Art of Fighting 3/Karman Cole

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カーマン・コール, Karman Cole Portrait AOF3 Karman.png
AOF3 Karman Win Screen.png
Difficulty Moderate
Playstyle Turtle, poking
Birthplace Germany
Occupation Garcia Concern agent
Fighting style Art of Self-Defense
Weight Class Medium
Birthday June 13


Player 1 Color Player 2 Color
AOF3 Karman Cole 1P.png AOF3 Karman Cole 2P.png

Karman Cole, a long-time employee of Garcia family in a personal assistant-like role who has known Robert since he was a child. He is sent by Robert's parents to find their son after he disappeared to look for his old childhood friend Freia Lawrence, which has led him to Glasshill.

The snazziest looking man in the whole game. Karman does not bring a lot to the Art of Fighting table, but what he does bring is some meaty, solid pokes and a cool attitude to show that he means business. He's a fairly peculiar character, seeing as he has very few combos in a game full of specific combos to learn, but instead focuses on a general gameplay of poking until he scores a knockdown, and then following up on inescapable setups for his damage. This is thanks to his instant Pursuit and his throw based super which is particularly nasty to unsuspecting foes.

Karman may hit hard, but he never took the time to learn how to hit low, thus making his low game very weak. He also doesn't like launching the opponent upwards either outside of one move, making his combo game also miniscule compared to others, and while he hits fast, he takes awhile to recover from each strike. He's heavily dependent on keeping the momentum where he can continue scoring damage off of his Pursuits. Despite lacking in key areas, he's still snazzy and always makes sure he looks professional as he kicks your ass. If you want a character who hits hard and looks cool while doing it, try giving Karman a go.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Great combo damage: Karman's juggles are relatively simple, but will always deal high damage thanks to their easy execution and consistency, paired with his solid poking game.
  • Instant Front Pursuit that warps: The first thing anyone will notice about Karman is that his pursuit activates frame one and plays a unique animation, making it impossible to escape from if he's nearby, doubly so since his pursuit hitbox is larger, thus allowing him to warp into the animation even if he isn't right next to the opponent.
  • Reliable poking game that compliments his good damage off of Pursuits: Karman's strong footsies in neutral makes him quite difficult to shake off when he can turtle and sit comfortably away from opponents with his long-ranged pokes, making the opponent hesitant to approach in fear of a knockdown.
  • Near instant reversal off of 236B: Karman's flash kick is fast and hits hard, so combined with his wakeup kick, Karman has less to worry about on wakeup, leaving the opponent unsure how to keep him pinned down.
  • Monstrous okizeme and tick throws: Karman's wakeup game is strong, his knockdown game is strong, now add on top of that his plus on block axe kick and long range, Karman forces opponents to play at his pace, or else they're faced with another knockdown.
  • Desperation move is a fast running command grab: Karman's command grab super pushes him forward, and as if it being unblockable wasn't enough, it hits low, too. He even gains the benefit of super animation during the attack as he dashes forward towards the opponent.
  • Has a death combo: Above all else, Karman can perform a midscreen TOD combo if the player has the execution for it and can get the circumstances to align in their favor.
  • Poor lows; little reason to block low against him: Karman's lows consist of 2A or 2B. His Full Crouch lows are not too useful, and since 2B has a long startup time, Karman has to be deliberate about when he uses any lows.
  • Only one launcher that can be ducked: Karman's 5AB is not a bad launcher, but by itself it's too situational in neutral to be effective, and its high hitbox means anyone can duck under it no problem. It's most useful in the middle of a combo and little else.
  • Usually has to rely on counter hits for launch combos: Since Karman's only launcher isn't a good neutral tool, that means counter hits are the bread and butter of how Karman achieves launch combos.
  • Fairly big target: Although not the biggest target, Karman is somewhat bigger than other characters so he has a slightly better chance of getting hit.
  • Struggles to open the opponent up on the offensive: Karman is a turtle, so his tools are designed for defensive play. Outside of his 4B axe kick being plus on block, he has a hard time approaching others. This is especially compounded by the fact that almost all of his attacks are susceptible to being hit by a 4C Raz parry, knocking down Karman. This forces him to pay close attention to when the opponent decides to 4C.
  • Back Pursuit is not instant: Karman's second pursuit, the one that hits if he is behind the opponent, is not instant and is instead just a normal pursuit. He can also get this pursuit from the front if he is out of range.
  • Worst matchup against Wyler: Assuming Wyler is tourney legal, if Karman is to go up against him, there's pretty much nothing Karman can do about it. It's not a 0-10 matchup against Wyler, as he does have some ways of opening up Wyler, but this is the one matchup where Wyler really can get away with spamming 5A. Karman's only choice is to use 646A and time it right.
  • Replaced Geese Howard

Move List


Color Coding

  • Green refers to special move damage/frames when done in green meter, or otherwise the strongest damage it can deal.
  • Blue refers to special move damage/frames when done in blue meter, or otherwise moderate damage it can deal.
  • Purple refers to special move damage/frames when done in purple meter, or otherwise the weakest damage it can deal.
  • Orange refers to the damage dealt in chip damage during block.
  • Colors may be used otherwise to associate frames/scenarios to avoid confusion, i.e. Kasumi's 4C parry having two different sets of frame data.

Attacks, Notation and Damage

  • [Brackets] refers to the specific attack in a string/rush combo that the attack box data is referring to.
  • The arrow > on the left of it is the attacks that need to be done before the move in brackets can be performed. If there is an X, it means there are multiple ways of getting to the move in brackets which will be listed in the description.
  • Damage values always assume grounded damage with no modifiers. If two damage values are listed with a / in-between them, it lists the damage it deals for grounded and airborne respectively.
  • This is because these attacks are used in strings or otherwise as follow-ups where they're more likely to connect with airborne opponents rather than grounded opponents, such as Jin's 6B which hits twice, the first hit leaving the opponent airborne before the second hit.
  • Ground/Aerial means if the attack is performed grounded or airborne. If an aerial, being hit during the attack will result in the attacker being knocked down.
  • There is no true throw invulnerability in Art of Fighting 3, so when a move is listed as "Throw Invulnerable" it means the attack changes the character's hurtboxes in a way that the throw hitbox cannot collide with it.

