral, as well as a combo staple. The light version is horizontal and can cover space well if done immediately from a jump. The heavy version is downward at a kind of steep angle, but it's just right for beating anti-air attempts or catching an opponent trying to set up underneath you. The EX version hits similar to the light version and is a combo extender.

69th Gata = Heaven's Sword (Tenken) - j.623P

Air throw. It's mostly just a combo ender but you can try to be cute with it in air exchanges, too. EX version does a lot of damage and can be a very worthwhile ender to a short combo.

R6th Gata = Regulus (Shishi) - 41236K

Pretty standard command grab. Can be comboed into. Really punishable on whiff. On the flip side, it's pretty rewarding on hit. The normal version ends in a launcher hit which can easily be super cancelled to either extra super to tack on some damage. The EX version of this grab is a key tool for Lupinus, as her main EX combo starter. Like the normal version it can be comboed into or done raw.

1128th Gata = Striker (Gekitesu) - 63214B

Lupinus runs forward and attempts to snatch the opponent. Blockable and punishable, but punishing it is tricky so if an opponent isn't ready for it, you might get off scot free. This is a critical combo tool for Lupinus, and if it slams just right into the corner, you can land a 2A from it and continue the combo.

1127th Gata = Vanguard (Kiba) - 63214D

Command run. Cancellable to all specials and looks like her 62314B except with some afterimages. You'll mostly use this very sparingly as a mixup, but often to close the distance during a combo into EX command grab. A notable quirk of this move is that super cancelling it only costs the normal 1 bar to use the super, as opposed to most specials requiring 2 bars to super cancel.

67th Gata = Hydra (Orochi) - 236A

Omega Red arm. This pulls in, and is negative enough on block to be punishable, but as with many Lupinus things, punishing can be tricky. On hit you'll likely be using a followup with either P or K. The P followup does an uppercut, and is used to maintain your close distance to the opponent as well as for damage. Super cancelling this followup is particularly strong. The K followup makes a projectile ball that does a lot of hits and sends the opponent towards the wall. If they hit the wall they'll wallsplat and you can follow it up. You can also push K again to kick the ball forward and get an extra hit that causes wallslam.

67th Gata Mushiki = Zero (Rei) - 236C

Lupinus strikes a ~cool pose~. This special doesn't seem to do anything else, but since you did a special, you get the meter for doing a special. This is a really good way to build meter when you don't have anything else to do, and the threat of Lupinus building all that meter can keep opponents from playing from afar. It's also useful for delaying during combos, and as a super cancel to unscale supers during exceed.

Extra Specials

M31st Gata = Gale (Hayate) - 623K

Forward-moving command grab. Seems to have some invun, but not all the way through. D version is really slow but grants a followup and will connect against airborne opponents during a combo.

1st Gata - 43rd Shiki = Falcon (Hayabusa) - 4B+D or 6B+D

Wall cling. Has 4 followups depending on stick direction. Notably, wall clinging directly next to the opponent can push them out of the corner, allowing you to mix up further and mess with their inputs and attempts to anti-air. Often, an opponent trying to aggressively stop the wall cling will just whiff and die. All of the followups are pretty risky to whiff, but each has to be dealt with differently, so if you mix it up and choose according to how your opponent tries to deal with them, you can keep yourself fairly safe. This move also has defensive uses since it gives you a huge amount of control in a post-air tech situation.

  • 8 followup - Lupinus spins upward and can follow up with a grab at any point by pressing P. This is the most obvious followup, and can often be punished on whiff, but the grab followup isn't avoidable any particular way like the other grab followups so the opponent has to have already escaped the situation.
  • 6 followup - Lupinus jumps off of the wall, resetting her air options and putting her back to a normal jumping state. This still takes some time, so don't get counterhit.
  • 2 followup - Lupinus sinks to the floor quickly, then goes for a running grab that will hit a grounded opponent. This can be stably followed up with a 5A if it hits near the corner. The portion that falls to the ground appears to have invun, but Lupinus becomes vulnerable right before the grab comes out, so if your opponent mashes hard enough they can counterhit you, but sometimes they just whiff and die.
  • 4 followup - Lupinus does a diving grab at a steep angle. This whiffs crouchers, but grabs airborne opponents and is very likely to give a followup on hit. Additionally it seems to connect against any grounded button, regardless of if the opponent is crouching or not. You can get a lot of mileage out of this against an opponent who likes to jump or otherwise challenge the wall cling since it will beat just about any option that beats the 2 followup.

Ultimate Chaos

92nd Gata = Claymore (Juuken) - 214214K

Places a claymore on the ground that sends out 3 shockwaves at regular intervals. Can be used for set-play, to control ground space in neutral, or to do really cool looking combos.

89th Gata = Berserk (Sentora) - 6321463214P

Command grab super. Whether you use this a lot will depend on your preference, as it's really good, but not an integral part to Lupinus since you could also EX command grab for a high damage grab mixup. Has 2 followups: 63214P and then 236236P. The second followup is a just-frame, but you can continue a combo from it even just after the first followup.

Extra Ultimate Chaos

91st Gata = Saint's Arrow (Koushi) - 236236K

Has invun but doesn't connect reliably against grounded opponents so only really useful as an anti-air in that respect. Useful in exceed combos.

81st Gata = Jupiter (Raijin) - 236236P

Can be used as a reversal due to invun, good in exceed combos.

Destruction Chaos

M270th Gata = Mars (Ikusagami) - 2363214PP

Lupinus walldives at the opponent. Whiffs near the corner. You can combo off the wallslam at the end.

MG Hikaru
Celia II Kai
Cait & Sith