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  |description=Auto-combo followup. Riesz extends her spear and stabs extremely far forward  
  |description=Auto-combo followup. only comes out on hit. Riesz extends her spear and stabs extremely far forward  
*Identical to 623B(2). Due to being part of an auto-combo, the large hitbox doesn't serve any use
*Identical to 623B(2). Due to being part of an auto-combo, the large hitbox doesn't serve any use
*Can be done by manually inputting 236x during 5AAAA to avoid going into super
*Can be done by manually inputting 236x during 5AAAA to avoid going into super

Revision as of 16:43, 31 October 2021



  • EN Name: Otherwordly Riesz
  • JP Name: 異界型リース
  • Voice Actress: Mikako Komatsu
  • Element: Wind
  • Health: 20500

Guest character from Seiken Densetsu 3 / Trials of Mana. Should've been Angela smh.


Riesz is a strong mid-ranged character. With an array of large normals, she can be comfortable pressing a button in almost any situation. While this makes for a stable character design, Riesz also tops the cake by having an assortment of tricks to open an opponent up. With an overhead dive, an incredibly fast instant overhead, fast falls with j.2B and lots of jump cancellable normals, she can choose to push offence or easily reset to a more comfortable neutral positioning.

Riesz is recommended for players with a strong game sense as controlling spacing and understanding match flow is key to succeeding with her.


Strengths Weaknesses
  • Great pokes and a strong neutral game. Generally having great hitboxes and can outrange most characters.
  • Multiple lows, including a standing low.
  • 11F rising overhead.
  • Can fast fall with j.2B and can enforce and empty-fast-fall mixup with kara j.2B~C
  • Elemental super (236XX) can synergise with Enchant Boost
  • Very slow run speed
  • Some normals are on the slower side at close-mid range
  • Throws allow the opponent to air tech, effectively resetting to neutral
  • Can struggle to convert off some hits without supports
  • Struggles to convert into knockdowns off hits at maximum range
  • Overall low damage, even with resource usage.
  • Can sometimes struggle to raise element counter off certain EB routes and confirms, lowering her maximum damage.
  • Very resource reliant to keep up momentum.

Recommended Support Knights

1 Mana

  • Chibi-Elle
Only used for combos involving 5D, j.2B and j.2D.
Can also be used as an anti-anti air bait or a gimmicky mixup.
  • Fay
General all-round good assist
Can serve as both a pressure tool, giving Riesz a fireball, or as combo fodder off 5D / j.2D hits

2 Mana

  • Mage-Guild Arthur
Good neutral assist with a naturally high untechable time
Also synergises as combo fodder off 5D / j.2D hits, allowing for Ice > Wind counter-hit conversions.
  • Balin
Strong neutral tool.
Can be used to convert off hits that other strong assists would not be able to (e.g tip of 5B anti-air or high aerial confirms with no aerial actions available)
Often seen paired with Mage-Guild Arthur which can supplement confirming off stray Balin hits
  • Mercenary Arthur
Good combo fodder assist that can help with corner carrying.
Can be used in a number of combo routes including j.D and j.2B combos.
Can be used with Uathach for additional super extension during EB combos.
Can sometimes struggle to convert off Mercenary Arthur hits due to Riesz' slow run speed.

3 Mana

  • Uathach
Used solely for Enchant Boost combos to supplement Riesz' low damage.

Normal Moves

MAAB Riesz 5A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
500 L 6 - - -4 - - -

A quick poke to the shin with her Spear

  • Hits low and the hitbox fully extends at 7f
  • Jump cancellable and self-cancels into 5AA
  • Amazing range for a 5A
  • Great for poking and pressure with a good stagger window
  • Great button to whiff punish extended hurtboxes
MAAB Riesz 5AA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1100 M 10 - - -6 - - -

Auto-combo followup. A jab with the end of her spear

  • Jump cancellable.
  • Good for staggers to and from.
MAAB Riesz 5AAA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1100*2 M 9 - - -10 - - -

Auto-combo followup. Two slashes with her spear

  • Good stagger window
  • Being only special cancellable on block leaves this attack to only be combo filler
MAAB Riesz 5AAAA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2380 M 17 - - -9 - - -

Auto-combo followup. Riesz steps forward and stabs the opponent multiple times

  • Builds bonus meter on hit due to being part of auto-combo, otherwise this is functionally identical to 236C
MAAB Riesz 5AAAAA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1600 M 18 - - -23 - - -

Auto-combo followup. only comes out on hit. Riesz extends her spear and stabs extremely far forward

