Chaos Code/NSC/Cerberus: Difference between revisions

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=== Midscreen ===
=== Midscreen ===

All combos listed below can also follow after a JC, JD, JB>JC or JC>JD jump-in.
'''2A > 2B > 2C > 236B > (236236K)'''

'''2A > 2B > 2C > 236B > (236236K)'''
Basic combo. Works anywhere on screen. You can omit the 236B and go right into super if you don't want to spend the extra bar. You can also sub out 236B for a 214P if you'd rather. After a 236B if your opponent is in the corner you can hold 9A to meaty with j.A. Off of that you can either confirm a hit if they pressed buttons and do an air combo into 623C or divekick, or if they blocked attempt to keep them in blockstun for an air unblockable reset when you land.
'''2A > 2B> 2C > 236KK > 6C > 2A > 2C > sjc > j.B > j.C > j.D > j.623C > 2C > 214A'''

Basic combo. Works anywhere on screen. You can omit the 236B and go right into super if you don't want to spend the extra bar. You can also sub out 236B for a 214P if you'd rather.
Metered combo. Requires you be at ~ the midpoint of the screen of closer to the corner. If you're not quite there you wont be able to follow up with the super jump. To get the proper spacing for the 2C after j.623C you need to grab the opponent when they're at the right height, the range for this is pretty lenient and as long as you delay a bit after the j.D you should get it. This is the core of a lot of Cerb's BnBs and there's a lot of ways you can vary it.

'''2A > 2B> 2C > 236KK > 6C > 2A > 214A'''
'''2A > 2B> 2C > 236KK > 6C > 2A > 214A > 6C > 2A > 2C > sjc > j.B > j.C > j.D > j.623C > 2C > 214A'''

Meter'd combo. Depending on your distance to the corner you may or may not be able to follow up the 214A, it should always carry far enough to get you a knockdown however. If you'd rather be further from your opponent you can do 236B instead of 214A.
Alternate version for when you're further away from the corner. This can work even if you're mostly cornered, although in that case you'll need to microdash after the first 6C and before the 2A to ensure the 214A wall bounces. If you're having trouble landing the 2A after the first 6C try doing cl.B instead, it can be easier especially when doing it out of a microdash.

'''5A > 5B > cl.C (1) > cl.D > sjc > j.D > j.236D > 214A'''
'''5A > 5B > cl.C (1) > cl.D > sjc > j.D > j.236D > 214A'''

Revision as of 03:12, 5 January 2021



Cerberus Black
Cerberus is a world renown treasure hunter and adventurer who accidentally turned his best friend pit into a hat. He fights with his magical sword-hands and magical bullet-gun while searching for the Chaos Code to use it's unlimited power to save Pit so the two of them can go back to adventuring/ignoring their children


Health: 30000

Cerberus is a character with strong tools for pretty much any situation. His mix-up can leave a lot to be desired with no command grab and no standing overhead outside of the very telegraphed followup to close D, but Cerb has pretty high damage and does a good job taking advantage of system mechanics. Jack of all trades, master of a few.

Mobility (Run vs. Step)

Picking what you feel comfortable with is the goal of Cerberus. Selecting your Bounce is no exception. Run: Running gives Cerberus an edge in most of his matchups. Running into a high jump helps because it lets him cover a lot of distance and gives him a chance to properly Smashdown Arrow or Air Smash when needed.

Step: Choosing step with Cerberus isn't anything out of the ordinary, but most players favor run for high jump benefits. Step has it's positives as well. Dash canceling during pressure strings can easily force your opponent to make the wrong move.

Extra Move Selection

Smashdown Arrow is a divekick and is very useful for mobility as well as a combo piece. It also has a cross-up hitbox which is nice since none of cerb's air normals are very good for cross-ups.

Sweet Trap is a counter that has 2 versions, one for highs/mids and one for lows. Sweet trap activates on projectiles, which makes it a little more versitile than TG, and doesn't cost meter. It's use is pretty matchup dependent though since sometimes Cerb doesn't really need to counter anything.

Dancing Storm is the combo extra super, it gives Cerb access to higher damage routes including straight up TODs.

Easy Come, Easy Go is also a combo super, but of a different sort. Easy come lets cerb confirm/punish some things that are otherwise awkward, and by chaos shifting in the middle do a lot of damage for 2 bars.

