Million Arthur: Arcana Blood/Zex Siegfried

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Zex Siegfried


  • EN Name: Zechs Siegfried (localization)
  • JP Name: ゼクス・ジークフリート
  • Voice Actor: Yuki Kaji
  • Element: Wind
  • Health: 21000

Zex Siegfried is the main character of Deck Make Million Arthur, or he was going to be but then the game got canceled. This sent Zex into a downward spiral of depression until he was invited to the millionth annual Arcana Blood tournament. Now Zex is on a mission to steal as many elements as he can, hoping to find one that can fill the void in his heart.


Zex is very good at keeping up pressure, he can do blockstrings that either end with him even, plus, or safe all within range to threaten command grab or a pressure reset. He also gets high damage on nearly any confirm and works with a wide variety of assists thanks to his element steal mechanic giving him access to extra elements depending on the matchup.


Strengths Weaknesses
  • Large buttons to poke with and control space
  • Great multi-purpose aerial buttons
  • Solid pressure options
  • Easy reliable confirms from 5D/j.D
  • 214D gauntlet projectile has an absurdly large hitbox, fast startup, ridiculous damage, and great frame advantage on block
  • Has a leaping command grab (623D)
  • Consistent high damage from Enchant Boost combos
  • No meterless reversals
  • Frame data is overall unremarkable and is more based around controlling space with strong hitboxes
  • A lot of pressure is based around threat of projectile, which is reliant on your ability to obtain a stock with 5d or 623d

Recommended Support Knights

1 Mana

  • Fay
Has strong synergy with 5D confirms and is great for making pressure safe.
  • Enide
Fast startup and great hitbox but only really has use against fire-element characters with gauntlet synergy

2 Mana

  • Constantine
Great neutral and okizeme tool. Set this at range then use Zech's large hitboxes and neutral tools to approach. Great for setting up command grab unblockable setups on okizeme.
  • Lancelot
Can be used to counter-poke in neutral against troublesome characters and can also be used as okizeme to set up unblockables.
  • Mage-Guild Arthur
Great all-round support. Excels in controlling neutral. Zechs can easily confirm off mid-range hits with 5D/j.D for elemental counter-hit confirms
  • Mercenary Arthur
Good neutral support and an essential combo tool for Zechs. Can be used with Uathach to increase the threat of EB combos.

3 Mana

  • Uathach
3 Mana support of choice. Zechs can reliably build wind modifier in EB and has naturally high base damage

Normal Moves

MAAB Zex 5A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
500 H/L 6f - - +0 - - -

Jump cancelable, can be low profiled

MAAB Zex 5AA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1100 H/L 5f - - -13 - - -

Jump cancelable, Forward/backdash cancellable

MAAB Zex 5AAA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1800 H/L 5f - - -9 - - -
MAAB Zex 5AAAA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- H/L 24 - - -13 - - -

Auto-combo ender. Builds tons of meter on hit, gives knockdown. Staple meterless ender.

MAAB Zex 5B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- H/L 10f - - -10 - - -

Jump cancelable. Forward/backdash cancellable.

Hits very far out but has a lot of recovery, good for footsies and punishing rolls but be mindful of not whiffing and keep in mind that at further ranges 5C will often only hit once. This move can also be low profiled.

MAAB Zex 5C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1760*2 H/L 11f - - -4 - - -

Forward/backdash cancellable on both hits.

Hits twice, pushes out to a space where many characters don't have good options and at -4 it's safe enough that depending on the matchup zex usually has good answers to those options. The hitbox isn't as tall as it looks but it can still hit anti-air, since it's not jump cancelable it can be hard to take advantage of AA hits.

MAAB Zex 6C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1800 H/L 10f - - -12 - - -

Jump cancelable, Zex moves forward when he uppercuts which can make it move underneath a jump-in. 5C chains into 6C which can let Zex go into an air combo but the short range of 6C means this isn't a very common situation.

MAAB Zex 2A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
400 L 7f - - -1 - - -

hits further than 5A and hits low

MAAB Zex 2B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1200 H/L 9f - - -6 - - -

Jump cancelable, Forward/backdash cancellable

the hitbox goes pretty far out and it recovers quickly, good meaty if you're worried about a roll as it usually recovers fast enough to let you punish and can be done far enough away that Zex will be in range to punish.