  • Identical to 623B(2). Due to being part of an auto-combo, the large hitbox doesn't serve any use
  • Can be done by manually inputting 236x during 5AAAA to avoid going into super
  • Go-to knockdown ender from auto-combo. This may not connect on highly scaled combos
MAAB Riesz 5B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1200 M 11 - - -6 - - -

A long horizontal stab with her spear

  • Jump cancellable
  • Amazing range for a poke
  • Although the animation looks like it hits high, this will hit all characters crouching that aren't low profiled
  • Only comboes into 236C at max tip range. Can combo into 5C from a bit closer than tip range
MAAB Riesz 5C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1800 M 15 - - -10 - - -

Riesz takes a large step forward before slashing with her spear

  • Forward/Back dash cancellable on hit or block
  • Due to the step forward, reaches further than 5B and is able to hit an opponent from round start positioning
  • Large amount of pushback on block, pushing Riesz outside of punish range for many characters
  • Good as both a confirm due to its range, and as blockstring filler due to a combination of being dash cancellable, large pushback and Riesz' large range
  • Does not connect from tip of 5B range
  • 5A/2A > 5C is not a solid blockstring and can be used as a natural frame trap
MAAB Riesz 6C.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1800 M 12 - - -8 - - -

A short swing upwards with her spear

  • Riesz' dedicated anti-air button. Unblockable when connecting at neutral.
  • Jump cancellable on hit only. Forward/back dash cancellable on hit or block. Can also cancel into 5C.
  • Short range compared to many of Riesz' larger buttons limits its use in confirms and combos. Be wary of distance.
  • Long hitstop on hit may cause issues in buffers from jump cancels. Be sure to slightly delay if jump cancelling into a button.
  • Has a great hitbox for an anti-air, covering a decent space both vertically and horizontally in front of her, essentially matching the animation.
MAAB Riesz 2A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
500 L 7 - - -2 - - -

A low poke with her spear

  • Has slightly longer range than 5A
  • When self-cancelling, it will cancel into 5AA
  • Good use in blockstrings and pokes
MAAB Riesz 2B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1200 L 12 - - -4 - - -

A low slash with her spear

  • Good range for a low.
  • Easily confirms into 5C.
MAAB Riesz 2C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1600 L 15 - - -10 - - -

Riesz does a sweep with her legs

  • Jump cancellable on hit OR block.
  • Knocks down on hit.
  • Shorter range than her 5B/2B and 5C.
  • Can be used as a knockdown ender to set up IAD okizeme mixups with j.2B.
MAAB Riesz jA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
800 H 8 - - - - - -

A quick poke with her spear

  • Standard aerial jab but with a larger range.
  • Great as both an intercept against lower opponents or as a jump in.
MAAB Riesz jB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1200 H 8 - - - - - -

Riesz pokes horizontally with her spear

  • Hits almost entirely horizontally at an upper-body level. Will not hit crouching opponents (Except for Snow White)
  • Amazing air to air due to its large range
  • Can confirm into j.D
MAAB Riesz j2B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
900 H 6 - - - - - -

Riesz hops on her spear and hits directly underneath her.

  • Bounces Riesz up and away from an opponent
  • Performed rising will effectively hit a crouching opponent as an 11F overhead. Due to its purely vertical range, this requires Riesz to be point blank.
  • Can cancel into buttons on hit/block. If cancelled into during hitstop, the bounce is ignored and momentum is retained.
  • Riesz recovers during the bounce, if not cancelling into any attack, Riesz can perform any available action almost immediately after bouncing.
  • When performed off an air dash, cancelling into j.2B will function as a fast fall.
  • Can kara-cancel into throw (airdash > j.2B~C) to function as an empty fast fall, opening up mixup opportunities.
  • j.2B > j.C will only connect at a very high height, otherwise j.C is too slow and will only force falling momentum.
  • j.2B > EB > j.A can also be used as a confirm
MAAB Riesz jC.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1800 H 14 - - - - - -

A large swing.

