Spectral vs Generation/System Specifics

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Spectral VS Generation System Specifics

Guard Break If you block too much you will start to flash white, keep blocking and you will have you guard broken leaving you open for attack
Air Blocking It doesn't exist in this game, so don't try it
Parry File:AButton.png+.pngFile:BButton.png Perform a dodge animation that will cause projectiles to pass through you and will stun the opponent for a short time if the hit you with a non projectile, non grab attack. Can also be done in the air
Forward Grab File:AButton.png+.pngFile:DButton.png Grab the opponent and throw them in the direction that you are facing
Backwards Grab File:BButton.png+.pngFile:DButton.png Grab the opponent and throw them in the opposite direction that you are facing
Dust File:BButton.png+.pngFile:CButton.png After a short animation and sfx you perform a standing overhead that knocks the opponent into the air. You can follow this up by pressing File:AButton.pngx3File:BButton.pngx3File:CButton.pngx3, ending with File:QCF.pngFile:DButton.png.
Pressing File:AButton.png will automatically cause you to jump into the air and follow the opponent so no need to jump, just start pressing File:AButton.png
Low Dust 2.pngFile:BButton.png+.pngFile:CButton.png Exactly the same as a regular dust except the first hit will be low, and the initial animation will be different to reflect this
Taunt File:CButton.png+.pngFile:DButton.pngTaunt your opponent, establishes dominance. Builds about ⅓ of a super bar! Somewhat useful for building meter without actually hitting anyone, but makes you vulnerable
Alpha Counter File:CButton.png+.pngFile:DButton.pngWhile in BlockStunKnocks the opponent away with a hit, Costs 1 Bar of meter
Air Recovery File:DButton.pngAfter hitstun ends and you are in the airYou will perform a small air flip in place with limited invincibility, and restores your air options
Ground Recovery File:DButton.pngJust before you touch the ground while not in hitstunYour character will hop backwards a small distance instead of being knocked down. Fully invincible

Seal Of Time

File:AButton.png+.pngFile:BButton.png+.pngFile:CButton.pngOnly after certain moves connect
When certain moves connect, either hit or block, using Seal Of Time slows the opponent and keeps them in hit or block stun, allowing you to follow up a hit or to continue your pressure.
Costs 1 bar of meter
The moves that you can Seal Of Time will vary from character to character
Think of it as a more restrictive Guilty Gear Roman Cancel

Manual Burst

File:BButton.png+.pngFile:CButton.png+.pngFile:DButton.pngOnly when at low health
You will know you can activate burst if [B+C+D] appears under your health bar
Upon activation has a small hitbox that does some damage, blows the opponent away on hit, and destroys projectiles hit by the hitbox, and is unblockable
During burst you deal more damage, take less damage, have infinite meter, and will guard crush opponents with few hits but when the burst ends you will be left with no meter at all
Costs 1 Bar of meter to activate but is not limited to once per round, if you can get more meter you can activate again
It is best to think of this as a more limited dbfz sparking, you can only activate this if you are in a neutral state with the exception of a few normals, however said normals generally will put the opponent out of range of the activation hit unless it’s a corner juggle, so the best time to use this is during a combo after using Seal of Time.

Auto Burst

Exactly the same as the manual burst with the exception of you have no control when you burst. When in Auto Burst the moment you are in a neutral state and can burst the game will force you to burst. It is not recomended to ever take this over Manual Burst

Chain System

Normal chains typically work from File:AButton.png to File:BButton.png to File:CButton.png, but some characters can use File:AButton.png and File:DButton.png interchangeably as well as chain them into each other
A → B → C
↕ ↗
Air chains are character specific and limited to only a couple select moves

Cancel System

Normals as well as certain specials can cancel directly into supers
The specials that can actually cancel into supers will vary from character to character
Normal/Chain → Special Move → Super Move

System Specifics