Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire/Admiral Jackie/Combos

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Admiral Jackie's Combo Video Guide - Spabobin
Combo Section Info (click to expand)
Notation Chained Normals are denoted by an angled bracket ">" between hits
--If part of an Autocombo, include this info; e.g. 5LP > 5HP (Autocombo)
Rapid Fire Normals are denoted by a multiplier 'x'
--Ex: 2LP x3
Special/Super cancels are denoted by 'xx'
--Ex: 2HK xx 236HP
Links are denoted by a comma
--Ex: 5LK, dash 2LK
[Square brackets] can mean different things depending on context:
--A sequence that must be repeatedly looped: [2LP, dash 2LP] = dash 2LP infinite
--Part of a combo that is only possible under certain circumstances, like a juggle ender that only works in the corner
--An optional attack that may be added for more damage; i.e. 2LK 2LP [cl.5HP], where cl.5HP can add damage vs. standing opponents
Damage The amount of damage a move does. May be listed in a few ways:
100% = The combo is a Touch of Death (stuns or kills outright)
varies = The possible damage changes significantly based on various factors
x% = Percent of health bar depleted when used against a full-health Jackie Chan character (unless character specific)
--Because of the way damage scaling and Defense Values work in Fists of Fire, using 'Base Damage' for combos is not very useful
--Damage variation between opponents is minimal, generally within a 1% range
Location Where on the screen the combo can be performed
Anywhere = The combo is not affected by screen position
Corner = The combo must be performed in the corner, or started close enough to the corner for a particular link/juggle to work
--May list qualifiers like 'Near Corner' or 'Midscreen to Corner' to specify ranges that the combo can be used
Midscreen = The combo must not be performed on a fully cornered opponent
Character Specific The characters that a combo can be performed on
Universal = No character restrictions
May list qualifiers like 'Standing', 'Crouching', or 'Everyone except (character)'
If an asterisk (*) appears next to a character's name, check Notes for specific conditions that may apply to that character.
Notes Extra relevant information about the combo that may not easily be explained in the original notation
May include slight variations to the combo that are not important enough to warrant their own entry.
Video A link to the combo being performed. If part of a larger video, include the timestamp.

Hitconfirm Combos

Notation Damage Location Characters Notes
2LP x4 > [2HP] > 2HK ...
... xx 41236HP
... xx (Super)



Everyone but
crouching Sam

  • Simple, lenient confirm that works even from longer ranges
  • [2HP] hits standing characters only, except Yeung who can also be hit crouching
  • Inputting with 41236+LP+HP will ensure the most optimal ender, in case Super meter is built during the final hit of the combo

2LP x5 > 2HK > whiff 2HP




  • Because 41236P and Super both whiff on crouching Sam, this string allows Admiral to add some safer damage to his ranged confirms
  • If spaced correctly, whiffed 2HP is safe against everything except the first 2 hits of Sam's Super (the rest of the super can be blocked)
  • 2LP x5 is from point blank; use fewer if starting from farther out
  • If Sam is standing, the 2HP may connect and combo into 41236P if fewer 2LPs are used

2LK x3 > 2HK xx 623K,
dash 2HK > cl.5HP xx 623K




  • Admiral's standard "Double Dutch" loop.
  • Stronger, but requires closer range hitconfirm; if starting from farther out, must use fewer light normals.
  • See table below for details on hitconfirming into 623K

2LK x3 > 2HK xx 623K...
... dash 2LK > 5LP > cl.5HK (midscreen reset)
... cl.5LK > 2HP > cl.5HK [corner reset]




  • Same starter as above, but ending in a reset instead of knockdown
  • Mixup options: dash under 2LK, same side 2LK, 6HK, throw; all options likely to stun if successful
  • Positioning depends on opponent's weight and whether LK or HK version is used; may require wavedash or double dash on some characters
  • [Corner Reset] -- stronger, works on everyone except Admiral/Yeung (and strict spacing vs. Drunk Jackie & Thorsten)

2LK x2 > 2HK xx 623K,
dash cl.5LK > cl.5HP > cl.5HK (reset)



Thorsten, M. Lion

  • The usual reset can't cross under against Thorsten or M. Lion for a midscreen left/right mixup
  • Can use this route for damage and a meaty/throw mixup instead; use more 2LKs against M. Lion

2LK x2 > 2HK xx 623K,
dash cl.5LK > 2LP > 2HP xx 41236LP/HP




  • Gimmicky left/right mixup vs. midscreen Thorsten; LP = same side, HP = crossup
  • More light normals can work vs. crouching Thorsten, but with reduced damage
  • 41236HP is +0 or +1 after whiffing, which puts you at risk of a throw; use sparingly
  • Can also be done vs. M. Lion, but 41236HP is even more unsafe