  • Primary jump-in attack
  • Be wary of using this in air combos when chained from j.B. Its slow startup may cause issues in j.2D connecting.
  • Can combo into j.2D for a knockdown at close range.
  • j.A > j.C is a natural frame trap

Elemental Attacks

Gale Spear
MAAB Riesz 2D.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
5D 2100 M 20 - - -18 ~ -10 - - Wind

Riesz charges forward horizontally with her spear

  • Launches the opponent on hit. Hard knockdown on counter-hit.
  • Large hitbox infront, extending to the tip allows this to win trades by hitting first.
  • Unfortunately let down by it's poor frame advantage, and is minus no matter the range it connects at.
  • General combo ender if auto-combo is not available.
  • Great for frame-trapping into a pressure reset with an assist as it advances quite far. Cancel window extends a bit further than hitstop, allowng Riesz to move a little bit closer before potentially cancelling into an assist.
2D 2400 M 15 - - - - - Wind

Riesz charges diagonally upwards with her spear

  • Similar to 5D, Riesz launches the opponent on hit with a large hitbox infront. On counter-hit the opponent has additional untechable time.
  • Air recovers and does not consume air actions.
  • Although not seen often, This can be used to unexpectedly meet opponents in the air or set up TK assist situations.
Gale Spear (Air)
MAAB Riesz 2D.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
j.5D 2100 M 19 - - - - - Wind

Riesz charges forward horizontally with her spear but in the air

  • Has similar properties to 5D but in the air
  • Generally only seen as a combo piece, either into an assist (i.e Uathach) or where j.2D won't reach.
j.2D 1800 H 18 - - -12 - - Wind

Riesz dives diagonally downwards with her spear

  • Knocks down the opponent on hit and puts them into a grounded state. On counter-hit, causes a ground bounce allowing a combo followup.
  • General combo ender for air confirms. As it has a short horizontal hitbox, positioning is a consideration.
  • Can be used as a mixup and can be assist cancelled low to the ground for a TK-assist situation.
  • Good combo fodder for ice-related combos as the groundbounce allows a followup combo.
  • It is possible to combo off the j.2D grounded state by OTG'ing with an ice assist slightly before landing before forcing an elemental counter-hit j.2D to groundbounce the opponent (e.g j.2D > Sorcery Guild Arthur > j.2D(CH))
Dragon Fang Spear
5[D] / j.[D]
MAAB Riesz 5D.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
5[D] 3200 M 36 - - -5~+2 - - Fire
j.[D] 3200 M 31 - - - - - Fire

charged 5d. Riesz charges up charging across the screen with the power of a flaming dragon dragon

  • Launches on hit.
  • Has projectile invulnerability during active frames.
  • Can still be positive on block when performed from far away and low to the ground.
  • Useful in some combo routings with assists.
  • Aerial version functions similarily but can also still be positive on block when performed at range.
Alter Course
5D on Dragon Fang Spear hit
MAAB Riesz 5DD.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
5D 3200 M 8 - - -13 - - Fire
j.D 3200 M 21 - - - - - Fire

Follow-up to 5[D] on hit/block. Riesz passes through the opponent before dashing again.

  • Depending on the range the 5[D] connects at, The distance Riesz will pass through before dashing back will change.
  • This can be good as a frame trap when performing 5[D] close as the large hitbox will generally out-prioritize most buttons.
  • When performed from far away, the short distance between Riesz and the opponent can effectively reduce the startup, also serving as a frame trap.
  • Aerial version functions similarily.


Forward Throw
MAAB Riesz FT.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2500 Throw 7 - - - - - Throw

Riesz grabs the opponent before somersault kicking them upwards into the air

  • Opponent will be able to air recover
  • If EB cancelled, Riesz will be airborne during the flip.
Back Throw
MAAB Riesz BT.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2500 Throw 7 - - - - - -

Riesz grabs the opponent and puts them behind her before somersault kicking them upwards into the air

  • Opponent will be able to air recover
  • If EB cancelled, Riesz will be airborne during the flip.
  • Identical to forward throw
Air Throw
MAAB Riesz AT.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2500 Throw 7 - - - - - -

Riesz grabs the opponent before somersault kicking them upwards into the air

  • Opponent will be able to air recover
  • Riesz will retain her vertical positioning after this throw
  • Essentially identical to grounded throw but in the air

Special Moves

Hyakka Spear
MAAB Riesz 236.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
236A 1926 M 9 - - -10 - - -
236B 2200 M 13 - - -4 - - -
236C 2380 M 17 - - -9 - - -

Riesz stabs the opponent multiple times with her spear

  • Startup, damage and frame advantage differs between each version.
  • Additionally with the C version, Riesz will step forward before stabbing.
  • Riesz extends her hurtbox to the length of the spear during the attack.
  • Can be used as a poke but requires an assist to confirm.
Hyakka Spear (Air)
MAAB Riesz 236.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
j.236A 1926 M 8 - - - - - -
j.236B 2200 M 10 - - - - - -
j.236C 2380 M 11 - - - - - -

Riesz stalls in the air and stabs infront of her multiple times.

