Hinokakera Chaotic Eclipse/Kakeru

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*teleports behind you* "nothing personnel kid"


(From Google translating his bio from the html manual): A swordsman who appears and disappears. No one knows his true identity, except for the scar on his right cheek. Rumor has it that he aims to exterminate the demons, but the truth is unknown. It is unknown at what time, but rumors of his existence began to whisper under the name of "Vermilion". Uses a rare sword called "Katana", which is a product of the old era. He is crude, rugged and troublesome, and has an air of instinctively overpowering others.

tl;dr: Kakeru is behaviorally kinda like Sol Badguy from Guilty Gear with Johnny's Iaido-style moves. Smokes cigs and draws pentagrams and stuff cuz its cool and not cringe.

Katana Stances

Kakeru has two additional stances, where he draws his katana, entered via special commands or switched into from certain attacks. These two completely change not only his movelist, but also movement and guarding abilities.

In "Katsugu" or 'K' stance Kakeru puts katana onto his shoulder and gains a set of slow, but extremely powerful moves. For this, he cannot crouch, walk, run, jump or even guard - instead he gains access to a dash (instead or running), backdashing and sidestepping. The Katsugu dash is longer than the regular dash time outside stance, and sidestepping causes Kakeru to move closer to his opponent instead of circling around as with the default sidestep.

In "Hiku", or 'H' stance Kakeru holds katana low to the ground and attacks with less straightforward and damaging slashes, but his defense is nonetheless low. Once again, he cannot guard, walk, jump or crouch, but in this stance he is able to run as well as dash. Forward dash is much shorter, backdash, on the other hand, noticeably longer, and sidestep now causes Kakeru to increase the distance between him and his opponent

In both katana stances Kakeru is able to cancel his dash into an attack thus adding forward momentum to the attack. In addition to this, most stance attacks have a "built-in" option to switch into another stance on the fly, allowing Kakeru to link together attacks from both modes, typically done by holding the button down after executing the appropriate move in a stance.

FOR NOTATION PURPOSES ON STANCE MOVES, if a move's notation is prefaced with K. or H. assume that the move is accessed from either K or H stance respectively.
e.g. K.236A > C > 6C assumes that you start in K stance and input 236A > C > 6C

Normal Moves

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
120 High/Low All, Air MG/JG - - -

fast button to start a combo or blockstring with, but not very good range

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
180 High/Low All, Air MG/JG - - -

Decent ranged B normal, Kakeru steps forward a little bit while swinging his sword inside the sheath still.

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
High/Low ALL, Air MG/JG - - -

Decent ranged C normal, Kakeru steps forward a bit more while performing the move, useful to have at the end of a gatling string to ensure 236A connects on hit.

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
90 Low All, Air MG/JG - - -

fast low button to start a combo or blockstring with. Slightly better range than 5A, A-Groove can utilize dash momentum to approach with this button.

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
170 High/Low All, Air MG/JG - - -

anti-air punch that moves Kakeru further forward than 5B, used in rejump combos sometimes. If the opponent is airborne at certain closer spacings this move can possibly cross under.

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
290 Low All, Air MG/JG - - -

decently lengthy low button, good to maximize damage on hit or to safely cancel into a safe special move at a distance like a stance change.

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
320 ALL - - -

solar plexus punch. Causes a crumple effect on hit that results in a hard knockdown, instead of the typical 6B launcher that some other characters have. Good for setting up stance oki. Can only be canceled into from any previous A or B move, CANNOT reverse beat from C buttons.

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
750 High All, Air All - - -

the charged solar plexus punch. Knocks back on hit and can be teched, but it's an overhead, special cancellable, and has a lot of pushback on block. Pretty good button to quickly end a blockstring safely.

Dash A
T-Groove Only
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
230 High/Low All, Air MG/JG - - -

Very short range dash button, sets up a tick throw with 623B/C on block. Have not experimented with this move enough to determine other uses.

Dash 2A
T-Groove Only
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
180 Low All, Air MG/JG - - -

Quick dashing low button, same utilization as 5A. Need more experimentation

Dash B
T-Groove Only
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
370 High/Low All, Air MG/JG - - -

A mid dashing kick. Kakeru's best dash button. Has insane pushback on block, can pretty much Dash B > Dash B > ... ad infinitum on normal block until they're out of range. Knocks back on hit and they can recover in the air.