MAAB Zex 2C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1800 L 14f - - -13 - - -


MAAB Zex jA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
800 H 7f - - - - - -

Jump cancelable, hits cross-up

MAAB Zex jB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1280 H 11,17 - - - - - -

Jump cancelable. Two hits. Infamous button, controls a lot of air space and great for jumpins. Both hits have to be blocked high.

MAAB Zex jC.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1900 H 13f - - - - - -

Hits cross-up. Knocks down on hit. Lots of blockstun and reaches further than it looks

Elemental Attacks

MAAB Zex 5D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2700 M 18f - - -10 - - Wind

Acquires an element for 214D, the element is dependent on the opponent

MAAB Zex j.D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2700 M 17f - - - - - Wind

Acquires an element for 214D, the element is dependent on the opponent


Forward Throw
MAAB Zex FT.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- Throw 7f - - - - - Throw
Back Throw
MAAB Zex BT.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- Throw 7f - - - - - Throw
Air Throw
MAAB Zex AT.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- Throw 5f - - - - - Throw

Special Moves

MAAB Zex 236A.png
MAAB Zex 236B.png
MAAB Zex 236C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1000,1000(2000) M 11, 25-33 - - +0 (uncharged) +7 (charged) - - Neutral

Can hold. The gap between the sword hit and the projectile hit is 5f when uncharged, 13f when charged.

Button used only affects placement of the projectile.

MAAB Zex 623.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
A 2400 M 13 - - -15 - - -
B 2500 M 16 - - -7 - - -
C 2600 M 21 - - -13 - - -

A/B version will knockdown on hit. C version ground bounces on hit, is air techable and primarily used when comboing into a super after.

MAAB Zex j623.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- High 17f (A) 16f (B) 15f (C) - Until Landing+18 - - - -

The B and C versions of this move have smaller preliminary hitboxes for several frames at around Zech's eye level before extending downward. Because this move is mainly used as an instant overhead, the A version is still the best option, as its hitbox starts out the largest and extends downwards a frame later.

Knocks downs on hit.

Elemental Predator
MAAB Zex 214D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
N/A N/A 14 - 48F(Up to 170F) N/A - - -

Zex can only do this move if he has no element acquired. Can be held for 160F

He'll stick out his hand and absorb any projectile that touches it, acquiring a stock for 214D(below). The element of the stock is determined by the projectile absorbed.

214D(while acquired)
Elemental Cannon
214D while in Acquired State
MAAB Zex 214D214D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
4800-3200 M 12f - - +15 - - Variable

Air ok. Element changes based on Acquired State.

Deals less damage when the opponent is further away from Zechs

Savage Assault Suction
MAAB Zex 623D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
3600 Throw 27f - - - - - Wind

Command Grab, Enters Acquired State, can be throw teched, but the window is extremely tight.

Million Skill

Excalibur Gram
MAAB Zex MS1.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1040, 1340*N L(M) 9 - - -23 - - Neutral

First hit(stab) is a low. Projectiles will continue being created until they reach the end of the stage. Will carry opponents to the edge of the screen on block. Frame advantage is based on an already cornered opponent.

Can launch grounded opponents for full damage and mid-screen damage super of choice.

Excalibur Balmung
MAAB Zex MS2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
6125 M 12 - - -20 - - -

Reversal. Super ender, will cause sliding on hit for hard knockdown.

Excalibur Nothung
MAAB Zex MS3.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
6566 H 1+9 - - - - - -

Air super. Not a reversal, Air techable.

Million Excalibur

Malevolent Glare
(Andvara Notes)

MAAB Zex ME.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
10000 M 14 - - -164 - - -

Reversal. Infinite vertical range, horizontal range is short though. Don't whiff this.



Zex doesn't have much in the way of particularly scary mix-ups. He doesn't have any standing overheads (although he does have an instant overhead) and his command grab is slow enough to react to. But he makes up for that with notably ignorant normals. In neutral, 5C covers the space in front of him really well and will stop some approaches like thief slide that otherwise low profile normals like 5B, j.B works like 5C only airborne, 5B is a long reaching poke although it's recovery makes it a bit risky, 2B doesn't cover as much space and it's hitbox is real low, but it recovers noticeably faster than 5B.


