Pokemon: Close Combat/System: Difference between revisions

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m (updated parry-counter (it do NOT got full invul))
(Added Summaries to both General Game Mechanics and Move Properties, added Armor Property)
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Outside of their core moveset of Normals, Specials and Hypers, all Close Combatants have access to universal game mechanics. Many of these properties revolve around the stock-like meter system. You either have a bar of meter or you don't there is no in between "half meter". Many of these universal game mechanics revolve around either expending or gaining these meters. <br>
'''Meter''' <br>
'''Meter''' <br>
Each character has a max of 3 bars, and gain it in the following ways:
Meter is a resource that can be expended for Hyper Abilities, C-Dashes and Burst
*Hitting an opponent with a sweep (1 bar)
*Each character has a max of 3 bars, and gains one bar in the following ways:
*Landing a normal grab on the opponent (1 bar, with the exception of Bewear who can gain 1-3 bars from his grab depending on his HP)
**Hitting an opponent with a sweep  
*Landing a successful Parry-Counter or a Parry-Forward Dash (1 bar)
**Landing a normal grab on the opponent
*Guard Breaking the opponent (1 bar)
**Landing a successful Parry-Counter
The amount of meter a move costs to use will be noted in the "Cost" box. <br>
**Guard Breaking the opponent
*On this wiki, the amount of meter a move costs to use is noted in the "Cost" box. <br>

'''Guard Health''' <br>
'''Endurance''' <br>
Each character in the game has a certain amount of guard health, as seen on their stats.
Each character in the game has a certain amount of endurance, as seen on their stats.
*Every attack will do a certain amount of guard damage when blocked, noted in their damage in brackets (example: Blaziken's 5A would be noted as 1 [1]).
*Some attacks reduce the opponent's endurance when blocked. On this wiki, this is noted in Endurance damage. For example, Blaziken's 6A is 1.
*Guard Health resets after the opponent does a move with the Knockdown property like a sweep or grab.
*Endurance is also lost when getting Counter Hit.
If this guard health hits zero, you are put into a state called Guard Break. <br>
*Endurance can be used to Parry. Parries will consume 2 endurance when used.
*Endurance is refreshed from Burst, C-Dash back, using a 2+ meter hyper, getting grabbed while grounded, and getting knocked down. How much it refreshes now depends on the END stat:
**1-2 Stars: 3 Endurance
**3-4 Stars: 4 Endurance
**5 Stars: 5 Endurance
*If endurance reaches zero, the character enters a state called Guard Break. <br>

