Kirby Battle Blitz/Glitch

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A fragmented mess of code: Glitch! Origins unknown, he showed up one day for his now good buddy Stray to help him put himself back together. With Glitchy attacks and a childish desire to show what he can do, his move set will bring the hurt!


Insert character overview/primer: archetype, strengths, weaknesses, etc. This should be a paragraph that basically formally introduces their gameplan and what they should be accomplishing. (The Pro-Con table is not for this.)

KBB Glitch Icon.png Glitch is a close ranged well-rounded character who can be really aggressive provided the meter is available. (placeholder!)
Pros Cons
  • Very good defensive tools - Glitch has a teleport, 214B, which has frame 1 invulnerability, making it very effective at escaping pressure as well as starting it when cancelled from other moves. He also has 214A, a very good DP that covers all everything in front of him, while he can burn meter to make the DP safe.
  • 236C gives the opponent a de-buff that disables EX Moves and Star Strikes. - This hinders the opponent's game plan by limiting their access to meter, allowing Glitch to get in easier and do his thing.
  • Good frame data up close. He has faster-than-average normals, is very plus on moves like charged 5C and can cancel moves like his projectile 5C and his 214A super into his 214B teleport to become very plus on block at the cost of meter, making him hard to challenge up close.
  • Most of his EX Attacks and Star Strikes deal some form of chip damage. This only adds to his offense.
  • Very High Damage Output and Strong Meter Gain Glitch has some of the highest damage output out there, allowing him to easily 2 touch if the opponent doesn't StarBuster. His strong meter gain helps make this damage possible, but the damage can be sacrificed to fuel his meter-hungry offense.
  • Decent Okizeme. Gets plenty of plus frames on oki. To use them, he posseses a meaty overhead KBB Glitch Icon.pngj5B, and a meaty plus on block projectile that can lead to further pressure (charged 5C) as well as j.5c which can be used to create a left-right mixup, all which give Glitch a few more options on oki than the average character.
  • Heavily Relies On Meter for Offense 5C > 214B is really one of his only ways of safely approaching and this costs 0.75 bars. In addition, continuing his pressure requires even more meter as he needs 5c, raw 214B, and again 5C > 214B or 214A > 214B to continue his pressure, all which are expensive to do.
  • Stubby Normals. His normals don't have much range. Combining this with slower-than-average movement speed means that he has to look for other ways of getting in.
  • Instant Blocking ruins his pressure. Instant Blocking at the right time can force him to play less aggressively if done.
  • Hatbox. - Hatbox. Hatbox. Hatbox.


Life Meter Prejump Walk Speed Run Speed Owned by
1000 3000 5 2.4 / -2.2 4.6 JalenBrah

Command List

Normal Moves

KBB Glitch 5A.png
KBB Glitch 5AA.png
KBB Glitch 5A Hitbox.png
Frames 6 to 9!
KBB Glitch 5AA Hitbox.png
Frames --!
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Invul Cost
10 Air Unblockable 236A, 214A, 214B, 5AA, 2A, 5B, 5C, 2C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
5 4 8 -1 5 5

Glitch throws a jab with his left nub.

  • Has longer range compared to the norm.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Invul Cost
15 Mid, Air 214A, 214B, 5BBB, 5C, 2C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
2 4 10 -1
3 5

Glitch throws a jab with his right nub.

  • Ultimately serves as filler because it pushes too far to confirm into 2C at midscreen and doesn't have many cancels outside of it.
KBB Glitch 5B.png
KBB Glitch 5B hb 1.png
KBB Glitch 5B hb 2.png
KBB Glitch 5B hb 3.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Invul Cost
15 Mid, Air 236A, 214A, 214B, 2A, 2C, 5AA, 5BB, 5C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 9 4 +0 2 5

Glitch does a roundhouse kick.

  • Mostly filler, it's near-lack of proration and juggle makes it a good way to stack on free damage.
  • Active for 9 frames with little recovery, it can potentially catch people's wakeups if timed correctly.
KBB Glitch 5BB.png
KBB Glitch 5BB hb 1.png
KBB Glitch 5BB hb 2.png
KBB Glitch 5BB hb 3.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Invul Cost
15 Mid, Air 236A, 214A, 214B, 2A, 2C, 5AA, 5BBB, 5C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
3 8 8 +0
2 5

Glitch switches feet and does another kick.

  • Like 5B, its also filler and adds little proration and juggle.
  • Also has quite a bit of active frames, but is much quicker than 5B.
KBB Glitch 5BBB.png
KBB Glitch 5BBB hb 1.png
KBB Glitch 5BBB hb 2.png
KBB Glitch 5BBB hb 3.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Invul Cost
20 Mid, Air Jump*, 236A, 214A, 214B, 2C, 5C Launch - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
5 15 12 +23
8 5

Glitch kicks upwards.

