Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire/Spiritual Kung-Fu Jackie/Strategy

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JCFoF Spiritual Win.png

General Strategy

Dragonball Jackie has excellent movement like the other Jackie Chans, but lacks their ability to confirm into huge damage and resets in most situations. His heavy normals are not very combo friendly, leaving his main confirms to consist only of 2LK and 2LP. On top of that, he can't launch the opponent into a juggle state unless the opponent is cornered. He also has fairly weak defense, with only a trade-prone Super as his reversal. His Getup LK whiffs on crouchers, so he can't even threaten a high/low mixup on wakeup like most characters.

To make up for that, Dragonball has one of the game's most obnoxious neutral tools in his 236K (Crush Kick). Crush Kick goes far, hops over lows, and is mostly safe on block (although the HK version is occasionally punishable). It is also difficult to whiff punish if the opponent tries to avoid it with backdash. Many characters rely on their crouching buttons for neutral, and this move almost entirely negates that option. Dragonball Jackie's primary gameplan is to harass with this move, either raw or in blockstrings. Doing so will often allow you to open up the opponent with a dash into throw.

While it's tempting to throw out 41236P (Tiger Fist) in neutral, be aware that some characters can punish it severely, especially with Super stocked. If the opponent doesn't prove that they can punish it, however, the reward is quite strong compared to the risk. Dragonball Jackie is also one of only two characters with a command throw. This gives him additional throw range, as well as the ability to buffer a reversal command throw. Buffering a command throw lets him punish moves that are normally hard to punish, and if the throw doesn't connect, he won't whiff a button.

6HK overhead is not very combo friendly, but hops over low pokes and has great frame advantage on block, setting up good throw pressure. Chain into this button especially on cornered opponents to split their attention between the high/low and normal/throw mixups.

Dash Loop Pseudo-Infinite: -- 2LK can be looped into itself with 4 frames of dashing between each one. Not a true infinite, but well-timed loops can lead to stun conversions afterward.

Boss Version legality -- unless otherwise specified, Hyper Dragonball Jackie is usually tournament legal. He generally only gets a small extra juggle in the corner and nothing midscreen.

AA Description
(Crush Kick)
LK hits close, HK hits far
  • Consistent against mid/far jumps
  • Weak to close jumps, especially crossups
cl.5HK Works from closer range
  • Inconsistent due to its short proximity range
  • If you wait for opponent's jump-in to get close, may be too late to input
  • Best option is to dash under opponent before using this
(1st hit)
Decent hitbox but only 2 active frames
  • Cancels into 236K if it connects
  • Somewhat useful since it can be input while crouching
Reversal Description
Super DB Jackie's only real invincible attack
  • Not invuln during active frames, so can trade at some ranges
  • Most useful after blocked Crush Kick
  • Opponent's disjointed hitbox can cleanly beat Super
(Command Throw)
1f startup, can be safely buffered during reversal window
  • Will work if opponent is in range, while allowing block afterward
  • Range is a little better than normal throw
  • Input with LK in case the whiffed normal comes out

Dragonball vs. Lau Matchup

JCFoF Lau LossKO.png
Important Punishes
Opponent's Move Punish
2HK - No punish unless VERY poorly spaced
(LK Dragon Kick)
- 63214K Command Throw if used from close range
  • Can be buffered early as a reversal, then crouch block
  • Nothing will come out if the reversal command throw doesn't reach
(HK Dragon Kick)
- TOD punish with Special Autocombo (see below)
  • If you can survive the chip damage, stand block or Lau can fly over you
(Rising Dragon)
- TOD punish with Special Autocombo (see below)
  • Be aware that 623LP can whiff quickly and be hard to punish from farther ranges
(close range)
- Block, then dash up for TOD punish with Special Autocombo (see below)
(short-mid range)
- 236HK can reach for a punish if too far for a dash in combo
(beyond 2HK range)
- j.HK (or j.HK > j.HP) is possible just past Lau's sweep range
  • It can be hard to judge the spacing
  • Too close and you will get hit on the way up
Getup Attack Punishes
Scenario Punish
Getup LK
Bait with a backdash, whiff punish
  • Recovers standing
Getup LK
Only 1st hit is overhead, so you can stand block for a short time then crouch
  • -7 on block; too much pushback for Double Autocombo TOD loop
    • 2LK xx Tiger Fist or 2 light normals into 236HK/Super can still punish
  • 4f gap between 2 hits, can interrupt with Super or 63214K Command Throw
Getup HK
2 hits; bait with backdash, whiff punish
  • 6HK and 236K can hop over Lau's Getup HK
  • Recovers crouching, so Dash + cl.5HK can't be used, and 236K whiffs a hit
Getup HK
Both hits are mid (despite sweep animation)
  • True blockstring, safe at -2
Corner Juggles
Starter Ender
(Tiger Fist)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
HP Throw 2HK > cl.5HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • Dash + 2LK if farther away
(Command Throw)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • If deep in corner, walk out before juggling
(while cornered)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • Adding normals before the Super makes it harder to juggle afterwards
Hyper DB Jackie
extra juggle
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK
  • Juggle very low to the ground

2LP > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK

  • Slightly less damage but more consistent
Hitconfirm Notes
Special Autocombo (5LP>HP>HP>HK) can be linked into itself, then into 2LK
  • Standing Only, allows for a midscreen TOD
2HK, 2LK and 2HK, 2LP links are both possible
  • 2HK, 2LK > 2LP also works, but only into 236HK or Super
Touch of Death Combos
5LP>HP>HP>HK, 5LP>HP>HP>HK, 2LK xx 236HK (stun)
  • Standing only, must start point blank
  • Alternate starters (more difficult but better hitconfirm):
    • 2LK + Dash 3f or 2LK x2 + Dash 4f
5LP>HP>HP>HK, 2LK xx 41236HP,
juggle 2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK (stun)
  • Standing only, must reach corner for the juggle
2LK x3 > 2LP xx 41236HP,
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK,
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK (stun)
  • Hyper Dragonball Jackie + Corner only
  • Delay cl.5HP until almost on the ground


Crush Kicks in neutral are good against Lau players that abuse 2HK xx 236HP. Lau might whiff light DP in anticipation of this, which can be hard to punish if you aren't ready. Dragonball Jackie has slightly better movement than Lau, which is important because Lau's hits are much more rewarding to land.