  • Riesz recovers in the air after the attack.
  • Slight damage and startup difference between each version
  • Has significant untechable time on hit, enough that when performed early in a combo, it can be followed up with by air dash button.
  • Generally used as combo fodder.
Whirlwind Spear
MAAB Riesz 623.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
623A 2121 M 6,8 - - -4 - - -
623B 3234 M 6, 8, 36 - - -23 - - -
623C 3474 M 6, 8, 34 - - -26 - - -

Riesz spins her spear above her head before following up with an attack depending on the input performed.

  • If performing 623B, after the spin, Riesz will extend her spear and perform an extremely long reaching stab. This can reach almost 3/4 of the screen length.
  • If performing 623C, after the spin, Riesz will slash down with her spear, bouncing the opponent on hit.
  • There is an intial hitbox very close to Riesz at 6F performing the attack. The spin begins at 8F and will hit only standing an aerial opponents.
  • Although it looks like an anti-air attack, there is no invulnerability and is only successful due to its fast startup and large hitbox above Riesz.
  • The last hit of the B and C versions can frame trap opponents attempting to mash after blocking the spin, although the B version has a gap if they crouch block the first hit of the spin.
  • If hitting an aerial opponent with 623C, the last hit will ground bounce the opponent high enough to combo without resources.
  • On counter-hit, the A version can be comboed without resources.
  • Generally only the C version is used as combo fodder.
Whirlwind Wave Spear
MAAB Riesz 236D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2023 M 32 - - +18 - - Wind

Riesz twirls her spear before releasing a wave of wind that will stop a certain distance from Riesz.

  • The distance the wind travels can be controlled by holding 4/5/6 during the startup.
  • A version will travel approximately 5B range, C version will travel full screen and the B version will travel to halfway between the A and C versions.
  • Frame advantage is off a point-blank hit.
  • Slow startup and unlike 623X, there is no hitbox above Riesz while she is twirling her spear.
  • Significant frame advantage on block.
  • Can be used in neutral to control the ground or as a cheeky pressure reset.
  • Be careful if using this during a blockstring, it can be rolled and/or whiff punished on reaction.

Million Skill

Vacuum Wave Spear
MAAB Riesz MS1.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
6045 M 11 - - - - - Wind

Riesz will send two large wind projectiles towards the opponent. The first reaching approximately half screen while the second reaches past full screen.

  • Sends the opponent full screen on hit. Wall bounces near the corner. Counter-hit will launch the opponent on the 2nd projectile.
  • This super can also be performed as part of her auto combo via 5AAAAA.
  • The 2nd projectile will carry counter-hit state and at certain stage positionings, a counterhit 236XX can be comboed from.
  • Due to being a projectile super, This cannot be EB cancelled.
  • When connecting with a high airborne opponent deep in the corner, there is a possibility they may bounce over Riesz. In certain routes, it's not recommended to end with this super due to this.
Meteor Spear
MAAB Riesz MS2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
7000(1980) M 10 - - - - - -

Riesz will perform a somersault. On a successful hit, she will go into an animation before knocking down the opponent in front of her.

  • Riesz' only true reversal.
  • Reaches only a bit shorter than 6C range.
  • Can be EB cancelled on the first and last hit.
  • Go-to combo ender if using a super as it does more damage and gives Riesz okizeme.

Million Excalibur

Hyakka Light
Bullet Spear

MAAB Riesz ME.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
10000(4200) M 18 - - - - - -

Riesz leaps across the screen. On a successful hit, she will attack the opponent multiple times before transforming to her Fenrir Knight form and attacking them further before ending with a dramatic Spear throw and arrow rain finish from her Vanadis form.

  • This is not a reversal and Riesz will only have invulnerability frames partway through the jump until connecting.
  • As the leap range is quite far, This can be used in certain situations as a reaction punish.
  • At certain spacings, This can combo off a 236XX counter-hit.
  • The fire status is only for show as the preceding hits are elementless.
  • Good combo fodder for maximising damage at the cost of heavy resource usage.