Number of possible light normals in 623K confirms
Opponent's Character > 2HK xx 623K (Stand) > 2HK xx 623K (Crouch) > 2HP xx 623K (Stand)
Kim-Maree 2 2 2
Drunk Jackie 2 2 4
Thorsten 2 4(1) 4(1)
Dragonball Jackie 3 2 3
Admiral Jackie 3 3 2
Sam 3 3 3
Lau 5 4 3
Yeung 5 4 2 / 1(2)
M. Lion 7 4 4

These all assume the light normals are chained as quickly as possible. Slower chains result in more pushback.
1: Against Thorsten, using more than 2 light normals will cause a hit of 623K to whiff. Juggle is only possible after 623LK with an immediate microdash 2HK or a 2LK > 5LP > cl.5HK reset.
-Counterintuitively, if crouching Thorsten is backed into the corner, only 3 lights are possible instead of 4.
2: Against crouching Yeung, only 1 light normal is possible before 2HP > 2HK xx 623K

Throw Combos

Notation Damage Location Characters Notes
Throw, dash x2, 2HK > cl.5HP xx 623HK




  • Works from forward or back throw; ends in knockdown + OTGs for damage

Throw, dash x2, 2LK > 5LP > cl.5HK (reset)




  • Reset from forward or back throw; in corner, replace 5LP with cl.5HP for more stun
  • After successful reset, can stun most characters with a standard "Double Dutch" loop, or 2LP x4 > 2HK xx Super
  • vs. Thorsten, M. Lion: can't cross under midscreen, so use the next combo instead

Throw, dash x2, cl.5LK > cl.5HP > cl.5HK (reset)



Thorsten, M. Lion

  • Stronger than the standard route; makes juggle more consistent vs. Thorsten
  • No crossunder mixup midscreen; mix up between throw and meaty 2LK
  • In the corner, works on everyone for a little extra damage

Overhead Combos

Notation Damage Location Characters Notes
6HK, [2HP] > 2HK...
... xx 41236HP
... xx (Super)




  • Easiest, most consistent combo after overhead. Can dash into 2LPs for more confirm time.
  • 4 frame link timing into 2HK is fairly easy, but can whiff at max 6HK range
  • [2HP] only connects if the 6HK hits opponent standing (which is not uncommon, since it can be used to beat defensive throw attempts)

6HK, dash 2LP > 2HK xx 623LK,
dash 2LK > 5LP > cl.5HK (reset)




  • Dash into 2LP makes combos into 623K more consistent
  • May need to be very close to convert this against some characters
  • Can end with the usual 2HK > cl.5HP xx 623K for more damage
  • Against Thorsten, either take the knockdown or adjust the reset as usual

OTG Options

Notation Damage Location Characters Notes
2HK xx whiff 41236P, 2HK




  • Whiffs the Dragon Palm to chase the opponent's knockback midscreen. Faster than completing the sweep and dashing.
  • Very unlikely to have time for a third 2HK unless the opponent doesn't mash on wakeup at all
  • Whiff LP version to keep same side, HP version to switch sides

2HK > whiff 2HP, 2HK > whiff 2HP, 2HK




  • Optimal corner OTG combo. 2HP is the fastest button to whiff between 2HKs
  • Even in the corner it is possible for the opponent to mash out after two sweeps, but with good timing you can land three

2HK > whiff 2HP,
2LK > cl.5HP xx 623K
(Dash out of corner, repeat)




  • OTG Corner infinite on Yeung. Can also replace 2LK with cl.5LK, or with another 2HK (stricter timing). Use whatever is easiest since it's an infinite anyway.

2HK xx whiff 41236LP,
2LK > cl.5HP xx 623K




  • Strict timing, but allows for consistent midscreen OTG relaunch against Yeung.
  • 2HK should be near max range to avoid passing through her body.
  • After one rep, Yeung should be in the corner for the standard infinite.

Air 41236LP, dash 2HK > cl.5HP xx 623K




  • Opponent can likely mash to wake up before the OTG air fireball hits, but if they don't you can relaunch after the OTG air fireball bounce.
  • 2HK timing is very lenient, but the game slows down which makes it awkward.
  • After one rep, Yeung should be in the corner for the standard infinite.

Miscellaneous Combos

Notation Damage Location Characters Notes
Getup LK ...
... 2HK xx 623HK (knockdown)
... dash 2LK > 5LP > cl.5HK (reset)


Near Corner


  • If Admiral is close to the corner, he can juggle after his Getup LK overhead.
  • Dash up 2LK route allows a juggle from farther out
  • Especially useful after rolling out of the corner on wakeup.

