Kamen Rider: Super Climax Heroes/Den-O

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Kamen Rider Den-O

Kamen Rider Den-O has finally arrived!

In this variation, Den-O has the ability to switch between all of his four base forms. Of the four, Sword and Rod Forms play a bit more of a straightforward gameplan, while Axe and Gun Forms play around some particularly silly tools.

  • Sword Form has greater speed than Rod Form, and is able to attack comfortably with a set of solid normals.
  • Rod Form has greater reach than Sword Form, and can use an unblockable hookshot to whiff punish and start a combo, or throw the rod to stay a bit safer.
  • Axe Form uses armor and a jS helm-breaker that has very little recovery to muscle in. He has access to the rare unblockable Earthquake Rider Art, and with it, a bug that allows him to permanently freeze the opponent in place until they either burst or get hit again.
  • Gun Form weaves in and out rather than committing to a full-on zoning gameplan. His normals move while firing, allowing him to shoot-walk all the way in for a full combo using RC. He can also move with jS, which spins and fires projectiles all over the place, making it both a formidable approach and a difficult retreat to contest.

This all adds up to a character who does a little of everything, often doing it really well, but who has to choose which toolset he wants in any given moment on the fly.

KRSCH Den-O icon.png Kamen Rider Den-O (Form Change) is able to switch freely between four movesets to fight at any range.
Pros Cons
  • Versatility: Each of Den-O's forms has a unique set of strong moves, covering a huge range of applications when taken all together as a single character.
  • Straightforward Effective Tools: Sometimes just using Axe Form and Gun Form's jS for aggressive approaches can be enough for Den-O to beat someone up.
  • Low Meter Gain: Even when controlling momentum pretty effectively, Den-O builds very little meter with his attacks, forcing him to charge his Rider Gauge manually.
  • Low Damage: None of Den-O's forms are able to do large amounts of damage quickly. This can present problems if Den-O ends up at a life deficit or low on time.

In this variation, Den-O is locked into one base form and loses some versatility, but gains his Super Climax Form in exchange.

In Super Climax Form, Den-O plays like a souped up version of Sword Form and becomes a menace at any screen position. He's very powerful up close thanks to his improved tools, and even when he's far away, he's able to threaten an unblockable divekick from his Rider Art.

When selecting Power Up, Den-O is allowed to choose which one of his four Form Change versions is treated as his base form, rather than being locked to one specific form. It's worth noting that he cannot execute the Axe Form freeze glitch with Power Up Style.

KRSCH Den-O icon.png Kamen Rider Den-O (Power Up) beats the opponent down with powerful sword attacks and an unblockable Rider Art.
Pros Cons
  • Close Range Domination: Once Den-O reaches Super Climax Form, he has access to very quick and safe sword attacks that make him extremely dangerous up close.
  • Unblockable Rider Art: Super Climax Form's Rider Art follow-up is an unblockable divekick with an absurdly wide angle and some amount of tracking that makes it very difficult to avoid. It even starts a combo!
  • Power Up Style: Power Up Style characters are universally capable of refreshing their Guard Gauge and damage scaling by transforming.
  • Low Meter Gain: Already a weakness for Form Change Den-O, but feels like an even bigger weakness for Power Up Den-O. He really wants to spend 3 stocks of Rider Gauge on powering up, but struggles to actually build said stocks.

In this variation, Den-O trades the versatility of Form Change and the raw power of Super Climax Form in exchange for the ability to call in the DenLiner to bombard the opponent.

The DenLiner is a really solid striker that severely limits the opponent's options thanks to its space coverage and tracking on startup. As such, this variant of Den-O really wants to pressure the opponent's Guard Gauge by forcing them to block the DenLiner on wakeup or in neutral.

When selecting Support Attack, Den-O is allowed to choose from his four Form Change base forms, rather than being locked to one specific form.

KRSCH Den-O icon.png Kamen Rider Den-O (Support Attack) uses a powerful striker to restrict the opponent.
Pros Cons
  • Difficult To Contest With Meter: When he has access to the DenLiner, any assist call becomes a short window where most characters won't be able to touch Den-O without giving something up.
  • Low Meter Gain: An issue that plagues Den-O's base forms, and it's still painful here because you want 2 stocks to spend on your striker.
  • Low Damage: Although the DenLiner is a great striker, it doesn't always help you deal big damage because it's possible to ground tech on any of its hits.