Reading Frame Data

  • Description of the five stats:
  • Startup frames counts all frames before the first active frame comes out, aka how long it takes for the attack to come out
  • Active frames is how long the attack is able to hit the opponent, starting at the first active frame
  • Recovery frames is how long it takes before the player resets to neutral and can act again
  • Total is all three stats above added up, so total number of frames in the move
  • Hit/Block advantage is how much faster or slower you can act than the opponent by the number of frames
  • Frame advantage, both on hit and block, always assumes frame advantage after the first active frame connects.
  • If an attack lists "QKD" in its properties, this means it's an attack that can be teched out of faster than a normal knockdown. This affect only applies to counter hit launches or if the attack connects with the opponent in the air.
  • When a move lists ST, SKD, etc. followed by a number in (parentheses) it indicates the frame advantage for the attacking player. Not all knockdowns are plus on hit and depends on the move.
  • Knockdown frames always assume frame advantage against Jin. Everyone except for Robert, Sinclair, and Wyler share 16f of wakeup recovery after a knockdown. For Robert, Sinclair, and Wyler, add +1 frame advantage.
  • This rule also applies to SKDs, however in this case Jin and everyone else shares 58f total of being in an SKD state except for Lenny, who is in an SKD state for 59 frames instead. For SKD frame advantage against Lenny, add +1 frame advantage.
  • The wiki omits STKD frame advantage mostly because those are always plus no matter what, so it's somewhat pointless.
  • The frames in (parentheses) next to a "Cancellable into..." sentence is how long you can delay a follow-up, AKA which exact frames you're allowed to cancel into a follow-up. If it states "onwards" then the cancel can be done whenever after the given frame. This info helps both for buffering inputs and also delaying strings for mixups.

Other Tips

  • Moves are sorted by ascending number followed by ascending alphabet, so lower numbers first followed by lower alphabet letters. Moves with two button presses are organized last.
  • It is recommended you read the brief descriptions to how the attacks animate in-game to familiarize yourself with each attack. Unfortunately, due to the rotoscoped graphics, animations lack key frames that help distinguish themselves as separate moves when viewed as single frames. This in turn makes some moves that share frames look identical to one another without context to how they are supposed to appear, without resorting to using gifs.

General Frame Data

Character Jump Startup Jump Recovery Jump Frames Hop Frames Crouch Frames Restand Frames Crouch Height
Portrait AOF3 Karman.png
5f 6f 50f 39f 7f 7f Tall
Walk Startup Walk Speed F. Dash Frames F. Dash Speed F. Dash Distance Backdash Frames Backdash Speed Backdash Distance
0f Average 24f Average Short 27f Average Average

Grounded Normals

AOF3 Karman 5A.png
Light Palm
Light Palm
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
128 Mid 7 - - - +10 +5 LCHL Ground, QKD
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 129 points
  • Duckable by: Jin (2B), Karman (2B), Kasumi, Lenny, Robert, Rody, Ryo, Sinclair, Wang
  • Basic jab where Karman swipes his palm forward towards the enemy.
  • This tool is where you’ll most likely get Karman’s combos from since you can combo into 5C with his jab, making for some of the easiest combos in the game.
  • Its long range makes it an easy poke/punish tool. The long range allows Karman to pester most characters and also bait low risk counter hit juggles.
  • Only situationally useful in combos, at most Karman can use one and maybe two to extend combos. It usually only results in a 5C juggle ender, however.

AOF3 Karman 5B.png
High Kick
High Kick
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
256 Mid 5 - - - -3 -8 KD Ground, QKD, Wrongblock (Holding down - KD)
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 257 points
  • Duckable by: Jin (2B), Karman (2B), Kasumi (2B), Lenny, Robert (2B or outside of close range), Rody (2B), Ryo, Sinclair, Wang
  • Karman does a plain kick forwards.
  • Long range poke that reaches farther than 5A, but that’s it really.
  • Not useful in combos because of its pushback and total frames, but it will suffice as a quicker poke than 5C.
  • Can also anti-air against hops and weak jump-ins.

AOF3 Karman 5C.png
Vicious Palm
Vicious Palm
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
480 Mid 7 - - - KD -6 X Ground
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 513 points
  • Duckable by: Jin (2B), Karman (2B), Kasumi, Lenny, Robert (2B), Rody, Ryo, Sinclair, Wang
  • Stronger and slower version of his 5A.
  • Since he can cancel into this from 5A, it’s good as a basic combo ender that knocks down that's also easy to hit confirm into.
  • You aren't as likely to use it by itself in footsies since jab is quicker, but it's still not a bad move regardless. It reaches slightly farther so time it right and it’ll caution opponents from approaching, which helps Karman's defensive play.
  • Can be used as a round start instant attack, though it's not as effective as Robert's 5B due to slightly less range and also more startup frames. Karman scores a knockdown on hit, however, which leads to an easy pursuit.

2A / Full Crouch 2A
AOF3 Karman 2A.png
Critical Shatter
Critical Shatter
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
256 Low 8 - - - -4 -9 STKD Ground, QKD
  • Version: 2A
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 257 points
  • Can be hopped over only during the hop's apex
  • Throw invulnerable 7F onwards
  • Karman punches at the opponent’s legs.
  • While much faster than 2B, it is also stubbier than 2B. It unfortunately leaves Karman minus on hit and if used, should always be done as far away as possible to minimize its risk.
  • The better low for when Karman has to play aggressively and needs a mixup.
  • Harder to punish than 2B, and also leads to a better reward on counter hit which makes it the arguably better low in footsies.
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
192 Low 4 - - - -11 -16 STKD Ground, QKD
  • Version: Full Crouch 2A
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 193 points
  • Can be hopped over only during the hop's apex
  • Throw invulnerable
  • Slower version of 2A.
  • Don't use this move, not only is the damage weaker but Karman takes longer to recover and results in worse frame advantage overall.
  • Full Crouch 2B is the better low since it at least packs more range.

2B / Full Crouch 2B
AOF3 Karman 2B.png
Shin Cracker
Shin Cracker
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
320 Low 29 - - - -20 -43 KD Ground, High Crush
  • Version: 2B
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 321 points
  • Can be hopped over
  • Throw invulnerable 5F onwards
  • Karman crouches down and sweeps at the opponent with a direct, frontal kick.
  • While the damage is good and it shrinks Karman’s hitbox down to the same level Kasumi's 2B shrinks her hitbox, the startup is obnoxiously long. Even for its range, the opponent has enough time to punish it on reaction.
  • The worst part is this is one of Karman’s only lows in the game, and with few overheads, his mix up game is rather weak.
  • The better low for defense since it scores a knockdown on counter hit and shrinking Karman's hurtbox. It shrinks his hitbox so much he can even duck his own super with it.
  • As a wakeup kick, this is one of the better lows in the game due to its long range and not suffering from as much startup on wakeup.
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
256 Low 24 - - - -4 -27 KD Ground, High Crush
  • Version: Full Crouch 2B
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 257 points
  • Can be hopped over
  • Throw invulnerable
  • Slightly faster version of 2B since Karman doesn't need to enter the crouching animation.
  • Frame advantage is not as bad as normal 2B, but deals less damage. The better low for Karman to use if he absolutely needs one in crouch. FC 2A will likely only leave Karman in a worse state.