'''Guard Break''' <br>
'''Guard Break''' <br>
Guard Break is a state that occurs when your guard health runs out.
Guard Break is a state that occurs when your endurance runs out.
*In this state, you are extremely vulnerable as you are put into stun for around 66 frames, leaving you open for attack.
*In this state, you are extremely vulnerable as you are put into stun for around 66 frames, leaving you open for attack.
*The next attack an opponent does double damage.
*The next attack an opponent does inflicts double damage.
*Your guard health resets after a Guard Break.
*Endurance resets after a Guard Break or a knockdown.
*Hitting an opponent with a Sweep immediately after Guard Breaking will not result in the user gaining meter
*Guard Broken opponents cannot be grabbed.
*While at zero Endurance, blocking moves that deal zero guard damage will *not* cause a Guard Break. You still need to take Guard Damage to get Guard Broken, even at Zero.  
'''Parry''' <br>
'''Parry''' <br>
Press C when the opponent hits you to enter Parry state. In parry state, you have 3 options to choose from.
Press C when the opponent hits you to enter Parry state.
*Parry-Counter (5C) will attack the opponent, hitting straight in front of the parrier. Does 2-3 damage depending on the character. If the counter hits, the opponent is knocked away for 2-3 damage depending on the character. If the opponent is out of the counter range, you will whiff the counter. However, you have a good amount of invulnerability when you use it, allowing you to dodge certain attacks in some situations. Do remember that this does NOT mean fully invincible, and you can still be punished for whiffing it heavily. Overall, great to use in most situations.
*In parry state, you have 3 options to choose from.
*Parry-Forward Dash (5C6) will dash your character forward a certain distance forward. Good for closing in on far-away opponents as well as being useful in punishes due to the guaranteed bar and room to use moves after it. However, there is only invincibility on it during the start of the animation, leaving you vulnerable near the end. Great to use in neutral, but be careful of when you use it.
**Parry-Counter (5C) will attack the opponent, hitting straight in front of the parrier. If the counter hits, the opponent is knocked away for 2-5 damage depending on the character. If the opponent is out of the counter range, you will whiff the counter. However, you have a good amount of invulnerability when you use it, allowing you to dodge certain attacks in some situations. Do remember that this does ''not'' mean fully invincible, and you can still be punished for whiffing it heavily. Overall, great to use in most situations.
*Parry-Backdash (5C4) will make your character backdash upon parrying the attack. While it usually leaves you in a good position, the main downside is that you gain '''no''' bar from it. It trades off potential meter for extra safety. Overall the weakest out of all 3 followups, but still finds use. Great to use in neutral to get away.
**Parry C-Dash Forward (5C6) will dash your character forward after a successful parry. Good for closing in on far-away opponents as well as being useful in punishes due to the guaranteed bar and room to use moves after it. However, there is only invincibility on it during the start of the animation, leaving you vulnerable near the end. Great to use in neutral, but be careful of when you use it.
Be wary that Parry is frame 4, meaning it loses to all meaty attacks.. <br>
**Parry C-Dash Back (5C4) will make your character backdash upon parrying the attack and refreshes endurance. Great to use in neutral to get away.
*Costs 2 Endurance, refunded if the parry is successful
*Be wary that Parry is frame 4, meaning it loses to all meaty attacks.
*Getting hit during Parry Startup will result in a counterhit.  
'''Grab''' <br>
'''Grab''' <br>
Press 6C or 4C while next to the opponent to grab them.
Press 6C or 4C while next to the opponent to grab them.
*All grabs will knock down the opponent on a successful grab.
*All grabs knock down the opponent (Besides Blaziken's forward throw).
*The one exception is Blaziken's forward throw, as it does not technically knock down but still gives him a bar for doing it.
'''Grab Tech''' <br>
'''Grab Tech''' <br>
Press 6C or 4C while in the process of being grabbed in order to Grab Tech.
Press 6C or 4C while in the process of being grabbed in order to Grab Tech.
*Pushes you and the opponent roughly 25% of the screen away on a successful grab tech.
*Pushes you and the opponent roughly 25% of the screen away.
*Grabbing a whiffed grab will make the game make you Grab Tech instead of grab the opponent.
*Grabbing a whiffed grab causes a Grab Tech instead of grabbing the opponent.
*Buffer window to Grab Tech is 12 frames.
'''Burst''' <br>
'''Burst''' <br>
Press the C button during blockstun to use Burst.  
Press A+B+C simultaneously (or D) during blockstun to use Burst.  
*For 1 bar, opponents near you will be knocked around 3/4 of the screen away.
*For one bar, opponents near you will be knocked around 3/4 of the screen away.
*Refreshes endurance.
*The game's primary "get off me" tool.
*The game's primary "get off me" tool.
*Extremely useful, but only works if the hitbox on it actually hits the opponent, making it sometimes possible to dodge bursts for big punishes.
*Useful, but only works if the hitbox on it actually hits the opponent, making it sometimes possible to dodge bursts for big punishes.
'''C Cancel''' <br>
'''C Cancel''' <br>
Press 6C during certain moves in order to enact a C Cancel in exchange for 1 bar.
Press C during certain moves in order to enact a C Cancel. Requires two bars of Hyper Meter to execute.
*When you C Cancel, you will instantly leave any lag you were in from the previous move and dash forward.
*When you C Cancel, you will instantly leave any lag you were in from the previous move.
*You are able to C Cancel on both hit and block, making it extremely versatile in it's usage.
*If holding directly back when pressing C, you will C-Dash Back, refreshing endurance. Any other directional input other than directly back will result in a C-Dash Forwards.
*You can only C Cancel when you are above 2 bars; any attempts at a C Cancel with only 1 bar will result in nothing.
*Although a C Cancel costs two bars, it immediately refunds one.
*Any moves that are C Cancellable will be noted in their Cancel box.
*Because of the nature of this mechanic, you can only C Cancel when you have 2 or 3 bars; any attempts at a C Cancel with less will result in nothing.
*Combos/blockstrings using the C Cancel will be notated as "cc" (Example: 6B cc 6B cc 623B 6A 2B).
*You are able to C Cancel on both hit and block, making it extremely versatile in its usage. There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as Falinks' 2A, which can be cancelled only by whiffing the move.
*Any moves that are C Cancellable will be noted in their Cancel box on this wiki.
*Combos/blockstrings using the C Cancel are often notated as "cc" (Example: 6B cc 6B cc 623B 6A 2B).
'''Poison''' <br>
A mechanic exclusively applied by Toxicroak from hitting the opponent with certain attacks.
*When applied, the poisoned character will take 1 damage every 2 seconds.
*Poison is '''permanent''' unless you either hit Toxicroak with a grab or parry an attack from Toxicroak. The effect also expires when you reach 1 HP.
*Poison is signaled by your character's portrait pulsating purple.
*Moves that apply poison will be noted in their description.

