Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire/Spiritual Kung-Fu Jackie/KFM

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Also commonly known as "Dragonball Jackie" (due to his iconic attack animation) or "Five Animal Fists Jackie" (referring to the martial arts style he uses). In the movie Spiritual Kung Fu, Yi-Lang (Jackie Chan's character) learns the Five Style Fists fighting style from the ghosts of five previous masters. After a thief stole a book about a deadly style of Kung Fu from his temple's library, Yi-Lang uses this new technique to defend his school.

Dragonball Jackie's normals are mostly unremarkable; his standing normals tend to whiff on crouching opponents, so he mostly uses 2LK to start his confirms, chaining into 2LP and ending with Crush Kick on block or Tiger Fist on hit. Crush Kick is a very safe move for dealing chip damage, and also deals significant stun; it can hop over many low pokes, forcing the opponent to change their neutral options. Tiger Fist, while unsafe on block, does great damage in combos and can occasionally be thrown out randomly to catch an extended attack hurtbox. Notably, he has no invincible reversals, and no Desperation attack when at low health.

As a boss character, Dragonball Jackie is not selectable without using cheats. He becomes a selectable opponent after defeating two of the six main characters in Arcade mode.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Fast movement speed
  • Can stun in one combo if he gets a good punish opportunity
  • Tiger Fist does incredible damage for a special move
  • Crush Kick is a great special move for safely chipping the opponent
    • Also is airborne and can hop over many low pokes
  • Short crouching hurtbox makes many moves whiff against him
  • Most attacks are highs that whiff on crouchers
  • Combo routes are very limited, and ending with safe 236K gives no knockdown
  • Anti-airs options are generally weak and vary significantly based on spacing
  • No invincible reversal options
  • No Desperation attack when at low health

Character Stats

Prejump Frames: 3
Jump Frames: 46
Backdash Frames: 18 (all invincible)

Frame Data Info (click to expand)
Damage Base Damage of the attack, not accounting for scaling or opponent's defense value.
Damage for each hit is separated by an asterisk (*)
If there are several hits in a row with identical damage, it will be listed as A x B to save space
--Example: 4*5x3*8 = 4 damage + 5 damage (3 hits) + 8 damage
Stun Stun damage of the attack, not accounting for any scaling (light normals do not have any stun scaling). Throws never deal stun.
Stun damage for each hit is separated by an asterisk (*)
If there are several hits in a row with identical stun, it will be listed as A x B to save space
--Example: 256*128x3*512 = 256 stun + 128 stun (x3 hits) + 512 stun
Guard The way a move must be guarded against.
Throw = Cannot be blocked
Overhead = Must be blocked standing
Low = Must be blocked crouching.
Mid = Can be blocked both standing and crouching.
High = Can be blocked standing, whiffs against crouching.
  • Note: In Kung Fu Master, crouching hurtboxes vary significantly between characters, and between offensive crouch/crouch block. For high attacks, specific details about how the move interacts with crouchers will be noted in the description.
Startup The number of frames it takes for a move to become active.
If this value is lower than the opponent's Hit Adv or Block Adv, it can be used to punish that move if it is in range.
If a second value is listed in (parentheses), the move hits later during its active frames (i.e. a 2-hit High attack where the first hit whiffs vs. crouching).
Active The number of frames that an attack's hitbox remains active. The first active frame overlaps with the final startup frame.
Attacks with multiple hits are separated by an asterisk (*) if there is no gap between hits, or by a number in (parentheses) denoting the number of frames between active hitboxes.
--Example 1: 3*5 = 3 active frames (1st hit), 5 active frames (2nd hit)
--Example 2: 2(5)4 = 2 active frames, 5f gap, 4 active frames
For attacks with long, complex sets of active frames, the description will explain the details and the Active column will simply display the total number of active frames.
Attacks with more active frames are more effective as pokes and anti-airs.
Recovery The number of frames that a character cannot act after startup and active frames have passed.
For airborne attacks, recovery may be listed as 'X + Y land', where X+Y is the total recovery and Y is the number of grounded recovery frames (which allows the character to be thrown or punished with a grounded combo).
Hit Adv The frame advantage of an attack on hit. 0 means the attacker and defender recover at the same time.
A positive number means the attacker recovers before the defender.
--Example: A move listed as +4 on Hit may link into a move with 4f Startup.
A negative number means the defender recovers before the attacker, and the attack may be punishable.
--Example: A move listed as -6 on Hit may be punished by a move with 6f Startup, if it is in range.
May also be displayed as a range of values for attacks with significantly different frame advantage when used at different spacing.
--Example: A move with '-5 to 3' advantage on hit can be anywhere from -5 to +3 depending on which active frame hits the opponent.
HKD = Hard Knockdown (opponent lies on the ground for a couple seconds, allowing ample time to set up positioning)
SKD = Soft Knockdown (opponent rises shortly after landing)
Block Adv The frame advantage of an attack on block.
This includes the final Guard Cancel frame (see the 'reversal' section of the Basic System page for more details)
0 means the attacker and defender recover at the same time.
A positive number means the attacker recovers before the defender.
A negative number means the defender recovers before the attacker, and the attack may be punishable.
--Example: A move listed as -6 on Block may be punished by a move with 6f Startup, if it is in range.
Throws cannot be blocked, so the column is left empty in this case.
May also be displayed as a range of values for attacks with significantly different frame advantage when used at different spacing.
--Example: A move with '-5 to 3' advantage on block can be anywhere from -5 to +3 depending on which active frame hits the opponent.
Special Cancel The ability to cancel the animation of a normal attack into a special/super move. Specials cannot be cancelled into supers like in some other games. Command normals can also never be special cancelled.
Attribute Self-chain = Light normal that can be rapidly chained into itself on hit, block, or whiff.
By default, self chains can be input very quickly (after the first active frame, and after hitstop/blockstop if it connects)
  • (slow) means the self-chain must be delayed until the move's recovery (all active frames must pass, including residual active frames that occur after hitstop/blockstop)