Form Select

KRSCH Den-O Sword Form Illustration.png
Sword Form
KRSCH Den-O Rod Form Illustration.png
Rod Form
KRSCH Den-O Axe Form Illustration.png
Axe Form
KRSCH Den-O Gun Form Illustration.png
Gun Form
KRSCH Den-O Super Climax Form Illustration.png
Super Climax Form

Move List

Normal Moves

Sword 5LL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -
5LL - Y - - - - -
Sword 5LH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -
5LH - Y - - - - -
Sword 4/6L
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
4/6L - Y - - - - -
4/6LH - Y - - - - -

This string is ground techable.

4/6LHH - Y - - - - -

This string is ground techable.

Sword 2/8L
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
2/8L - Y - - - - -
2/8LL - Y - - - - -
Sword 5H
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5H - Y - - - - -
5HH - Y - - - - -
5HHH - Y - - - - -
Sword 6H
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
6H - Y - - - - -
6HH - Y - - - - -
6HHH - Y - - - - -
Sword 2/8H
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
2/8H - Y - - - - -
2/8HH - Y - - - - -

Special Moves

Sword 5S
Dash Slash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Den-O poses with his sword, then delivers a running slash. Once Den-O starts running, this attack gains armor. Very slow and unsafe on block.

Sword DS
Combo Slash
any direction + S
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Den-O does a 3-hit slash combo. Very unsafe on block or whiff, but a reliable combo ender that deals a lot of damage.

Sword JS
Long-range DenGasher Attack
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Den-O fires a shot and bounces backwards. Knocks down on hit. It can be very useful for Sword Form to have a projectile in a pinch, allowing him to play less linearly in situations where there's some reason he shouldn't be attacking from the ground.

Universal Mechanics

Sword Throw
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -
Sword Dash Action
Dash Action
Guard Dash
Guard Dash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Den-O runs forward with a shield that guards against projectile attacks. This slowly depletes the Guard Gauge as it is used.

Sword Rider Art
Rider Art
Super Jump
Super Jump
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

A standard Super Jump-type Rider Art. Has access to an unblockable followup with jS at no additional cost. On hit, Den-O executes his Sword Form d+S. Costs .5 stocks of the Rider Gauge.

Sword Style Action
Style Action
Form Change Style Only
Form Change
Form Change
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Den-O (Form Change) can switch between Sword, Rod, Axe, and Gun form using the Style Action inputs. This doesn't cost anything to do, and Den-O is vulnerable for the duration of his transformations.

  • Style Action Left transforms into Axe Form.
  • Style Action Right transforms into Gun Form.
  • Style Action Down transforms into Rod Form.
Sword Support Style Action
Style Action
Support Attack Style Only
KRSCH Den-O Support Attack Illustration.png
Support Attack
Support Attack
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

By pressing Style Action, Den-O (Support Attack) can call his striker to launch an attack. This costs 2 stocks of the Rider Gauge, or 4 stocks when executed from hitstun.


  • 5HH > RC > 6HH > RC > dS
Standard Sword Form RC extension into a special ender.

Move List

Normal Moves

Rod 5LL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -

Rod Form's 5L notably gets stuck in very long recovery if not cancelled to its followup chains.

5LL - Y - - - - -
Rod 5LH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -

Rod Form's 5L notably gets stuck in very long recovery if not cancelled to its followup chains.

5LH - Y - - - - -
Rod 4/6LL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
4/6L - Y - - - - -
4/6LL - Y - - - - -
Rod 4/6LH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
4/6L - Y - - - - -
4/6LH - Y - - - - -
Rod 2/8LL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
2/8L - Y - - - - -
2/8LL - Y - - - - -
Rod 2/8LH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
2/8L - Y - - - - -
2/8LH - Y - - - - -
Rod 5H
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5H - Y - - - - -
5HH - Y - - - - -
5HHH - Y - - - - -
Rod 6H
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
6H - Y - - - - -
6HH - Y - - - - -
6HHH - Y - - - - -
6HHHH - Y - - - - -
6HHHHH - Y - - - - -
6HHHHHH - Y - - - - -
Rod 2/8H
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
2/8H - Y - - - - -
2/8HH - Y - - - - -

Special Moves

Rod 5S
Den-Rider Kick
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

Den-O throws the rod as an unblockable projectile. On hit, he'll quickly follow up with a divekick. A solid projectile, and fairly low risk.