Dash 2B
T-Groove Only
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
350 High/Low All, Air MG/JG - - -

Pretty much a slower version of Dash 2A that does more damage. Can link into 2A on hit on crouching characters to start a combo.

Dash C
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
ALL - - -

Serves a similar purpose as Dash B, but isn't as safe on block and doesn't knock down on hit so it can instead be reliably combo'd after. Pushes back a decent amount on block still, can safely cancel into stance too.

Dash 2C
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
High/Low All, Air MG/JG - - -

Dashing anti-air button. On critical/air counter hit can lead to a stance combo for big damage

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
100 High All, air All - - -

Kakeru's fastest air normal, looks like it can be whiff canceled into itself, but it probably just has really fast recovery. Good as an air-to-air for it's speed, otherwise its just air combo filler.

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
210 High All, air All - - -

Kakeru's main jump-in for combos, especially when done during a hop. Has to be done pretty close to landing in order to reliably combo into standing/crouching B buttons for max damage, more generous window on crouching characters.

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
440 High All, air All - - -

Kakeru's biggest range and slowest air normal. Usually used to end his universal meterless BnB, but can be used as a jump-in sometimes to instantly knock the opponent down and away.

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1501 N/A - - -

Decent throw, leaves opponent face down and close by for oki opportunities.

Air Throw
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1500 N/A - - -

Slam dunk. Knocks down the opponent kind of far away but gives opportunity to run up for oki.

Special Moves

Mukashi, Nanika de Mita Waza
236A (air OK)
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1017 ALL - - -

BANDIT REVOLVAH! Main combo tool to continue into a meterless OTG pickup. Unfortunately the 2nd hit is not an overhead.
Can be used to end an air combo in the midst of a successful air-to-air, but only works on some characters if done after an OTG pickup (more details to come)

Oni Kenbai
Version Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
B/C 580/630 ALL/Low ALL - - -

MISTO FIYNAH! Slashes the sword to do either a mid or low swipe. Typically used in combos by doing either version of Saya Oi, or in a blockstring to either high/low mix or transition into stance. C version startup is a little slower than B version

236[B] transitions to K stance, 236[C] transitions to H stance

Saya Oi
During Oni Kenbai
Version Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
B/C 580/580 High all/Low ALL - - -

An optional follow-up for either 236B or 236C, doing so will not allow you to transition into stance and instead will follow-up with an overhead or low if the 6B or 6C is done respectively. C version startup is a little slower than B version
6B will naturally combo always, but 6C only combos on crouching characters. Both knock down and away, but 6B can be teched.

Magatsusa Niwa
(EX ok)
Version Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
A/B/C 1300/1400/1700 N/A - - -

Kakeru's command grab.
A version is fastest and can be combo'd into if the opponent is standing or crouching, but it ends your combo right away without the use of Brake gauge (Offense Break).
B version takes longer but can be used for tick throw setups on block or to get a quick reset into unscaled damage on hit if the opponent expects a different combo route. Also has Autoguard frames during startup.
C/EX version serves the same purpose as the B version but with more damage, Offense Break this move if you have Power resources you need to dump for damage output.

Katsugu-you ni Kamaeru/
Hiku-you ni Kamaeru

(K and H stance)
Version Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
B/C N/A N/A - - -

Kakeru unsheathes his sword into two different stances of your choice.

In "Katsugu" or 'K' stance Kakeru puts katana onto his shoulder and gains a set of slow, but extremely powerful moves. For this, he cannot crouch, walk, run, jump or even guard - instead he gains access to a dash (instead or running), backdashing and sidestepping. The Katsugu dash is longer than his default dash, and sidestepping causes Kakeru to move closer to his opponent instead of circling around as with the default sidestep.

In "Hiku", or 'H' stance Kakeru holds katana low to the ground and attacks with less straightforward and damaging slashes, but his defense is nonetheless low. Once again, he cannot guard, walk, jump or crouch, but in this stance he is able to run as well as dash. Forward dash is much shorter, backdash, on the other hand, noticeably longer, and sidestep now causes Kakeru to increase the distance between him and his opponent.