No-Chain = Normal attack that cannot be chained into another normal
Airborne = Attack puts the user in the air, making them immune to throws, and hits will cause an air reset.
Invincible/Invulnerable = Attack has no hurtbox and cannot be interrupted during these invincibility frames
Mashable = Rapidly input buttons/directions for extra hits. For throws, defender can also mash to reduce damage.
Crossup = Attack must be blocked in the opposite direction if it connects behind the opponent

Hitstun Type This property is noted in the move description when applicable. Against standing opponents, attacks can inflict two types of reeling animations.
They are referred to as High and Mid hitstun because it usually (but not always) correlates with High attacks vs. Mid/Low attacks.
The hitstun reeling animation can affect combo routes due to different hurtbox widths.
Crouching opponents always have the same reeling animation regardless of attack.

Damage/Stun is currently unavailable until a training lua script is made.
When describing hitbox interactions, "crouching" means holding down or down/forward, while "crouch blocking" means holding down back.
Hitting a crouching button may further alter a character's hurtbox, but this is not taken into consideration.


Standing Normals

Close Stand LP cl.5LP

KFM Spiritual Close 5LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
3 4 4 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
+8 +4 High Y Self-Chain
  • Whiffs on all crouching/crouch blocking characters
  • Hitstun Type: High

Far Stand LP far.5LP

KFM Spiritual Far 5LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
4 4 6 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
+6 +2 High Y Self-Chain
  • Whiffs on all crouching/crouch blocking characters
  • Hitstun Type: High

Close Stand HP cl.5HP

KFM Spiritual Close 5HP 1.png
KFM Spiritual Close 5HP 2.png
KFM Spiritual Close 5HP 3.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
4 (11) 4(3)4(3)8 22 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
-6 [-13] -12 [-19/-26] High Y (1st hit) -
  • 3 hits; [frame adv if 2nd or 2nd+3rd hits whiff]
  • 1st hit whiffs on all crouching/crouch blocking characters
  • 2nd hit whiffs on
    • crouch: Lau/Sam/Yeung/Dragonball/Drunk
    • crouch block: Lau/Yeung/Thorsten/Dragonball/Drunk
  • 3rd hit whiffs on
    • crouch: everyone but Thorsten/M.Lion
    • crouch block: everyone but Sam/Kim
  • Hitstun Type: High/High/High

Far Stand HP far.5HP

KFM Spiritual Far 5HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
6 6 22 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
-4 -10 High N -
  • Whiffs on crouching Lau/Sam/Yeung/Dragonball/Drunk
  • Whiffs on crouch blocking Lau/Yeung/Thorsten/Dragonball/Drunk
  • Hitstun Type: High

Close Stand LK cl.5LK

KFM Spiritual Close 5LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
4 6 5 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
+8 +3 High N -
  • Whiffs on all crouching/crouch blocking characters
  • Hitstun Type: High

Far Stand LK far.5LK

KFM Spiritual Far 5LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
4 4 6 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
+9 +4 High N -
  • Whiffs on all crouching/crouch blocking characters
  • Hitstun Type: High

Close Stand HK cl.5HK

KFM Spiritual Close 5HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
7 8 18 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
-2 -8 High N -
  • Can anti-air some close jumps
  • As a punish starter, this leads to an easy stun combo
  • Whiffs on
    • crouch: everyone but Thorsten/M. Lion
    • crouch block: everyone but Sam/Kim
  • Hitstun Type: High

Far Stand HK far.5HK

KFM Spiritual Far 5HK 1.png
KFM Spiritual Far 5HK 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
8 (16) 8*4 11 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
+9 +3 High / Mid N -
  • 2 hits; 1st hit whiffs on all crouching/crouch blocking characters
  • Hitstun Type: High/Mid