Absolutely NEVER throw out raw Tiger Fist (41236P) against Lau, as his reversal 236HK will punish it on block for huge damage. Whiffing the LP version in neutral is less risky, as the Lau may be anticipating the block, but even this could end badly if Lau dashes up before blocking the move.

If you ever have an opportunity for a full, point blank punish, be sure to use the Lau-specific TOD starting with Special Autocombo. This is one of the rare matchups where Autocombos are actually useful, so don't let Lau get away with DPs and random Supers.

Dash + 2LK Loop Info - (not a true infinite)
2LK x19 vs. standing
2LK x16 vs. crouching

  • Requires perfect 4f dashes, otherwise the loop will quickly get pushed too far out

Matchup Video Examples
[ Video Links]

Overview || Lau || Yeung || Thorsten || Drunk Jackie || Dragonball Jackie || Admiral Jackie || Sam || Kim-Maree || Mysterious Lion

Dragonball vs. Yeung Matchup

JCFoF Yeung LossKO.png
Important Punishes
Opponent's Move Punish
2HK - No punish unless used at an absurdly close range
6HK - 63214K Command Throw punishes on hit or block
  • Easy to buffer as a reversal with no risk

- 2LK can punish on block, but requires 1f timing

(Crane Wings)
- Dash + 2LK or 236HK (LP version on block)
  • If cancelled into from around Yeung's max 2LP range; no punish at farther ranges
  • 2nd hit of 236HK can whiff, making this unsafe if opponent is ready for it

- Dash + 2LP xx Tiger Fist/Super (HP version on hit/block)

  • Much more lenient timing to punish HP version
(Swallow Kick)
- Dash + 2LK combo
Super - After the flip, 2LP can interrupt and lead to a knockdown
  • Can be tricky to time at further ranges

- From mid range, 6HP or 236HK will stuff it after the freeze

  • Medium risk, low reward option

- If the dash-in portion is blocked, the Super is completely safe

Hitconfirm Notes
Special Autocombo (5LP>HP>HP>HK) links into 2LK on standing opponent
  • With a 1f Microdash, Special Autocombo can link into itself
2HK, 2LK and 2HK, 2LP links are both possible
Getup Attack Punishes
Scenario Punish
Getup LK
Bait with a backdash, whiff punish
  • Airborne, recovers standing
  • Has fast recovery, but moves forward for easier punish
Getup LK
Hits overhead, 0 on block (no punish)
  • From very close range, Getup LK will whiff over a crouching opponent
  • Crouch blocking can potentially work against both getup options
  • Well-timed 2LP on Yeung's wakeup will stuff Getup LK, but loses to Getup HK
  • Yeung can pick up juggles from this anywhere, so it is best to assume she will use Getup LK instead of HK
Getup HK
Bait with backdash, whiff punish
  • Recovers crouching, so Dash + cl.5HK or Special Autocombo won't work
Getup HK
Must be blocked low
  • -7 on block, but too much pushback for anything to reach
Corner Juggles
Starter Ender
(Tiger Fist)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
HP Throw Dash + 2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
(Command Throw)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • If deep in corner, walk out before juggling
(while cornered)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • Adding normals before the Super makes it harder to juggle afterwards
Hyper DB Jackie
extra juggle
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK
  • Juggle very low to the ground

Walk back, 2LP > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK

  • Slightly less damage but more consistent
Touch of Death Combos
5LP>HP>HP>HK, 2LK xx 41236HP,
juggle 2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK (stun)
  • Standing only, must reach corner
5LP>HP>HP>HK, Microdash 1f,
5LP>HP>HP>HK, 2LK xx 236HK (stun)
  • Standing only, must start point blank
  • Alternate starters (more difficult but better hitconfirm):
    • 2LK + Dash 3f or 2LK x2 + Dash 4f
2LK x3 > 2LP xx 41236HP,
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK,
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK (stun)
  • Hyper Dragonball Jackie + Corner only
  • Delay cl.5HP until almost on the ground
Yeung OTG Combos
Hyper Dragonball Jackie Infinite:

2LK, juggle 2HK > 2HP xx 236LK,
Neutral jump + Delayed j.LP > j.HP,
Land + immediate OTG 2LK (walk out of corner, repeat)

  • j.LP must be done as late as possible
  • After HP Throw knockdown, no need to walk out of corner
  • After a midscreen knockdown, you can jump forward on the first rep
    • Transition to neutral jump loop afterwards

Video Explanation

2HK, Dash + juggle 2LK > 5LP xx 236HK
  • Midscreen route, air reset
2HK, juggle 2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • Corner route, air reset


Dragonball Jackie can't easily dominate Yeung off a single knockdown like most characters, so he is forced to fight her in neutral where she excels. Both Tiger Fist and 236HK can be punished quite reliably, so DB Jackie has to rely on 236LK for closer range pressure.

