Under Night In-Birth/UNI2/Vatista

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Uni2 profile vatista.png


Vatista is an Autonomic Nerve--a non-sentient biological weapon in the form of a young girl.

She awakened upon detection of anomalies within the Hollow Night and successfully eradicated Paradox, as instructed by her commander.
With peace restored, Vatista was about to return to slumber.
But then a new threat revealed itself: Kuon the Aeon, who threatened great tragedy to the world of humankind if left unchecked.

However, Vatista never received orders to act. And so, she sets out to do battle to save the world once again--this time of her own volition.

Perhaps this is the first time I have chosen my own path.
Perhaps it will be the last time as well...


Vatista is an incredibly versatile and uniquely powerful charge character who excels in controlling the pace of neutral with projectiles like Mico Ruseo and Lumen Stella, in order to leverage her approach and begin utilising Si Deus Fragmentum 'Gems' and Trans Volans in up close pressure for scary throw and high/low mixups. On defense, her signature Ruber Angelus 'Flashkick' is a powerful reversal and anti-air. She is a technically demanding character to pilot, but with good control over her toolset comes the adaptability to switch between wide ranges of proactive offense and reactive defense, leaving no two Vatista players playing exactly alike.

Despite her strengths, Vatista is not without her weaknesses. She crucially lacks the mobility that comes with a run, as well as the consistency of being able to constantly access specials or a reliable anti air, and her defensive option selects are generally risky and high-commitment. Without Si Deus Fragmentum sets or Vorpal, her frame trap game with specials is mostly reliant on B Lumen Stella, and misuse of her tools can very quickly lead to forfeiting Vorpal and allowing the opponent to snowball, making knowing how to structure, mix up and adapt your gameplan on the fly even more important.

Vatista is a versatile charge character. She uses her zoning capabilities to establish respect in neutral, before using that space to approach and utilise her Gems to open up her opponents with strike/throw and overhead mixups.
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Neutral Control: Mico Ruseo and Lumen Stella projectiles coupled with large buttons like 5C and 2FF and her Ruber Angelus Flashkick allow Vatista to dictate the pace of neutral in many matchups.
  • Oppressive Pressure: Gems allow for reversal-safe okizeme from any starter, alongside tricky pressure that becomes even scarier when mixed with partitioning B Drills for high/low mixups.
  • Snowball Potential: Once Vatista gets a knockdown with the opponent in the corner, her pressure and mixup options can quickly become overwhelming.
  • Defense: Vatista is blessed with a large 5A excellent for abare, and her Ruber Angelus Flashkicks are powerful both as reversals and defensive anti-airs.
  • Adorable voicelines.
  • Anti-Air: Whilst her abare and invincible reversal are excellent, Vatista has relatively slow normals with large hurtboxes that don't make for great anti-airs or option selects. Without charge, she has no access to a dedicated anti-air, and must often commit in advance to stopping air approaches in neutral.
  • Mobility: Limited horizontal mobility thanks to having a stepdash instead of a run, Vatista is reliant on Assault jC and Lumen Stella to approach, with few ways to quickly advance or disengage over longer distances.
  • Eats a lot and sleeps too much.
Unique Mechanics: Is a Charge Character

Vatista is the only dedicated charge character in UNI2. Vatista's special moves are exclusively made up of charge inputs, which may be familiar to players of other fighting games.

Instead of performing motion inputs, Vatista needs to hold a cardinal direction for a certain number of frames before performing the motion and pressing the button, failing to meet the charge requirement will cause the special move to not be performed and the normal will come out instead.

  • Vatista's special moves each have different charge timings, in which they are:
    • [4]6A/B/C requires 53 frames;
    • [2]8A requires 38 frames. [2]8B/C require 53 frames;
    • [6]4A/B/C requires 53 frames;
    • [8]2A/B/C requires 43 frames;
    • [A]/[B]/[C] 'Gems' require 61 frames.
  • Vatista can charge at any time, including during hitstun, blockstun, superflash, Chain Shift, during other moves, or even before the round starts.
    • Charge inputs can be gained with any combination of horizontal and vertical directions, depending on what the move requires. Charging is done independently, so Vatista can charge both [4] and [2] at the same time by holding 1.
    • You can also switch between backwards/downwards directions at will and maintain charge. For example: Vatista can swap from [4] to [1] to block a low, and maintain her charge for [4]6A/B/C.
    • The final direction of [2]8 and [8]2 can be any input on the opposite end of the from the original direction, therefore [2]9A, [1]9A and [8]3A, [7]1A are all examples of valid inputs for performing Vatista's [2]8A and [8]2A.
    • The final direction on [4]6 or [6]4 however is strict, so for example [1]3A, [4]3A and [1]9A are all invalid inputs for performing Vatista's [4]6A; only [1]6A or [4]6A counts.
  • After releasing a charge direction, you have 11F to perform the next input, meaning you can walk forward slightly or even perform a microdash before performing the move.
  • What is defined as forwards and backwards is only checked when a button is pressed, therefore if you were holding [6] before swapping sides (For example, to run underneath them), that will count as charging [4] after the side switch.
    • The final direction is also relative to the initial charge input, so for the example above, after crossing up doing [4]6 will still counts as a [4]6 fireball on the other side, despite that the input should be reversed in normal circumstances.
  • Vatista can also do Charge Partitioning: this means that you can begin a charge, release it before it has completed, do an action such as dash, then return to the charging direction quickly and finish the charge without starting over. The grace period is the same as releasing a charge: 11F after the charge is released.
    • You cannot Charge Partition Negative Edge 'Gems' ([A]/[B]/[C]).