Rod DS
I'll Reel You In
any direction + S
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

Den-O tries to hook the opponent and reel them in for an untechable knockdown. An unblockable projectile that starts combos, but has a bit more risk than 5S.

Rod JS
Rod Toss
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Den-O throws the rod while jumping. Doesn't change air momentum at all, and knocks the opponent down on hit.

Universal Mechanics

Rod Throw
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

Rod Form's throw. Because it is untechable, it can be comboed from using 6HH near the corner.

Rod Dash Action
Dash Action
Guard Dash
Guard Dash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Den-O runs forward with a shield that guards against projectile attacks. This slowly depletes the Guard Gauge as it is used.

Rod Rider Art
Rider Art
Super Jump
Super Jump
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

A standard Super Jump type Rider Art. Costs .5 stocks of the Rider Gauge.

Rod Style Action
Style Action
Form Change Style Only
Form Change
Form Change
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Den-O (Form Change) can switch between Sword, Rod, Axe, and Gun form using the Style Action inputs. This doesn't cost anything to do, and Den-O is vulnerable for the duration of his transformations.

  • Style Action Up transforms into Sword Form.
  • Style Action Left transforms into Axe Form.
  • Style Action Right transforms into Gun Form.
Rod Support Style Action
Style Action
Support Attack Style Only
KRSCH Den-O Support Attack Illustration.png
Support Attack
Support Attack
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

By pressing Style Action, Den-O (Support Attack) can call his striker to launch an attack. This costs 2 stocks of the Rider Gauge, or 4 stocks when executed from hitstun.


  • 6HHHHH > RC > 5S
Standard Rod Form RC extension into a special ender. Near the corner, you can finish the 6H string, but midscreen you must RC before the last hit.
  • dS > 6HH
  • dS > 2LL
Unblockable hookshot combo. 6HH is easier to connect at close ranges, while 2LL is stronger as an OTG pickup from longer ranges.
Be aware that at some distances, the 2LL string will juggle such that it's ground techable. To avoid this while stabilizing your followup, you can intentionally whiff 2L and hit with 2LL.
  • Throw > 6HH
Rod Form can combo off of throw in the corner.

Move List

Normal Moves

Axe 5L
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

A rare 5L with no followups.

Axe 4/6LL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
4/6L - Y - - - - -
4/6LL - Y - - - - -
Axe 4/6LH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
4/6L - Y - - - - -
4/6LH - Y - - - - -
Axe 2/8LL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
2/8L - Y - - - - -
2/8LL - Y - - - - -
Axe 2/8LH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
2/8L - Y - - - - -
2/8LH - Y - - - - -
Axe 5H
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5H - Y - - - - -
5HH - Y - - - - -
Axe 6H
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
6H - Y - - - - -
6HH - Y - - - - -
Axe 2/8H
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
2/8H - Y - - - - -
2/8HH - Y - - - - -

Special Moves

Axe 5S
Chop Down
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Armored axe swing. Does a lot of damage, but unsafe on block. Best saved for combo enders, though may be useful to toss out sometimes.

Axe DS
Dynamic Chop
any direction + S
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

After an agonizingly slow windup, Axe Form does a leaping chop. Holding a horizontal direction can control the distance this move travels. It's hard to use because of its speed, and even has sour spots where it will not connect all hits. However, if the opponent blocks the full move, it takes off about 65% of the guard bar on its own.

Axe JS
Jumping Axe Attack
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Den-O does a helm-breaker with the axe, falling to the ground with a ton of active frames and very little recovery. Axe Form's key tool for bullying his opponents.

Universal Mechanics

Axe Throw
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

Axe Form's throw.

Axe Dash Action
Dash Action
Guard Dash
Guard Dash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Den-O runs forward with a shield that guards against projectile attacks. This slowly depletes the Guard Gauge as it is used.