  • Standard launcher. Adds quite a bit of proration.
  • Has an absurd amount of active frames, meaning it can catch those who have just teched.
KBB Glitch j5A.png
KBB Glitch j5A hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Invul Cost
15 High, Air Jump, j.236B, 214B, j.5B, j.5C, j.2C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
4 3 11 -1 ~ +7 5 10

Glitch does a straight kick with his foot.

  • A decent poke, is mainly filler in combos.
KBB Glitch j5B.png
KBB Glitch j5B hb 1.png
KBB Glitch j5B hb 2.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Invul Cost
20 High, Air Jump, j.236B, 214B, j.2B, j.5C, j.2C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 23 8 +4 ~ -12
(-18 ~ +8)
5 6

Glitch does a straight kick with his other foot.

  • Has a ton of active frames, making it great as an approach option, especially when paired with j.2C.
  • Can also potentially catch the unprepared, as it hits high.
KBB Glitch j2B.png
The Cutscene
KBB Glitch j2B hb 1.png
KBB Glitch j2B hb 2.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Invul Cost
30 High, Air 236B, 214B, j.2C Counterhit, Wallbounce - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
9 4 22 +39 ~ +78
(+1 ~ -15)
5 5

Glitch does a very wide roundhouse kick childishly.

  • Causes Fatal Counterhit. It's special property makes it so the attack can wallbounce in a combo again, regardless of if it wallbounced before and Glitch's next attack was not a j2B or not.
  • Has a special property where if j.2B hits the opponent, and if j.2B hits again, the attack will wallbounce again.
  • Paired with airdash, this means it's possible to chain j.2B into j.2B repeatedly until Glitch lands.
  • Is the only exception to the "Stale Moves" system in game.
  • If the opponent is hit with another attack after j.2B, the attack will no longer wallbounce.
KBB Glitch j5C.png
KBB Glitch j5C hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Invul Cost
30 High, Air Jump, 236B, 214B, j.2C Counterhit, Launch - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
8 4 12 +4 ~ -12
(-18 ~ +8)
5 10

Glitch does a flip kick.

  • Causes Fatal Counterhit. It's special property gives it double the untech time.
  • Has a very large hitbox capable of crossing up the opponent.

Universal Mechanics

KBB Glitch 2A 1.png
KBB Glitch 2A 2.png
KBB Glitch 2A hb 1.png
KBB Glitch 2A hb 2.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Invul Cost
30 (10,20) Low, Air Jump, 236A, 214A, 214B, 5AA, 5C, 5BB Launch - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 5(13)4 12 contact, 8 whiff +21
5 5

Glitch sweeps his foot low to the ground, then pokes the opponent's toes.

  • Glitch will not do the second part of the attack on whiff.
KBB Glitch 5B.png
KBB Glitch 5B hb 2.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Invul Cost
30 (10,20) High, Air Instant Air Dash, 236B, 214B, j.2B, j.2C, j.5C Launch - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
13 4 until landing +3 ~ +13
(+4 ~ -8)
- -

Glitch jumps and does a roundhouse kick, the same way he does in 5B.

  • Universial overhead, but has a good stagger window if being canceled into any other move.
KBB Glitch Grab.png
KBB Glitch 5Y hb.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Damage Guard Cancel Property Invul Cost
100 - 214B Launch, Vacuum, Throw - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
9 5 15 whiff, until landing on success +36 35 5
Glitch grabs his opponents, then leapfrogs over the opponent while boosting himself upwards.

EX Attacks

Glitch Bomb
KBB Glitch 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
40 MA 214B - Counterhit,
Chip Damage,
Launch (Air)
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
15 1 17 +1 ~ +16 Ground, +40 ~ +80 Air (+1 ~ +16) 8 1

Glitch fires a ball of energy that explodes on contact.

  • Does 20 chip damage on block.
  • Can be canceled into Glitch Out at any point in time, including on whiff. This can make it safe in some situations, along with it working as an approach option because the teleport brings you up close and personal.
  • If it hits an aerial opponent, the attack will put the opponent into juggle state.
  • Doubles the hitstun on counterhit, making it safe enough to potentially start a combo if canceled into Glitch Out.
Glitch Bomb Booster
2C Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
50 MA j.2C Invincible frames 1-9 Counterhit,
Chip Damage
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
8 11 10 +24 (+1 ~ -7) - 1

Glitch uses his energy to boost himself vertically.

  • Adds 15 Chip Damage.
  • Can potentially be used as a reversal.
  • Adds no proration, making this phenomenal as a combo extender. Use this to squeeze out the most damage in your combos. One example would be using this after 5BB rather than using 5BBB to launch.
j.2C Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
40 MA j.2CC - Counterhit,
Chip Damage
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
9 15 5 +37 (+2 ~ -11) - 1

Glitch uses his energy to boost himself horizontally.