Certain moves or game-states inflict these types of properties onto either the user or the opponent. The most universal of these are the Counter Hit state which can occur on essentially every move with good timing, and the Knockdown which is the primary way of gaining meter for the roster, all of whom have at least one sweep-like move that inflicts Knockdown. Many of these other properties are often character specific.<br>
'''Counter Hit''' <br>
'''Counter Hit''' <br>
Hit an opponent during their move's startup in order to counter hit them.
Hit an opponent during their move's startup in order to counter hit them.
*Counter hits give extra hitstun to the moves that counter hit.
*Counter hits give extra hitstun to the moves that counter hit.
*Getting counter hit causes you to lose 3 endurance
*The more hitstun the counter hitting move has, the more extra hitstun that move gets from a counter hit.
*The more hitstun the counter hitting move has, the more extra hitstun that move gets from a counter hit.
'''Knockdown''' <br>
'''Knockdown''' <br>
Moves with this property knock down the opponent on hit. <br>
(Also known as Sweep) Moves with this property knock the opponent down on hit. <br>
*Sweep moves with this property will only grant meter on grounded opponents. Airborne opponents that are knocked down will not grant meter.
*It should also be noted that guard broken opponents do not grant meter on Knockdown.
*Sweeping moves will beat Armor and result in the Knockdown state on Armored Opponents.
'''Launch''' <br>
'''Launch''' <br>
Moves with this property will launch the opponent on a successful hit.  
(Also known as Uppercut-State) Typically associated with Uppercuts or strong upward kicks, moves with this property will launch the opponent on hit. This properly is commonly associated with combo starters and strong anti-air properties. <br>
*Uppercutting moves with this property will beat Armor and inflict hitstun to Armored Opponents.
*Counter-Hitting opponents with Launchers typically results in a different launch angle, making them more susceptible to comboing.
'''Armor''' <br>
Certain slower moves typically results for the super heavies will carry the Armor property. Most moves with this property are assign to slow and punishable specials with varying levels of armor (1-3 hits). However, Chesnaught specifically has the Guard Berry Hyper option, which will grant certain normals a single hit of Armor.
*Armored characters will be able to tank damage from attacks without hitstun. It varies by move however most armor can be broken if attempting to absorb the hitstun of several moves.
*Moves with the Launcher or Knockdown property invalidate the Armor property and completely break through, dealing normal hitstun.
*Armoring an attack is typically denoted by a white outlining when absorbing an attack.
'''Poison''' <br>
A status condition applied when Toxicroak, Scrafty or Breloom hit the opponent with certain attacks.
*Poisoned characters take 1 damage every 4 seconds, with the first tick being immediate
*Poison is '''permanent''' unless you parry an attack. The effect also expires when you reach 1 HP.
*Poison is signaled by your character's portrait pulsating purple.
'''Dizzy''' <br>
A status condition applied as a result of Poliwrath Hypnosis, Medicham Chakra Thrust and Breloom Parry (Sleep Powder).
*Dizzy characters are vulnerable for 1.9 seconds and are unable to respond to inputs.
*Dizzy characters are throw-invulnerable.
*Dizzy State ends upon being hit or after the stun period ends.
'''Wall Splat''' <br>
A property typically associated with strong hyper moves that flattens at character along the side boundary of the screen.
*Splatted opponents are denoted with a screen shake and slow downward slide and cannot be interacted with (combo follow-ups are not possible).