Dragonball Jackie has better movement speed than Yeung. This helps him force his way in while blocking to push Yeung to the corner. Learn to automatically react to her 236LP (Crow Shot) overhead attack by stand blocking, even if you were already starting to dash. This move is reactable, but the only way to punish Yeung is to get close enough for her staff to whiff through you. Another common tactic is for Yeung players to back up, then attempt to dash in for a back throw. Always be vigilant to avoid giving Yeung a full screen behind her to run away.

If playing Hyper Dragonball Jackie, learning the Yeung Infinite is recommended, although it can be very difficult. Even without the infinite, optimizing his juggle damage off an OTG relaunch is still important to maximize damage.

Dash + 2LK Loop Info - (not a true infinite)
2LK x16 vs. standing
2LK x15 vs. crouching

  • Requires perfect 4f dashes, otherwise the loop will quickly get pushed too far out

Matchup Video Examples
[ Video Links]

Overview || Lau || Yeung || Thorsten || Drunk Jackie || Dragonball Jackie || Admiral Jackie || Sam || Kim-Maree || Mysterious Lion

Dragonball vs. Thorsten Matchup

JCFoF Thorsten LossKO.png
Important Punishes
Opponent's Move Punish
(LK Jackknife Storm)
- 63214K Command Throw is an easy punish at any spacing
  • Can lead to a juggle near the corner

- 2LK or 5LP can also start a punish

  • Requires 1f timing that can't be made easier with plinking
(HK Jackknife Storm)
- Full combo punish
  • Thorsten may fly over your head if you crouch block
(Gatling Kick)
- Full combo punish, but difficult because there are only 3 landing frames

- 28LK whiffs extremely quickly, so be careful if he whiffs at midrange

(Slash Sword)
- 41236HP will punish even at max range
  • This is generally optimal on its own due to the way scaling affects Tiger Fist
Teleport - Predict a direction, Dash + 2LP xx Tiger Fist
  • Difficult to time since 2LP only has 2 active frames
Super - Block, then Dash + punish after he lands
  • Super only has 13 landing frames, so time the punish as soon as he hits the ground
  • Since Thorsten will corner himself, Hyper Dragonball can get a TOD with 2LK x4 > 2LP starter

- 2LP buffered during Super freeze can interrupt at most ranges

Getup Attack Punishes
Scenario Punish
Getup LK
2 hits; bait with a backdash, whiff punish
  • Short recovery makes this difficult
  • Recovers standing
Getup LK
1st hit is an overhead; safe on block if both hits connect
  • You can crouch block at a range where only the 1st hit connects (-11 on hit)
    • Punish with 236HK or Microdash 2LP xx 41236HP (harder)
      JCFoF Example SpacingVSThorstenGetupLK.png
Getup HK
2 hits; bait with a backdash, whiff punish
  • Short recovery makes this difficult
  • Recovers crouching
Getup HK
2 low hits, true blockstring, safe on block
  • Many Thorsten players attempt 28LK on block, so it's risky to hit a button
Corner Juggles
Starter Ender
(Tiger Fist)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • If farther from corner, Dash + 2LK instead
HP Throw 2LK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • Difficult 2f timing, must be deep in corner
(Command Throw)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • If deep in corner, walk out before juggling
(while cornered)
2LK > 5LP xx 236HK
  • Must be absolute point blank Super, like using it as a reversal against Thorsten's corner throw loop
Hyper DB Jackie
extra juggle
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK
  • Juggle very low to the ground
  • After corner throws, walk slightly out of corner and let go of stick to avoid accidental 6HP
Hitconfirm Notes
Special Autocombo (5LP>HP>HP>HK) links into 2LK on standing opponent
  • With a 1f Microdash, Special Autocombo can link into itself
  • After this, the only extension is an impractical 1f Microdash + 2LK
2HK, 2LK and 2HK, 2LP links are both possible
Touch of Death Combos
5LP>HP>HP>HK, 2LK xx 41236HP,
Dash + juggle 2LK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
2LP > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK (stun)
  • Hyper Dragonball Jackie only
  • Standing only, must reach corner
  • 2HK can also work in juggles, but the timing/spacing is more strict
2LK x4 > 2LP xx 41236HP,
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK,
cl.5HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK (stun)
  • Hyper Dragonball Jackie only
  • Must reach corner after Tiger Fist (Microdash can help)
  • The final cl.5HK > 2HP (1 hit) juggle must hit as low as possible


Dragonball Jackie can outmaneuver Thorsten in neutral, but Thorsten has much better damage so you have to control the spacing to prevent him from getting a big opening. It is important not to let Thorsten freely build meter, as this can lead to an instant TOD from a 2LK confirm or a Tiger Fist punish.

Thorsten's punishes on Tiger Fist are usually pretty weak before he has meter, so it isn't a terrible idea to throw it out in neutral and then backdash in case he attempts a dash up throw afterward. 236HK should be used very rarely in neutral, as Thorsten can easily punish with 28LK unless it is very well spaced. 6HK and 236LK are occasionally good to hop over Thorsten's low pokes, which will hopefully cause him to play more defensively. When this happens, it becomes possible to go for tick throws.