Recommended Sets

Cerb basically always wants Smashdown Arrow, you could play him without it if you really wanted to but it's not recommended. Past that all of his other moves are very good, so you can pick whichever you personally like or feel is the best for the matchup.

Move List

Click on a header to expand that section of the movelist

Normal Moves

Normal Moves

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 5f 7f - +1 Yes -

close version of 5A, slightly faster but not really that different, the main thing is it's hitbox is not good for anti-air.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 6f 3f - +3 Yes -

Good poke, can Anti-air some jump-ins but will get beat out by a lot. Also good for and applying pressure on standing opponents.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 7f - - +3 Yes -

2A and 2B are your tools for massive pressure. Both have the same reach and speed, and can combo into each other consistently as long as you're in range.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 6f 5f - +2 Yes -

You won't really be using cl.B outside of combos. Almost always chained into unless you're starting a link after 6C.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 8 5f - +0 Yes -

Average poke. Best used in corner combos.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - Low 7f - - +3 Yes -

2A, but a low

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 7f, 18f 5f, 6f - - Yes -

cl.C has 2 hits, which can be canceled prematurely for only 1 hit. The second hit also hits mid. Gives you enough time to think about what you're going to do next.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 8f 7f - -5 No -

A slow punch that has above-average reach. It's slow, so don't rely on it too much. Good for forcing counter hits.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 9f 5f - -1 Yes -

A hook which has great range, decent speed and some anti-air properties. This will be your main high jump cancel tool in your BnBs.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 9f 4f - +1 Yes -

Similar to close C, but this time instead of being 2 hits there's a target combo

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 11f 7f - -1 No -

A spin kick which sends Cerberus forward. A good tool for footsies due to it's reach, but it's slow, so use sparingly.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - Low 11f 5f - -3 No -

Cerberus's sweep. Does a good chunk of damage and causes a hard knockdown. This should only be used for midscreen okizeme or following up with a Destruction Chaos in the middle of a combo.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High 5f 19f - - Yes -

Mainly a combo normal, although it's useful for it's active frames

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High 6f 10f - - Yes -

A very good air-to-air and jump-in normal. If using as a jump-in you probably want to cancel into j.C or j.D

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High 7f 6f - - Yes -

Fast and pretty alright range. Doesn't hit downward as much as j.D and because Cerb swings from such a high place he tends to land before actually hitting crouching opponents, so it's not the most reliable jump-in, although it can work, especially as a cancel option after a j.B

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High 7f 5f - - Yes -

The best tool that Cerberus has for jump-ins. Hitbox almost touches the ground if you IAD correctly. Keep in mind that the hitbox is located in the lower section, so you will get hit in any air-to-air situation that involves your opponent either above or in front of you

Command Moves

Command Moves

Sunrise Hush
Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 14f 8f - -5 No -

Cerberus clubs the opponent by twirling his body. Sends him forward. Can be used as a crossup if you're very close. Good on it's own for okizeme and overall approach. Leads to an OTGable knockdown

Axe Drop
cl.D > 6D
Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High 17 8f - -5 Yes -

Target combo from cl.D, hits overhead and is +3 on hit.

Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - - - - - - No -

Cerb tumbles down with the opponent. Can't combo from this normally, however there is a spacing near the corner where Cerb wont get pushed back and can juggle afterwards.

Special Moves

Special Moves

Special Move Name
Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
A - - Low 12f - - - - -

Low Bullet. Good for catching people trying to run in. Has followups on A for a straight shot and C for an anti-air angle. Uses 1 bullet, the followup doesn't cost any bullets

C - - High/Low 12 - - - - -

Straight Bullet. Better than A if you think they might jump as it'll catch early jump frames. Has followups on A for a low shot and C for an anti-air angle. Uses 1 bullet, the followup doesn't cost any bullets

EX - - High/Low 9f,16f,18f,26f,32f,38f,40f,53f - - - - -

The EX version has 8 shots. Great for filling the screen with garbage and taking a round by either chip or by tagging any sort of approach. Uses 1 bullet

Dual Slicer
Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
B - - High/Low 12f,28f 4f,8f - -10 - -

Mostly a combo ender, cancel into 236236K for an unscale super to do a bunch of damage, or don't and let them air tech and chase.