Character Stats

Health Smart Steer Route
10300 5A > 5B > 5C > [6]4A > 5A+B > IW (requires 200 EXS)
Forward Walk Speed Backward Walk Speed Jump Startup Jump Duration
1180 -910 4 41
Dash Startup Initial Dash Speed Dash Acceleration Max Dash Speed
5 3000
Backdash Startup Backdash Duration Backdash Distance Backdash Invul
4 27 -45360 1~8 Full
9~10 Throw
Throw Width (pixels) Throw Range (pixels)
Unique Trait
Vorpal Trait
  • Can cancel [6]4A or [6]4B into [6]4C without requiring charge.
Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Damage Damage done by this attack.
(x) denotes combined damage
[x] denotes minimum damage
Guard The way this move must be blocked.
High = Can block standing
Low = Can block crouching
Mid = Can block standing or crouching
Air = Can block in the air
Air Shield = Can block in the air while shielding
Unblockable = Cannot be blocked
Cancel Actions this move can be canceled into on hit or block, unless specially noted.
N = Normal Cancelable
SE = Self Cancelable
SP = Special Cancelable
EX = EX/IW Cancelable
CS = Chain Shift
UNQ = Unique (See description)
TH = Throw Cancelable
J = Jump Cancelable (Hit cancelable only by default)
(X) = Hit cancelable only
-X- = Can additionally be cancelled during whiff
Property Special properties this move has. Click on the property to navigate to an explanation.
Cost The resources this move costs to use.
GRD = GRD Blocks
EXS = EXS Meter
Vorpal = Vorpal
GRD Break = Causes GRD Break
Attribute Attributes of the attack. Mostly used in situations involving invul.
There are two sets of attributes: Strike/Throw and Head/Foot/Dive/Projectile
Every move has a Strike/Throw attribute, but doesn't always have Head/Foot/Dive/Projectile attribute.
Strike = Strike (Anything that isn't a Throw is a Strike)
Throw = Throw
Head = Head (Most jump normals)
Foot = Foot
Dive = Some air specials
Projectile = Projectile
Startup Frame when the first hitbox is present.
+ denotes the frames before and after super flash.
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.
(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present.
Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled.
Overall Frames that this move takes from start to finish before the character returns to neutral.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).
If the opponent uses a move with startup equal or less than this move's advantage, it will result in opponent hitting that move.
±x~±x denotes a possible range of advantage. The left value is when the active frames hit sooner (generally worse) and the right value is for when the active frames hit later (generally better).
Invul The frames where this move cannot be hit by an attribute.
Full = Fully invincible
Strike = Strike invincible
Throw = Throw invincible
Head = Head invincible
Foot = Foot invincible
Dive = Dive invincible
Projectile = Projectile invincible

Normal Moves

Standing Normals


Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
160 Mid 6 3 12 -3 N, SP, EX, CS, TH Strike
Vatista swipes forwards with one of her six wings.
  • Excellent range - one of the best 6f normals in the game.
  • 5A > 5B will automatically have at least a 1f gap - useful for threatening a tick throw mindgame.
  • Fastest option for detonating Gems, at the cost of worse Gem frame advantage and damage.
  • Does everything except your taxes - an excellent poke further enhanced by Gems, a reliable abare option, and has the potential to stuff assaults.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
20 95 /Data#5A
5A :


Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
5B (432) Mid 12 (9) 18 -2 N, SP, -UNQ-, EX, CS Strike
Vatista spins two of her wings together in a wheel in front of her.
  • Extremely slow for a B normal.
  • Decent stagger window.
  • Mostly used in pressure, either to ambiguously reset pressure early thanks to its good no-cancel frame data, or to detonate Gems in 'Gem Loops'.
  • A staple pickup tool from launchers like 2C.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
5BB (551) Mid (4) (6) 25 -8 (N), SP, EX, CS Strike
Follow-up for 5B, where Vatista spins the wheel again.
  • Can be used on hit, block or whiff.
  • Is slightly larger than 5B, but generally quite high commitment.
  • Mostly used in 'Gem Loop' blockstrings, as it is the only ground normal Vatista has that will detonate 5]X[ Gems.
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Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
5B 38 92 /Data#5B
5BB 34 Launch 90 /Data#5BB
5B :

5BB :


Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
5C 690 Mid 12 5 22 -11 N, SP, UNQ, EX, CS Strike
Vatista extends her Crimson Wings and stabs straight forwards.
  • Extremely good long-range poke, has great reward on hit with a Gem detonation, or with its follow-up 5CC.
  • Fairly strong choice at round start due to its excellent range.
  • Favourable pickup from 2C over 5B in higher-damage routes.
  • Poor vertical hitbox and large hurtbox coupled with its recovery makes it very prone to assaults, jumps or being whiff punished. Use it carefully.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
5CC 474~515 Mid 11 3 29 -16 SP, EX, CS Strike
Followup for 5C, Vatista rotates her wings from their tips, expanding into a flat shape.
  • Primary hitconfirm option from grounded hit far-range 5C, allowing for great corner carry.
  • Has an absolutely massive stagger window, allowing you to establish respect from opponents who blocked 5C.
  • Unlike Vatista's other command normals, it cannot be performed on whiff.
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Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
5C 38 88 /Data#5C
5CC 42 Tumble 88 /Data#5CC
5C :

5CC :

Crouching Normals


Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
150 Mid 6 3 12 -3 SE, N, SP, EX, CS, TH Strike
Vatista swings one of her wings extremely low to the ground in front of her.
  • Good range for a 2A.
  • Not a low, but still very much prone to getting low crushed.
  • Can be staggered into itself with a small gap.
  • Still literally just worse 5A, but still a better choice for rebeats.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
20 95 /Data#2A
2A :


Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
2B (494) Mid 9 (9) 22 -6 N, SP, -UNQ-, EX, CS Strike
Vatista throws two of her wings forwards in a spinning wheel.
  • One of Vatista's best normals. Go-to choice for a mid-long range poke thanks to its speed and range.
  • Easy to hitconfirm thanks to its follow-ups.
  • Very prone to being jumped or assaulted over, or hit during startup due to the hurtbox size.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
2BB (460) Mid (4) (8) 23 -7 (N), SP, -UNQ-, EX, CS Strike
Followup for 2B, Vatista spins the wheel in place a second time.
  • Increases the hitbox size to closer match the wheel visual.
  • Often used to pick up and launch from further distances.
  • Can be cancelled into on hit, block and whiff, but still quite the commitment.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
2BBB 424 Mid (6) (15) - -16~-26 (N), SP, EX, CS Strike
Vatista spins the wheel out further, before pulling it back in again like a yo-yo.
  • Staple combo ender that gives a hard knockdown from essentially any starter and route.
  • Has a natural gap between each hit.
  • Very high commitment button in neutral.
  • Landing the first hit on block but whiffing the return hit puts you at an even worse frame advantage.
  • If the first hit connects, the second hit can be cancelled at any time into a special, including flashkick in response to a superflash.
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Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
2B 39 90 /Data#2B
2BB 34 Launch 90 /Data#2BB
2BBB Knockdown, Vacuum on second hit 93 /Data#2BBB
2B :

2BB :

2BBB :


Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
641 Low 10 (Close)
11~20 (Wheel)
13 22 -14~-3 N, SP, EX, CS Strike, Object
Vatista does a small hop, hurling four Crimson Wings spinning ahead of her across the ground in a wheel.
  • One of Vatista's best normals for pressure - can rebeat into 2A to be 0 on block, safely cancel into Gems, or into Lumen Stella up close to reset pressure.
  • Can be confirmed at further ranges without Counterhit by doing 2C > 2Aw > dash 2A/2B to pickup.
  • The wheel takes some time to travel, increasing the startup at further ranges.
  • Extremely bad on whiff thanks to its high recovery, and very prone to being jumped or assaulted over, so use sensibly at further ranges.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
44 HKD 89 /Data#2C
2C :

Air Normals


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
140 High, Air Shield 6 3 Total 33 +0~+9 on Assault N, SP, EX, CS
Vatista spins in midair, kicking forwards with one of her wings.
  • Excellent tool for detonating Gems in many different situations, particularly on offense when looking to bait throw techs, but doing so gives worse Gem frame advantage and damage on hit.
  • Can be used to bait shields for a GRD Break using Assault > wj.A.
  • Occasionally combo filler.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
33 97 /Data#jA
jA :


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
410 High, Air Shield 11 7 Total 38 +3~+13 on Assault N, SP, EX, CS
Vatista swings four of her Crimson Wings to hit in front of her.
  • Quite bad Assault overhead, having to be slightly delayed to hit crouchers up close, making it much less useful. If you want to crush stand techs or crouch shields with an assault, use jC.
  • Can see some use from far ranges to catch opponents trying to crouch shield projectiles in neutral.
  • Relatively poor air-to-air.
  • Combo filler.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
38 93 /Data#jB
jB :


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
(493) High, Air Shield (First hit)
Mid (Later hits)
12 10 Total 33 +17~+19 N, SP, EX, CS
Vatista pirouettes in midair, spinning the Crimson Wings around her as she does so.
  • First hit hits overhead.
  • Excellent jump/assault-in to start pressure, as it is plus on block and even on Shield. Use it and abuse it a lot.
  • Thanks to its frame advantage, the threat of assault jC makes your opponent using 171AD OS extremely dangerous, as you will land before your opponent and can air-unblockable them with 5A.
  • Absolutely massive vertical hurtbox that can cause it to be anti-aired by a huge number of moves. Smart opponents will look to low-profile anti-air if your jump-ins are too obvious.
  • If performed while rising, jC recovery is low enough to allow for additional air actions such as falling jA, air Assault, and jAB.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
33 91 /Data#jC
jC :

Command Normals

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
32 -
Vatista flips backwards, summoning a platform of light she floats on for a short while.
  • Excellent for baiting reversals or avoiding moves after jump or Assault.
  • Notably is not counterhit state whilst Vatista is floating.
  • Can be cancelled into out of grounded B Lumen Stella - helpful in neutral or retreating from pressure, and sees some use in advanced corner combos.
  • Vatista can drift left or right as she drops down with an air normal by performing the move with 1 or 3 A/B/C.
  • Allows you to stall for time to perform numerous air actions, and mix up the opponent with where and how you will land. Getting creative with this move will make your neutral much stronger, but overuse will see you getting anti-aired by good players.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
jA+B :
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
67 UNQ 14-49 Guard HBFP
Vatista brings up a barrier to protect her from attacks, gaining high/mid guardpoint for the duration until its recovery. During this time, she can cancel the barrier into any of her special moves without requiring the charge, including when an opponent hits the barrier. The corresponding commands are:

  • A powerful neutral tool to force the opponent to prepare for multiple options.
  • Allows for unusual zoning patterns such as A Lumen Stella > A Mico Ruseo and triple Lumen Stella/Mico Ruseo partitions.
  • Can be used on reaction to slow moves to create a more advantageous situation, or as a read on the opponent's next move.
  • Vatista will experience hitstop from guarded mid and high attacks, but no blockstun, damage or chip damage.
  • Opponents can cancel their moves upon hitting the guardpoint as they would on block.
  • Vatista can be hit by lows and throws even whilst the barrier is active.
  • It is not recommended to utilise this move as a substitute for learning how to perform charge inputs.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
2A+B :
  • Cancelable into Specials via shortcut frame 35-49