Nearly all of his buttons are either jump cancelable (5A, 5AA, 2B, 5B, 6C) or dash cancelable (5AA, 5B, 2B, 5C(1), 5C(2)) which gives Zex a lot of flexibility on block. Zex also has multiple safe ways to disengage (besides jump canceling back or backdash canceling a normal) as 5C is only slightly negative, 236X is neutral, and 236[X] is advantageous. Defensively 6C leaves a lot to be desired, it's somewhat slow and moves forward which makes it whiff at times. Air to airing with j.A or j.B if you're early enough can be a good solution. Zex's only reversals outside of system mechanics are 623XX and 214XX. The hitbox on 214XX is pretty narrow, tho extremely tall, it can be useful in some specific instances but on block or whiff there's over 2 full seconds of recovery. 623XX is a little more consistent, and the ability to cancel it into enchant boost on block makes it prefrable to 214XX in a lot of situations as zex builds so much meter that trading 200 for pressure is well worth it if you're confident it'll make contact.


Aside from the basic mix-ups of delayed airdash j.C/no airdash 2A or normal throw attempts, Zex doesn't have anything built in except for dash cancels which all leave him negative, but he has a few other scary tools. By TKing 623X (6239X, the button must be input slightly delayed from the up input so as to not cancel the jump start-up.) Zex can do an overhead while rising. This "instant" overhead isn't exactly instant, it's about 21f overall, but still difficult to react to. Zex can't combo off this, even with meter or an assist, but that assumes your opponent was ready to tech immediately, so a black beat pickup off of an assist is not unreasonable to get, alternatively you can cancel into an assist like Lancelot for oki. Another strong mix-up is canceling 5B or 2B into an airdash after pushing yourself about a bit. If you're midscreen and time a j.B to come out at the end of the air dash Zex will have switched sides and turn around as the air dash ends, letting the j.B cross-up.

Assist Synergy

Zex's 214D uniquely forces Zex to consider his opponent's element when choosing assists for combo extension, as he gets different elemental charges depending on who he's fighting.


  • Fay gives counterhits after 5D itself, making it good for combo extensions no matter what.

Mercenary Arthur.png

  • Mercenary Arthur is probably the most commonly used assist for Zechs. Allows hard knockdown and corner carry from just about every starter he has, ground, air, throws, you name it. Decently large hitbox and plus when used in neutral as a zoning assist. When not running Fay, easily replaces her in all her combos at the cost of one more assist gem.


  • Constantine is a support assist that summons a slow moving ice orb at head level that covers air dash space very well. Leads to throw/command grab setups in the corner when cancelled off Gram post-okizeme. Allows real conversions off j623 overhead. The orb does not go away if the opponent techs a throw attempt.


  • Lancelot is a support assist that puts a shield up that absorbs hits and triggers a counter attack, he will eventually attack on his own if nothing hits his shield. Use midscreen to secure an approach or in the corner to scare the opponent from mashing and wake up reverals. Also allows combos off throw and j623 overhead. Somewhat easily safe-jumped and the attack hitbox doesn't extend that far behind him.


  • Balin is neutral game choice for Zechs. Usually Zechs has no issue in neutral with jB, but Balin is very nice to have vs people who only have Mercenary as their zoning assist choice. It hits faster at a very nice angle vs someone using Mercenary raw in the air and it's more plus on block as well.

Arthur Sorcery King.png

  • Arthur Sorcery King is purely a zoning choice for Zechs. While he can be used in combos, his main use is threatening a full screen horizontal punish/zone tool when Elemental Cannon is not available.


  • Uasaha is there for one thing: damage. Her ability to combo after 5D/jD/623D/623xx and Mercenary Arthur's ability to combo immediately after her and keep knockdown means a Zechs with full resources is easily threatening 10K+ off any stray hit confirm. Her downside is that she is an obvious burst point.


  • Guinevere doesn't add much damage, but she makes your opponent's assists cost more, useful if you want to try and shut out a particularly annoying assist, but it's very dependent on what loadout your opponent uses.


While Zex is technically wind element, he has the ability to steal whatever elements he's fighting against. So he potentially also has access to fire/ice attacks solo. This can open up some extra assist synergy depending on the matchup.