Axe Rider Art
Rider Art
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

Axe Form stomps and causes an unblockable Earthquake in a circle around himself. On hit, the opponent is stunned for a set duration.

If Den-O switches forms as soon as possible after hitting this Rider Art, his opponent will be frozen in place until they burst or get hit again. This can be useful to run the clock, as an opportunity to charge meter, or as a regular combo filler.

Axe Style Action
Style Action
Form Change Style Only
Form Change
Form Change
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Den-O (Form Change) can switch between Sword, Rod, Axe, and Gun form using the Style Action inputs. This doesn't cost anything to do, and Den-O is vulnerable for the duration of his transformations.

  • Style Action Up transforms into Sword Form.
  • Style Action Right transforms into Gun Form.
  • Style Action Down transforms into Rod Form.
Axe Support Style Action
Style Action
Support Attack Style Only
KRSCH Den-O Support Attack Illustration.png
Support Attack
Support Attack
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

By pressing Style Action, Den-O (Support Attack) can call his striker to launch an attack. This costs 2 stocks of the Rider Gauge, or 4 stocks when executed from hitstun.


  • 6HH > RC > 5S
Standard Axe Form RC extension into a special ender.
  • 5H > RC > RA > Style Action
Combo into freeze glitch. From here, you can charge a full Rider Gauge and then follow up with any combo in another form.

Move List

Normal Moves

Gun 5LL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -
5LL - Y - - - - -
5LLL - Y - - - - -
Gun 5LH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -
5LH - Y - - - - -
Gun 4/6LL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
4/6L - Y - - - - -
4/6LL - Y - - - - -
Gun 4/6LHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
4/6L - Y - - - - -
4/6LH - Y - - - - -
4/6LHH - Y - - - - -
Gun 2/8LL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
2/8L - Y - - - - -
2/8LL - Y - - - - -
Gun 2/8LH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
2/8L - Y - - - - -
2/8LH - Y - - - - -
Gun 5H
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5H - Y - - - - -
5HH - Y - - - - -
5HHH - Y - - - - -
5HHHH - Y - - - - -
5HHHHH - Y - - - - -
5HHHHHH - Y - - - - -
Gun 6H
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
6H - Y - - - - -
6HH - Y - - - - -
6HHH - Y - - - - -
6HHHH - Y - - - - -
6HHHHH - Y - - - - -
6HHHHHH - Y - - - - -
Gun 2/8H
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
2/8H - Y - - - - -
2/8HH - Y - - - - -

Special Moves

Gun 5S
Wild Shot
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Gun Form steadies his aim and then fires a homing projectile. Slow to start up, but the projectile travels quickly. Often unsafe on hit due to its long recovery. Can be useful to snipe a passive opponent out of something, but be really careful.

Gun DS
Breakdance Shot
any direction + S
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Den-O starts breakdance kicking, then ends with a couple of gunshots that knock the opponent down. Mostly sees use as Gun Form's standard combo ender. Unsafe on block.

Gun JS
Jumping Blindfire
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Den-O stops all vertical momentum (but not horizontal), and begins spinning and firing randomly. Covers the area around him in gunshots, and makes it very difficult to contest this as an approach. This can be done extremely low to the ground, and when done so, it becomes advantageous on block and plus enough on hit to combo from. Gun Form's key tool.

Universal Mechanics

Gun Throw
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -
Gun Dash Action
Dash Action
Guard Dash
Guard Dash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Den-O runs forward with a shield that guards against projectile attacks. This slowly depletes the Guard Gauge as it is used.

Gun Rider Art
Rider Art
Dodge Shot
Dodge Shot
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

A standard Dodge Shot type Rider Art. Gun Form backdashes with full invulnerability and fires a shot towards the ground. Costs 1 stock of the Rider Gauge.

Unlike some versions of this Rider Art, this one can miss if Gun Form wasn't already in the corner, because the shot is aimed at the ground.

Gun Style Action
Style Action
Form Change Style Only
Form Change
Form Change
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Den-O (Form Change) can switch between Sword, Rod, Axe, and Gun form using the Style Action inputs. This doesn't cost anything to do, and Den-O is vulnerable for the duration of his transformations.