In both stances Kakeru is able to cancel his dash into an attack thus adding forward momentum to the attack. In addition to this, most stance attacks have a "built-in" option to switch into another stance on the fly, allowing Kakeru to link together attacks from both modes, typically done by holding the button down after executing the appropriate move in a stance.

Katsugu Moves

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1147 Total 1st hit ALL, 2nd hit air MG/JG - - -

Kakeru does a downward then upward slash.
Can hold [A] to remain in K stance, otherwise returns to default stance. The 2nd hit has to be Mighty Guarded or Just Guarded in order to be avoided in the air.
Has a Just Frame jump Cancel after the 2nd hit connects, likely leads to some kind of combo if the second hit critical-hits or counter-hits. Can only JFC on hit.

K.5A > B/[B]
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
974 Total 1st hit ALL, 2nd hit Low All air MG/JG - - -

Kakeru does the same downward slash from Magatamawari then does a low slash instead when followed quickly with B.
Can hold [B] to switch to H stance, otherwise returns to default stance. The 2nd hit has to be Mighty Guarded or Just Guarded in order to be avoided in the air.
Only combos on crouch.

Iwato Kudaki
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1500 High ALL - - -

Big lengthy overhead. Useful with dash momentum. Always returns to default stance afterward.

Kamuro Otoshi
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
2100 High ALL - - -

BEEG lengthy overhead. Decent move to cancel into after another stance move for a quick chunk of damage if you're within reach. Always returns to default stance afterward. Has Armor during the move.

Kamuro Hajiki
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
2100 Low ALL, air MG/JG - - -

BEEG lengthy Low. Good to enforce the high/low mixup with K.5C. Has to be Mighty/Just guarded in the air. Has Armor during the move

Hiku Moves

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1200 Low All, air MG/JG - - -

behaves the exact same as the 2nd hit of K.5A > B (Magatamabarai).
Can hold [A] to remain in H stance, otherwise returns to default stance. Knocks down on hit.

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1100 ALL - - -

Main launcher for the big stance combo. Hold [B] to switch to K stance, otherwise returns to default stance.

Ikinari Sasu
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1446 Just Guard - - -

Stab attack that can ONLY be defended against with Just Guard. Can be EX/OB cancelled to maximize damage and resource use, otherwise returns to default stance.

Hoshi Yadoshi
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1843 ALL - - -

H stance's only EX move. Sets up a 5C when OB cancelled if you don't want to do the follow-up or don't have enough Power meter but still want a bit more damage.

Oni Hime Misogi
During Hoshi Yadoshi
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
2676 total N/A - - -

Follow-up to H stance's only EX move with another 25 Power Gauge. Good for a quick chunk of additional damage.

Universal Stance Moves

. NOTE: it is assumed that at this point 'K' means Katsugu stance and 'H' means Hiku Stance
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
N/A N/A - - -

Kakeru sheath's his sword and returns to default stance quickly, can be done from either K or H stance.
The difference between 214A and 4D is subjective and preferential, and also may depend whether you are using A-Groove or T-Groove (4D is the same input as Technical Brake in T-groove).

Katsugu-you ni Kamaeru/
Hiku-you ni Kamaeru

(opposite stances ONLY)
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
N/A N/A - - -

Kakeru can switch directly between stances quickly without having to return to default stance!
If Kakeru is in K stance, you can switch to H stance with 214C. Conversely, if Kakeru is in H stance, you can switch to K stance with 214B.
Useful if you want to keep your opponent guessing on oki.

NOTE: Kakeru takes a tiny step forward when switching from H to K stance and a tiny step back when switching from K to H stance.

Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
N/A N/A - - -

Kakeru does a command dash when in K or H stance.

A version returns to default stance if no follow-up is executed.
B version either remains or switches to K stance depending on the previous stance.
C version either remains or switches to H stance depending on the previous stance.
B and C versions might have use on oki in order to advance and keep the stance ambiguous until the last moment.