Solo Combos

  • 5A 2A 5AAAA 236A
Basic auto-combo BnB
  • 5A 5B 2B 6C 5C 5D
Mid-screen damage combo
  • 6C j.A j.236C air dash j.B j.C land j.A j.B dj.C j.2D
Low anti-air confirm
  • 6C j.A j.B dj.C j.2D
High anti-air confirm
  • IAD j.2B j.C(whiff) 5AAAA 236A
Combo from IAD j.2B overhead
  • 5[D] 5AAAA 236A
Requires 5[D] to hit from half range or further
  • 2A > 2B > 2C > 623C > A+B+C > (dash forward) 5A > j.A > j.2B > j.C > jc > j.A > j.C > j.2D (5659)
Basic metered bnb
  • Throw > A+B+C > j.2B > j.A > j.2B > j.A > j.2B > j.C > jc > j.A > j.C > j.2D (4168)
Only works midscreen. Also works with air throw; go straight into j.2D after the first j.C if you used up your air movement option.
  • Throw > A+B+C > j.A > j.236C > j.66 > j.A > j.C > (jump forward) j.B > j.C > j.2B > j.C > j.2D (3919)
Corner throw combo.

Support Knight Combos

  • 5A 5B 5C 5D delay Chibi-Elle A+B 5AAAA 236A (1 Mana)
Potential side-swap combo. Chibi-Elle will force standing allowing a roll past.
  • 5A 5B 5C 5D Mage-Guild Arthur dash j.2D dash 5AAAA 236A (3 Mana)
Simple BnB with Mage-Guild Arthur extension into auto-combo
  • 5A 5B 5C 5D Fay j.[D]~D Mage-Guild Arthur dash 5AAAA 236A (3 Mana)
Side swap BnB using Fay and Mage-Guild Arthur elemental counters
  • j.2D Fay j.236C air dash j.B j.C land j.A j.B dj.C j.2D (1 Mana)
Overhead confirm using Fay to element counter. Can replace post-Fay with auto-combo for meter
  • j.2D Mage-Guild Arthur J.2D dash 5AAAA 236A (2 Mana)
Overhead confirm using Mage-Guild Arthur and element counter j.2D
  • j.A j.C Mage Guild Arthur 9Jump/Air dash j.2D dash 5AAAA 236A (2 Mana)
Air to air confirm into auto-combo. Requires available air action or j.C to hit extremely close for j.2D to connect.
  • j.A j.C j.D Mercenary Air dash j.C land j.A j.B dj.B j.C j.D (2 Mana)
Mid-screen air to air confirm with Mercenary. Can replace j.D with j.2D when near corner for knockdown.
  • j.2B Chibi-Elle j.B 5A 2A 5AAAA 236A (1 Mana)
Rising overhead combo. j.2B > Chibi-Elle only connects on crouching opponents
  • j.2B Mercenary Arthur Air Dash j.C dash j.A j.C j.2D (2 Mana)
Midscreen conversion off instant rising overhead
  • j.2B Azia j.2D 5AAAA 236A (2 Mana)
Rising overhead combo into auto-combo using Azia elemental counter
  • 5A 5B 5C 5D Mage Guild Arthur 236XX 5A 623C 623XX (2 Mana, 200 Meter)
Double super combo. 236XX > 5A requires Riesz to be 5B length away from the corner before 236XX

Enchant Boost Combos

  • 5A 5B 5C A+B+C dash 5A 2A 5A 5B 2B 5C 5D Uathach (3 Mana, 100 Meter)
Mid-screen EB combo with Uathach ender
  • 5A 5B 5C 5D A+B+C 5A j.A j.2B j.C dj.A j.C j.2D Uathach Mercenary 214XX (3 Mana, 300 Meter)
EB combo aerial version with Mercenary into 200% extension
  • Throw A+B+C j.2B j.C land j.A j.2B j.C dj.A j.C j.2D Uathach (3 Mana, 100 Meter)
Throw EB combo that works anywhere
  • Throw EB j.2B j.C land j.2B (x3) j.C dj.A j.C j.2D Uathach (3 Mana, 100 Meter)
Alternative throw EB combo. Does not work when comboing into the corner
  • IAD j.2B EB j.B 5A 2A 5A 5B 2B 5C 5D Uathach (3 Mana, 100 Meter)
EB confirm from j.2B. Does not work from rising j.2B



Note: Colors 20 and 21 were pre-order exclusives for JP PSN and Amazon respectively. Unfortunately, they aren't selectable on Steam without the use of Cheat Engine.

Color 1
Color 2
Color 3
Color 4
Color 5
Color 6
Color 7
Color 8
Color 9
Color 10
Color 11
Color 12
Color 13
Color 14
Color 15
Color 16
Color 17
Color 18
Color 19
Color 20
Color 21

External Links

Support Knights
Twinblade Arthur
Iai Arthur
Thief Arthur
Arthur Blade Protector
Zechs Siegfried
Eternal Flame
Snow White
Wildcat Arthur
Koume Sakiyama
Iori Yagami
Foible Elle
Clone Elle
Sorcery King
No Element
Little Grey
Akira Oono