AOF3 Karman jA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
256 High 8 Indefinite X - Varies Varies LCHL Aerial, QKD
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 257 points
  • Duckable by: Jin (2B), Karman (2B), Kasumi (2B), Rody (2B), Sinclair, Wang
  • Basic aerial punch that Karman aims diagonally downwards towards the opponent.
  • Being angled downwards and its longer range makes this one of the better jump A attacks in the game.
  • Okay air-to-air button that does its job when needed, but where it truly shines is as a hop combo starter. Opponents who aren't privy to its range allows Karman to more easily score counter hit juggle combos as he descends from his hop, and from here can perform his usual BnBs as opposed to slightly limited juggle combos.
  • All other characters can also use j.A as a means of starting hop combos, but won't have as many combo routes which may lead to lower damage. Plus j.A attacks tend to lack in range, whereas Karman's does not. Karman can space j.A a fair bit to make it a low committal hop attack.

AOF3 Karman jB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
384 x2 High 4 - - - Varies Varies LCHL Aerial, QKD (1-hit)
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 385 x2 points
  • Duckable by: Jin (2B), Karman (2B), Kasumi, Lenny, Robert (2B), Rody, Ryo, Sinclair, Wang
  • Karman kicks up in front of him diagonally upwards with a tall striking kick.
  • Overall not a good aerial, but the hitbox below his leg is slightly bigger than Lenny’s j.B so you’ll land it slightly more consistently as a jump-in.
  • Better used as an air-to-air when jumping at the opponent, but even as a jump-in it can still start combos with good spacing, it's just a little difficult to hit confirm. It's not how Karman should prioritize starting combos anyways.
  • If used as a combo starter, it makes hit confirming a 5A > 5AB link easier to do.

Command Normals

AOF3 Karman 3A.png
Wild Swing
Wild Swing
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
320 Overhead 7 - - - -4 -9 LCHL Ground, QKD, Wrongblock (ST; +26)
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 321 points
  • Duckable by: Karman (2B)
  • Another attack where Karman swats at the opponent’s legs with a tight fist.
  • What appears to be a pointless move is not all that bad. It reaches farther than 5C does, and it hits overhead, so it makes an easy overhead punish if the opponent is expecting one of Karman’s lows, however unlikely that really is.
  • Be careful however, as it's punishable on hit. On counter hit it can lead to a counter hit juggle, though this should only be used against characters/attacks who would otherwise duck under Karman's other attacks for CHs.

AOF3 Karman 4A1.png
Cut Straight
Cut Straight
AOF3 Karman 4A2.png
Cut High Kick
Cut High Kick
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
Varies Mid (both) - - - - KD -11/-16 KD Ground, Counter
  • Potential damage depends on the counter
  • Standing kick parry with fist strike: 896 or 1078; Overhead kick parry with standing kick strike: 960 or 1155
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 897 or 1079 / 961 or 1156 points respectively
  • Karman's standing jab counter against kick attacks
  • If spaced too far away, the counter can whiff against the opponent, albeit unlikely to happen.
  • Very strict window to time the counter. Karman cannot be too close to the opponent, where the attack will hit him. Instead, the attack's hitbox has to land just in front of him or else the counter won't land.
  • The attack must land within the first 3 frames of 5A's startup, or just as the attack's first active frame comes out.
  • The counter hitbox in front of Karman has pretty large range. He can counter attacks that whiff even if they don't visibly connect with his sprite.
  • First counter knocks the opponent much farther away than the second counter does.
  • The opponent has enough time to block during the counter activation if their attack has fast recovery. The counter animation itself is quick, though, so they may not react in time anyways.

AOF3 Karman 4B.png
High Point Heel
High Point Heel
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
448 Mid 15 - - - SKD (+50) +5 X Ground, Low Crush
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 449 points
  • Throw invulnerable 7F onwards
  • Duckable by: Jin (2B), Karman (2B), Kasumi (2B)
  • Able to anti-air (closer to Karman and relatively above him)
  • Capable of dodging several lows once Karman raises his leg upwards
  • Karman does an overhead kick that strikes his heel downwards.
  • It has decent range and is plus on block, which makes Karman's block pressure strong for trapping the opponent in the corner or pressuring them on okizeme.
  • Unfortunately it does not hit overhead, but the SKD on hit gives Karman easy to confirm damage.
  • Only reasons not to use this move are if the opponent has something to quickly punish it, it will whiff, or if the opponent baits with parries. It's arguably weaker as an offensive move due to the higher startup, which leaves potential for it to be pre-emptively punished.

AOF3 Karman 6B.png
One Two Kick
One Two Kick
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
320 + 320/400 Overhead; High 15 - - - KD -30 / -24 HCHL Ground; Wrongblock (ST; +0 1st hit)
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 321 x2 points
  • Cancellable from 6A and 6AA
  • Able to anti-air (2nd hit)
  • Karman does two quick kicks in front of him, first low then high.
  • Mostly used for combo reasons, but the first kick hits overhead so it's not a bad attack to use to bully crouching players and score a knockdown.

AOF3 Karman 4AC.png
Dodge Backhand
Dodge Backhand
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
800 Mid 30 - - - KD -12 X Ground, Spot-Dodge
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 801 points
  • Invulnerable 1F~24F
  • Duckable by: Jin (2B), Karman (2B), Kasumi, Lenny, Rody, Ryo, Sinclair, Wang
  • One of two dodge moves, Karman will do a quick dodge before proceeding to do a rushing punch forward.
  • Bad range in comparison to his other pokes and having a higher hitbox makes it kinda useless in neutral, and hard to use as a whiff punish, other than being barely faster than 4BC.

AOF3 Karman 4BC.png
Dodge Kick
Dodge Kick
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
800 Mid 30 - - - KD -22 X Ground, Spot-Dodge
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 801 points
  • Invulnerable 1F~24F
  • Duckable by: Jin (2B), Karman (2B), Kasumi, Lenny, Rody (2B), Ryo, Sinclair, Wang
  • 4BC - The other dodge move, Karman dodges then follows up with a 5B quick kick.
  • The better choice with decent range and a way to throw the opponent off. Also a lot more consistent as a whiff punish tool. This also helps emphasize Karman's good poking range and hold his ground in footsies.
  • Also not duckable, which makes close ranged whiff punishes impossible without the character having their own dodge.