Dash Moves

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
650 Mid 9 2 12 -2 SP, EX, CS Strike
Vatista spins forward, kicking at an upwards angle with a Crimson Wing.
  • Despite its appearance, does not work as an anti-air.
  • Primary tool for detonating Gems, especially on oki.
  • Very good starter, and easy to hitconfirm thanks to inflicting tumble state on both normal and counterhit.
  • Tied with 2B for Vatista's fastest non-A normal, with much better recovery - works as an excellent check after 2C > 2Aw rebeat or a spaced A Mico Ruseo on block, as well as an occasional abare option.
  • Sees some rare use in combos, but is mostly used in pressure.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
22 Tumble 87 /Data#66B
66B :
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
(955) Mid 12 (18) 20 -5~-20 SP, EX, CS Strike
Vatista pirouettes, spinning forwards as the Crimson Wings rotate around her.
  • Infamous for enabling more aggressive plays thanks to its considerable amount of active frames and the distance it travels.
  • Has a fair amount of vertical reach, making it useful for catching opponents attempting to upback when minus.
  • Can sometimes bait reversals after 2BBB > 2Gem or Satellus Triangulum > 2Gem combo enders.
  • You don't want this to whiff.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
49 78 /Data#66C
66C :

Universal Mechanics

Force Function

アルマ ベルム
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
(916) Mid 10 (11) 12 -2 EX, CS
Vatista raises her arm and makes a finger guns motion forwards, firing a blast of energy.
  • 10f button that grants a combo on hit. Staple pickup tool from 66C, and usable as a frame trap when special cancelling.
  • Effective for sniping projectiles thrown at her.
  • Can be used as a sub-par anti-air option select with B+C~A+D, granting a combo on air counterhit and leaving you safe on block.
  • Holding 6 or 4 during the move will cause Vatista to slide forwards or backwards slightly as she fires.
  • Will trigger the Null Projectile property of Waldstein's Unique Trait as well as Wagner's Force Function, but will be treated as a Strike when parried by Yuzuriha's 4B.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
(1432) Mid 10 (20) 17 -6 EX, CS
Increased version of the standard Force Function. Vatista raises her other arm and fires her finger guns again.
  • Even more effective for deleting opposing projectiles due to being active for longer.
  • Holding 6 or 4 during the move will cause Vatista to slide forwards or backwards as she fires. The distance is enough to make it a significant disengagement option or approach through projectiles.
  • Holding 7, 8 or 9 during the move will cause Vatista to rise into the air version. Excellent starter for CVO with full resources.
  • Useful for creating a 50/50 setup due to its blockstun when cancelled with Chain Shift.
  • Will trigger the Null Projectile property of Waldstein's Unique Trait as well as Wagner's Force Function, but will be treated as a Strike when parried by Yuzuriha's 4B.
  • Babababa.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
(787) Low 12 (17) 20 -5 EX, CS
Vatista points out her arm and fires two huge bursts of energy from her fingers.
  • One of Vatista's only two lows alongside 2C.
  • Massively disjointed with obscene range, making it a phenomenal poke to catch walkbacks, high Shields, or to confirm off with Chain Shift.
  • Additionally, its low to the ground projectile deletion makes it useful against Nanase and Phonon's fireballs.
  • Generally unsafe on block at close range.
  • Despite its appearance, it will detonate crouching Gem sets. When it hits a gem and the opponent at the same time the damage is quite absurd, so be sure to cash out.
  • Like the standing version, will trigger the Null Projectile property of Waldstein's Unique Trait as well as Wagner's Force Function, but will be treated as a Strike when parried by Yuzuriha's 4B.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
(619) Mid, Air Shield (First Hit)
All (later hits)
14 (10) - -10~-28 EX, CS
Vatista floats through the air, firing energy blasts diagonally downwards from her fingertips.
  • Like the standing version, the blasts she fires can be used to delete projectiles.
  • Vatista can move in any direction whilst firing.
  • Doesn't see much use in general.
  • Like the ground version, will trigger the Null Projectile property of Waldstein's Unique Trait as well as Wagner's Force Function, but will be treated as a Strike when parried by Yuzuriha's 4B.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
(1580) Mid, Air Shield (First Hit)
All (later hits)
13 (34) - -18~-63 EX, CS
Increased version of the aerial Force Function, Vatista adds another barrage of energy blasts.
  • Useful in metered combos with EX Drill, as well as some routes that use Chain Shift.
  • Can be used as a falling B Drill/2C 50/50 setup in combination with EX Laser.
  • Due to its longer active period, Vatista can travel in the air for much longer.
  • Will trigger the Null Projectile property of Waldstein's Unique Trait as well as Wagner's Force Function, but will be treated as a Strike when parried by Yuzuriha's 4B.
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Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
B+C 40 Launch (last hit) 94 /Data#B+C
[B]+[C] 60 Launch (last hit) 94 /Data#[B]+[C]
2B+C 48 HKD 92 /Data#2B+C
jB+C Launch (last hit) 98 /Data#jB+C
j[B]+[C] HKD (last hit) 98 /Data#j[B]+[C]
B+C :

[B]+[C] :

2B+C :

jB+C :

j[B]+[C] :


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
1580 Throw 4 3 Total 58 +37 (Midscreen)
+23 (Into Corner)
+40~+42 (Out of Corner)
Vatista flails out with her arms in an attempt to grab the opponent. If the throw is successful, she blasts them away with rings of light.
  • Sends the opponent fullscreen, bouncing them off the wall. Is excellent if you want to keep them out, but horrible if you want to keep them in.
  • If you are not in the corner, you can use a delayed dash up 66C to meaty after a successful throw.
  • If A or B Lumen Stella hit the opponent during the animation, it will add damage. The EX version will prorate the throw further, however.
  • The throw will detonate Gems within range, but adds no extra damage or effect.
  • In the rare case a Gem explosion is active as you throw the opponent, it will lower the damage of the throw.
  • Whilst it has average Throw Range, the animation can be a little deceptive.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
58 40 /Data#A+D
A+D :

