Idol Showdown/Ninomae InaNis/Combos

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Combo Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by different authors, so the notation used can vary from the standard one.

For additional information on terminology for Idol Showdown or fighting games in general, please consult the Idol Showdown Glossary or the Fighting Game Glossary.

#X Input writted with numpad notation for the direction/motion input followed by the action.
X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
X, Y X input is linked to Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery frames.
X~Y This notation has two meanings: 1. Use attack X with followup Y. 2. Input X, and then within a few frames, input Y. Sometimes referred to as "kara cancelling".
[X] Input X is held down.
{X} Input is partially charged (as in, not tapped but not held to full charge either).
(X) Input X is optional. Typically, the combo will be easier without this input.
X/Y Choose between input X or input Y.
#jc Jump cancel. The number (7, 8, or 9) indicates which direction the jump cancel should be input if it is important to the combo.
j.X Jumping input X. X should be input while airborne.
dl.X Delayed input X. There will be some delay before inputting X.
CH X Counterhit with input X. This is used for combo starters that require counterhit confirm.
OTG X Input X while the opponent is knocked down but still able to be hit.
X(n) Number of hits of a multihit attack. If an attack is multihit and this is not specified, it is assumed to let the maximum number of hits complete before proceeding.
scc Superchat Cancel. Idol Showdown unique mechanic that allows you to cancel the recovery of one special into another special.


(WIP, New character)


Combo Difficulty Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Basic cancel-only combo, without charge mechanics.

Confirms at max range of 5M > 3H, and is all you can really get without some sort of meter.

More sophisticated basic combo using charge moves.

Slightly harder combo regrounding directly into Stagger-Ring Assault.

This combo is the basis for most of the others on the wiki.

It is possible to be too early on j.M and whiff the final hit. Starting dl.j.H at the top of Ina's jump is the target timing which can be useful for other routes as it combos off of the highest targets. Starting when Ina is just barely on the way down loses the least juggle height and is close the latest timing for dl.j.H.

As above but with a super ender.

Superchat Cancel poke confirm based on the above. Perform the scc at a 7-hit combo.

5M > 3H combos can work even when 5M connects with a jumping opponent so long as the opponent is still relatively near to the ground.

Metered poke confirm based on the above.

214H should connect late so as to leave a more generous window for dl.3H. It is best if dl.3H connects somewhat lower than strictly possible, as that makes 4M easier to hit.

Combo Difficulty Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Easier difficult BnB building off of the combos above. With a super ender (3H > 214L > 236S) this combo deals 486 (2L) / 565 (5M) / 578 (3M) damage.

[2]8M is premium knockdown ender in the event that the height/spacing is not in your favor to finish with 3H. If it isn't, the final 2H probably needed to hit lower. Alternately the final [2]8M can be omitted entirely at the cost of 10 damage, simplifying the combo. Whenever j.M is delayed, the target gains juggle height and also falls slower during the hits, which is necessary when trying to follow up with [2]8X (or even 3H with sufficient delay allowed by a good [2]8M, 4M link). Excess height can result in the later uses of j.M whiffing the third hit or even causing a crossunder if already close enough. Delaying the preceding 5M > 2H counteracts this. Slightly delaying the preceding 2H can prevent crossunders even if the other delayed timings are unideal (but will drop if there isn't enough height).

(4M > 9jc > j.M)x2 uses up the allowable number of 4M usages before IPS, and starting this combo with 5M also puts the combo at the maximum number of 5M usages before IPS. (4M > 9jc > j.M)x2 does 22 damage, and you can substitute ([2]8L > 4M > 9jc > dl.j.M)x2 for an additional 12 damage.

Crossunder version of the above. After [2]8M normalizes the spacing between Ina and her victim, 4M > 9jc > j.M actually gives enough time for Ina to walk forward and side-swap. This combo takes the combo above and moves one of the 4M > 9jc > j.M loops earlier into the combo to get the crossunder done.

There should be just barely enough corner carry that between these two combos Ina can put her opponent in the corner regardless of where the combo starts on the screen.

Superchat Cancel poke confirm based on the above. Perform the scc at a 7-hit combo.

Metered poke confirm based on the above.

214H should connect late so as to leave a more generous window for dl.3H.

This is the most optimal you get before you get to the insane 2L shit.

Easier harder combo that grows directly out of the Medium difficulty BnB. The final [2]8L isn't worth all that much for what it is.

Crossunder variant of the above that trades a bit more damage for significant side-swap carry.

Straightforward, high-damage combo using all four meterless Stagger-Rings. I think the above combo is easier to execute.

You can remove both [2]8L(even the 2nd [2]8M) and this combo still works, if you do this end with 5LLL-5M-3H instead also for consistency on the 5M-3H you can skip the last [2]8L


Combo Difficulty Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Simple Anti-air combo.

Jump-cancel the 2H ASAP, dl.j.H around max Ina height, 5M during landing recovery, dl.4M when the target is low enough to land both hits, and without any delay if the target gets hit exceptionally low by 2H. The anti air starter is complicated, but consistent.

Anti-air combo closely following the Medium difficulty midscreen BnB.

Straightforwardly using all of the j.M loops.

More difficult combo featuring [2]8M. It is actually better by 2 damage to do both [2]8M loops immediately and end with [2]8L > 5L > 5M > 3H, but this is substantially easier.

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Aki Rosenthal
Ayame Nakiri
Botan Shishiro
Coco Kiryu
Fubuki Shirakami
Ninomae InaNis
Korone Inugami
Kureiji Ollie
Pekora Usada
Sora Tokino
Suisei Hoshimachi
Kanata Amane
Amelia Watson
Marine Houshou
Iroha Kazama
Risu Ayunda
Mio Ookami
Miko Sakura
Kaela Kovalskia
Kiara Takanashi
Moona Hoshinova
Subaru Oozora
Fauna Ceres