AOF3 Karman 5AB.png
Back Forearm
Back Forearm
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
640 High 9 - - - Launch -14 HCHL Ground
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 641 points
  • Cancellable into 6A (3F and onwards)
  • Duckable by: All, Kasumi and Wang (standing and crouching)
  • Able to anti-air
  • Karman’s only launcher which can be ducked for an easy whiff punish.
  • It deals decent damage and it’s fast enough to be a combo starter, nor is the range bad either. Despite this, it's too risky in footsies as it's very easy to punish regardless, and in some matchups, is rendered completely void overall.
  • For when Karman is in neutral, 5AB actually serves better as an anti-air with its high angle and good startup.
  • Able to hit confirm into 5AB after landing 5A, however performing the hit confirm is difficult. Easier to perform the hit confirm after a j.B into jab. Also has potential to extend some juggles.
  • In order to use this attack against Kasumi, Karman has to be point-blank range or else it whiffs.
  • If Karman is point blank to Lenny where he moves up to Lenny as close as possible, 5AB will sometimes whiff. However, if Lenny moves as close as possible instead, 5AB will connect. At no other point will 5AB whiff on Lenny standing.

Rush Combo Attacks

AOF3 Karman 6A.png
Turn Palm
Turn Palm
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
160 Mid 8 - - - +2 -3 LCHL Ground
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 161 points
  • Cancellable from 5AB and into 6A[A] and 6B (3F~21F)
  • Duckable by: Jin (2B), Karman (2B), Kasumi, Lenny, Robert (2B), Rody, Ryo, Sinclair, Wang
  • The first punch of Karman's 6AAB rush combo, being a slightly extended version of his jab.
  • By itself, it's not noteworthy, but besides helping Karman extend juggles, he can cancel into 6A from 5AB.
  • This makes it useful for juggle combo extensions since Karman can whiff 6A intentionally to reduce the recovery of 5AB.

AOF3 Karman 6AA.png
Thrust Palm
Thrust Palm
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
384 Mid 8 - - - +1 -4 LCHL Ground
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 385 points
  • Cancellable from 6A and into 6B (3F and onwards)
  • Duckable by: Jin (2B), Karman (2B), Kasumi (2B), Rody (2B), Ryo (2B), Sinclair, Wang
  • Second punch follow-up to Karman's BnB rush combo. Vanilla punch attack where he jabs with his left hand instead, and is nothing of note beyond that.
  • Combos from 6A into 6AAB.


Gebarutiga Fuusutoritto Fon Oopen
AOF3 Karman 236B.png
Normal Version, Karman travels at an arch and starts almost instantly
Normal Version, Karman travels at an arch and starts almost instantly
AOF3 Karman 236B Weak.png
The Weak Version, Karman travels very little distance and takes longer to start
The Weak Version, Karman travels very little distance and takes longer to start
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
832 (208) / 576 (144) Mid 4 - - - KD -33 X Aerial
  • AKA Gebartigar Fustricht
  • Spirit Cost: 960 (~24%)
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 137 / 95
  • Able to anti-air
  • Duckable by: Jin (2B), Karman (2B), Kasumi (2B while Kasumi is fully crouched in the attack), Rody (2B), Wang (2B)
  • Karman launches himself diagonally upwards with a strong hitting kick, rising upwards in an arch and landing down right next to the opponent after striking them.
  • Normal version travels at an arching angle forwards, with him landing several steps forward where he initiated the attack. This version also pushes Karman above the ceiling past the screen's border.
  • Works reasonably well as an anti-air but doesn’t cover directly above him so try not to use this when you think your opponent is going to jump over you.
  • The startup is very quick, making it a reliable wakeup attack, and sometimes even in neutral albeit risky.
  • Although it may look like a reversal and function almost exactly like one, this attack, much like other DPs in SNK games, has zero invulnerability frames. Be a little wary, even if it's extremely unlikely to be interrupted on startup.
  • Any time Karman is knocked down, the opponent will almost always have to second guess challenging Karman since the reversal will add counter hit damage if they attempt to attack.
  • The fast startup makes it unreactable and is one reason he's difficult to pin down. It hits mid so it can be blocked either way, though.
  • A typical DP attack, but one that is consistent and is also not a bad way to end juggle combos. Useful for a number of reasons.
  • Actual block advantage is -33, but since Karman has to play his turn around animation if he side-switches, he is left -41 on block. However, while the opponent can act 33 frames earlier, all they can do is jump if Karman side-switches. Their jump will face the opposite direction, so they too would have to play their turn-around animation. Ryo and Jin can easily take advantage of this quirk for an easier jump-in punish if they choose.
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
320 Mid 17 - - - KD X X Aerial
  • AKA Gebartigar Fustricht
  • Spirit Cost: Whenever in Purple Spirit
  • Can only anti-air; unable to hit grounded opponents
  • Duckable by: All
  • Weak version depicts Karman readying a jump, followed by a delayed hop where he weakly lunges his kick up with almost no after-effect. He then lands and takes a step back, putting himself back in his original starting position.
  • Weak version is completely incapable of hitting grounded opponents due to its vertical hitbox, and can only hit airborne opponents. It will still knockdown, but this takes away its use as a reversal.
  • This is also Karman's only special move with a Weak version. All other special moves do nothing when you do the input while in Purple Spirit.

Quick Under Straight
AOF3 Karman 3A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
576 (144) / 320 (80) Overhead 16 - - - KD -27 X Ground, Dash-in Attack, Wrongblock (ST; +3)
  • Spirit Cost: 896 (~21%)
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 95 / 53
  • Duckable by: Karman (2B)
  • A fast dashing overhead where Karman rushes in then does a 3A punch to the opponent's legs.
  • Decent option, and more significant than 646B, especially since it’s one of his few overheads that can also knockdown.
  • No good for combos, however, so use it as a raw poke by itself to punish the opponent for flinching. It can be used as a whiff punish if Karman needs the extra range and fast with the dash boost.
  • Both on block and on whiff, Karman is at a large frame disadvantage, which this alone makes it not worth using in neutral.