Dash + 2LK Loop Info - (not a true infinite)
2LK x15 vs. standing
2LK x14 vs. crouching

  • Requires perfect 4f dashes, otherwise the loop will quickly get pushed too far out

Matchup Video Examples
[ Video Links]

Overview || Lau || Yeung || Thorsten || Drunk Jackie || Dragonball Jackie || Admiral Jackie || Sam || Kim-Maree || Mysterious Lion

Dragonball vs. Drunk Jackie Matchup

JCFoF Drunk LossKO.png
Important Punishes
Opponent's Move Punish
far.5HK - 63214K Command Throw can punish unless very well spaced
  • Safe to attempt this with reversal timing, as nothing will come out on whiff
Light Normal > 6HK chain - Super will punish the gap on hit or block
(Jug Throw)
- 236HK has great horizontal movement and can punish on reaction from a surprising distance
  • If used too early from mid-far ranges, you may recover into the jug explosion and take massive damage
  • Start with a forward dash or time the 236HK later for best results
Blockstring into
236P Jug Throw
- 236HK will go through the blockstring gap
(Drunk Dragon)
- 236HK will punish reliably
  • Use LK version against HP Drunk Dragon on hit
  • Dash + 2LK > 2LP can also punish, but is a little harder to time

- Super can punish blocked LP Drunk Dragon

  • LP version is rarely used except as an execution error
(Tricky Kick)
- Full combo punish
- Full combo punish
  • Be sure to wait until he fully lands
Super - Full combo punish (start with 2LK for consistency)

- Only has 10 landing frames, so be ready with proper punish timing
- The proximity guard of this move can prevent you from walking to position yourself for a punish

  • Dash away from Drunk, then walk/dash forward as he descends
Dropped Butt Infinite
(whiffs far.5HP)
- Hold down back, 2HP xx Tiger Fist/Super while his far.5HP whiffs
  • Always option select this punish in case the infinite drops
Touch of Death Combos
2LK x3 > 2LP xx 41236HP,
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK,
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK (stun)
  • Hyper Dragonball Jackie + Corner only
  • Delay cl.5HP until almost on the ground
Getup Attack Punishes
Scenario Punish
Neutral Getup LK
If you backdash, Drunk will recover near you for an easy punish
  • Whiffs on close range crouchers despite being an overhead
  • If this happens you can start mashing crouching lights to start a punish
Neutral Getup LK
-10 on block, either 2LK confirm or Command Throw punish
  • Can crossup if you try to stand block at this close range
Roll + Getup LK
Preemptive backdash can allow a Dash + whiff punish, but recovery is fast
  • Doesn't have great punishes; 2LP xx 236HK is most consistent
Roll + Getup LK
-2 on block, completely safe
Getup HK
Can backdash to make it whiff, but remember there are 2 hits
  • Doesn't have great punishes; 2LP xx 236HK is most consistent
Getup HK
+1 on block, but -10 if 2nd hit whiffs at longer range
  • Too much pushback for any useful punish
Corner Juggles
Starter Ender
(Tiger Fist)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
HP Throw 2LK > far.5HP > far.5HK
  • If slightly out of corner, walk or microdash first
(Command Throw)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • If deep in corner, walk out before juggling
(while cornered)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • Adding normals before the Super makes it harder to juggle afterwards
  • Microdash before 2HK may be required if not fully cornered
Hyper DB Jackie
extra juggle
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK
  • Juggle very low to the ground
Hitconfirm Notes
Special Autocombo has no followup links
2HK cannot link into 2LK/2LP


This is an incredibly difficult matchup for Dragonball Jackie. A single blocked Tiger Fist is usually the end of the round against anyone who can perform the Butt Infinite, and DB Jackie has no buttons that can reasonably compete with Drunk's 2LK or far.5LK in neutral. 2LP is about the only button with reasonable hitbox priority, but this is slow and unrewarding relative to Drunk's options.

It is always a good idea to attempt a LK Command Throw punish against Drunk's far.5HK, just in case it was misspaced. If done early during the reversal window, there is no risk of whiffing a LK here. Against a Drunk that likes to zone with jugs, a quick dash into 236HK can blow through the projectile (but at further ranges, you could recover into the blast radius).

If you can somehow force Drunk Jackie to the corner, landing a normal Throw causes a backturn state after the followup juggle. This situation is very difficult for Drunk to defend against, as he has no fast airborne moves to defend against repeated throw loops. If he has a full Super stocked, going for a meaty 2LK can beat this clean.

Because Drunk's Butt Infinite is harder than usual against DB Jackie, you should always be prepared to punish in case it drops. The most common situation is for his 2LK or far.5LK to be blocked and chained into a whiffed far.5HP (assuming you were crouch blocking). If you always press a button to punish at this moment, you won't even need to react. The most consistent option here is 2LP xx 236HK, although a well-timed 2HP xx 41236HP can also punish. It is also possible for Drunk's far.5HK to push out of range and whiff. Timing a defensive punish here is a bit easier, since he has significant recovery at near point blank range.