Basic Combos

  • confirm ground hit > 214D(with charge) > 623C > 623XX
Cash out an element charge into super. 214D does a lot of damage, so even though this looks really basic it does a decent amount.
  • 6C > jump cancel > j.A > j.B > jump cancel > j.A > j.B > 623C(2) > 623XX
anti-air combo route, you can use this same route on air to airs but your height might necessitate some slight changes. If you have no meter or don't want to spend the bar you can end it with the 623C for knockdown.
  • Throw > A+B+C > run up > 5AA > jump cancel > j.A > j.B > jump cancel > j.A > j.B > 623C
basic throw combo. Also works with air throw cause Zex's air throw is just him landing and then doing ground throw.
  • 5AAA > 623D > Oki Assist
Basic confirm into command grab for a hard knowdown. Use assist of choice for oki. 4204 Dmg

Solo Combos

  • 5AAAA(A)
Auto Combo add the extra A for a super. builds lots of meter and is very stable.
  • 2AAA/5AA > 5B > 5C > 5D / (623C > 214XX)
ezpz confirm into 5D for the charge. Or super for damage.
  • 2AAAA/5AAA > 623D
Alt ez confirm for command grab ender.
  • 5B > 2C > 214D > microdash > 5C > 5D (> 623XX)
Corner combo utilizing a 214D stock. Do auto combo after the dash instead for meter.
  • Throw (both hits) > A+B+C > run > 5AA > 5B > jump cancel > j.A > j.B > double jump > j.A > j.B > 623C
Combo off throw, can also end in j.D
  • 623D > A+B+C > 214D(fire) > run > 5AAAA
Combo off of command grab vs fire characters, since 623D is wind element a fire shot will counter hit and get them out of the OTG state
  • 623D > A+B+C > 214D(ice) > 5AAAA
Combo off of command grab vs ice characters. The ice charge of the 214D will setup a counterhit on any normal due to the native wind charge off enchant boost.

Support Knight Combos

Single Assist


Fay shoots a fireball straight ahead. It pops the opponent up on hit. Fay's fire element gives a counter hit after 5D and j.D, launching the opponent and allowing for combos after elemental absorb no matter what element is taken

  • confirm ground hit > 5D > Fay assist > 5AAAA/5AAA > 623C > 623XX
If you only want to learn one Zex combo, learn this one. It doesn't uses 214D which means both that you'll have it available in neutral and that you don't need to care what element your opponent is. If you can't or don't want to use an assist you can cancel the 5D directly into 623XX.
  • 5AA > 5B > 5C > 5D > Fay assist > [9] > j.B(1) > land > 5AAAA
This combo will still work with a 2 hit j.B, but the timing to get it to hit twice and be low enough for auto combo to fully connect is kind of tight. Don't finish this with super, it wont hit properly. If you find the j.B timing hard you can omit it and run up into auto combo instead. This combo builds 85 meter.
  • 5AA > 5B > 5C > 5D > Fay assist > delay > 214D(ice) > 623D
Variation on the above when fighting ice characters, you can also end this in auto combo for meter.
  • 5AA > 5B > 5C > 5D > Fay assist > [9] > j.B(1) > land > 6C > jump cancel > j.A > j.B > double jump > j.A > j.B > 623C(2) > 623XX
Variation of the above ending in super. Without the super it's still more damage, but the difference is really minimal, only about .1k. You can sub the 6C for a 5AA if it's giving you trouble, if you do omit the double jump and go straight into 623C(2) > 623XX. The damage is lower (by about .1k) but it works at more heights of j.B

Elle shoots an ice ball, similar to Fay but rather than launching up on hit she freezes the opponent in place. Freezing an opponent will make 5D counterhit, and vs wind characters freezing them after a 5D lets Zex followup with 214D for a counterhit. Elle is generally not as useful in neutral as Evaine, the other 1 cost ice assist, but she's faster which gives her more utility for enchant boost assist link combos.

