Idol Showdown/Korone Inugami

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Last Updated to Version 4.0.10

IS Korone Logo.png

Retro Fighting Dog - High Endurance Brawling
Difficulty - ★☆☆☆☆☆


Korone is a simple, but powerful all-rounder with an aggressive playstyle. This brawler doggo is not afraid to get up close with her strong approach tools. While Korone's tools are straightforward, they are more than enough to make the opponent second-guess picking a fight with her.

IS Korone Icon.png

Korone Inugami is a rushdown-styled "shoto" character with high-mobility tools that support an aggressive gameplan.

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  • Simple and Straightforward Characters: Korone has a fairly simple gameplan and relatively low execution requirements. Tools such as j.S can be used for many things, such as approaching, resetting pressure, and punishing with relatively low risk, making her an easy character to pick up.
  • Multiple Reversal Options: Korone has access to a fully invulnerable DP with 22H, a fully invulnerable super with 214S, and a high damage ultra low profile super with 236S
  • Good Pokes: Korone's 5M is a fast, long, disjointed and low-recovery poke that moves her forward. She also has access to basic projectiles with 236X.
  • Strong Pressure: Korone's 2L and 5L have lower pushback on block than average which gives her access to strong stagger pressure while her 0 on block 2M and command dash 22S offer solid ways to reset pressure.
  • Coming soon

Recommended Collabs

Note: As this section of the page was written shortly after the game was released, its only purpose is to help guide new players towards assists that are generally considered useful for the character, and should be revised by an experienced player as the game develops more. Don't be afraid to pick and try something else!

  • Amelia's L+H time slow is very flexible in how it can be used combined with Korone's kit (neutral, defense, offense, combo extension, forcing scrambles, etc.) so just having it stocked demands respect from the opponent as they will experience double the frames if you get a clean activation on them. It even lets her convert her rising j.L instant overhead into a full combo!
  • Her 214S makes Korone's strike/throw game much scarier, since it allows her to combo off of throw and 3H knockdowns for a sizeable amount of damage.
  • Hidden Missiles; gives her free pressure. Beam can be combod into for big damage.


Standing Normals

IS Korone 5L.png
ISD Korone 5L Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


5 3 12 -3 0


  • Self-Gatling Count: 3

Her fastest normal, good for abare. Otherwise used for combo filler/hitconfirms.

Toggle Hitboxes
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IS Korone 5M.png
ISD Korone 5M Hitbox.png
Sol f.S says hi
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


7 6 15 -5 -1


Korone's main spacing tool and combo starter. A far-reaching, low recovery poke that's decently fast and relatively safe on block when spaced.

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IS Korone 5H.png
ISD Korone 5H Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


11 3 23 -4 +1


Moves forward and swings with a huge hammer. Unlike 5M, this can catch low profile moves. Connects from 5M even at maximum range on hit and block.

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Crouching Normals

IS Korone 2L.png
ISD Korone 2L Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability

Low, Air Unblockable

6 2 13 -3 0


  • Self-Gatling Count: 2

Korone's fastest low hitting normal, with not much range and slightly slower speed make it a pretty average normal.

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IS Korone 2M.png
ISD Korone 2M Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


11 5 15 0 +5


A even on block normal that can stagger into Korone's other options. Does not hit low.

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IS Korone 2H.png
ISD Korone 2H Hitbox.png
Swings Low
Swings Low
IS Korone 2H 2.png
ISD Korone 2H Hitbox 2.png
Swings High
Swings High
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability

Mid, Air Unblockable

12 4 25 -15 +6

(5~40) Head

2H is a fantastic anti-air and combo piece for Korone, it's consistency and vertical coverage makes it the go-to choice for challenging jump ins and relaunching opponents in a juggle. It also has head invulnerability that lasts all the way through the move's recovery.

  • Korone's 2H will automatically place the opponent directly in front of her at an elevation, even when antiairing disjointed hurtboxes, you'll need to adjust your launch combo timing according to this or it may drop
  • Chaining 2H after a magic series (LMH) will whiff midscreen, so only do this in the corner (drop the H from your string to combo into 2H midscreen)
Toggle Hitboxes
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IS Korone 3H.png
ISD Korone 3H Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability

Low, Air Unblockable

11 3 24 -17 +40 (HKD)


Korone's sweep. Her only way of securing a hard knockdown.