Dash + 2LK Loop Info - (not a true infinite)
2LK x7 vs. standing
2LK x16 vs. crouching

  • Requires perfect 4f dashes, otherwise the loop will quickly get pushed too far out
  • Standing Drunk's recessed foot hurtbox makes it very impractical to loop him

Matchup Video Examples
Spabobin vs RCF 10-23-2021 - 2:15:00 to 2:28:53
Spabobin vs Sinistar 05-02-2021 - 6:49 to 21:00

Overview || Lau || Yeung || Thorsten || Drunk Jackie || Dragonball Jackie || Admiral Jackie || Sam || Kim-Maree || Mysterious Lion

Dragonball Jackie Matchup (Mirror)

JCFoF Spiritual LossKO.png
Important Punishes
Opponent's Move Punish
6HP - Duck the 2nd hit, then 2HK or 236HK to whiff punish
(HK Crush Kick)
- Almost never punishable in a realistic scenario
  • 2LK xx 236HK can punish after point blank crouch block
(Tiger Fist)
- 236HK will punish consistently on block
  • Start with 2LP for slightly more damage, but stricter timing
Super - Same as Tiger Fist

- 2HP during Super freeze can cleanly beat a Super at short-mid range

  • Buffer a special in case the first hit connects
  • Useful since many players do raw Super after blocked Tiger Fist/Crush Kick
  • At point blank, cl.5HK during Super freeze can trade favorably
    • Mash quickly so you don't get hit OTG
Getup Attack Punishes
Scenario Punish
Getup LK
Whiffs on crouch block, so full combo punish on reaction
  • If you backdash to bait DB Jackie's wakeup, it's very difficult to dash in for a punish
Getup LK
-5 on stand block (no punish, just duck under it)
Getup HK
2 hits, easy to dash in and punish after the 2nd one
  • Recovers crouching, so don't use high attacks like 5LP or cl.5HP in punish
  • 6HK or 236K can hop over the first sweep to punish
Getup HK
-2 on block, both hits are low and a true blockstring
  • -17 if the 2nd hit whiffs
    JCFoF Example SpacingVSDragonballGetupHK.png
  • Punish with 2LP xx 236HK if this happens
Corner Juggles
Starter Ender
(Tiger Fist)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
HP Throw 2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
(Command Throw)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • If deep in corner, walk out before juggling
(while cornered)
Dash + 2LK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • Dash + 2HK is possible, but very tight juggle
  • Adding normals before the Super makes it harder to juggle afterwards
Hyper DB Jackie
extra juggle
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK
  • Walk out of corner, juggle very low to the ground
Hitconfirm Notes
Special Autocombo (5LP>HP>HP>HK) can link into another Autocombo with a 1f Microdash
  • No followup after this, so not very useful
2HK, 2LP link is possible
Touch of Death Combos
2LK x3 > 2LP xx 41236HP,
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK,
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK (stun)
  • Hyper Dragonball Jackie + Corner only
  • Delay cl.5HP until almost on the ground


Tiger Fist is not as risky in the mirror match, since 236HK (the most consistent punish) doesn't knockdown and is -2 on hit. This allows for a bit more active risk-taking, although you still shouldn't abuse it too much. Because Dragonball Jackie has a lot of moves with mediocre hurtboxes, random Tiger Fist has a higher than usual chance to beat pokes in neutral, but if it trades with the opponent's Tiger Fist you will both be immediately knocked down.

This matchup is all about movement, trying to land your own Crush Kicks while backdashing to avoid the opponent's and set up a whiff punish. Always be aware of when the opponent has Super, as they are very likely to attempt a blocked move into Super to beat your punish attempt. If you plan to use this strategy, make sure that their punish on your Super won't kill, and try to figure out if the opponent has a tendency to hit buttons after blocking your attacks.

Dash + 2LK Loop Info - (not a true infinite)
2LK x11 vs. standing
2LK x12 vs. crouching

  • Requires perfect 4f dashes, otherwise the loop will quickly get pushed too far out

Matchup Video Examples
[ Video Links]

Overview || Lau || Yeung || Thorsten || Drunk Jackie || Dragonball Jackie || Admiral Jackie || Sam || Kim-Maree || Mysterious Lion

Dragonball vs. Admiral Jackie Matchup

JCFoF Admiral LossKO.png
Important Punishes
Opponent's Move Punish
2HK - 236LK will punish consistently
(Dragon Palm)
- Crouch block to make the 2nd hit whiff
  • This allows an easy Microdash + cl.5HK > 2HP combo starter
  • You can also dash in for a punish after stand blocking, but harder
(Double Dutch)
- Full combo punish

- LK DP whiffs quickly in neutral, so be careful if punishing at mid range

Super - Crouch block, then 236HK (easy reversal punish)
  • This works because the 2nd hit of Super whiffs, leaving Admiral closer

- Crouch block, interrupt after 1st hit with 2LK > 2LP xx 41236HP

  • Stricter timing, but more rewarding
Getup Attack Punishes
Scenario Punish
Getup LK
Long 30f recovery, so you can backdash to bait and punish
  • Recommend Dash + 2LP xx 236HK
  • Backdash usually goes too far to dash in for a point blank punish
Getup LK
-7 on block; 2 hits, only 1st is overhead
  • Almost always safe; 2LP may reach with frame perfect timing at close range
  • If you crouch block from mid-long range, it entirely whiffs on DB Jackie
  • This allows a consistent 2LP xx 236HK whiff punish even without a backdash
Getup HK
Long 34f recovery, so you can backdash to bait and punish
  • Dash + 2LK confirm into Tiger Fist is consistent
  • Recovers crouching, so don't use high normals like 5LP or cl.5HK
  • 6HK and 236K hop over it for a punish
Getup HK
-11, must be blocked low
  • Punishable by 2LP xx 236HK (most consistent)
Corner Juggles
Starter Ender
(Tiger Fist)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
HP Throw Dash + 2LK > 2HP > cl.5HK (consistent)

2LK > far.5HP > far.5HK (less consistent)

(Command Throw)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • Due to turnaround bug, walk farther out of corner than usual
(while cornered)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • Adding normals before the Super makes it harder to juggle afterwards
Hyper DB Jackie
extra juggle
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK
  • Juggle very low to the ground