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[[Category:Pokemon: Close Combat]]
[[Category:Pokemon: Close Combat]]

Latest revision as of 09:48, 1 July 2024


Outside of their core moveset of Normals, Specials and Hypers, all Close Combatants have access to universal game mechanics. Many of these properties revolve around the stock-like meter system. You either have a bar of meter or you don't there is no in between "half meter". Many of these universal game mechanics revolve around either expending or gaining these meters.
Meter is a resource that can be expended for Hyper Abilities, C-Dashes and Burst

  • Each character has a max of 3 bars, and gains one bar in the following ways:
    • Hitting an opponent with a sweep
    • Landing a normal grab on the opponent
    • Landing a successful Parry-Counter
    • Guard Breaking the opponent
  • On this wiki, the amount of meter a move costs to use is noted in the "Cost" box.

Each character in the game has a certain amount of endurance, as seen on their stats.

  • Some attacks reduce the opponent's endurance when blocked. On this wiki, this is noted in Endurance damage. For example, Blaziken's 6A is 1.
  • Endurance is also lost when getting Counter Hit.
  • Endurance can be used to Parry. Parries will consume 2 endurance when used.
  • Endurance is refreshed from Burst, C-Dash back, using a 2+ meter hyper, getting grabbed while grounded, and getting knocked down. How much it refreshes now depends on the END stat:
    • 1-2 Stars: 3 Endurance
    • 3-4 Stars: 4 Endurance
    • 5 Stars: 5 Endurance
  • If endurance reaches zero, the character enters a state called Guard Break.

Guard Break
Guard Break is a state that occurs when your endurance runs out.

  • In this state, you are extremely vulnerable as you are put into stun for around 66 frames, leaving you open for attack.
  • The next attack an opponent does inflicts double damage.
  • Endurance resets after a Guard Break or a knockdown.
  • Hitting an opponent with a Sweep immediately after Guard Breaking will not result in the user gaining meter
  • Guard Broken opponents cannot be grabbed.
  • While at zero Endurance, blocking moves that deal zero guard damage will *not* cause a Guard Break. You still need to take Guard Damage to get Guard Broken, even at Zero.

Press C when the opponent hits you to enter Parry state.

  • In parry state, you have 3 options to choose from.
    • Parry-Counter (5C) will attack the opponent, hitting straight in front of the parrier. If the counter hits, the opponent is knocked away for 2-5 damage depending on the character. If the opponent is out of the counter range, you will whiff the counter. However, you have a good amount of invulnerability when you use it, allowing you to dodge certain attacks in some situations. Do remember that this does not mean fully invincible, and you can still be punished for whiffing it heavily. Overall, great to use in most situations.
    • Parry C-Dash Forward (5C6) will dash your character forward after a successful parry. Good for closing in on far-away opponents as well as being useful in punishes due to the guaranteed bar and room to use moves after it. However, there is only invincibility on it during the start of the animation, leaving you vulnerable near the end. Great to use in neutral, but be careful of when you use it.
    • Parry C-Dash Back (5C4) will make your character backdash upon parrying the attack and refreshes endurance. Great to use in neutral to get away.
  • Costs 2 Endurance, refunded if the parry is successful
  • Be wary that Parry is frame 4, meaning it loses to all meaty attacks.
  • Getting hit during Parry Startup will result in a counterhit.

Press 6C or 4C while next to the opponent to grab them.

  • All grabs knock down the opponent (Besides Blaziken's forward throw).

Grab Tech
Press 6C or 4C while in the process of being grabbed in order to Grab Tech.

  • Pushes you and the opponent roughly 25% of the screen away.
  • Grabbing a whiffed grab causes a Grab Tech instead of grabbing the opponent.
  • Buffer window to Grab Tech is 12 frames.

