Kamen Rider: Super Climax Heroes/Wizard

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Kamen Rider Wizard

Kamen Rider Wizard uses magic rings to cast spells. This mostly results in someone getting pranked somehow. Usually Wizard.

As he was the newest Kamen Rider when Super Climax Heroes released, Wizard is somewhat of a work-in-progress. He's cobbled together from the early bits of his series, and because Wizard is the only Kamen Rider who never throws a punch (he's wearing magic rings), he demanded a lot of new animation work. As a result, many of his tools are completely unique among the cast, and some barely function, while others are strong enough to prop up the entire character. In spite of his moveset containing such extremes, he's still pretty strong, functioning best as a mid-range zoner who wins through powerful single hits.

Even the styles available to Wizard are kind of strange, as he's the only character in the game to use both Assault as well as any other style without using a unique form, a la Fourze's Meteor Fusion States or W's FangJoker.

When using Form Change, Wizard uses his elemental rings to switch between forms:

  • Flame Style (Red) is Wizard's basic and most well-rounded form. Its most notable features are Big Magic, a long-range poke that deals heavy damage and is difficult to move around, and a really strong air projectile that can be executed low to the ground.
  • Land Style (Yellow) is a heavier and more defensive variant. This form focuses more on defensive projectiles, including an air spread-shot and a wall projectile.
  • Water Style (Blue) is a more offensive form. This form has the unblockable Bind Magic and more attacks that advance towards the opponent.
  • Hurricane Style (Green) is a really simple and overpowered character, and using this form is generally banned in competitive play. Hurricane's version of Big Magic is overwhelming, being faster, larger, and dealing a massive amount of the opponent's Guard Gauge even if they do block it.
KRSCH Wizard icon.png Kamen Rider Wizard (Form Change) switches between elemental forms and harasses with a variety of mid-range projectile attacks.
Pros Cons
  • Space Control: Wizard is an adept zoner, and has a range of attacks that can punish the opponent for trying to close the distance.
  • Flexibility: Land Style and Water Style allow Wizard to switch to two very different movesets in matchups where Flame Style might not always be the best fit.
  • Poor Meter Gain: None of Wizard's forms are particularly good at building Rider Gauge, forcing him to charge manually.
  • Lackluster Strings: Wizard's normals are definitely the most work-in-progress part of the character. Their properties leave a lot to be desired, and Wizard can't really safely pressure his opponent up close.
  • Hurricane Style is Tournament-Banned: This may pose a problem if you're playing in a tournament and accidentally switch to Hurricane Style.

In this variation, Wizard gains access to his powered up elemental form, Flame Dragon.

When choosing the Power Up Style, Wizard's base form is always Flame Style.

Flame Dragon plays very similarly to Flame Style, but with improved special moves and strings. Most importantly, he gains a new 5S utilizing the dragon's fire breath and a Rider Art follow-up that increases his damage potential.

KRSCH Wizard icon.png Kamen Rider Wizard (Power Up) maximizes the strengths of Flame Style Wizard.
Pros Cons
  • Space Control: Wizard is an adept zoner, and has a range of attacks that can punish the opponent for trying to close the distance.
  • Flame Dragon is More Well-Rounded: Once Wizard reaches his Power Up form, his strings become more useful, allowing him to be a threat at any range.
  • Power Up Style: Power Up Style characters are universally capable of refreshing their Guard Gauge and damage scaling by transforming.
  • Poor Meter Gain: None of Wizard's forms are particularly good at building Rider Gauge. This is especially relevant in this style, where he needs 3 stocks of Rider Gauge to Power Up.
  • Lackluster Strings in Base Form: Wizard's normals are definitely the most work-in-progress part of the character. Their properties leave a lot to be desired, and Wizard can't really safely pressure his opponent up close.

In this variation, Wizard plays as a variant of Flame Style with a slightly different array of special moves, most notably those utilizing Copy Magic.

The main practical benefits of Assault Style are that Wizard gains access to a Rider Art follow-up that deals massive damage, as well as a new special move during Assault Mode: a unique jS that uses a clone to attack.

KRSCH Wizard icon.png Kamen Rider Wizard (Assault) spices Flame Style Wizard's kit up with moves using Copy Magic.
Pros Cons
  • Space Control: Wizard is an adept zoner, and has a range of attacks that can punish the opponent for trying to close the distance.
  • Unburstable Damage: Assault Style's Rider Art follow-up deals a combo's worth of damage on its own.
  • Assault Mode Pressure: Wizard can use Assault Mode's mechanics and his Assault Mode jS to take control of the match for a short period of time.
  • Poor Meter Gain: None of Wizard's forms are particularly good at building Rider Gauge. While Assault Style's mechanics can mitigate this somewhat, it's still an issue he has to face.
  • Lackluster Strings: Wizard's normals are definitely the most work-in-progress part of the character. Their properties leave a lot to be desired, and Wizard can't really safely pressure his opponent up close.