2HP > 6HK, dash 2LP > 2HK xx 623HK,
dash 2HK > cl.5HP xx 623HK (stun)



Lau, Yeung, Sam (Standing)

  • Must use 2HK before 623K for it to reach properly
  • Dash must leave you close enough for 623HK to connect all 3 hits

2HP > 6HK, dash 2LP > 2HP xx 623HK,
dash 2HK > cl.5HP xx 623HK (stun)



Drunk, Admiral, Dragonball Jackie (Standing)

  • Must use 2HP before 623K for it to reach properly
  • Because 2HP does more stun than 2HK, only 2 hits of the first 623HK must connect

2HP > 6HK,
dash cl.5LK > 2LP > 2HP > 2HK xx 623HK,
dash 2HK > 2HP xx 623LK (stun)


Midscreen to Corner

M. Lion (Standing)

  • 1f timing for dash cl.5LK to connect; far.5LK may allow a combo, but won't stun
  • Must end almost (but not fully) in the corner for the final 623LK juggle to fully connect
  • M. Lion's hurtbox makes this impossible to use as a punish against Lion Bomb's recovery

[2LP] > 2HP > 6HK,
[dash 2LP] > 2HP > 2HK xx 41236HP




  • If starting with 2HP, full combo works without dash 2LP on everyone except Drunk & Dragonball Jackie (dash 2LP always required for them)
  • If starting with [2LP], the [dash 2LP] is necessary
  • Can start with 2LP x2 vs. Lau, Yeung, Sam, Kim, Thorsten, and M. Lion, but dash timing is much harder
  • vs. Drunk Jackie & M. Lion: use 2HK > 2HP after 6HK for consistency, as their lower hurtboxes are narrow
  • vs. M. Lion: you can use 2LP x2 starter, then link 2HK > 2HP with no dash

[2LP] > 2HP > 6HK,
dash 2LP > 2HP > 2HK xx Super (stun)




  • Same as above, but Super stuns everyone except Thorsten & M. Lion
  • Can start with 2LP x2 vs. Lau, Yeung, Sam, Kim, Thorsten, and M. Lion, but dash timing is much harder
  • vs. Drunk Jackie & M. Lion: use 2HK > 2HP after 6HK for consistency, as their lower hurtboxes are narrow
  • vs. M. Lion: you can use 2LP x2 starter, then link 2HK > 2HP with no dash

2HP > 6HK, dash 2LP > 2HP > 6HK,
[dash] [2LP] > 2HK xx Super (stun)



Everyone but Admiral Jackie (Standing)

  • Extended version of the previous combo; useful as a point blank punish
  • First dash 2LP has 1f timing vs. Lau, Yeung, Sam, Dragonball; 2f timing vs. Drunk, Kim, Lion; 4f timing vs. Thorsten
  • vs. Lau, Yeung, Sam: can just link 2HK after the second 6HK (no dash or 2LP)
  • vs. Dragonball, M. Lion, Kim, Thorsten: must dash 2-3f before 2HK
  • vs. Drunk Jackie: must end with dash 2LP > 2HK; 1-2f timing window

2LP x5 > 2HP > 2HK xx 41236LP,
2LK > 2HP xx 623HK (stun)



Sam (Standing),

  • Sam: 3f juggle timing; Yeung: 5f juggle timing
  • vs. Yeung: can face the wrong direction if too close to corner
    -Easier to just let her fall, then OTG infinite
  • Must use LP Dragon Palm (HP version has too much recovery)

2LP x2 > 2HK xx Super,
cl.5LK > cl.5HP xx 623HK (stun)



Sam (Standing),

  • Same as above but with Super (easier to stun); Super drops against crouching Sam
  • Can also replace 2LPs with 6HK
    -Not very useful, because Sam must be hit standing and any knockdown kills Yeung

[cl.5LK/2LP/2LK, dash], repeat




  • Must forward dash for 4f to keep the infinite going.
  • cl.5LK stuns after 14-17 hits on its own, or earlier if converted into specials
  • cl.5LK does more damage and is easier to execute, making it the best option
    -However, its proximity range means that far.5LK will whiff if you don't dash far enough

Hyper Admiral Jackie Combos

Notation Damage Location Characters Notes
2LK > 2LP > 2HK xx 623HK,
dash 2HK > cl.5HP xx 623HK,
dash 2HK > cl.5HP xx 623HK (stun)




  • TOD vs. everyone, but M. Lion requires 4 light normals before 2HK to stun if using this route.
  • If starting from raw 623K, Admiral can stun everyone except Thorsten and M. Lion (as long as DP hits don't whiff).

6HK, dash 2LP > 2HK xx 623HK,
dash 2HK > cl.5HP xx 623HK,
dash 2HK > cl.5HP xx 623HK (stun)




  • The dash after 6HK ensures the DP will combo against anyone.
  • M. Lion requires 2 crouching lights > 2HK before the first 623K to stun.

Throw, dash x2,
2HK > cl.5HP xx 623HK...
... dash 2HK > cl.5HP xx 623HK (knockdown)
... dash 2LK > 5LP > cl.5HK (reset)




  • Same as the regular throw combos, but with an extra 623K loop for significant damage
  • Reset is recommended unless the knockdown will kill, due to the high likelihood of stun afterward

System (Basic)
System (Advanced)
Kung-Fu Master
Drunken Fist Jackie
Spiritual Kung-Fu Jackie
Admiral Jackie
Mysterious Lion