Idzuno Haburi
During Fumikomi A
(K/H.236A) >
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
800 ground ALL, air MG/JG - - -

During the A version of Fumikomi, Kakeru does a stab that only hits standing/airborne opponents and knocks them back in an air-techable situation.
Holding [A] puts you in K stance, otherwise returns to default stance.

Kegare Naobi
During Fumikomi A
(K/H.236A) >
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1352 ALL - - -

During the A version of Fumikomi, Kakeru does an upward slash followed by an upward sheath slap that launches.
Holding [B] puts you in H stance, otherwise returns to default.

During Fumikomi A
(K/H.236A) >
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1158 1st hit low ALL, 2nd hit high ALL - - -

During the A version of Fumikomi, Kakeru does a low kick into an overhead slash.
Has a SUPER SECRET Just Frame Cancel that doesn't even exist in the HTML Manual that comes with the download for this game!!! Done after the 2nd hit, a well-timed (or mashed out) 6C adds an additional kick that knocks back the opponent on hit and block (likely making the full move safe on block), dealing a total of 1458 damage if all 3 hits connect.
Returns to default stance regardless if the JFC is performed or not.

Assault/Technical Skill

Hi no Kakera
(A-Groove only)
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
500/[1300] ALL/Just Guard - - -

Super cool-looking move. Costs 2 bars of Brake Gauge (40%)
Uncharged version can be combo'd with a tight link to 5B/C at varying distances (not too far).
Charged version hits FULL SCREEN and can only be defended against with Just Guard.
Can only cancel from normals, and can combo from B and C buttons.

Yomotsu Hegui
(T-Groove only)
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
1000 Unblockable - - -

Kakeru has an unblockable counter-stance. Costs 2 bars of Brake Gauge (40%)
Can catch and counter both mid, low and overhead attacks as long as it hits the TF spark. Opponent cannot Interruptive Brake this counter. Projectiles will clash with the TF spark without Kakeru attempting to counter them.

Super Moves

Oni Kagura
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
2597 ALL - - -

Rapid slash super, typically used as a combo ender. Follow-up is the same as the follow-up for H.5C.

Oni Hime Misogi
During Oni Kagura
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
3586 total ALL - - -

When executed right as Kakeru sheaths the blade during Oni Kagura, does the exact same follow-up that Hoshi Yadoshi (H.5C) has.
The best bang for your buck when you have resources to dump on a confirm to maximize damage.

Oni Yatsuka
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
4042 ALL - - -

Has long startup, but more invulnerability frames to compensate for it. Likely useful as a wakeup reversal or Reactive Brake option, or to evade a barrage of committal enemy projectiles by traveling most of the screen and doing 4k raw damage.

OverDrive Force

Kamukura Hofuri
In OD >
Damage Guard Startup Adv Hit Adv Block
(remaining Power Gauge affects scaling)
ALL - - -

Kakeru combos you into summoning a giant beam from a pentagram (his hand looks kinda funny when he does it).
Requires 5 bars (100%) of Brake Gauge to use.
The damage from the ODF scales at the start depending how much Power Gauge you have, e.g. if you have 100 Power then the damage starts at 100% scaling (6000 damage), if you have 50 power then the damage starts at 87.5% scaling (5243 damage).
Can be canceled into during a combo, but it tends to scale like crazy so if you do it to try and flex on em, it better kill.

General Strategy



Default Stance Combos

In A-Groove, all of these can be extended with an Assault Brake on any grounded normal, experiment and try fiddling with other possible routes using Assault Brake.


Most basic combo recipe starter: any gatling going from A to B to C, AKA the ABC combo
Can start from any A, or B, or C button, but cannot reverse beat (any variation of C > B > A or C > B or B > A is not possible). e.g. 5A > 2B > 5C or 5A > 5B > 2C or 2AA > 5B > 2B > 2C > 5C or 5B > 2B > 5C or literally any further sequential combination of 5/2A > 5/2B > 5/2C

Basic universal meterless BnB:

  ABC combo > 236A > 2A > 5C jc j.AABC
. works on everyone standing, 236A whiffs on some crouching based on spacing and/or moves used in the ABC combo(?) . 236A > 2A is a link during the ground bounce . 2B and 5C move Kakeru forward during the attacks, useful to include one if not both of these buttons in the gatling string if any hit of 236A tends to whiff in the string you are attempting. . max damage meterless on this route is j.B > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 236A > 2A > 5C jc j.AABC (2220 dmg non-CH starter)