Smart Steer

Smart Steer
Requires 1 GRD on longer combos
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
1656 All 14 (20) - -4 (EX) (only IW or IWEXS), CS Strike
Vatista floats backwards, blasting three lasers from behind her to knock the opponent down.
  • Fairly standard and consistent Steer Ender.
  • Good for always getting a knockdown, damage and GRD from air hit 5C > 5CC.
  • Otherwise mostly only sees use to stabilise a combo and add more damage before Infinite Worth.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
HKD /Data#5A+B
5A+B :

Guard Thrust

Guard Thrust
Requires 100 EXS, All GRD
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
0 Mid 15 5 26 -12 Strike 1~15 Full, 16~45 Full on hit
Guard Thrust is a type of Guard Cancel that is only usable during blockstun. Blows the opponent away on hit.
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Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
45 Launch /Data#6A+B+C
6A+B+C :

Veil Off

Veil Off
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
100+ EXS
0 All 15 2 Total 64 (54 on hit) -23 Strike 1~30 Full
Universal reversal that blows the opponent back on hit.
  • Requires at least 100 meter and puts you in Veil Off state which grants 20% more damage, but drains your meter at a slow rate.
  • Meter drains much slower when health is below 30% (orange health).
  • If your opponent has Vorpal state and is hit with Veil Off outside of a combo, they will lose Vorpal.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
A+B+C (during a move)
100+ EXS
0 All 2 4 20 +3 Strike 1~19 Full
Cancels an action and launches the opponent high into the air on hit.
  • CVO cancel is treated the same as EX cancel; you can only CVO when you can EX and the opponent is in hit/blockstun.
    • Including in the air.
  • Requires at least 100 meter and consumes Vorpal state and drains meter at a fast rate.
  • Has a lot of hitstun, making it easy to combo from.
  • Allows for an additional bounce in the combo if two have been used so far, without hitting the combo bounce limit.
  • Pressing A+B+C can be used for a shortcut for Infinite Worth.
  • Used mostly as a way to tack on extra damage, or to reliably close out the round.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
A+B+C 64 (54 on hit) Launch /Data#A+B+C
(during a move)
25 Launch /Data#A+B+C
A+B+C :

A+B+C (during a move):

Special Moves

Lumen Stella
UNI Input Hold.png[4]UNI Input Then.png6X
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
[4]6A 819 All 21 Total 37 +10 CS
Vatista places her hands together before launching a ball of light that travels slowly forwards. Standard 'sonic boom' fireball.
  • 53f charge time
  • Primarily used as a way to safely cover your approach, but also for resetting pressure at close range.
  • Sees some use in high-damage corner combos.
  • Changes projectile behaviour when cancelled with CS early, turning it into a bouncy ball.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
[4]6B 1060 All 11 Total 44 -5 CS
Vatista flips backwards as she launches the ball of energy closer to the ground at a much higher speed.
  • 53f charge time
  • Can be cancelled into Leviosa.
  • Can be cancelled with Chain Shift extremely early with [4]6BD~D as an excellent abare option or way to safely contest neutral.
  • Considerably safe way to end your turn and disengage, or to make space from your opponent.
  • Wallbounces when the opponent is cornered, making it excellent for frametraps in corner pressure.
  • Sees some use in high-damage corner combos and as a hitconfirm from 5CC.
  • Changes projectile behaviour when cancelled with CS early, turning it into a bouncy ball.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
[4]6C (1735) All 38 Total 59 +76 CS
After charging up for a long time, Vatista sends forth a gigantic orb of energy.
  • 53f charge time
  • Due to its odd trajectory, is generally considered less useful than the air version.
  • Very rarely used.
  • Unlike most EX projectile moves, the orb will disappear if Vatista is hit at any point whilst it is active.
  • Changes projectile behaviour when cancelled with CS early, turning it into a bouncy ball.

  • NOTE: All versions can also be input as 2A+B~6X (as a cancel from Concordia)
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
[4]6A 37 84 /Data#[4]6A
[4]6B 44 Launch 82 /Data#[4]6B
[4]6C 59 71 /Data#[4]6C
[4]6A :

[4]6B :

[4]6C :

Lumen Stella
jUNI Input Hold.png[4]UNI Input Then.png6X
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
j[4]6A 819 All 13 Total 42 -1 CS
Vatista shoots the orb diagonally down, doing an aerial backflip as she recoils from the shot. The orb travels at a set downward angle until it hits the height of the grounded version, upon which point it travels similarly.
  • 53f charge time
  • Generally favoured to use outside of pressure over the grounded version due to its more favourable startup.
  • Can be tk'd, causing Vatista to backflip forwards rather than backwards.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
j[4]6B 819 All 13 Total 42 -3 CS
Similarly to the A version, Vatista will backflip after firing the orb down.
  • 53f charge time
  • Generally used for retreating from the opponent and being a nuisance.
  • Unlike the ground version, does not wallbounce on hit.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
j[4]6C (1735) All 36 Total 59 +74 CS
Vatista hovers in the air, gathering energy into a huge orb before firing it forwards.
  • 53f charge time
  • Generally preferred to the grounded version due to its more consistent movement pattern.
  • Sees occasional use for oki situations, in CVO combos or to try and force your turn in neutral, but not much outside of that.
  • Unlike most EX projectile moves, the orb will disappear if Vatista is hit at any point whilst it is active.
  • Changes projectile behaviour when cancelled with CS early, turning it into a bouncy ball.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
j[4]6A 42 84 /Data#j[4]6A
j[4]6B 42 84 /Data#j[4]6B
j[4]6C 59 55 /Data#j[4]6C
j[4]6A :

j[4]6B :

j[4]6C :