An even stronger version of the banned Hurricane Style Wizard, only available through the banned Tag Style. This form is only included here for completion's sake.

KRSCH Wizard icon.png Kamen Rider Wizard (Hurricane Dragon) is a banned character.
Pros Cons
  • Incredibly Strong Character: Hurricane Dragon's Big Magic is even better than Hurricane Style's Big Magic.
  • Incredibly Banned Character: You can't pick him in a tournament or if you want people to like playing with you.

Form Select

KRSCH Wizard Flame Style Illustration.png
Flame Style
KRSCH Wizard Land Style Illustration.png
Land Style
KRSCH Wizard Water Style Illustration.png
Water Style
KRSCH Wizard Hurricane Style Illustration.png
Hurricane Style
KRSCH Wizard Flame Dragon Illustration.png
Flame Dragon
KRSCH Wizard Hurricane Dragon Illustration.png
Hurricane Dragon

Move List

Normal Moves

Flame 5LLL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -

Wizard does a spinning back kick. Functionally, this is Wizard's jab, but it's a little awkward to use and not especially safe as a poke.

5LL - Y - - - - -

A spinning low kick.

5LLL - Y - - - - -

A spinning kick that knocks the opponent away on hit.

Flame 5LHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -

Wizard does a spinning back kick. Functionally, this is Wizard's jab, but it's a little awkward to use and not especially safe as a poke.

5LH - Y - - - - -

Wizard does a pair of up-kicks that launches the opponent on hit. This string can be followed up with a Combo Jump into its aircombo followup, jLHHS.

Wizard's aircombo is especially useful because his normals are otherwise fairly limited for combos. Omitting the special ender groundbounces the opponent, followed by a hard knockdown, so a wide variety of followups are possible.

Be advised that while the aircombo is guaranteed to combo, there's no need or benefit to delaying the aircombo string. jLH has very little hitstun, and if the string is delayed, the opponent will be able to air tech.

5LHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard fires a shot upward. An alternative meterless followup to the launcher string, but it can be air teched immediately on hit so it's not very useful.

Flame dLLL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dL - Y - - - - -

A spinning kick.

dLL - Y - - - - -

Wizard swings his sword downward. This string looks identical to dLH, but has a lot more hitstun.

dLLL - Y - - - - -

Wizard takes a step back and awkwardly fires a shot that knocks the opponent away on hit. Although it looks kind of funny, this string isn't so bad. Although there is time for your opponent to evade and punish, it's great on block and even works at long range.

Flame dLHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dL - Y - - - - -

A spinning kick.

dLH - Y - - - - -

Wizard swings his sword downward. This string looks identical to dLL, but has a lot less hitstun.

dLHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard thrusts his sword in front. Knocks the opponent away on hit.

Flame 5HHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5H - Y - - - - -

A sword slash. A useful normal thanks to its speed and range.

5HH - Y - - - - -

A sword thrust followup.

5HHH - Y - - - - -

A spinning double-slash that knocks the opponent down on hit.

Flame dHHHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dH - Y - - - - -

Wizard spins and fires a single shot straight forward.

dHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard does a backflip towards the opponent, and fires a second shot straight forward.

dHHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard repeats the previous attack in the string, firing a third shot straight forward.

dHHHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard ends the string with a backflip kick that knocks the opponent away on hit.

Flame jL
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard holds out his sword. Has active frames until landing. A useful jump-in.

Flame jH
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard fires a shot at a shallow angle. This does not affect his jumping momentum, and is a great runaway or approach tool.

Special Moves

Flame 5S
Light Magic / Defend Magic
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Form Change / Power Up Style
Light Magic
- Y - - - - -

Wizard poses and lights up. This hits a full circle around him, has plenty of active frames, and recovers quickly.

This version of 5S is available to the Form Change and Power Up styles, and also crumples the opponent on hit. However, it deals no damage to the opponent's health bar, instead draining one stock of the Rider Gauge when it hits.

The combination of good properties on this attack make it suitable for stopping an opponent's approach or as a meaty. It's also useful in combos to control your opponent's Rider Gauge.

Assault Style
Defend Magic
- Y - - - - -

Wizard poses and creates a wall of fire around himself. This hits a full circle around him, has plenty of active frames, and recovers quickly.