This move's hurtbox low profiles many character's normals and projectiles allowing Korone to punish options that otherwise would have been safe.

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Jumping Normals

IS Korone jL.png
ISD Korone jL Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


6 7 Until Landing + 2 +2 +5


Korone's fastest air normal. The disjointed hitbox extends further than her knee suggests. Capable of doing an instant overhead that can hit crouching opponents.

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IS Korone jM.png
ISD Korone jM Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


8 6 23 + 3L* +6 +10


Korone's longest reaching air normal. The hitbox extends a bit behind her allowing for cross-ups.

Uniquely has low enough recovery frames to whiff while rising and recover in the air. If this happens, then Korone will be able to hit another air button or use air chainsaw before touching the ground. If additional air moves are done after the air recovery, Korone will not experience the 3 frames of landing recovery tied to normal jumping Medium moves.

Toggle Hitboxes
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IS Korone jH.png
ISD Korone jH Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


14 4 - +3 +12


Until Landing + 4

  • Hitting an airborne opponent will spike them down into a soft knockdown
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Command Normals

IS 6.png + IS M.png
IS Korone 6M.png
ISD Korone 6M Hitbox.png
Initial Attack
IS Korone 6MM.png
ISD Korone 6MM Hitbox.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
6M 45


10 5 11 -4 -1


6M~M 45


13 4 19 -9 -5


A quick-advancing hook punch. Input the command in succession for a follow-up attack.

  • 6M can cancel into 5H, 2H, 3H, or specials.
  • 6M~M can only cancel into 3H or specials.
  • Useful for strike/throw mix-up.
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Universal Mechanics

IS L.png + IS M.png or IS G.png
IS Korone LM.png
ISD Korone LM Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


7 2 31 KD -


  • Total Frames: 39

Korone's universal grab.

Toggle Hitboxes
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IS M.png + IS H.png
IS Korone MH.png
ISD Korone MH Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


23 3 20 -3 +2

(6~36) Grab

  • Uniquely has an animation that does not leave the ground until frame 11 which makes it harder to react to

Universal Overhead.

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Superchat Reversal
Superchat Reversal
(blocking) IS 6.png + IS M.png + IS H.png
IS Korone 6M.png
IS Korone SCR hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


16 2 23 -10 0

(1~17) Full

  • Superchat Reversal
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Special Attacks

IS 236.png + IS L.png /IS M.png /IS H.png
IS Korone 236X.png
ISD Korone 236L Hitbox.png
ISD Korone 236M Hitbox.png
ISD Korone 236H Hitbox.png
Yubi Yubi!
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
L / 5S (Slow) 60


18 Until Offscreen 36 -13~ -10~


  • Grants 2 superchats on use
  • Disappears if Korone is hit
  • Has a projectile durability of 1x1

IS Korone 236L diagram small3.png

M / 5S + M (Fast) 60


16 Until Offscreen 36 -13~ -10~


  • Grants 2 superchats on use
  • Disappears if Korone is hit
  • Has a projectile durability of 1x1

IS Korone 236M diagram small3.png

H / 5S + H (Yubi Yubi) 60x2


14 Until Offscreen 28 +4~ -


  • Costs 1 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use
  • Does not disappear if Korone is hit
  • Has a projectile durability of 1x2

IS Korone 236H diagram small3.png

Toggle Hitboxes
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IS 214.png + IS L.png /IS M.png /IS H.png
IS Korone 214X.png
ISD Korone 214X Hitbox.png
ISD Korone 214H Hitbox.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
L / 4S (Short) 60(10x3,10x3)


9 3(9)3 14 -3 0


M / 4S + M (Far) 96(8x3, 8x3, 8x3, 8x3)


14 3(4)3(9)3(4)3 25 -14 KD

(14~51) Projectile

H / 4S + H (DOOG ETERNAL) 140(5x24, 20)


24 3(10)3(10)3(10)3(10)3(10)3(10)3(10)3(10)3 28 -18 KD


Forward moving, chainsaw attack.

  • L version: Immediately starts chainsawing, finishes half screen. Grants 3 superchats on use.
  • M version: Dashes forward, finishes 1/2 screen. Grants 3 superchats on use.
  • H version: Dashes forward, goes full screen, ends with launcher. Costs 1 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use.

Can go under high projectiles, as Korone ducks after startup. All versions of the special can bypass low projectiles after startup - for example, Botan's Low Poi (grenade).