Press A+B+C simultaneously (or D) during blockstun to use Burst.

  • For one bar, opponents near you will be knocked around 3/4 of the screen away.
  • Refreshes endurance.
  • The game's primary "get off me" tool.
  • Useful, but only works if the hitbox on it actually hits the opponent, making it sometimes possible to dodge bursts for big punishes.

C Cancel
Press C during certain moves in order to enact a C Cancel. Requires two bars of Hyper Meter to execute.

  • When you C Cancel, you will instantly leave any lag you were in from the previous move.
  • If holding directly back when pressing C, you will C-Dash Back, refreshing endurance. Any other directional input other than directly back will result in a C-Dash Forwards.
  • Although a C Cancel costs two bars, it immediately refunds one.
  • Because of the nature of this mechanic, you can only C Cancel when you have 2 or 3 bars; any attempts at a C Cancel with less will result in nothing.
  • You are able to C Cancel on both hit and block, making it extremely versatile in its usage. There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as Falinks' 2A, which can be cancelled only by whiffing the move.
  • Any moves that are C Cancellable will be noted in their Cancel box on this wiki.
  • Combos/blockstrings using the C Cancel are often notated as "cc" (Example: 6B cc 6B cc 623B 6A 2B).


Certain moves or game-states inflict these types of properties onto either the user or the opponent. The most universal of these are the Counter Hit state which can occur on essentially every move with good timing, and the Knockdown which is the primary way of gaining meter for the roster, all of whom have at least one sweep-like move that inflicts Knockdown. Many of these other properties are often character specific.

Counter Hit
Hit an opponent during their move's startup in order to counter hit them.

  • Counter hits give extra hitstun to the moves that counter hit.
  • Getting counter hit causes you to lose 3 endurance
  • The more hitstun the counter hitting move has, the more extra hitstun that move gets from a counter hit.

(Also known as Sweep) Moves with this property knock the opponent down on hit.

  • Sweep moves with this property will only grant meter on grounded opponents. Airborne opponents that are knocked down will not grant meter.
  • It should also be noted that guard broken opponents do not grant meter on Knockdown.
  • Sweeping moves will beat Armor and result in the Knockdown state on Armored Opponents.

(Also known as Uppercut-State) Typically associated with Uppercuts or strong upward kicks, moves with this property will launch the opponent on hit. This properly is commonly associated with combo starters and strong anti-air properties.

  • Uppercutting moves with this property will beat Armor and inflict hitstun to Armored Opponents.
  • Counter-Hitting opponents with Launchers typically results in a different launch angle, making them more susceptible to comboing.

Certain slower moves typically results for the super heavies will carry the Armor property. Most moves with this property are assign to slow and punishable specials with varying levels of armor (1-3 hits). However, Chesnaught specifically has the Guard Berry Hyper option, which will grant certain normals a single hit of Armor.

  • Armored characters will be able to tank damage from attacks without hitstun. It varies by move however most armor can be broken if attempting to absorb the hitstun of several moves.
  • Moves with the Launcher or Knockdown property invalidate the Armor property and completely break through, dealing normal hitstun.
  • Armoring an attack is typically denoted by a white outlining when absorbing an attack.

A status condition applied when Toxicroak, Scrafty or Breloom hit the opponent with certain attacks.

  • Poisoned characters take 1 damage every 4 seconds, with the first tick being immediate
  • Poison is permanent unless you parry an attack. The effect also expires when you reach 1 HP.
  • Poison is signaled by your character's portrait pulsating purple.

A status condition applied as a result of Poliwrath Hypnosis, Medicham Chakra Thrust and Breloom Parry (Sleep Powder).

  • Dizzy characters are vulnerable for 1.9 seconds and are unable to respond to inputs.
  • Dizzy characters are throw-invulnerable.
  • Dizzy State ends upon being hit or after the stun period ends.

Wall Splat
A property typically associated with strong hyper moves that flattens at character along the side boundary of the screen.

  • Splatted opponents are denoted with a screen shake and slow downward slide and cannot be interacted with (combo follow-ups are not possible).

Training Mode
Patch Notes
G. Zapdos
Great Tusk