  • Adds 10 chip damage.
  • Subtracts meter on frame 10, and can be acted out of early if the attack does not hit. This makes it an amazing approach option if paired with j.5B.
  • Adds no proration, making this phenomenal as a combo extender. Use this to squeeze out the most damage in your combos.
j.2CC Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
30 HA j.236B - Launch,
Chip Damage
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 4 22 +20 ~ +27 (-2 ~ -11) 15 1

Glitch Flip Kicks the opponent downward.

  • Adds 5 Chip Damage.
  • Bounces Glitch away from the opponent significantly.
  • Only serves use as a combo ender if you do not have enough meter for a j.236B.

Star Strikes

Clone Explosion: Approach
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
110 MA - Invincibillity (5+) Counterhit (39+),
Chip Damage,
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
4+3 45 (30+15) 0 +55 ~ +65 (-2) - 0

Glitch spawns a clone and boosts himself forward while kicking as the clone explodes.

  • Adds 25 Chip Damage.
  • Has a quick amount of startup and almost no recovery, along with a wide hitbox around Glitch. This makes it a great combo extender and ender.
  • Second hit fatal counterhits if it's the only hit that connects. This hit will wallbounce.
Clone Explosion: Retreat
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
160 + Proration (40,120+Proration) MA 214B Invinicible(1-23) Launch 1000
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
10+16 1 71 +41 (-4) - 0

Glitch spawns a clone and retreats behind it as it explodes.

  • Adds 35 (5+30) Chip Damage.
  • Does a significant amount of damage, even with proration, making it a great combo ender.
  • Can be cancelled into teleport, meaning you can cross your opponent up.
"Check This Out!": Flip Kick Slam
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
55 (25,30) HA j.C(*) - Knockdown 500
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
10+3 3 15 whiff, until landing on hit +35 (+5 ~ -15) - 0

Glitch Flip Kicks the opponent upwards, then teleports and slams the opponent downward with a dive kick.

  • On block, you can hold back during the move's starup and as it hits to get a cross-up.
"Behind You!": Glitch Out
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
- - - Invincible (1-24) - 500
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - 18+8 total -8 - 0

Glitch glitches out behind the opponent.

  • It's a teleport. Amazing when paired up with certain moves like Glitch Bomb or Clone Approach: Retreat.
"Say Goodbye To That Ability!"
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
230 - - Invincible (1-33) Throw,
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
10+23 9 43 -1 - 0

Glitch grabs the opponent and seals the opponent with his glitchy energy.

  • Does unprorated damage, making it powerful as a combo ender.
  • Locks out all of the opponent's metered attacks for 15 seconds if successful. (EX Attacks and Star Strikes)

Cancel Table

Cancel Table
A B C Star Strike Unique
5A 5AA, 2A 5B 5C, 2C 236A, 214A -
5AA - 5BBB 5C, 2C 214A, 214B -
5B 5AA, 2A 5BB 5C, 2C 236A, 214A, 214B -
5BB 5AA, 2A 5BBB 5C, 2C 236A, 214A, 214B -
5BBB - - 5C, 2C 236A, 214A, 214B Jump[-]
5C - - - 214B[+] -
2C - - j.2C - -
j.5A - j.5B j.5C, j.2C j.236B, j.214B[+] Jump
j.5B - j.2B j.5C, j.2C j.236B, j.214B[+] Jump
j.2B - - j.2C j.236B, j.214B[+] -
j.5C - - 2C j.236B, j.214B[+] Jump
j.2C - - j.2CC - -
j.2CC - - - j.236B -
2A 5AA 5BBB 5C 236A, 214A, 214B Jump
2B - j.2B j.5C, j.2C j.236B, j.214B[+] Instant Air Dash
Y - - - 214B -
236A - - - - -
214A - - - 214B -
236B - - j.5C - -
214B - - - - -
236C - - - - -

X: On Contact

X[+]: Available on Whiff

X[-]: On Hit only

X[/]: On Block only

Color Gallery


17% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Basic stuff like the landing page and navbox is in, along with some system pages.
  • System page is complete.
  • Clean up and finish the rest of the character pages. Every page needs to be updated to account for changes in updates 2.0 to 2.4.
  • Create netplay page.
  • Update FAQ
  • Add patch-notes from 2.1 to 2.4.
  • Finish adding frame data to every page, and begin adding hit-boxes to every page. Glitch is currently the gold standard in the gameplay section, hitboxes aside. (Avoid doing Violet's at all costs however!)
  • When Adding Hitboxes: Only take images from Fighter Factory. This is to keep the look of the hitboxes clean!
  • Ensure that this chart is updated over time.


Patch Notes