Quick Back Knuckle
AOF3 Karman 5AB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
576 (144) / 320 (80) High 22 - - - KD -27 X Ground, Dash-in Attack
  • Spirit Cost: 896 (~21%)
  • Spirit restored when blocked: 95 / 53
  • Duckable by: All, Kasumi and Wang (standing and crouching)
  • Able to anti-air
  • Karman's other dash-in special where he follows up with his 5AB back hand punch.
  • Almost zero practical use as it can be ducked and doesn’t launch, plus it's slower.
  • You can maybe use it as an anti-air if you're good at timing it and need the range, but there are far better ways to spend Karman's meter.
  • In order to use this attack against Kasumi, Karman has to be point-blank range or else it whiffs.

Hefutigaa Shuutohsuguria
AOF3 Karman 2146A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
Up to 880 High/Mid 5 16 23 44 KD X X Ground, Counter
  • AKA Hefygar Shutosu
  • Spirit Cost: 1344 (~33%)
  • Invulnerable 1F~5F
  • A counter move that when hit, Karman kicks the opponent a few times into his 5AB launcher arm punch.
  • Damage is unaffected by the amount of Spirit Karman has remaining. However, each individual hit (6 in total) deals a different amount of damage - 112 for the first hit, 128 damage for the second hit, and 160 for the last 4 hits.
  • The only follow up you can perform is his Pursuit, but the corner carry is decent, higher than what Karman typically manages to do.
  • It will not counter lows, but get a good read and it’ll hurt the opponent. It will also counter jump attacks, too. Of course on the flip side, use it too much and it’ll hurt the Karman player for being predictable.
  • The high spirit cost by itself makes it risky to use, and compared to Jin's counter, doesn't last as long either, so be cautious.
  • Karman can sometimes whiff the final 5AB launcher in the counter, maybe even one of the lower hits during his kicks, though it affects almost nothing. Whether some hits whiff depends on the character and where they're countered; it's inconsistent.

Aofoin'Nandaaforugente Byurufe
AOF3 Karman Throw.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
2302 Unblockable (Low) 11 - - - KD X X Ground, Ranbu-type (command grab)
  • AKA Aufeinander Folgerte
  • Spirit Cost: 3072 (75%)
  • Side-switches on hit
  • Duckable by: Jin (2B, strict timing), Karman (2B), Rody (2B)
  • Now that’s a mouthful of a name. Karman rushes forward and delivers a series of throws to the opponent for heavy damage, fiercely tossing them aside and finally slamming them down to end the onslaught.
  • It’s a grab so use it if the opponent is blocking you. Since it’s a grab super, you obviously can’t block it, and just like other unblockable ranbu supers, there are unblockable setups in the game especially on okizeme.
  • While not invincible, it’s really difficult to react to in the first place as it sports faster startup, too.
  • The hitbox will also go away if it collides with a projectile.
  • The grab only hits low, so the opponent can simply jump it and be completely unaffected by Karman's super. It also travels the least amount of distance than the other ranbu supers, so it's easier to whiff, too.


AOF3 Karman 4C.png
Karman's universal parry.
Karman's universal parry.
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
0 High/Mid 0 32 13 45 KD X X Ground
  • Karman's Raz parry.
  • Nothing of note to say about it other than if you misinput either 4AC or 4BC, Karman typically defaults to using this instead.
  • It can still help him out, but if you're expecting to dodge a low, he'll get hit by it. Be sure to not misinput his dodge move if you're avoiding using 4C.

AOF3 Karman Taunt.png
Karman's universal taunt.
Karman's universal taunt.
AOF3 Karman Taunt2.png
Karman's taunt when facing against Ryo or Robert.
Karman's taunt when facing against Ryo or Robert.
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
X X - - - - X X X Ground
  • Karman adjusts his tie as he mocks the opponent.
  • This is the taunt he uses for everyone except Robert and Ryo.
  • A complete taunt takes away 2111/2112 points of spirit meter.
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
X X - - - - X X X Ground
  • Karman cracks his fists as he mocks the opponent.
  • This is a taunt exclusive to Robert and Ryo.
  • However, it is the same taunt otherwise, as Karman decreases the same amount of spirit as he does with every other character.

A complete taunt takes away 2111/2112 points of spirit meter.

AOF3 Karman Throw.png
Karman's universal throw
Karman's universal throw
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
960 High - - - - X X X Ground
  • Karman's normal throw.
  • Side-switches on hit

Karman's Pursuit
3A/B when opponent is on the ground
AOF3 Karman Pursuit1.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
256 OTG - - - - Varies X X Ground
Universal OTG Pursuit Frame Advantage
  • Jin: +15
  • Karman: +12
  • Kasumi: +17
  • Lenny: +15
  • Robert: +16
  • Rody: +19
  • Ryo: +14
  • Sinclair: +15
  • Wang: +11
  • Wyler: +20
  • Karman punches the opponent with his left fist.
  • Karman defaults to this pursuit whenever you're too far away from the opponent or their head is facing towards Karman.
  • He uses only this pursuit against Sinclair and Wyler as he lacks an animation for his instant pursuit for said characters.
  • Better frame advantage than his regular pursuit, but you don't get to use it much.

Karman's Instant Pursuit
3A/B when opponent is on the ground
AOF3 Karman Pursuit2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Counterhit Property
320 OTG - - - - Varies X X Ground
Instant OTG Pursuit Frame Advantage
  • Jin: +15
  • Karman: +15
  • Kasumi: +15
  • Lenny: +15
  • Robert: +16
  • Rody: +15
  • Ryo: +15
  • Sinclair: X
  • Wang: +15
  • Wyler: X
  • Karman pulls the opponent by their shirt and punches them in the face.
  • Karman is unable to perform this pursuit on either Sinclair or Wyler. He can only perform the default pursuit.
  • The fastest pursuit in the game on top of dealing more damage. Even the fastest knockdowns are still likely to get hit by this pursuit since it comes out immediately.
  • This pursuit also has better range than most pursuits, as even if Karman is a bit farther away, he often times teleports next to the opponent and the pursuit will still come out.
  • If Karman is too far away, he defaults to the regular pursuit. He also cannot use this pursuit if the opponent's head is facing towards him.
  • Frame advantage isn't as good as the regular pursuit but that's a minor inconvenience to the fast speed this pursuit provides.