  • Style Action Up transforms into Sword Form.
  • Style Action Left transforms into Axe Form.
  • Style Action Down transforms into Rod Form.
Gun Support Style Action
Style Action
Support Attack Style Only
KRSCH Den-O Support Attack Illustration.png
Support Attack
Support Attack
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

By pressing Style Action, Den-O (Support Attack) can call his striker to launch an attack. This costs 2 stocks of the Rider Gauge, or 4 stocks when executed from hitstun.


  • 5HHHHH > RC > 5HHHHH > RC > dS
Standard Gun Form RC extension into a special ender. The 5H string fires projectiles while moving forward, so this combo is useful even from a long distance.
  • j6S > repeat xN
Gun Form's corner infinite. Linking jS from jS requires the earliest possible jS, as well as ensuring that jS's last hit connects, which isn't usually possible to control outside of the corner.
Because Gun Form doesn't have a way to combo into jumping, this must also be started from a raw jS on an already cornered opponent.
  • j6S > Rider Finale
jS is plus enough to link Rider Finale, and is also a common point for Climax Time to activate on landing.

Move List

Normal Moves

Special Moves

Climax 5S
Embarking Slash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Den-O does an extremely quick and fairly safe slash. On hit, transitions into a short cinematic that deals a LOT of damage. A powerful combo ender or punisher.

Climax DS
Dash Slash
any direction + Special
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Similar to Sword Form's 5S, Den-O poses and then delivers a running slash. As an improved version of that move, this one has armor from the start and removes about 60% of the Guard Gauge on block. It's still very unsafe, but much more useful.

Climax JS
Diving Slash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Den-O points the sword downward and deals a plunging attack. Unsafe on block, but moves backwards on recovery, so can be difficult to punish. Mostly useful to change up your aerial attack, but even on block it takes off about 60% of the guard gauge, so it's pretty dangerous.

Universal Mechanics

Climax Throw
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

Axe Form's throw.

Climax Dash Action
Dash Action
Air Dash
Air Dash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Den-O airdashes. A standard mobility tool. Costs .5 stocks of the Rider Gauge.

Climax Rider Art
Rider Art
Super Jump
Super Jump
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

A Super Jump-type Rider Art. Costs .5 stocks of Rider Gauge. Has access to a followup by pressing Special Attack at any point during the jump for no additional cost, an unblockable divekick with a wide angle. On hit, this becomes a cinematic attack and can be followed up with a combo into either 2L or 5S.

Climax Style Action
Style Action
Form Change
Form Change
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

By pressing Style Action, Den-O transforms into his final form, Super Climax Form, at the cost of 3 stocks of the Rider Gauge. Doing so also refreshes damage scaling and the Guard Gauge.

While already in Super Climax Form, Style Action transforms back into Den-O's chosen Base Form at no cost. Doing so also refreshes damage scaling and the Guard Gauge.


  • 6HHH > 2LH > 5S
Standard link combo into a special. Super Climax Form is blessed with both a strong grounded link starter and a launcher that links into his special ender.
  • 6HHH > 2LH > RC > RA Followup > 2LH > 5S
With RC, Super Climax Form is able to combo into his Rider Art Followup, dealing a lot of damage. If you have an abundance of meter, you can loop the Rider Art Followup rather than ending with 5S.
  • 6HHH > 2LH > RC > RA Followup > 2LH > RC > RA Followup > Climax Time > 2LL > RC + Rider Finale
Touch of death combo example starting from an empty Climax Gauge. This requires about 2 stocks of Rider Gauge to start.


Kamen Rider
Rider 1
Rider 2
Kamen Rider V3
Kamen Rider Amazon
Kamen Rider BLACK (RX)
Shadow Moon
Heisei Phase 1
Kamen Rider Kuuga
Kamen Rider Agito
Kamen Rider Ryuki
Kamen Rider 555
Kamen Rider Blade
Kamen Rider Hibiki
Kamen Rider Kabuto
Dark Kabuto
Kamen Rider Den-O
Nega Den-O
New Den-O
Kamen Rider Kiva
Kamen Rider Decade
Heisei Phase 2
Kamen Rider W
Kamen Rider OOO
Kamen Rider Fourze
Kamen Rider Wizard