Pokemon: Close Combat/Heracross: Difference between revisions

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|name    = Beetle Dive
|name    = Beetle Dive
|subtitle = <big>j.B</big>
|subtitle = <big>jB</big>
|input = [[File:PKMNCC_B.png]]
|input = [[File:PKMNCC_B.png]]
|image  = PKMNCC_Heracross_jB.png
|image  = PKMNCC_Heracross_jB.png

Revision as of 13:45, 10 December 2023

PKMNCC Heracross Portrait.png
Archetypes: Sumo; Airdasher; Charge
Health: 30
Guard Health: 14
Walk Speed: 2.8 / -2.0
Prejump Frames: 6f
Fastest Attack: 5A (7f)

She takes a sad song and makes it better!


Heracross is a powerhouse of damage, and she prefers a slower pace of play. Her strong and far-reaching charges demand respect on both horizontal and vertical axises. Heracross is a unique fighter among the defensive archetype, as she can flutter her wings and take flight whenever she pleases. Combined with a strong set of aerial options, Heracross can effortlessly control the air. She excels at punishing whiffs with staggering, single-hit yet high-damage charge tackles. Combining that with a solid meter gain gameplan, Heracross can steal rounds at a shocking rate.

Heracross can take the utmost advantage of destroying the opponent's guard due to her already strong burst options, which are modified to deal double damage on guard break. Moves such as 2A, 3A, Horn Flurry, and Horn Charge put heavy pressure on a blocking opponent. Her offense is less focused on high/low mixups and instead waits like a ticking time bomb to erode your guard health at a devastating rate. Desperate opponents will attempt to escape before their guard health hits zero with jump-ins or other offensive options. This is when Heracross unleashes her secret weapon: Horn Turret! This flash kick is a powerful anti-air option that is invulnerable to (most) attacks, and the opponent must respect it even as a wakeup option.

However, this character is not without flaws. Many of the options listed here require commitment from the player, and your opponent can punish poor decisions in neutral. Simplistic in control, Heracross's gameplan and execution demands a slower pace; an innate understanding of neutral to capitalize on mistakes!

PKMNCC Heracross NavboxIcon.png Heracross is a tanky charge character who specializes in playing slow in exchange for huge bursts of damage and devastating combos.
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  • Oppressive Offense: Heracross' unique Air Dash allows for strong mixups and pressure on the opponent, as well as a unique approach to neutral.
  • Guard Damage: Key specials like [4]6b and 5b deal lots of guard damage, leading to frequent breaks off safe pressure.
  • Simple Combos: Heracross' burst damage and minimal combo routes allow for easier combo execution than the rest of the cast without any drawback of damage loss.
  • Flight: 66 (air ok) allows Heracross to take flight and have nigh limitless control over their aerial assault.
  • Requires Charge: Heracross' best tools require her to be holding down/back for a set duration before she can use them.
  • Stubby Normals: While Heracross' specials are huge, her normals lack the range to challenge some of the midrange-focused characters in the roster.
  • Reliant on Whiff Punishing: The defensive playstyle requires attentive focus and game knowledge to know when exactly to strike.


PKMNCC Heracross 5A.png
PKMNCC Heracross 5AHitbox.png
Stop sign.
Stop sign.
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
1 0 Mid 3A - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
7 3 12 -1 [+1] -
Total: 21

Heracross delivers a quick palm-strike.

  • Heracross' fastest normal, making it her best button to mash when aiming to interupt.
  • Only leads into a combo on counterhit, making it a situation starter.
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4.pngPKMNCC A.png
PKMNCC Heracross 4A.png
PKMNCC Heracross 4A1Hitbox.png
PKMNCC Heracross 4A2Hitbox.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
1 0 Mid 4AA, Special - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
9 7 11 +5 [0] -
Total: 26

Heracross swings her horn towards the screen.

  • Heracross' typical combo starter when confirming.
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4.pngPKMNCC A.pngPKMNCC A.png
PKMNCC Heracross 4AA.png
PKMNCC Heracross 4AAHitbox.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
2 0 Mid 3A, Special - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
5 3 16 +4 [-1] -
Total: 23

Heracross swings her horn away from the screen.

  • Combo filler, allowing more time to confirm off 5A.
  • Cancel into 3A for meter and continued pressure, cancel into [4]6B for damage.
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6.pngPKMNCC A.png
PKMNCC Heracross 6A.png
PKMNCC Heracross 6A1Hitbox.png
PKMNCC Heracross 6A2Hitbox.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
3 1 Mid Special, C Cancel - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
12 12 25 0 [-12] -
Total: 48

Heracross jabs forward with her horn.

  • Heracross' best midscreen poke, confirmable on buffer into Special/6C.
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2.pngPKMNCC A.png
PKMNCC Heracross 2A.png
PKMNCC Heracross 2A1Hitbox.png
PKMNCC Heracross 2A2Hitbox.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
3 2 Mid Special, C Cancel Upper Body Knockdown
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
18 4 24 +80 [+4] -
Total: 45

Heracross swings her horn in an arc upwards.