Moves to USE Moves to AVOID
  • All of his normals; he doesn't have many options anyways
  • 3A, 5A, 4B, 5C in particular are good
  • Either j.A or j.B depending on the situation
  • Super
  • Full Crouch 2A
  • 4AC (less range, 4BC gives the same result)
  • 646B (hits too high compared to 646A, not useful in neutral)

General Strategy

Karman's mixups are unfortunately very limited, but the one area that Karman excels at is his hard to counter okizeme without playing risky. Combine this with a character who is difficult to open up in general and Karman can rule the wakeup game despite lacking good lows for his mixups. He excels as a turtle and has several tricks up his sleeve that demand players play patiently against him or else face blowing themselves up. When Karman loses the life lead, his approach becomes much harder to accomplish given how defense-oriented his tools are. Making the life lead comeback is fortunately not too difficult as he can snag it back with only one knockdown to revamp his momentum, but if his approach is consistently countered, he's forced to play honest due to bad lows, lack of any launch combos without counter hits, and over-reliance on moves that can be easily parried or otherwise punishable on block. But when Karman has momentum, albeit not as deadly as Kasumi or Rody, is an iron wall that only pushes forward.

Karman doesn't have very many rush combos at all and the delay window for using them is small to begin with, but he doesn't need to delay his strings either anyways since his pokes by themselves are already solid neutral spacing tools, so he only really needs his rush combos for extending combos. If anything, using rush combos can instead benefit Karman's tick throw game, as his great range and quick recovery makes it difficult to judge his next steps when the opponent has to open him up. Players will likely be prepared to block against Karman more simply due to his difficult to counter range, giving him relatively more chances to throw, especially with 4B. Jab alone makes a rewarding and annoying poke that also benefits him with a simple but still effective combo. On wakeup, he has both a near instant reversal and dodge attacks that make the opponent second guess their approach, even his 4B that snags his turn back if the opponent hesitates even a little. Speaking of which, 4B is plus on block and results in a soft knockdown on hit, making it always useful in close range pressure, so long as the opponent doesn't parry, despite not hitting overhead. Karman can even counter on wakeup, although it costs 33% meter so it's risky. What really makes Karman stand out is his pursuit, which even with the fastest techs is instant on front hit, and can even warp him, reducing the travel distance. Paired with even an ounce of impatience, it's simple for Karman to confirm into another knockdown and/or combo and repeat the cycle as he steadily shaves off chunks of health.

Where Karman suffers the most is having to play offensively. Most specifically, lacking hard to block mixups is what prevents him from easily regaining his momentum off a life deficit. The only lows he has are 2A and 2B, which both pose their own issues: 2A is faster but lacks range and unsafe on normal hit, with 2B having an obnoxious startup time and still being unsafe on hit. Both lows become safe on counter hit, but using them at all is dangerous, yet it's all Karman has so he has to use them eventually. Everything else Karman has can be blocked or nullified with counters or the universal 4C parry. If he has the meter to spend, he can use either 646X special or his super attack to open the opponent. He can also use 236B to anti-air if necessary, but he has a few meterless anti-airs to work with. Karman's super is threatening, especially for packing super armor, but has a few quirks, too. The run distance itself is not as far as the other ranbu supers and it hits low, meaning it can be jumped. There's also the obvious flaw of its high spirit cost, but with proper spacing is still effective at taking the life lead back. 646B is almost useless as an approach tool since it can be ducked anyways, and both versions can be interrupted pre-emptively on reaction. If Karman uses 646B, it would need to be a well-timed anti-air which is easier said than done. Karman is much better off using 646A to approach since it at least hits overhead. Both versions being minus on block limits their usability, though. Karman can use 4B, which being plus on block instantly takes his turn back, but as with everything else can be parried and can potentially still whiff. This leaves Karman to play honest if all else fails with basic pokes and universal mechanics.

Karman is arguably the strongest turtle in the game besides Wyler, making matchups against characters who play rushdown very favorable for him. In other matchups however, Karman may struggle keeping the life lead, if at all. His longer ranged normals help his footsies game quite a bit, but with no good approach options, leaves him playing a chasing game against hit-and-run strategies, namely Ryo if he so chooses and especially Lenny. Other matchups like Rody, he doesn't have to worry about leaving his comfort zone. In almost all matchups, he'll have to deal with mixups that outclass his own, but has reliable wakeup tools and low punishment to compensate. He may have to rely on spirit more depending on the matchup in order to patch up some holes depending on what the other character does better compared to Karman.


VS Portrait AOF3 Jin.png Jin

Average matchup for both characters, it's essentially turtle vs turtle. While Jin isn't explicitly a turtle, has a few tools that help him achieve some decent defensive play. Both characters are tall, have standing counters, situational special moves, metered reversals, the works. What Jin provides over Karman is his superior mixups, particularly his lows, and his double jump to force Karman to go after him or otherwise be a sitting duck. Jin's double jump can still be anti-aired if the Karman player knows where Jin will land or how he'll use his double jump, that and it's the one instance where his jump B can be consistently used to challenge Jin since all Jin has otherwise is a stubby air chop or a risky elbow dive. Besides that, Karman has instant pursuits and his super is arguably better than Jin's being an unblockable ranbu super as opposed to Jin's situational raging storm. Karman also has slightly faster normals than Jin other than his lows, but since Jin also has good range on his moves, he won't struggle to deal with Karman, either. Neither character has a major advantage over the other, though Karman has arguably better footsies and Jin having a better air game and better mobility than Karman despite his iffy jump attacks. As usual for Karman, Jin has little reason to block low against him, but he's at least slower than Karman in some regards, which gives Karman slightly better chances to land some lows.

VS Portrait AOF3 Kasumi.png Kasumi

Karman's 5C can hit Kasumi on round start, or he can otherwise choose to use his 236B reversal or a 4B if Kasumi tries to approach him without an immediate attack. Although Kasumi has some use for blocking low against Rody, Karman poses zero threat since his meaningful lows come out too slowly in comparison to Kasumi's great lows which give her far better reward on hit than they do Karman's lows. This forces Karman in a matchup where attempting lows is too easy to punish, and has to rely on 4B and jab pressure to choke the Kasumi player into making a mistake. But since he can only rely on highs and mids, and Kasumi has a parry that pushes her forward, on top of her 4A parry and other fast long ranged normals, Karman can be very prone to easy punishes. He racks up damage fast thanks to his instant pursuit and has easier juggles than Kasumi does, assuming he can land some pokes and/or counterhits. His only real advantage is he can use his unblockable super on wakeup if he has the spirit for it, which Karman has very little reason to use outside of counter in this matchup when all of his specials just leave him wide open to being punished and Kasumi has more than enough to work with for punishing him. Jumps are committal too, since he has no real air buttons to jump in with outside of maybe hop j.A, but none of his buttons reach far enough to contest with Kasane Ate unless he trades. And with very few rush combos of any kind, Karman can't use delayable strings to his advantage and pose a real threat. The best strategy for Karman would be to run away once he gets the life lead and force Kasumi to approach him. Since his jabs are so powerful at frustrating opponents, that's the one area that Karman can consistently pressure Kasumi in, on top of being very safe to use if Kasumi doesn't parry it back. Not a horrendous matchup, but Karman has very little he can work with to actually open Kasumi up that it makes it difficult to come back from a life deficit against semi-patient Kasumi players.