2LP > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK

  • Slightly less damage but more consistent
Hitconfirm Notes
Special Autocombo (5LP>HP>HP>HK) links into 2LK on standing opponent
2HK, 2LP link is possible
Touch of Death Combos
5LP>HP>HP>HK, 2LK xx 41236HP,
juggle 2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK (stun)
  • Standing only, must reach corner
2LK x3 > 2LP xx 41236HP,
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK,
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK (stun)
  • Hyper Dragonball Jackie + Corner only
  • Delay cl.5HP until almost on the ground


This matchup is very difficult, as Admiral's superior movement and 2LP shut down nearly all of Dragonball Jackie's neutral options. It will reliably interrupt 236K midair before it can connect, and the hitbox is far superior to any of DB Jackie's buttons. It is possible to throw out a random Tiger Fist, but this is prone to trading and is fairly easy for Admiral to punish on block (though luckily, he won't usually get a very strong meterless combo out of it).

Using 236HK can be very risky, as Admiral's DP can punish it on block from most ranges. If you use it from around DB Jackie's max 2LP range or farther, it should be safe on block. Sticking to the LK version will require you to close the distance a bit more.

Important Note:
Admiral's 41236P and Super will both whiff the 2nd hit if you crouch block. This means he can't use them to effectively chip you out (see Important Punishes section)

Dash + 2LK Loop Info - (not a true infinite)
2LK x13 vs. standing
2LK x14 vs. crouching

  • Requires perfect 4f dashes, otherwise the loop will quickly get pushed too far out

Matchup Video Examples
Spabobin vs. RCF 10-23-2021 - 1:59:23 to 2:14:40
Sinistar vs. Funkdoc 08-26-2021 - 0:00 to 8:47

Overview || Lau || Yeung || Thorsten || Drunk Jackie || Dragonball Jackie || Admiral Jackie || Sam || Kim-Maree || Mysterious Lion

Dragonball vs. Sam Matchup

JCFoF Sam LossKO.png
Important Punishes
Opponent's Move Punish
236P blocked
(Thousand Spears)
- Block + hold up forward for a jump-in punish, then Dash + combo
  • j.LK > j.HK if you blocked LP Hands from close range
  • j.HK > j.HP if you blocked LP Hands (or max range LP Hands)
  • HP Hands has a much longer animation than LP Hands, so learn to distinguish between them
236P whiffed
(Thousand Spears)
- 2HK or 236HK can whiff punish reliably after standing out of range
  • Low risk but low reward

- Dash + 2LK/5LP combo starter can also whiff punish

  • Much riskier since LP and HP Hands have different animation lengths
  • If you run into a late hit of Hands, the entire move hits you for full damage
- 236HK will consistently punish at all ranges

- From close-mid range, backdash on reaction and punish the whiff with a full combo

Super - Punish with a full combo when he lands

- The 5th and 6th hits are overheads, so block these high
- If chip damage or time are a concern, interrupt the 1st or 3rd hit with a 2LK combo starter

Getup Attack Punishes
Scenario Punish
Getup LK
Whiffs on crouch block, so full combo punish on reaction
  • There is little reason to backdash bait on Sam's wakeup, and doing so would be difficult
Getup LK
-5 on stand block
  • 2LK can punish, but just duck under it
Getup HK
Range is very short, so you can bait this without moving
  • JCFoF Example SpacingVSSamGetupHK.gif
  • Recovery is fast, so backdashing makes it hard to punish afterward
  • The last 7 recovery frames are standing, so stand-only punishes like Special Autocombo can work
  • 6HK hops over and beats it cleanly
Getup HK
-12 on block, hits low
  • 236HK punishes at all ranges
  • At closer range, Dash + 5LP into Special Autocombo can punish
Corner Juggles
Starter Ender
(Tiger Fist)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
HP Throw 2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
(Command Throw)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
(while cornered)
Dash + 2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • Use Dash + 2LK if farther from corner
  • Adding normals before the Super makes it harder to juggle afterwards
Hyper DB Jackie
extra juggle
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK
  • Walk out of corner, juggle very low to the ground
Hitconfirm Notes
Special Autocombo (5LP>HP>HP>HK) links into 2LK on standing opponent
  • With a 1f Microdash, Special Autocombo can link into itself
  • After this, the only extension is an impractical 1f Microdash + 2LK
2HK, 2LK and 2HK, 2LP links are both possible
Touch of Death Combos
5LP>HP>HP>HK, 2LK xx 41236HP,
juggle 2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK (stun)
  • Standing only, must reach corner
2LK x3 > 2LP xx 41236HP,
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK,
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK (stun)
  • Hyper Dragonball Jackie + Corner only
  • Delay cl.5HP until almost on the ground


Like most fast low pokes, 2LK is fairly strong against Sam. However, Sam's 2LP can counterpoke or trade reasonably well due to 2LK's short range and mediocre hurtbox. From around midscreen, Sam can quickly whiff the 1st hit of Rekka into the 2nd hit, which will cleanly beat 2LK. DB Jackie does not have an easy answer to this on reaction, but 2LP and 5HP can interrupt if done quickly. Sam can also use 5LP to punish 236HK, potentially into a stun combo with good execution. This forces you to play a bit more honestly in neutral and rely more on the weaker LK version.

This is one matchup where throwing out random Tiger Fists and Supers is not recommended, due to Sam's easy and high-damage punishes. If the Sam player doesn't prove that they can anti-air consistently, jumps are occasionally useful, as j.HP and j.HK have hitboxes that are hard to contest with Sam's AA normals. If they dash under you, however, this could lead to huge juggle damage (especially from Black Sam).