Ruber Angelus
UNI Input Hold.png[2]UNI Input Then.png8X
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
[2]8A (1530) Mid 5 (10) Total 50 -16 CS
Vatista spreads her Crimson Wings and flash kicks to the skies.
  • 38f charge time
  • Extremely fast charge anti-air with large range.
  • Due to its relatively fast startup, it can be used as an extremely high-risk Anti-Air option select with [2]8A~D.
  • Can be CS cancelled at any point, as well as EX cancelled on hit and block if you have the charge.
  • Inputting the move as [2]37A will cause it to autocorrect to opponents attempting to jump over you.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
[2]8B (1776) Mid 6 1(3)2,3,3(12)3
[14 on landing]
-25 (CS) (6-7) 1-11 Full
Vatista flash kicks higher into the air, striking her enemy down to the ground afterwards on hit.
  • 53f charge time
  • Unlike the A version, is fully invulnerable, making it your primary reversal. Fallen somewhat from its glory days pre-Sys:Celes, but still an invincible Flashkick.
  • Can be CS cancelled on hit for a combo, but the damage is low so it's not recommended unless you need to secure the round or stay on top of your opponent.
  • Inputting the move as [2]37B will cause it to autocorrect to opponents attempting to jump over you.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
[2]8C (2121) Mid 5 (11, 21, 13) Total 124 -89 (CS)
Vatista flings herself up and forwards as she flash kicks, somersaulting into a downwards drill, before a final flash kick once she reaches the ground.
  • 53f charge time
  • Has the largest horizontal and vertical range of the series, so best used in situations where you don't think the B version will hit.
  • Favourable choice for a post-CS reversal over the B version if you have a lot of meter, as it gives you extra damage and immediate pressure after a knockdown whilst maintaining meter built from CS.
  • Highest damage metered ender outside of infinite worth, although this is generally only worth it if you want to keep meter for the next round.

  • NOTE: All versions can also be input as 2A+B~8X (as a cancel from Concordia)
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
[2]8A 50 Launch 73 /Data#[2]8A
[2]8B HKD 73, 96 (1 hit) /Data#[2]8B
[2]8C 124 Launch 55 /Data#[2]8C
[2]8A :

[2]8B :

  • Cancel Window: 15-20 (active + 3f recovery of 6th hit), 31-44 (active + 10f recovery of 7th hit)
  • Recovery reduces to 30 upon hit

[2]8C :

  • The hitboxes are identical to the other two versions, but this version's longer range comes from Vatista's increased forward movement.
Mico Ruseo
UNI Input Hold.png[6]UNI Input Then.png4X
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
[6]4A 1250 All 14 10 - -3 CS, [4]6C (Vorpal Only)
Vatista points forwards, firing a beam of light across the entire screen.
  • Powerful zoning tool to poke at the opponent with. Be wary of assaults and feeding too much GRD to the opponent.
  • Can become more tricky to dashblock against when partitioned.
  • Often interchangeable staple in higher-damage combos with the B version.
  • Can be cancelled into the EX version on hit or whiff during Vorpal by inputting [6]4A64C.
  • Can be cancelled into the EX version or [2]8C before it hits outside of Vorpal by inputting [6]4A~4CC / [6]4A~8CC.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
[6]4B 1250 All 15 10 - +3 CS, [4]6C (Vorpal Only)
Vatista swings her other arm, firing the laser diagonally upwards to snipe opponents out of the air.
  • 53f charge time
  • Can be used to snipe air shenanigans or punish assaults when the charge is available.
  • Can be used to be +3 on block after 66C or in pressure against Waldstein, Gordeau, Enkidu and Mika, since it will hit them even when crouch blocking.
  • Often interchangeable staple in higher-damage combos with the A version.
  • Can be cancelled into the EX version on hit or whiff during Vorpal by inputting [6]4B64C.
  • Can be cancelled into the EX version or [2]8C before it hits outside of Vorpal by inputting [6]4B~4CC / [6]4B~8CC.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
100 EXS
(1532) All 8 25 - +7 CS
Vatista blasts a huge laser across the screen at high speed.
  • 53f charge time
  • Metered pressure reset.
  • Occasional fullscreen punish option due to its fast startup.

  • NOTE: All versions can also be input as 2A+B~4X (as a cancel from Concordia)
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
[6]4A 79 /Data#[6]4A
[6]4B 79 /Data#[6]4B
[6]4C 74 /Data#[6]4C
[6]4A :

[6]4B :

[6]4C :

Mico Ruseo
jUNI Input Hold.png[6]UNI Input Then.png4X
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
j[6]4A 1280 All 14 10 - -3 CS, [4]6C (Vorpal Only)
Vatista hovers in the air as she shoots the laser forwards.
  • 53f charge time
  • Can be TK'd by doing [6]94A, which can be useful for sniping projectiles against certain characters.
  • Useful for air stalling for more air actions.
  • Can be cancelled into the EX version on hit or whiff during Vorpal by inputting j.[6]4A64C.
  • Can be cancelled into the EX version or j[8]2C before it hits outside of Vorpal by inputting j[6]4A~4CC / j[6]4A~2CC.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
j[6]4B 1280 All 17 10 - -10 CS, [4]6C (Vorpal Only)
Hovering in midair, Vatista swings her arm, firing a laser diagonally downwards.
  • 53f charge time
  • Due to its long recovery and massive disadvantage on block, you should be very wary about using this.
  • Can occasionally be used to call out an over-aggressive opponent by assaulting beforehand.
  • Can be cancelled into the EX version on hit or whiff during Vorpal by inputting j.[6]4B64C.
  • Can be cancelled into the EX version or j[8]2C before it hits outside of Vorpal by inputting j[6]4B~4CC / j[6]4B~2CC.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
100 EXS
(1450) All 8 25 - +17 CS
Similarly to the ground version, Vatista blasts a huge laser straight across the screen, hovering in the air as she does it.
  • 53f charge time
  • Can be TK'd by doing [6]94C. Catching a jumping opponent with this at midrange can set you up for an air-unblockable normal.
  • Can be used to create a gapless 2C/falling B Drill 50/50 mixup by doing j[FF] > [6]4C on block.
  • Situational combo ender in the corner that can lead to certain setups.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
j[6]4A 81 /Data#j[6]4A
j[6]4B 81 /Data#j[6]4B
j[6]4C 74 /Data#j[6]4C
j[6]4A :

j[6]4B :

j[6]4C :