VS Portrait AOF3 Lenny.png Lenny

Arguably Karman's worst matchup to deal with. Pair a turtle with a turtle, one who can't approach and the other who can run away all match, and it's going to be very rough for Karman to recover from a life deficit. One of the biggest reasons is that although Lenny only has one low, 2A, it has significantly more range and startup than Karman's own lows. There's almost no chances for Karman to use either low when Lenny is always out of range and can easily punish either low. Secondly, Lenny outranges Karman in general with many of her moves. Karman can contest with her jab range and everything else he has to bait with either parries or block punishes. If Lenny opts to using her safer attacks, whiff punishing is out of the question since Karman really only has 6A, 5C, or one of the 646X special attacks he can use. Karman should never use his 646X special in neutral, however; Lenny can punish it on reaction with her projectile. So if Karman wants to punish Lenny's farthest attacks, he has to burn meter to do so, and her closer attacks he needs optimal spacing. That's easier said than done though when, perhaps the biggest issue in this matchup, Lenny can use 4B to escape Karman's pressure and potentially even punish him for approaching her, especially if she baits a reaction from Karman out of 66A. Not only that, Lenny's projectile can catch any sort of flinch from Karman whose only options are to punch it out or jump it. One other note is that Karman's only useful jump-in in this matchup is j.A, which Lenny can anti-air with 5B regardless of jump height. For Karman to do anything in this matchup, he needs to get the life lead and stay far away from Lenny, forcing her to approach instead. Chances are Lenny is in the life lead instead, however, leaving Karman having to play very patiently and slowly push Lenny into a corner, blocking whatever he can to keep Lenny pinned down. Karman may also have to live without his super since he'll likely burn through it with whiff punishes and/or counter usage. Whenever possible, Karman needs to keep his turn through 5A and 4B as they leave him plus on block, and give him simple but still reliable confirms for his BnBs. Since Lenny also has lengthier attacks in recovery, well timed dodge attacks can help Karman tremendously in ironing out some momentum, too. And ideally, Lenny should be prevented from using her ranbu super at all if possible, which travels farther than Karman's super, but Karman can also use this as a chance to turn things around on whiff if the player knows the precise spacing for it. Karman has to play super risky overall since anything he does can be punished by Lenny unless it's plus on block and will have to work to call out Lenny well ahead of her active hitboxes coming out on attacks. Score one knockdown, however, and Karman can potentially turn the whole thing around since that only leaves Lenny either 4C parry, 4B or her jab on wakeup, maybe her ranbu super. Just be cautious and ready to block if the Lenny player panic attacks on wakeup.

VS Portrait AOF3 Robert.png Robert

Average matchup, and pretty to the point. Both characters have mediocre lows at best, though Robert has the advantage of much faster startup on his 2B with better reach, too. Karman's ranbu also loses out to Robert's which packs significantly more range, and better air buttons. Robert is, however, unlikely to land his 4A launcher due to its stubby range which Karman can freely punish on whiff, which forces Robert to fish for launch combos more than he would in other matchups considering Karman is a turtle. But because Karman's a turtle, that also leaves Robert fewer chances to use his 5AB launcher on whiff punish scenarios. Both characters also possess good range on their normals and are both competent at footsies poking, both characters even being able to use a round start attack for an instant advantage: Robert's 5B and Karman's 5C. Robert's 5B is faster than Karman's 5C, though. Robert also has fireballs, which will give Karman trouble due to his larger size and lack of any meaningful ways of countering them, though Robert is also unlikely to throw many fireballs, either.

VS Portrait AOF3 Rody.png Rody

Since Rody has to constantly charge in to be a threat, there's almost zero reason for Karman to play on the offensive when Rody is approaching him instead. He has a projectile, but besides that, Rody has nothing to incentivize Karman to approach him other than a life lead. Rody has unquestionably better lows than Karman does, so despite the worse range compared to Karman, it's easy for Rody to charge in and force Karman in a 50/50. If Karman knows how to handle Rody's mixups, Karman is free to punish Rody. That said, Karman will likely burn through meter a little more due to his instant reversal, on wakeup or neutral otherwise, and having a counter can make Rody second guess using highs or mids. Rody at the least has jump B he can use to delay a counter hit launch combo with the use of hops, an attack that also packs good range to deal with Karman. Karman is also unlikely to have much chance to use 4B as Rody is fast enough to punish it on reaction if the player is quick enough, so no plus on block pressure for Karman. That's more or less it, as it really is a matter if Karman guesses wrong or not on Rody's mixups - and that's with Karman being a very tough wall to crack with a strictly rushdown character.

VS Portrait AOF3 Ryo.png Ryo

Depending on the way the Ryo player decides to play, Karman might either play an average matchup or he may play a tougher matchup. On a baseline level, Ryo has a better ranbu super and better specials than Karman, most of which Karman has no real counter for besides respecting them. On the bright side, it lets Karman conserve his meter for ranbu when he needs it, since Ryo will likely be fighting up close. Karman can deal with Ryo fighting as a shoto, rushdown mixup pressure fighter, but will struggle dealing with a defensive Ryo, a zoner, or the worst of it, if Ryo plays the hit-and-run game where Karman has no choice but to approach. Against a shoto or rushdown playstyle, Karman doesn't have much to worry about as he can approach it like any other matchup, only having to put up with crossups and Zan Retsu Ken. As a zoner or defensive playstyle of any kind, it means Karman has to approach Ryo. Karman's bigger hurtbox can make it difficult to avoid Ryo's projectiles, and otherwise has no attacks to reliably deal with Ryo's fireballs. If Ryo uses wall jumps, Karman will have to fight for his turn back. It's not impossible, though, because Karman has his j.B to attack upwards with and can use his 236B reversal to challenge Ryo, even his dodge attacks if the Ryo player is particularly careless. But in this playstyle too, Karman will be forced to time his ranbu super or otherwise face a whiff because Ryo barely jumped out in time. It could be the one time 646B is useful if Ryo is very far away, but the timing needed and meter spent is still too risky to make it worth the shot. Not Karman's worst matchup, as even the worst points have some kind of counter, but Ryo can also force the match to make it so that Karman has to move out of his turtle shell at all times.