  • 5B > 5C > 5D > elle assist > 214D (wind) > run > 5AAAA / (5AAA > 623C > 623XX)
Combo from 5D using elle to get a CH 214D against wind characters. The auto combo on the end is good for meter building, sub the last A for 623C to combo into super if you already have meter.
  • 5B > 5C > 5D > elle assist > 214D (wind) > 623D
Alternate version ending in 623D for oki and to maintain a 214D charge
  • 5A > 5B > 5C > 623C > enchant boost > elle assist > tkj.D > air dash > j.B > land > 5AAAA
Doesn't really do much more damage than a basic bnb, but you rebuild most of the resources you spend on it since the assist call isn't a cancel and you end the enchant boost with an auto combo. The assist point is rebuilt just after the last hit of the combo, so if you want to cancel it into a 2 cost assist you need to delay the cancel a bit to actually rebuild the stock.
  • Throw (1) > enchant boost > elle assist > tkj.D > air dash > j.B > land > 5AAAA
Again, not a lot of damage but not a lot of resources spent either. Use this for midscreen
  • Throw (2) > enchant boost > elle assist > 6C > IAD > j.B > 5AAAA
Corner version, does notably more damage since you get the full throw. You can also do 5C and dash cancel into the auto combo if the IAD is too hard, there's not much damage difference but the air dash can be canceled into block making this version less safe to burst

Evaine spikes a watermelon that bounces around the screen, and freezes on hit. The freeze will cause 5D or j.D to counter hit mid-combo which can setup for cool and damaging combos. Vs wind element characters Evaine can be used to charge them with ice after a 5D, then using the wind charge from the 5D wall bounce the opponent and continue the combo.

  • 5B > 5C > 5D > evaine assist > 214D (wind) > run > 5AAAA / (5AAA > 623C > 623XX)
Combo from 5D using evaine to get a CH 214D against wind characters. The auto combo on the end is good for meter building, sub the last A for 623C to combo into super if you already have meter.
  • 5B > 5C > 5D > evaine assist > 214D (wind) > 623D
Alternate version ending in 623D for oki and to maintain a 214D charge.
  • 6C > j.B > evaine assist > j.214D (wind)> land > run > j.B > double jump > j.B(1) > j.C
AA combo using evaine against wind element 214D

Enide appears in front of Zex and does a big wind explosion, knocking the opponent back very far. Enide's wind atribute lets her setup 214D coutnerhits against fire characters.

  • 5AA > 5B > 5C > 5D > enide assist > delay > 214D(fire) > run > 5AAAA
Fire variation of the 1 cost assist bnb. Because Endie launches the opponent Zex has less time to move after 214D, making this variation a little bit harder than the others.
Sorcery King Arthur
Arthur Sorcery King.png

Sorcery King dashes almost fullscreen and slashes. In neutral you can kind of use him like a no-setup-required ice 214D that has more hitstun. In pressure Sorcery King is plus so you can use him to extend blockstrings from a blocked 623 or really anything else. In combos he works like a faster, more damaging, further range, higher hitstun Elle. Costing 2 mana kind of sucks but you can link into him off of a corner 214D (or midscreen if it's an ice 214D) or after an enchant boost.

  • 5A > 5B > 5C > 623C > sorcery king assist > tkj.D > air dash > j.B > land > 5AAAA / (5AAA > 623C > 623XX)
Combo from 623C. You can swap out the post assist bit for really anything that works off a CH 5D/j.D
  • 5A > 5B > 5C > 623C > enchant boost > sorcery king assist > tkj.D > air dash > j.B > 5AAAA
Same thing as the above combo, but using enchant boost to avoid assist canceling and let mana regen, about 1 stock will come back by the time the combo ends.
  • 5A > 5B > 5C > 5D > enchant boost > sorcery king assist > 5C > dash cancel > 5AAAA
General combo route for any time when sorcery king hits otg after an enchant boost
  • 623D > sorcery king assist > 214D (wind) > run up > 5AAAA
Combo off of command grab vs wind characters
  • Throw (1) > enchant boost > sorcery king assist > tkj.D > air dash > j.B > land > 5AAAA
Better in terms of damage than the elle one just off the back of sorcery king being higher damage
  • Throw (2) > enchant boost > sorcery king assist > run up > 5C > dash cancel > 5AAAA
You can do this combo midscreen but you need to dash right away and the timing on the 5C from midscreen is pretty hard. The closer you are to the corner the easier it is
Mercenary Arthur
Mercenary Arthur.png

Mercenary Arthur appears in front of Zex and falls down with his sword ala helmbreaker. When he hits the ground a shockwave will carry the opponent rather far, making for good corner carry provided you then end the combo. As a fire element Merc benefits from the wind charge of 5D/j.D/enchant boost setting up for counter hits.