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Super Koro Punch
IS 2.png IS 2.png + IS L.png /IS M.png /IS H.png
ISD Korone 22L Hitbox.png
ISD Korone 22M Hitbox.png
IS Korone 22X.png
ISD Korone 22H Hitbox.png
Super Koro Punch 64
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
L / 2S 60

Mid, Air Unblockable

5 11 30 -19 KD

(3~19) Head

M 46x3

Mid, Air Unblockable

6 14 38 -18 KD

(3~15) Head

H 32x5

Mid, Air Unblockable

10 18 49 -31 KD

(1~18) Full

DP that is also used for juggles, only the H version has full invulnerability.

  • L version: Short anti-air DP. Grants 5 superchats on use.
  • M version: Further-reaching anti-air DP. Grants 5 superchats on use.
  • H version: Frame 1 fully invulnerable DP. Costs 1 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use.
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DOOG From Above
Air Only IS S.png
IS Korone j.214X.png
ISD Korone j214X Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


10 3(2)3(2)3(2)3 Until Landing + 11 -8~-2 +5~+11


  • Grants 2 superchats on use
  • Has a minimum height usage restriction when done from neutral of around 1 character height

Propels Korone forward with a swinging active chainsaw hitbox. This be used to punish projectiles or whiffed normals in neutral. Generally safe against both normal and instant block, but can be made more safe when used closer to the ground.

This move has a minimum height restriction while rising, but not while falling. Frame advantage varies depending on if it is blocked standing or crouching with stand blocking generally making the move more minus on block compared to crouching blocking.

Standing block frame advantage breakdown:

  • Near-apex height j.S standing block: -8 ~ -7 (can be up to -9 on taller characters like Botan and Coco since it hits them earlier)
  • Falling middle height j.S standing block: -6 ~ -4
  • Falling near-ground j.S standing block: -3 ~ -2

Crouching block frame advantage breakdown:

  • Near-apex height j.S crouching block: -5 ~ -4
  • Falling middle height j.S crouching block: -4 ~ -3
  • Falling near-ground j.S crouching block: -3 ~ -2
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Doggy Dash
IS 2.png IS 2.png + IS S.png
IS Korone 22S.png
ISD Korone 22S Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
- - - - 25 - -


  • Grants 3 superchats on use

A low-traveling command dash. It allows Korone to continue her pressure when the opponent is being overly defensive or confirm counterhits from a distance.

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Super Star Attack

IS 236.png + IS S.png
IS Korone 236S 1.png
ISD Korone 236S Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
308(10, 45x2, 10x10, 100x2)


7 7 44 - KD


  • Minimum Damage: 138
  • Costs 2 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use

A quick charging attack that leads into a damaging X-Potato barrage. Does not have invulnerability. Very high minimum damage.

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Furious Claws
IS 214.png + IS S.png
IS Korone 236S 2.png
ISD Korone 214S Hitbox.png
ISD Korone 214S Hitbox 2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
212(40, 35x3, 67)


8 8(13)8(24)6(9)6(9)6 44 -38 KD

(1~9) Full

  • Minimum Damage: 85
  • Costs 2 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use

A rising uppercut attack that has full invuln on startup.

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Original Outfit
Cosplay 1 Nekomata Okayu (Hololive)
Cosplay 2 Sakura Miko (Hololive)
Cosplay 3 Ayunda Risu (Hololive)
Cosplay 4 Third 2D Costume
Cosplay 5 Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Cosplay 6 M. Bison (Street Fighter)
Cosplay 7 Korone's Casual Costume (Hololive)
Cosplay 8 Shirakami Fubuki (Hololive)
Cosplay 9 JP (Street Fighter 6)
Cosplay 10 Ookami Mio (Hololive)


The Game
Virtual Frontier
News & Updates
The Battle System
Game Data
Aki Rosenthal
Ayame Nakiri
Botan Shishiro
Coco Kiryu
Fubuki Shirakami
Ninomae InaNis
Korone Inugami
Kureiji Ollie
Pekora Usada
Sora Tokino
Suisei Hoshimachi
Kanata Amane
Amelia Watson
Marine Houshou
Iroha Kazama
Risu Ayunda
Mio Ookami
Miko Sakura
Kaela Kovalskia
Kiara Takanashi
Moona Hoshinova
Subaru Oozora
Fauna Ceres