  • Staple anti-air, can be cancelled into [2]8B for massive damage when you have charge.
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3.pngPKMNCC A.png
PKMNCC Heracross 3A.png
PKMNCC Heracross 3AHitbox.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
1 1 Low - - Knockdown
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
15 5 34 +49 [-21] -
Total: 53

Heracross sweeps at the opponent's feet with her horn.

  • Standard sweep, builds a bar on hit.
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PKMNCC Heracross JA.png
PKMNCC Heracross j5A1Hitbox.png
PKMNCC Heracross j5A2Hitbox.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
2, 1 0 High - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
18, 28 3, 5 6 +16 [+11] -
Total: 59

Heracross swings wildly while in the air, hitting twice.

  • Second hit only comes out if the move is started high enough off the ground.
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2.pngPKMNCC A.png
PKMNCC Heracross J2A.png
PKMNCC Heracross j2A1Hitbox.png
PKMNCC Heracross j2A2Hitbox.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
3/2 1 High - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
21 1 Mid, 17 Weak 6 +27/20 [+18/11] -
Total: 44

Heracross slams her horn down while in mid-air.

  • Incredibly active, can be argued as a superior jump-in when aiming to start a combo.
  • Long startup allows it to whiff, giving you access to empty jump mixups.
Toggle Hitboxes
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Horn Flurry
PKMNCC Heracross 5B.png
PKMNCC Heracross 5B1Hitbox.png
Nice armor, would be a shame.
Nice armor, would be a shame.
PKMNCC Heracross 5B2Hitbox.png
PKMNCC Heracross 5B3Hitbox.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
1, 1, 2 1, 1, 4 Mid (First & Second Hit) [4]646B, C Cancel - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
9, 9, 9 7, 7, 12 24 +1 [+3] -
Total: 76

Heracross jabs at the opponent with her horn 3 times.

  • Key pressure tool, as it deals massive guard damage on block while being plus.
  • All 3 hits will not land unless you are very close to the opponent, and/or have them cornered to mitigate pushback.
Toggle Hitboxes
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Horn Charge
4.png6.pngPKMNCC B.png
PKMNCC Heracross 46B.png
PKMNCC Heracross 46BHitbox.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
4 2 Mid [4]6B2B (Horn Sweep) - Knockdown
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
14 27 18 +45 [-16] -
Total: 58

Heracross launches forward at her opponent.

  • Requires backwards charge to use.
  • Standard dash punch, fantastic at horizontal space control.
  • Launches Heracross back on hit or block.
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Horn Turret
2.png8.pngPKMNCC B.png
PKMNCC Heracross 28B.png
PKMNCC Heracross 28BHitbox.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
4 1 Mid jB Upper Body Knockdown
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
9 13 82 +24 [-54] -
Total: 103

Heracross launches skyward, horn-first.

  • Requires a downwards charge to execute.
  • Can be cancelled into jB for 1 bar, makes this reversal plus on block with a gap.
Toggle Hitboxes
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Beetle Dive
PKMNCC Heracross jB.png
PKMNCC Heracross jBHitbox.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
4 1 High - - Knockdown
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
14 26 +14 [-6] -

Heracross quickly dives towards the ground.

  • Key part of Heracross' pressure and air-game, allowing her to quickly hit the ground.
  • Unreactable overhead, forces the opponent to stand-block on a read.
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EX Moves

Horn Sweep
4.png6.pngPKMNCC B.png2.pngPKMNCC B.png
PKMNCC Heracross 46B2B.png
PKMNCC Heracross 46B2BHitbox.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
6 (ground)/3 (air) 4 Low - - Knockdown
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
40 8 30 +50 [+1] 1
Total: 77

Heracross cancels her charge and swings at the opponent's feet.

  • Plus on block, allowing for additional pressure.
  • Checks an opponent for walking back.
  • Slow startup makes this move susceptible to losing when the opponent is actively poking in midrange.
Toggle Hitboxes
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Mega Horn Flip
4.png6.png4.png6.pngPKMNCC B.png
PKMNCC Heracross 46B.png
PKMNCC Heracross 4646BHitbox.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
5, 6 - Mid - Full Knockdown
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
13 [-10 Super Freeze] 16 21 +36 [+2] 2
Total: 49

Heracross scoops her opponent, flies up and slams them to the ground.

  • Unreactable halfscreen hitgrab.
  • Rare combo ender, best used when guaranteeing a kill.
Toggle Hitboxes
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Forward Throw
6.pngPKMNCC C.png
PKMNCC Heracross 6C.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
2 - Unblockable [4]6B, [4]646B - Knockdown
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
8 2 41 - -
Total: 50

Heracross scoops the opponent with her horn and tosses them.

  • Can be cancelled into Horn Charge or Mega Horn Flip for 1 or 2 bars of meter, accordingly.

Back Throw
4.pngPKMNCC C.png
PKMNCC Heracross 4C.png
Damage Endurance Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property
3 - Unblockable - - Knockdown
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Cost
8 2 41 - -
Total: 50

Heracross suplexes the opponent.

  • Has insane oki into a throw loop if the opponent does not roll when getting up.


(j.a) 4A4A xx 3A/[4]6B/[4]646B

5B xx [4]646B

[Anti-Air] 2A xx [2]8B

[One Bar] Forward Throw xx 6B

[CH] 5B 3A


Training Mode
Patch Notes
G. Zapdos
Great Tusk