Trāns Volāns
jUNI Input Hold.png[8]UNI Input Then.png2X
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
j[8]2A (290+) Mid 7 - +2
Vatista turns, shaping her Crimson Wings together in a drill shape before twirling diagonally downwards at high speed.
  • 43f charge time
  • Extremely important move for combos - will be seen at least once in every combo that doesn't start with a combo bounce used.
  • Viable divekick if you have the charge, as it leaves you at advantage on block and can be confirmed upon hitting a grounded opponent into a full combo.
  • More advantageous on hit against a crouching opponent, allowing you to link into a stronger move such as 2C for even better damage.
  • Phenomenally good air-to-air if you have the charge, as the continuous hits lead to a lot of starting damage.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
j[8]2B (595+) High, Mid (Final Hit) 20 - -11
Vatista hovers in the air slightly before starting her descent. After she reaches the ground, she pirouettes into a kick.
  • 43f charge time
  • The infamous B Drill, alive and well. Primary tool for use in Vatista's high-low mixup game.
  • Performing B Drill as close to the ground as possible will reduce it to 16 frames of startup (still 20f if performed higher up), allowing you to perform extremely fast overheads. You can set up for powerful 50/50 mixups using Assault j.C, 6[FF] > CS, j[FF] > Lux Fortis or Solis Olio and then doing either B Drill or delay 2C. In the case of the setups that require resources, the mixup can be made gapless.
  • Utilising Partitioning can allow you to use B Drill in extremely ambiguous situations, and lead to more damage by using it to detonate Gems.
  • A successful 3D / Creeping Edge will punish B Drill, so be careful dialling it in after assault jC or with partitions.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
j[8]2C (1403+) Mid 5 - -1 1-Landing Full
Vatista flies upwards before drilling down at incredible speed. Upon landing, she follows up with two leaping pirouette kicks, sending the opponent flying.
  • 43f charge time
  • Primary metered hitconfirm from A Flashkick anti-air. It doesn't always work, though, so pick a god and pray when you use it.
  • Can be used as an air reversal if you have the charge.
  • Since there is a huge gap between the first and second kick, you cannot use it to make yourself -1 after committing to A Flashkick OS (as an example).
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
j[8]2A HKD (air hit) 77 /Data#j[8]2A
j[8]2B Wall Bounce (final hit) 82 /Data#j[8]2B
j[8]2C Wall Bounce (final hit) 79 /Data#j[8]2C
j[8]2A :
  • The "Drill" part of Trāns Volāns moves have HKD property but no Launch property, meaning they will hard knock down airborne opponents, but would leave standing opponents in standing hitstun.

j[8]2B :

j[8]2C :

Release X
Si Deus Fragmentum
UNI Input Release.png]X[
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
5]X[/2]X[ 26 (CS)
Vatista holds out her hand, releasing a floating prism of energy into the air. Crouching places the prism lower.
  • 61f Negative Edge charge time
  • Vatista's setplay tool, generally referred to as 'Gems'. The entirety of her pressure hinges on using this move effectively.
  • Crouching will set the Gem lower to the ground (2Gem), whereas standing will set it higher into the air (5Gem).
  • Gems will remain active forever until either Vatista is hit, she detonates them with one of her moves, or the opponent destroys them.
  • Opponents can hit Gems with any hitbox (including Veil Off) to destroy them. Gems will block 1 hit of projectiles before being destroyed in this way.
  • If Vatista and the opponent hit a Gem on the same frame, the Gem will be destroyed.
  • For the frame data of normals cancelled into Gems on block, see the Rebeat table.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
j]X[ 32 (CS)
Vatista floats upwards slightly as she holds out her hand, releasing a floating prism of energy into the air.
  • 61f Negative Edge charge time
  • Allows you to set Gems at varying heights from the air - Usually referred to as j.Gem.
  • Sees much less use in pressure, but is extremely useful for placing Gems at any point in the air during neutral to cover space.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
Detonate (1292 (A hit)/ 1484) All (16 (A hit)/ 22) - +18~+29
When Vatista strikes a set crystal, the prism shatters in a ring-shaped burst, creating a ripple of damaging energy.
  • What occurs when Vatista hits a Gem, and what makes them so scary. Any of her moves are capable of detonating Gems.
  • Powerful starter damage-wise up close, but rather weak if only the outer radius hits.
  • For some reason, the damage and number of hits varies according to the attack that detonated the gem. 5A / jA Det gems will always have 5 hits, whereas everything else will cause the explosion to have 6 hits.
  • Extremely advantageous on block, and can be used in an uncountable number of ways in pressure and neutral.
  • Throwing an opponent whilst near a Gem will detonate it, but will not add any extra damage.
  • Even universal mechanics like Veil Off and Guard Thrust will detonate Gems. The former can see use in high-resource combos, and the latter is extremely unlikely to occur since it requires Guard Thrust to whiff the opponent, and for you to be blocking whilst a Gem is set nearby.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
5]X[/2]X[ /Data#5]X[/2]X[
j]X[ /Data#j]X[
Detonate Launch + Knockdown /Data#Detonate
5]X[/2]X[ :

j]X[ :

Detonate :

  • The hitstun is greatly reduced on subsequent detonations in the same combo (only the first detonation will knockdown.)
Release XXXX
Satelles Triangulum
サーテレス トリアングルム
UNI Input Release.png]X[
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
]X[ 920 10 -
Vatista swings her arms down as she summons three crystals of energy for a gigantic explosion.
  • Combo ender/extender that builds a significant amount of meter.
  • Generally used to end combos where 2BBB would not give an advantageous knockdown.

