Duels of Fortune/Controls

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Duels of Fortune's moves and combo sequences are notated with Numpad Notation and uses the layout of a numpad on a keyboard to define inputs. The game has 8 buttons, those being L, M, H, S, Super, Reversal, Burst, and Taunt.

Here are the digital directional inputs possible in DoF:

How these inputs are represented in Numpad Notation. "5" represents the lever neutral position, and "6" always faces the same direction the character is facing for consistency.

Moves are given prefixes to signify certain properties:

5 Perform while not pressing a direction.
j Jumping, or in the air.
c Close.
+ Indicates no gap in inputs. Press at the same time.

Directional input combinations while rare in DoF are often abbreviated with numpad to describe their motion.

Num. Full Name
214 Quarter-Circle Back
63214 Half-Circle Back
[4]6 Charge Back Forwards
[2]8 Charge Down Up

The 8 buttons are shortened to:

L Light Attack
M Medium Attack
H Strong Attack
S Special
SP Super
R Reversal
B Burst
T Taunt

L, M, and H are the Normal attack buttons.

  • Normals can be canceled into a heavier attack as a chain, or a lighter attack in a Reverse Beat.
  • Normals can also have a number of other properties, most notably canceling into a Jump or Dash on hit.d

S and SP are the Special and Super attacks.

These can be canceled into from normals but, with a few exceptions, don't cancel into anything else. If they do cancel into something it's usually a jump or dash cancel.
Specials are free but supers cost 50 meter.
Characters have at 4 specials with 5S, 4S, 2S, and j.S, and often have more. Every character has 2 supers with 5SP and 2SP. 5SPs are usually damage supers and 2SPs utility supers.

R is the Reversal/Block button.

Hitting R at any point spends 25 meter to do an invincible strike
Reversals can be done out of blockstun as a guard cancel.
R can be held while waking up to do a Wakeup Reversal, which typically has a bigger hitbox than a regular reversal.
When button block is enabled, the reversal button becomes the block button. Reversals are performed in this mode by holding block and hitting S.

B is used to perform Break/Blast Bursts.

By hitting B while in hitstun or blockstun, you do a Break Burst. This launches the opponent away from you and typically resets to neutral.
By canceling into B from an attack, you do a Blast Burst. This launches the opponent and allows for combo extensions.
Both require a full Burst meter.

T is the Taunt button

Taunts are long animations that mostly serve to do as their name suggests; taunt the opponent.
Every character has 2 taunts between 5T and 2T, but some have a 4/6T.
Some taunts like Callowman's have additional effects and may even be important to their gameplan.

Hitting 6H while close to a grounded opponent will trigger a grab. Grabs can be teched by hitting the H button within a 20F window.

Movement and Metagame

Commands will assume facing right and use Numpad Notation. Commands will be underlined.

  • Block: Hold any direction away from your opponent or hold the block button.
    • Stand blocking (4) can't block lows and crouch blocking (1) can't block overheads. Air blocking blocks both but blockstun lasts slightly longer. For block button, the same overall applies but they must manually turn by hitting left or right to block crossups.
  • Forward Dash: Press 66 to dash forward. Dashes vary heavily between characters but are generally a quick way to close space. Dashes can be canceled into attacks or dash jump.
  • Back Dash: Press 44 to dash backwards. Back dashes also vary heavily between characters but most are uncancelable and are airborne.
  • Air Dash: Press 66 or 44 while in the air. Air forward dashes mostly go straight and are cancelable into attacks. Back air dashes usually go downwards and aren't cancelable, making them mostly for making distance. Neither has a height restriction. Some characters don't have an air dash.
  • Regular Jump: You can jump by pressing up and it can be angled forwards or backwards. Once you're in the air you have full control of the character's aerial drift until you do an attack. Jumps are mostly universal but a few differ from the norm.
  • Dash Jump: Input by pressing up or up forwards during a dash (up back isn't valid). Dash jumps are short hops with dash momentum, allowing characters to do fast overheads or crossups.
  • Double Jump: Limited to a couple characters. Double jumps allow a character to jump for a second time and gain more height.
Wakeup Options
  • Neutral Getup: Default way to wakeup from a soft knockdown when you hold neither direction. The character stands up in place.
  • Wakeup Roll: By holding forwards or backwards from a soft knockdown, you can roll the correlating direction quite a distance. While they're slow enough to be reactable, they can get a character out of the corner or out of oki setups.
  • Hard Knockdown: When a move does a hard knockdown, you can only neutral getup, forcing you to go into whatever oki setup the opponent has prepared.
Air Teching
  • Regular Air Teching: Air teching is automatic in Duels of Fortune when hitstun runs out while a character is airborne. By holding the correlating direction, you can Up/Neutral tech, Down tech, and Side tech which can be left or right.
  • Burst/Reversal Teching: When hit by a burst or reversal, you are locked out of teching forwards. Otherwise the usual options are available.


Getting Started
Game Data
Black Heart