VS Portrait AOF3 Sinclair.png Sinclair

Any long ranged attack, or any attack that Sinclair does in general, is a free window for Karman to use his 646X special attack to punish Sinclair. Besides that, Karman outranges Sinclair's jab and her 2A low, which gives Sinclair very little chance to charge in and land a 4A launcher, especially since Karman can freely 5AB or 236B Sinclair out of fake jump-ins to setup her TOD combo. For Sinclair to use her 50/50, she needs to use 2B to contest with Karman's own long ranged 2B. Overall an easy matchup for Karman as long as he keeps playing the keepout game against Sinclair and remains aware of his spacing from her. Sinclair is still capable of poking with 3A against Karman, and on whiff scores free damage with 214A. It hardly matters when Sinclair has to approach Karman, however. The only advantage Sinclair has is she can duck Karman's main moves, even though she still can't punish with anything reliable.

VS Portrait AOF3 Wang.png Wang

Arguably a good matchup for Karman, though Wang being able to duck Karman's main moves makes it the one matchup Karman will most likely have to use his overheads to keep Wang from crouch blocking the whole match. Besides that, Karman easily outranges Wang, which always puts Wang at a disadvantage if he isn't right in front of Karman. He also recovers fast enough that Wang most likely won't whiff punish him without 22A. If Wang can get in, however, he can pester Karman with his faster lows and thus force Karman to prepare to block low, which then opens up more windows for Wang to throw out some overhead mixups. Both characters deal around the same average damage output for the duration of the match, but since Wang can't reliably whiff punish, he benefits most from tempting Karman to use unsafe on block attacks then following up with using his BnB on Karman. This will give Wang both okizeme and more than likely the corner as well. And although Wang gets decent mixups from his jumps, jumping against Karman is too risky with both his longer ranged attacks and also being able to confirm jab into a simple BnB. Regarding his jab, Karman is free to pressure with jab as with any matchup, but Wang can challenge with his 4A to force a trade, one that also beats Karman's jab in damage and resets neutral to help Wang close the gap. Not too lopsided of a matchup, it's whether Karman can keep Wang out and knows how to deal with Wang's mixups. To a small extent, whichever player spends their meter better will also impact the matchup. There's zero reason for either character to use their special moves besides their reversals and 22A for Wang, either because they whiff or are too easily punishable to be worth the trouble. The unspent meter means they'll likely both have access to super if no taunts occur, both of which are ranbu types. But at its core, it's a question of if Wang manages to get in and rack up damage fast.


Note: Combos marked with a ★ symbol are the optimal combos available to the character. Characters are also denoted by the first three letters of their names to indicate that the combo works on them. If it works on all characters, it will, obviously, be marked as "All."

Character Combo Abbreviations
  • JIN: Jin
  • KAR: Karman
  • KAS: Kasumi
  • LEN: Lenny
  • ROB: Robert
  • ROD: Rody
  • RYO: Ryo
  • SIN: Sinclair
  • WAN: Wang
  • WYL: Wyler

Rush Combos

Rush Combos
Combo Difficulty Damage Works On Notes
6AAB Easy 1264 All Karman's go-to string. While this can be said about literally any character in the cast, Karman has few combo opportunities so you'll be doing this rush combo very often. While the 6B at the end will punish crouchers, players that know the matchup will know to always block high and open Karman up a bit.
4B, 5C Easy 1048 All Easy combo string for good damage on a move which the opponent doesn't usually expect coming. You can add a couple jabs for more damage.
5AB, 6AAB Easy 2120 All Combined 5AB with the basic rush combo. While you can cancel the 5AB, the following rush combo will whiff against some characters so it's better to delay it. They're not going anywhere after you've launched them, anyways.

Juggle Combos

Juggle Combos
Combo Difficulty Damage Works On Notes
5A x3 > 5C > 3A Pursuit Simple 1184 All Easy combo off of a jab punish, counter hit or not. Use this combo every chance you get as it'll guarantee free damage as long as you aren't too far away. Minimal damage, but you still get an easy knockdown confirm and it's safe on block.
4B > 5A x3 > 5C > 3A Pursuit Simple 1848 All Karman's staple jab combo but starting with 4B instead. This has much better corner carry at the expense of its longer startup, aside from the extra damage.
4B > 5A x1-2 > 236B > 3A Pursuit Easy 1968-2128 All While not the most amazing combo, the 236B will put you right next to the opponent for a Pursuit that is almost certainly impossible to escape. It's possible to link 3 5A jabs into the combo, but it requires the corner and Karman can't be too deep into the corner or else he faces pushback. Against Jin, it is possible to link 2 5A jabs from midscreen, but it requires immediate timing.
(corner) 5AA, 5AB, 6A, 236B Easy
4B, 5AB, 6AAB Easy
j.B, 5A, 5AB, 6A (whiff), 5AA, 5C Moderate
(corner) j.B, 5A, 5AB, 6A (whiff), 5A, 236B Moderate
j.B, 5A, 63214~63214C Very Hard All Incredibly difficult link from jab into super. Even if the opponent tries to buffer jump to escape in the off chance that human error from Karman occurs, it's likely Karman will still land the super during the jump startup. However, you have to buffer the jab inside of the super input which is easier said than done. You have to perform it as 63214~5A~63214C in order for it to work. If you press 6A, the game will read it as a counter instead. If you can pull this off in a real match, especially the super tight link from j.B, this ups Karman's pressure game immensely, but don't expect to pull it off.
Death Combos
j.B > 5A > 5AB > 6A (whiff) > 5A OR 5AB > 6AAB > 3A Pursuit Hard 4256 All except WAN Karman's TOD combo that works on the entire roster (besides Wang). Timing it varies for every character and can be awkward to do in general, and that's if Karman is close enough. Karman doesn't need j.B to start the combo as it already deals tremendously huge damage, but it helps. The 5A > 5AB link itself is a tough hit confirm but the link itself is lenient. What makes this combo hard is everything else after the first 5AB. Karman has to then cancel 5AB into 6A since it's a rush combo he has, but he must not do it too early - he has to whiff it. If he hits the opponent with 6A, they'll be knocked too far away. After the whiffed 6A, Karman then has to do either 5A or 5AB - choosing between either consistency or damage, basically. 5AB's hitbox will inevitably whiff here and there because of how tall it is. By that point it's just doing the rush combo, but be careful about the 6B timing as that too can fully whiff. All of this changes depending on the character as well.

Training Mode