D - - High/Low 35f,51f 4f,4f - -4 - -

Cerb slides a ways then slashes, can cross-up although it's too slow to really be a mix-up tool. Has either invun or just a low profile and can make some stuff whiff then punish

EX - - High/Low 12f,32f,52f 5f,5f,5f - -5 - -

3 Slashes, third slash pops the opponent up for a combo, a buffered 6C will combo and slam the opponent down for an otg combo

Slash Beat
Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
A - - High/Low 8f 5f - -19 - -

Cerb slashes backwards and on hit goes into a series of slashes that can wallbounce. Common ender near the corner since if the wallbounce can't extend, it'll lead to a hard knockdown extremely close to corner but not fully there so cross-ups are possible

C - - High/Low 15f 3f - -13 - -

A slash followed by a forward charge. Causes the opponent to tech out mid-air.

EX - - High/Low 5f 5f - -21 - -

A slash followed by gunshots. Doesn't take a bullet and reloads all bullets on hit. Has invun and is Cerb's main reversal.

Air Smash
Nice catch!
Nice catch!
Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
A - - High/Low 7f 11f - - - -

Anti-air grab, but more of a combo piece/ender than an actual anti-air. A version doesn't go as far as the C version but doesn't consume a bullet. Not super useful, more of something you do when you're worried about bullet gauge.

C - - High/Low 7f 12f - - - -

Goes further than A version and uses a bullet. Has a lot more hitstun which lets cerb either combo further on landing when done fairly low, or apply pressure on the knockdown.

EX - - High/Low 7f 12f - - - -

The EX version hits 4 times, and wall bounces from anywhere. Cerb recovers in the air so he can followup with a smashdown arrow or something. Invincible startup. Doesn't use a bullet

Extra Special Moves

Extra Special Moves

Smashdown Arrow
Obah Zher
Obah Zher
Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
B - - High/Low 12f - - - - -

Dive kick, one of Cerb's best tools, can send him half screen if done high up which helps him escape tech chases. The entire lower portion is a hitbox and this move can cross-up. Very useful in exceeds as well.

D - - High/Low 12f - - - - -

Basically the same as B version except there's a second hit on the ground. Depending on how this is spaced it can be followed up for a combo.

Sweet Trap
Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
B - - - - - - - - -

Counters highs and mids

Version Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
D - - - - - - - - -

counters lows

Ultimate Chaos Moves

Ultimate Chaos Moves

Shall we dance
Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 1+4f - - -66 - -

Cerberus spins up vertically and slashes continuously. The final hit causes a hard knockdown. Can be Chaos Shifted into either a Smashdown Arrow or a well timed j.D.

Passionate Slicer
Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 1+3f - - -17 - -

A 5 hit combo with some slashes followed by a burst from Cerberus's gun. Good for ground Exceed combos and a corner ender if you lack Easy Come, Easy Go or don't want to spend for an Exceed.

Extra Ultimate Chaos Moves

Extra Ultimate Chaos Moves

Dancing Storm
Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 1+1f(ground), 1+6f(air) - - - - -

Cerberus spins in the air, firing multiple shots below. Pressing K rapidly lets him shoot longer; causing him to fall to the ground in a comedic fashion.

Easy Come, Easy Go
Super Move Name
Come here!
Come here!
Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - High/Low 1+2f 8f - -20 - -

Cerberus throws energy wires forward and pulls the opponent towards him, followed by a series of stylish kicks and 4 shots. Always leaves you and your opponent separated at fullscreen. Very useful as a mid-range punish.

Destruction Chaos

Destruction Chaos

Move Name
Damage Stun Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Advantage (block) Cancelable Counterhit Properties
- - - 1+7f - - - - -

Cerberus materializes a giant gun with wings. When he smashes the ground, a giant wave of energy comes out and travels fullscreen. Can combo off of it if far from the corner. How punishable it is depends on how much screen space you have in front of you when you do it. Not especially useful, since exceeds have higher damage potential for 3 bars.




Basic combo tutorial

collection of old cerb combos (may still be useful)


2A > 2B > 2C > 236B > (236236K)

Basic combo. Works anywhere on screen. You can omit the 236B and go right into super if you don't want to spend the extra bar. You can also sub out 236B for a 214P if you'd rather. After a 236B if your opponent is in the corner you can hold 9A to meaty with j.A. Off of that you can either confirm a hit if they pressed buttons and do an air combo into 623C or divekick, or if they blocked attempt to keep them in blockstun for an air unblockable reset when you land.