Crouching Normals

Crouch LP 2LP

KFM Spiritual 2LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
5 6 7 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
+6 +1 Mid Y -
  • Slower and longer range than most light normals
  • Hitstun Type: Mid

Crouch HP 2HP

KFM Spiritual 2HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
6 6 22 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
-4 -10 Mid Y -
  • Can work as an anti-air but prone to trades
  • Hitstun Type: High

Crouch LK 2LK

KFM Spiritual 2LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
3 4 4 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
+8 +4 Low Y Self-chain
  • Main hitconfirm tool
  • Hitstun Type: Mid

Crouch HK 2HK

KFM Spiritual 2HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
4 6 24 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
SKD -12 Low N -
  • Can be safe due to pushback, especially if well-spaced

Air Normals

Jump LP 8LP

KFM Spiritual 8LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
6 until ground - ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
- - Overhead - -
  • Hitstun Type: Mid

Jump HP 8HP

KFM Spiritual 8HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
7 10 - ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
- - Overhead - -
  • Hitstun Type: Mid

Diagonal Jump LK 9LK

KFM Spiritual 9LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
3 until ground - ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
- - Overhead - Crossup
  • Hitstun Type: Mid
  • Instant Overhead:
    • 3f timing vs. crouch blocking Yeung, Thorsten, Kim-Maree, M. Lion, Lau, Sam, Admiral (2f at close range)
    • 2f timing vs. crouch blocking Dragonball, Drunk
    • 3f timing vs. crouching Thorsten, M. Lion, Yeung, Admiral (2f at close range)
    • 2f timing vs. crouching Lau, Sam, Kim-Maree, Dragonball, Drunk (1f at close range)

Neutral Jump LK 8LK

KFM Spiritual 8LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
3 until ground - ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
- - Overhead - -
  • Hitstun Type: Mid

Diagonal Jump HK 9HK

KFM Spiritual 9HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
6 7 - ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
- - Overhead - Crossup
  • Instant overhead (~2f timing)
  • Hitstun Type: Mid

Neutral Jump HK 8HK

KFM Spiritual 8HK 1.png
KFM Spiritual 8HK 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
4 4*8 - ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
- - Overhead - -
  • 2 hits
  • Hitstun Type: Mid/Mid

Command Normals

Sobat Kick 6LK/4LK

KFM Spiritual 6LK 4LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
12 5 7 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
+7 +2 High N Airborne 2-9f
  • Can chain afterwards
  • Whiffs on all crouching/crouch blocking characters
  • Hitstun Type: High

One-Two Punch 6HP/4HP

KFM Spiritual 6HP 4HP 1.png
KFM Spiritual 6HP 4HP 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
8 (17) 6(3)8 23 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
-7 (-16) -13 (-22) High N No-Chain
  • Long range poke, but generally unsafe to use
  • First hit whiffs on:
    • crouching Lau/Yeung/Sam/Dragonball/Drunk/Admiral
    • crouch blocking Lau/Yeung/Thorsten/M. Lion/Dragonball/Drunk/Admiral
  • Second hit whiffs on:
    • crouching Lau/Sam/Kim/Dragonball/Drunk
    • crouch blocking Sam/Thorsten/Kim/Dragonball/Drunk
  • Hitstun Type: High/High


HP Throw HP Throw

close 6HP/4HP
KFM Spiritual Throw 1.png
KFM Spiritual Throw 2.png
KFM Spiritual Throw 3.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
1 - - ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
HKD - Throw - -
  • -

Special Moves

Tiger Fist (Dragonball) 41236P

KFM Spiritual 41236P 1.png
KFM Spiritual 41236P 2.png
LP Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
9 16 0 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
HKD -10 Mid - -
  • -
HP Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
9 24 0 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
HKD -10 Mid - -
  • -

Priority: above 236K

Crush Kick (Axe Kick) 236K

KFM Spiritual 236K 1.png
KFM Spiritual 236K 2.png
LK Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
8 (12) 4*4 14 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
+6 0 High / Mid - Airborne 3f
  • Can hop over many low pokes with its airborne frames
  • Hitstun Type: High/Mid
HK Startup Active Recovery Damage Stun
11 (17) 6*4 20 ? ?
Hit Adv Block Adv Guard Special Cancel Attribute
0 -6 High / Mid - Airborne 4f
  • Can hop over many low pokes with its airborne frames
  • Hitstun Type: High/Mid

Priority: below 41236P






  • x - x


  • x - x

Matchup Notes






M. Lion

Dragonball Jackie

Drunk Jackie

Admiral Jackie

KFM Spiritual Idle.png KFM Spiritual Idle Crouch.png

External Links

(Fists of Fire)
System (Basic)
System (Advanced)
Fists of Fire
Lau (KFM)
Yeung (KFM)
Sam (KFM)
Thorsten (KFM)
Kim-Maree (KFM)
Mysterious Lion (KFM)
Spiritual Kung-Fu Jackie (KFM)
Drunken Fist Jackie (KFM)
Admiral Jackie (KFM)