Always be ready to stand block his 3rd Rekka string, as well as the last 2 hits of his Super (if you choose not to interrupt mid-animation with 2LK). Sam players may try to dash in for a jab/throw mixup after the 2nd Rekka instead, so spamming backdash can help defend against both mixups (as long as you don't get hit by a delayed 3rd Rekka while your stick is in a neutral position).

Dash + 2LK Loop Info - (not a true infinite)
2LK x15 vs. standing
2LK x13 vs. crouching

  • Requires perfect 4f dashes, otherwise the loop will quickly get pushed too far out

Matchup Video Examples
Spabobin vs. Daimax - Friends of Fire 5 - 1:18:49 to 1:23:03

Overview || Lau || Yeung || Thorsten || Drunk Jackie || Dragonball Jackie || Admiral Jackie || Sam || Kim-Maree || Mysterious Lion

Dragonball vs. Kim-Maree Matchup

JCFoF KimMaree LossKO.png
Important Punishes
Opponent's Move Punish
2HK - No punish at most ranges

- 2LP if spaced very close (hit or block)

6HK - 63214K Command Throw can reliably punish on hit or block

- 2LK can push on block, but requires frame perfect timing

  • Not worth the risk as Kim can command throw you if mistimed
(Running Lariat)
- Crouch, then start a 2LK combo right as she gets near you
(I Want You!)
- Dash up into a full combo punish
Hitconfirm Notes
Special Autocombo (5LP>HP>HP>HK) links into 2LK on standing opponent
  • With a 1f Microdash, Special Autocombo can link into itself
  • After this, the only extension is an impractical 1f Microdash + 2LK
2HK, 2LK and 2HK, 2LP links are both possible
Getup Attack Punishes
Scenario Punish
Getup LK
You will get thrown if you stand (unless too far out of throw range)
  • Well-timed 2LP will hit Kim out of the air (but this loses to Getup HK)
  • Kim will whiff against crouchers and knock herself down where she can be hit OTG
    • Because OTGs are low damage, a Kim with a large life lead may keep doing this on purpose
    • Try to juggle her mid-air if this happens
Getup LK
Standing at farther ranges will put you in hitstun/blockstun while Kim knocks herself down
  • If you are fast you can OTG her, but knockdown time is short
Getup HK
The long animation and active frame window makes it hard to backdash this
  • If you try to backdash bait on her wakeup, be sure to keep stand blocking just in case
  • Use a quick punish like 2LK > 2LP xx 236LK if you manage to make her whiff nearby
Getup HK
+6 on block overhead, completely safe
  • Kim can force a true blockstring into 2LP, then chain into low to punish your backdash attempt
  • You can buffer a reversal command throw, then backdash to defend against her offensive options (just watch out for jump-in)
  • Smartest choice is to just stay far away on her wakeup
Corner Juggles
Starter Ender
(Tiger Fist)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
HP Throw 2LK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • 2HK is possible but very difficult
(Command Throw)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • If deep in corner, walk out before juggling
(while cornered)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • Adding normals before the Super makes it harder to juggle afterwards
Hyper DB Jackie
extra juggle
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK
  • Juggle very low to the ground

Walk back, 2LP > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK

  • After Tiger Fist or Super only (no walk back after Super)
  • Slightly less damage but more consistent
Touch of Death Combos
5LP>HP>HP>HK, 2LK xx 41236HP,
juggle 2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK (stun)
  • Standing only, must reach corner
  • Alternate starters (more difficult but better hitconfirm):
    • 2LK + Dash 1-4f or 2LK x2 + Dash 2-4f
    • 2LK x3 + Dash 3-4f works while allowing juggle 2LK to stun, which works farther from the corner
2LK x3 > 2LP xx 41236HP,
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK,
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK (stun)
  • Hyper Dragonball Jackie + Corner only
  • Delay cl.5HP until almost on the ground


Dragonball Jackie, like most characters, can effectively shut down Kim with his fast movement. 236K hops over Kim's best pokes (2LK and 2HK), and is completely safe in neutral until Kim gets Super. With full meter, she can punish Crush Kick, but only after crouch blocking. The LK version is not too difficult to use safely, but it may not even be worth the risk. Random Tiger Fists are only punishable by Kim's 2HK, making it fairly low-risk. Still, her sweep does good damage so you don't want to give her the life lead for no reason.

Kim has fairly strong jumps that can be tricky for DB Jackie to anti-air; an early 236LK is the best AA option, but sometimes Kim can actually air throw this before it connects while option selecting a high j.HK. It is usually better just to avoid her air game altogether.

If Kim ever uses her 6HK overhead, always punish with 63214K Command Throw on hit or block. You don't want to let her get away with using this move to approach, as she can put you in a dangerous mixup where the only safe option is to backdash. Attempting to punish on block with 2LK requires frame perfect timing, and will certainly lose to her command throw or DP if mistimed.

If you are knocked down in the corner, your first instinct may be to try to roll away. However, Kim players will often jump backwards expecting this, putting you into a very ambiguous crossup situation that can lead to huge damage and being cornered again. Rolling into Getup LK can sometimes beat this back jump, but only if the jump was done too early. It is often better to just keep yourself cornered and fight your way out in neutral.