Basic specific meterless BnB:

  ABC combo > 236A > 2A > 5C jc j.AAAB > j.236A
. Works on some, not all (will specify further) . the j.AAAB part of the combo needs to be done pretty quickly, if delayed too much then 236A will whiff due to your positioning in the air being lower than the opponent positioning in the air . max damage meterless on this route is j.B > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 236A > 2A > 5C jc j.AAAB > j.236A (2394 dmg non-CH starter)

Basic hard knockdown meterless BnB:

  ABC combo > 236A > 2A > 6B
. Good to use in order to enforce a stance mixup while keeping the opponent close by
. Leaves the opponent face down on wakeup so they can't wakeup roll away, which is only possible when opponent is face up/on their back
. Often done when there was more damage scaling due to the starter
  i.e. lots of A buttons beforehand, since cashing out on a more damaging route (without OB resetting scaling) would not be worth it given the scaling

Basic universal crouching meterless BnB:

  ABC combo > 236B/C > 6B/C
. works on everyone crouching
. 6B can be teched, but is an overhead. 6C knocks down, but is a low
. usage of 236B/C and the 6B/C follow-up depends whether the string is blocked or not (6B follow-up to push back more on block, 6C for better reward on hit)
. can omit the follow-up to do 236[B]/[C] instead and enforce a stance mixup

Dash/Running combo on standing into meterless BnB

  Dash C > 236A > 2A > [6B] or [5C > air route]
. standing only
. only worth spending Power Gauge for damage if you have enough Brake Gauge to OB before a super is attempted due to the scaling being reset back to 75%

Dash/Running combo on crouching into meterless BnB

  Dash C > 236B > 6B/C
. the follow-up only connects if 236B is used, 236C has too much startup for the follow-ups to connect
. same usage clause applies as the basic crouching BnB (6B on block, 6C on hit, stance mixup, etc.)

Assault Force Combos

You can only cancel into 3D from normals, grants a link into 5B/C afterward for an air combo. (work in progress)

Ethereal Force Combos

Since Kakeru doesn't have any comboable EX moves in his default stance, the only extra damage he gets from using his Power Gauge in default stance are his supers (and the rare case of Force Cancels when in Overdrive mode).

Typical Power Meter Dump combo:

  ABC combo > 236A > 2A > 5C > delay 236B (optional OB) > 2141236C (> 41236C)
. Good damage, especially if OB'd before the super to reset the scaling a bit . delay 236B probably the hardest part of the combo, doing it too fast makes the super whiff due to height . Without OB, entire combo with the super follow-up uses 90 POWER GAUGE and does less damage than with an OB LOL *(Using OB after a special move ignores the rule of costing an addtl. 15 Power to cancel into a super from a special move, thus lessens the damage scaling and costing less Power Gauge overall.) . Can omit the 236B and go straight into super after 5C if you don't have OB and want to instead use 75 meter max

If the opponent is crouching and you know 236A is going to whiff early on, do this super instead:

  ABC combo > 236B > 6C (optional OB) > 2363214C
. uses 65 Power (50 if OB'd after 236B>6C) . pretty good damage too . can do the other super too and it's follow-up but it doesn't do too much more damage for spending more resources as opposed to 2363214C, so better to save that super for other longer routes with OB.

Stance Glitch

If a round ends in a time-out and Kakeru is in either K or H stance, the game soft-locks and does not proceed to the next round. Only the Start button can be pressed in order to exit back to character select.
Likely approached similarly to the Ruby Heart glitch in MvC2, while there aren't any explicit rules against performing this particular glitch in HiKake since there probably aren't any tournaments run for it, DO NOT DO THIS GLITCH IN TOURNAMENT!!!
You will likely get dq'd or lose the game at the discretion of the TO.

Silvis Laws
Camille Enfield
Kasumi Seiga Freslight
Celes Alfort
Hardy Alfort
Clestis Farrell
Aronia Excel
Aya Immortal