Spectral vs Generation/Earth

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Spectral VS Generation Earth Image.jpg
Health 500
Pre-Jump Frames 4
Play Style Grappler
Dash Type Run

Character Background

Race: Holy God
Motivation: To discover if the world should be ended or not
Weapon: Evil Spear Alpha Beld
Likes: A pure world
Dislikes: An evil world

Character Info

Earth is SVG’s grappler. Boasting explosive damage, plenty of mixups and a punish heavy playstyle. His power to adapt during the match and dish out tons of damage is what gives him the biggest comeback potential in the game. That said, earth may take some time to get used to, as he relies heavily on reads, conditioning and MU specific info/tech.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Very fast and far-reaching IAD.
  • Doesn't rely on meter for damage, and can expel such with very little resources
  • Easy short BnB's and great damage output.
  • Has some really long-ranged normals.
  • Fast advancing unblockable that mechanically confirms his extremely damageing level 3 on hit. Essentially, 'A raging demon that only costs meter on hit.'
  • Extremely good Oki and 50/50
  • Full screen teleport.
  • Great Supers at Close Range
  • Extremely fast and somewhat far-reaching sweep that compliments his Oki.
  • Really scary Burst game.
  • No Projectile.
  • Normals don't allow for consistent openings.
  • Can't handle being pressured himself.
  • Not very good ground mobility or jump speed.


Being the Grappler of the game, Earth's gameplan heavily consists of creating fear within the opponent at close range, even if only for a miniscule period of time, so he can eventually throw them to the floor and restart his vortex of grabs. As Earth, you'll want do anything for an HKD. One knockdown can mean a guessing game for the enemy that lasts forever and luckily his combos and normals compliment his gameplan to a great extent. His okizeme is very vital to his pressure as it safely covers his options on the opponent's wakeup, not allowing the opponent to move, only to force them to guess what you're going to do next, usually being his 41236D, 236x, 214x or cl.5B. He even has a fair share of anti-airs to get the opponent in his tick zone aswell.

Earth is free to fend himself off from afar with his 5B and 2C, and to an extent guard his space with J.C, but if the enemy catches you lacking in the corner, you're a goner. Earth CANNOT handle being pressured. He needs to be the one conditioning the opponent at all times or else he's fundamentally lost the match. His aggressive play is definitely the way to go here. In burst, he'll become even scarier. In this state you're going to want to try everything in your power to tick grab the opponent with 214x at odd times as it confirms into his extremely good Level 3,and given that he has a variety of true guard breaking strings in this form it shouldn't be too difficult of a task to complete.


Far Standing Normals

SVG Earth Far5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Mid Specials - - - -

quick slash. while the slowest 5A in the game, it has above average range and stun

SVG Earth Far5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Mid Specials - - - -

earth's second longest normal in the game
your preferred ground poke

SVG Earth Far5C.png
i was too far and tried Cl.5C
i was too far and tried Cl.5C
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Mid - - - - -

very short and laggy but more useful than it looks
wallbouces on hit, which can be used in certain combos for absurd extra damage

SVG Earth Far5D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Mid Specials - - - -

Earth slides a long distance and does a low kick

Close Standing Normals

SVG Earth Close5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Mid Specials - - - -

Earth's fastest normal and is present in most combos
destroys crossups because of its speed and angle

SVG Earth Close5C.png
get used to this sprite
get used to this sprite
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Mid Specials - - - -

you're going to use this... a lot
earth's most active move, timing a cl.5C meaty stops opponents from parrying, forcing a mixup. some common mixups include
- 214A : countered with jumping or down parry (easiest level 3 setup)
- 623C : countered with not jumping
236A ~> 2D : blocked high
236A >> 2D : blocked low
normal grab : same as command grab but cannot hit in blockstun
this is essentially earth's main gameplan

SVG Earth Close5D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Mid Specials - - - -

fast low kicks
can be used as a tickthrow

Crouching Normals

SVG Earth 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Mid - - - - -

very fast swipe

SVG Earth 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Mid Specials - - - -

3 fast punches
is mostly a (mediocre) anti-air since it's hard to hit a grounded opponent with it

SVG Earth 2C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Low Specials - - - -

the second longest normal in the game, slow and laggy but has great damage and range
hitbox has a gap right in front on earth so it doesn't hit close opponents

SVG Earth 2D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Low Specials - - - -

fast sweep that causes a HKD
earth's most common way of getting HKDs

Jumping Normals

SVG Earth j.A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High - - - - -

very fast and safe normal
our main air-to-air

SVG Earth j.B.png
SVG Earth j.B projectile.png
the projectile
the projectile
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High - - - - -

slams the ground, although the punch itself has a hitbox that knocks down, hitting with it is very unlikely
direction of the jump determines the angle of the slam

SVG Earth j.C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High - - - - -

our most used air normal
has very high priority and is fast and damaging making it an excellent jump-in normal

SVG Earth j.D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
10 High - - - - -

Air kick that knocks down aerial opponents

Chain Specific Normals

far 5D ~> D
SVG Earth 5D2.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High - - - - -

an overhead kick followup
very good tick throw setup

2A -> 2B
SVG Earth 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High - - - - -

2B only hits once instead of three times


Forward Throw
SVG Earth Grab1.png
the 3rd coolest throw in the game
the 3rd coolest throw in the game
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Throw N/A - - - -

Earth hugs the opponent and covers them in his wings hitting them a lot of time and you know what let's not try to imagine what he's doing in there

Back Throw
SVG Earth Grab2.png
the 4th coolest throw in the game
the 4th coolest throw in the game
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Throw N/A - - - -

earth lifts the opponent and throw them back

Sword Series Slash (Dust)

Standing SSS
SVG Earth 5BC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- High N/A - - - -

Triggers an air chase when you press A. To complete the air chase you must do AAABBBCCCD > 236D.

SVG Earth 2BC.png
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- Low N/A - - - -

Same as standing SSS but hits low. Triggers an air chase when you press A. To complete the air chase you must do AAABBBCCCD > 236D.

Chaos Breaking (Parry)

SVG Earth GroundParry.png
Standing Parry
Standing Parry
SVG Earth CrouchParry.png
Crouching Parry
Crouching Parry
SVG Earth AirParry.png
Jumping Parry
Jumping Parry
Damage Guard Cancel Startup Adv Hit Adv Block Chain Adv Block
- - - - - - -

Dodges projectiles and counters any physical, non-grab attacks.
The Standing and Jumping versions parry anything that can be blocked High, but is vulnerable to grabs. The Crouching version only parries lows and cannot be grabbed.

System Specifics