  • This move is activated by releasing a gem after three gems have already been used in the current combo. Note that the gem must be released while opponent is being hit by a previous gem explosion.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
100 EXS
(1680) All (6) - +6 CS
Dropping her barrier, Vatista unleashes the move for more hits.
  • Requires 100 Meter - if you attempt 2AB~2C without 100 Meter, you will set a Gem instead.
  • High damage combo starter out of 2AB.
  • Due to it not being invulnerable and the costly startup, sees very little use outside of adding damage and retaining a good knockdown to otherwise mediocre combo routes - however, even this is not recommended due to all alternative options being superior.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Version Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
]X[ Launch + HKD 82 /Data#]X[
2A+B~2C Launch + Knockdown 90 /Data#2A+B~2C
]X[ :

2A+B~2C :

Solis Olio
Requires 100 EXS
UNI Input Hold.png[4]UNI Input Then.png6B+C
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
(1214), (1214) All - +44
The Disco ball. Vatista raises her arms, summoning a large ball of light in the sky. After a short delay, it rains two bursts of lasers downward.
  • Metered lockdown tool set as okizeme.
  • An opponent caught blocking the Disco Ball can be subjected to a party time of high/low mixups using 2C and B Drill.
  • Can easily set by ending in 2BBB > 2C > 5C > 5CC midscreen or 2BBB in the corner.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
95 /Data#[4]6B+C
[4]6B+C :

Super Moves

Infinite Worth

Lateus Orbis
Requires 200 EXS
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
150, 105×27, 420 All 12 Total 218 -33
Vatista spreads her arms out as her Crimson Wings spin in front of her, before blasting six lasers across the entire screen at once.
  • Vatista's infinite worth. Extremely high damage fullscreen whiff-punish and combo ender.
  • Generally this is the main thing you want to be spending your meter on offensively, especially as it does an excellent job helping you gain or maintain the lifelead.
  • Can be confirmed off a stray [6]4A at fullscreen.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
218 /Data#41236D
41236D :

Infinite Worth EXS

Requires 200 EXS, Vorpal or GRD Break (only when IWEXS does not hit)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Cancel Attribute Invuln
3775 All 3+14 2 51 -25 Strike 1~? Full
Vatista becomes surrounded by a pillar of light which goes into a cinematic on hit.
  • Must have less than 30% health (orange health) to use.
  • After the cinematic, characters will be moved to the middle of the stage, regardless of where they were positioned before.
  • Due to the cost, it is usually not recommended to use this move unless it will kill the opponent.
[Show/Hide Additional Data]
Overall Blockstun Property Proration Combo Proration Data link
69 Knockdown /Data#A+B+C+D
A+B+C+D (while at orange health):

Notable Rebeats and Gaps

Rebeat Table
Attack Chain Advantage
5A whiff 5A/2A -9
2A -9
5B -2
2B -2
5C -5
2C ±0
5A Gem Set -12
2A -15
5B -8
5BB -8
2B -8
2BB -8
2BBB(1) -12
2BBB(2) -17
5C -11
2C -6
66B -15
66C -9
jA -22
jB -17
jC -11
Gap Table
Attack Chain Frame Gap
5A 5B ~1
66C [4]6A ~4
66C 2FF 1~
[8]2A 5A ~4
TK[8]2A 5A ~2
[8]2B (Drill) [8]2B (Kick) ~2
66B 66B 11


UNIclr Vatista combo guide by Ayr
UNIclr Metered combos by Daniru
Throw Strategies With Gems by Foxof42
Dispensing Mids: Vatista Corner Pressure by Foxof42

External Links

Additional general character information:

Combo guides:

Additional resources:

Counterplay resources:

Players To Watch

The purpose of this list is to provide a wide list of playstyles and reference footage for newer players to look to. Disclaimer: This list is derived from community input and is in no way comprehensive or a form of ranking of any kind. Our community criteria can be found here.

Usual Color Handles/Links Region Status Notes
United States
United States
Lolimaiko United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Unknown *PSN: kinmosa_
Unknown *Steam: La+ on block


Default Colors

001 Mars Black
002 Lion Falls
003 Murder Dolls
004 Aurora Blue
005 Aureolin
006 Classic White
007 Luminous Pink
008 Fallen Leaves
009 Chromium Green
010 Crimson Lake
011 Lila Colina
012 Azul Agua
013 Regalo Tierra
014 Freddo Aria
015 Grass Fairy
016 Donner Geist
017 Black Magic
018 Knospe Gardenie
019 Rain Stream
020 Flor Ciruela
021 Cassata Al Forno
022 Moonshine Blue
023 Vento Aureo
024 Angelic Gospel
025 Cyber Fairy
026 Blitzschlag
027 Mystic Doll
028 Antique Luxury
029 Modern Gloom
030 Fairy Tale
031 Equatorial Wave
032 Inferno Blaze
033 Annular Eclipse
034 Seeds of Heaven
035 Clamorous Colors
036 Royal Calibur
037 Stella Nest
038 Little Briar Rose
039 Betrayal of Savior
040 Switching Contrast
Starter and Resources
Getting Started
Frame Data
Resources and Links
Patch Notes
Damage and Combo System
Attack Attributes