  • 6C > j.B > j.D > mercenary arthur assist > airdash > land > 5C (1) > 5D (> 623XX)
Mercenary Arthur spawns at Zex's location and brings opponents down with him, letting you convert an air combo into a ground ender.
  • 623D > mercenary arthur assist > run > 5AAAA
Combo from command grab using Mercenary Arthur assist
  • 623D > Mercenary Arthur > 66 > 5b > Jump > j.A > j.B > Jump > j.A > j.B > j.623C
Combo off of command grab. works anywhere and does 5786 dmg
  • 5A > 5B > 5C > 5D > Mercenary Arthur > 66 > 5B > jump > j.A > j.B > Jump > j.A > j.B > j.623C > j.623X+X
Combo off of a standard hit. does 8258 dmg and works anywhere, though the closer to the corner the better.

Claire drops a fire trap in front of Zex, can be set close by holding 4, far by holding 6, or inbetween by not holding either. Canceling from an auto combo ender and setting a trap leads to some oki.

  • 5A > 5B > 5C > 236A > claire assist > 236A hits > 5D > claire hits > run up > 5AAAA
you have to be pretty close for the 236A to hit. Normally 236A will only combo into crouching opponents but the projectile still travels during the flash of assist call or something

Ice beam that you can call after 623XX for extra easy damage, if you're in the corner you can do a 5D and get a CH and/or another super.

  • 5A > 5B > 5C > 5D > 623XX > pharsalia assist > 5D > 623XX
Example of double super using Pharsalia, needs to be near the corner for the 5D to combo
  • 5A > 5B > 5C > 5D > 623XX > pharsalia assist > 214XX
Resource dump with pharsalia, you need to be basically inside the corner
Little Grey
Little Grey.png

By comboing into Little Grey Zex can get enough hitstun to whiff a burst or neutral enchant boost for more meter or a longer install time. It's more cool than it is useful but it's very cool. Using Little Grey for oki can also be useful since the long blockstun lets Zex setup delay airdash mixups.

  • 5A > 5A > 5B > 5C > evaine assist > 5D > little grey assist > 214D > whiff burst > little grey hits > 623C > 623XX > pharsalia > 214XX
Example of whiffing burst mid combo. The non-little grey assists can be swapped out for other ice/level 3 assists, the important thing is the CH 5D into little grey into 214D for the extra hitstun.

Multiple Assists

  • 5AA > 5B > 5C > 5D > mercenary arthur assist > j.B > j.D > evaine assist > j.D > j.214D (fire) > air dash > j.C
3 mana corner combo vs fire element characters that also uses Evaine. Bisclavret requires a slight delay
  • 2A > 5B > 5B > 5C > 214D > microdash > 6C > j.B > j.D > mercenary arthur > land > 5D > 623XX > cu chulainn assist > 214XX
300 bar, 5 mana combo. Does ~14.5k
  • 5AA > 5B > 5C > 5D > Mercenary Arthur > 66 > Ice 214D > 5D > Cu Chulainn > 66 > 214X+X
Vs ice characters. Works midscreen but the closer to the corner the better. 200 meter 5 mana. Deals 13022 dmg and keeps a shot stocked
  • 5AA > 5B > 5C > 5D > Mercenary Arthur > 66 > Ice 214D > 5D > 623X+X > Cu Chulainn > 214X+X
Vs ice characters. Works midscreen but the closer to the corner the better. 300 meter 5 mana. Deals 14795 dmg and keeps a shot stocked
  • 623D > Mercenary Arthur > Ice 214D > 5D > Cu Chulainn > 66 > 214X+X
Requires corner vs an ice character. 200 meter 5 mana command grab combo. Does 12508 and keeps a shot stocked



Note: Colors 20 and 21 were pre-order exclusives for JP PSN and Amazon respectively. Unfortunately, they aren't selectable on Steam without the use of Cheat Engine.

Color 1
Color 2
Color 3
Color 4
Color 5
Color 6
Color 7
Color 8
Color 9
Color 10
Color 11
Color 12
Color 13
Color 14
Color 15
Color 16
Color 17
Color 18
Color 19
Color 20
Color 21

External Links

Support Knights
Twinblade Arthur
Iai Arthur
Thief Arthur
Arthur Blade Protector
Zechs Siegfried
Eternal Flame
Snow White
Wildcat Arthur
Koume Sakiyama
Iori Yagami
Foible Elle
Clone Elle
Sorcery King
No Element
Little Grey
Akira Oono