2A > 2B> 2C > 236KK > 6C > 2A > 2C > sjc > j.B > j.C > j.D > j.623C > 2C > 214A

Metered combo. Requires you be at ~ the midpoint of the screen of closer to the corner. If you're not quite there you wont be able to follow up with the super jump. To get the proper spacing for the 2C after j.623C you need to grab the opponent when they're at the right height, the range for this is pretty lenient and as long as you delay a bit after the j.D you should get it. This is the core of a lot of Cerb's BnBs and there's a lot of ways you can vary it.

2A > 2B> 2C > 236KK > 6C > 2A > 214A > 6C > 2A > 2C > sjc > j.B > j.C > j.D > j.623C > 2C > 214A

Alternate version for when you're further away from the corner. This can work even if you're mostly cornered, although in that case you'll need to microdash after the first 6C and before the 2A to ensure the 214A wall bounces. If you're having trouble landing the 2A after the first 6C try doing cl.B instead, it can be easier especially when doing it out of a microdash.

5A > 5B > cl.C (1) > cl.D > sjc > j.D > j.236D > 214A

A combo which requires a super jump cancel and Smashdown Arrow. Only works on standing opponents. Make sure you neutral super jump, otherwise you likely wont hit with j.D. You also need to be at a pretty specific distance to get the 214A to combo afterwards.

2C > 2363214K(3) > A+B > jump back air dash towards > j.C > j.D > cl.C > cl.D > sjc > j.D > j.236D > 214C > 6C > cl.B > cl.C > 236C~C > 5B > 2C > 236C~C > 5A > 5B > 2C > sjc > j.B > j.C > j.D > j.623C > 2C > 236B > 236236K

Easy come easy go smash down arrow combo. The super resets positioning which helps setup for some extensions. The super at the end is optional but leads to really big damage. A good alternative to exceed combos if you either aren't confident that it'll kill and don't want to be in overheat, don't think you'll need the full 3 bars to kill, or just want to do a much cooler looking combo. Video Example

2C > 2363214K(9) > A+B > j.A > j.B > j.C > j.D > microdash > cl.C > cl.D > 5A > 2C > sjc > j.D > j.236B > 5A > 2C > 236C~C > 5A > 2C > 236C~C > 5A > 5B > 2C > sjc > j.B > j.C > j.D > j.623C > 2C > 236B

Alternate easy come easy go arrow combo. Video Example


2A > 2B > 2C > 236KK > 6C > 2A > 2C > 236C~C > 2A > 2C > 236C~C > 2A > 2C > 214A

Meter'd corner combo. Uses up 2 of your bullets but gives pretty good damage and avoids super jump cancels

2A > 2B > 2C > 236KK > 6C > cl.B > cl.C > sjc > j.B > j.C > j.D > land > 623C > land > 2C > 214A

Corner combo that doesn't use gun loops. Does ~10k. Since 236KK will corner carry so far on it's own you can do this from ~half screen distance. The primary Cerb BnB.

Throw > cl.B > cl.C > 236C~C > etc.

Cerb isn't supposed to be able to combo off his throw, but he can if he spaces it such that he doesn't get pushed away from the corner. video example


2A > 2B > 2C > 236KK > 6C > 2A > 2C > 236C~C > 2A > 2C > 236C~C > 2A > 2C > sjc > j.B > j.C > j.D > land > cl.A > regular jump > j.A > j.C > j.D > double jump > j.C > j.D > 623C > land > 214A

Highly damaging extended corner combo. Uses all 3 bullets but nets ~14.5k damage. The advanced Cerb BnB.


  • Console Versions: You can hold R1 button while selecting a character to get an alternative color.
  • Arcade Version: You can hold START button while selecting a character to get an alternative color.
A Button
B Button Dante/Ragna The Bloodedge (Devil May Cry/Blazblue)
C Button Vergil (Devil May Cry)
D Button Ky Kiske Guilty Gear)
R1 + A Button
R1 + B Button
R1 + C Button
R1 + D Button Jotaro (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)

MG Hikaru
Celia II Kai
Cait & Sith