Dash + 2LK Loop Info - (not a true infinite)
2LK x15 vs. standing/crouching

  • Requires perfect 4f dashes, otherwise the loop will quickly get pushed too far out

Matchup Video Examples
[ Video Links]

Overview || Lau || Yeung || Thorsten || Drunk Jackie || Dragonball Jackie || Admiral Jackie || Sam || Kim-Maree || Mysterious Lion

Dragonball vs. Mysterious Lion Matchup

JCFoF MLion LossKO.png
Important Punishes
Opponent's Move Punish
6HP - Crouch to make it whiff, then 236HK
  • 236HK can also punish on block, but may be unsafe if the 2nd hit drops
2HK - Not punishable if well spaced
  • 236LK can punish from closer ranges and is low-risk to attempt
(LP Lion Crusher)
- Full combo punish
  • Microdash + 5LP into Autocombo loops is the strongest option
(HP Lion Crusher)
- Generally safe, but Dash + 2LK combo can work at some ranges
  • If Lion corners himself or recovers close to you, then full combo punish
Normal xx 236LP
(Lion Bomb)
- Dash through bomb, 2LK, 5LP, or Command Throw combo starter

- Reversal Super will hit once, but is interrupted by explosion
- 236HK can work from closer range bomb cancels

  • Risky because he might land into the blast (allowing M. Lion to combo)
Teleport - Predict a direction, then dash up 2LP xx 41236HP
Super - 2LK and 2HK are the only moves that work against crouching Chibi-Lion

- If you can catch him airborne, a low-height juggle into 236LK knocks down

  • This works right after Super activation with 236HK if you are close enough
Getup Attack Punishes
Scenario Punish
Getup LK
Backdash to bait and punish
  • Tons of active frames, so if you dash too early you might still have to block
    • Try to position yourself so that your backdash will recover completely out of range of the Getup LK
  • Predictive backwards j.HK can also work as a read, especially on a corner escape
  • Has similar animation to wakeup roll, don't confuse the two
Getup LK
-6 on block, hits overhead
  • Not punishable if blocked due to pushback
Getup HK
Can backdash to bait, then Dash + 2LP xx 236HK
  • Recovers crouching, so don't use 5LP punish
  • Invincibility runs out early, so you can stuff it with meaties
    • Most players will just use Getup LK so this isn't a great idea
Getup HK
-3 on block, hits low (completely safe)
Corner Juggles
Starter Ender
(Tiger Fist)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • 2LK can be used for easier juggle timing
HP Throw None
(Command Throw)
2HK > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK
  • No need to walk out of corner
(while cornered)
Hyper DB Jackie
extra juggle
cl.5HP (2 hits) > cl.5HK
  • Juggle very low to the ground

2LP > 2HP (1 hit) xx 236HK

  • Slightly less damage but more consistent
Hitconfirm Notes
Special Autocombo (5LP>HP>HP>HK) links into 2LK on standing opponent
  • With a 1f Microdash, Special Autocombo can link into itself as a pseudo-infinite
2HK, 2LK > 2LP and 2HK, 2LP links are both possible
Touch of Death Combos
2LK x2-3, Dash + 5LP>HP>HP>HK,
Microdash 1f + 5LP>HP>HP>HK
Microdash 1f + 5LP>HP>HP>HK>HK (stun)
  • Standing only, must start point blank
  • Only one of the 1f Microdashes needs to come out for the combo to work
  • 2LK starter is unnecessary but helps for hitconfirming
  • If you start with 2LK x3, then all 1f microdashes are required


236HK can move past a bomb if used at close range, but this leaves Lion standing with frame advantage which is never a good situation. Tiger Fist is not very useful on its own if used to predict bombs, as Jackie can be hit out of the animation after it connects. It is also quite easily punishable on block if the prediction was wrong. His only real way past bomb pressure is to dash forward and push both himself and Lion out of the bomb's blast radius, then start a hitconfirm or throw combo.

Defensively, Dragonball Jackie is in trouble if he gets thrown near the corner. His only escape is Super, and Lion is the one character that can't be juggled after Super in this particular scenario. What's worse is that if Super gets baited, Lion has an extremely powerful corner punish with HP Lion Crusher. It may even be worth giving up corner mixups just to ensure you don't get back thrown, or at least always use airborne meaty attacks like 6HK or 236K.

vs. Chibi Lion:
From a little over half screen, DB Jackie can react to the Super transformation with HP Tiger Fist to start a juggle on the way down; then follow up with Dash + 2LP xx LK Crush Kick to knock down. This is fairly low risk, as the Tiger Fist will safely bounce off if Chibi-Lion lands and blocks, and the only way Chibi-Lion can punish this is to hold straight down and mash Self-Destruct; if he tries to do this while crouch blocking, he won't be able to activate Self-Destruct due to proximity guard. Once transformed, DB Jackie can only hit crouching Chibi-Lion with 2LK and 2HK, so he has no real way to cause chip damage or force a mixup. The best option is to sit just beyond 2LK range, and react to any short hop with 2LP xx HK Crush Kick to knock down and safely avoid any incoming drones. If time is running out and Lion has the life lead, there is nothing you can do besides charge meter and wait for the next round unless the opponent makes unnecessary moves.

Dash + 2LK Loop Info - (not a true infinite)
2LK x16 vs. standing
2LK x15 vs. crouching

  • Requires perfect 4f dashes, otherwise the loop will quickly get pushed too far out

Matchup Video Examples
[ Video Links]

Overview || Lau || Yeung || Thorsten || Drunk Jackie || Dragonball Jackie || Admiral Jackie || Sam || Kim-Maree || Mysterious Lion

System (Basic)
System (Advanced)
Kung-Fu Master
Drunken Fist Jackie
Spiritual Kung-Fu Jackie
Admiral Jackie
Mysterious Lion