The version of this move exclusive to Assault Style hits three times, deals damage, and the second and third hits stagger the opponent. This usually means that the opponent gets launched by the third hit, but if only the third hit connects, your opponent will be staggered and you can follow up.

The combination of good properties on this attack make it suitable for stopping an opponent's approach or as a meaty.

Flame 4/6S
Big Magic
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard creates a portal that enlarges his arm, using it to do a palm strike, followed by slapping at the opponent.

Big Magic is Wizard's defining tool. It's a very difficult poke to contest. It also deals a lot of damage on hit, and a nice chunk of the guard gauge even when blocked.

When using Form Change or Power Up styles, Wizard does not have access to his Flame Style 2/8S, and inputting 2/8S will instead use this attack.

Flame 2/8S
Sleep Magic
2/8S (Assault Style Only)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Wizard uses the Sleep ring to put himself to sleep. This was a punchline when he did it in the show, and it's a joke here too.

This move is not entirely useless, and if Wizard is allowed to take a nap for about 4 seconds, he'll regain some health and wake up. However, there's no currently known setup that safely uses this move, and you're likely to take a huge hit for even trying.

This move is only available in Assault Style, and attempting to use it with any other style will instead use Big Magic (4/6S).

Flame JS
Shooting Strike / Copy Magic
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Shooting Strike
- Y - - - - -

Wizard halts his air momentum and shoots a fireball down at a shallow angle. A crucial zoning tool that can be used very low to the ground, and which turns to face the opponent even when it's used at an awkward angle.

Copy Magic
- Y - - - - -

Wizard halts his air momentum, clones himself, and both Wizards do two flipping slashes. An incredible space control tool that makes it very difficult to approach Wizard during Assault Mode.

Universal Mechanics

Flame Throw
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

Wizard's throw. This throw has a hard knockdown that allows you enough time to meaty with 5S at the wall.

Flame Dash Action
Dash Action
Air Dash
Air Dash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Wizard airdashes. A generic mobility tool. Costs .5 stocks of the Rider Gauge.

Airdashing pairs very nicely with his jS projectile. Because of the way jS interacts with momentum, you will gain a little more distance from the airdash, and still turn to face the opponent.

Flame Rider Art
Rider Art
High Speed Dash
High Speed Dash
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
Normal - Y - - - - -
Assault - Y - - - - -

High Speed Dash type Rider Art. Costs .5 stocks of the Rider Gauge. Has access to a followup by pressing Rider Art or Special Attack at no additional cost.

In Form Change Style or Power Up Style, the Rider Art follow-up simply uses Big Magic. When using the followup after using High Speed Dash in a direction besides forward, Wizard will face the opponent before using Big Magic.

However, in Assault Style, the Rider Art follow-up is a spinning kick that is very useful as a whiff punisher or combo ender. On hit, this causes a cinematic and deals a massive amount of unscaled damage.

Flame Style Action
Style Action
Form Change
Form Change
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Kamen Rider Wizard (Form Change) is able to use the Style Action inputs to switch his magic rings and change between his elemental styles.

  • Style Action Up switches to Flame Style.
  • Style Action Right switches to Land Style.
  • Style Action Down switches to Water Style.
  • Style Action Left switches to Hurricane Style.

Style Action
Power Up
Power Up
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

By pressing Style Action, Wizard transforms into his powered up form, Flame Dragon, at the cost of 3 stocks of the Rider Gauge. Doing so also refreshes damage scaling and the Guard Gauge.

Style Action
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Wizard can use the Assault Style. Pressing Style Action with at least two stocks of Rider Gauge at any time besides during hitstun activates Assault Mode.

During Assault Mode, Wizard gains an alternate jS.


  • 5LH > Combo Jump > jLHHS
  • 5LH > Combo Jump > jLHH > land > 5S
  • (Assault Style only) 5LH > Combo Jump > jLHH > land > Rider Art follow-up
  • (Near Wall) 5LH > Combo Jump > jLHH > land > Climax Time > run forward > Rider Finale
Wizard's aircombo is a crucial tool for his combo damage, and allows him a variety of followups.
Finishing the aircombo is the best damage option, but ending in 5S instead will reduce your opponent's Rider Gauge and can be useful for controlling their options.
In Assault Style specifically, Rider Art follow-up is usually the best combo ender as long as you have meter. The most consistent way to juggle it is to wait a little and hit during the opponent's second groundbounce.
  • (Form Change or Power Up Style only) dLL > RC > 5S > 5S
This combo sacrifices almost all combo damage in exchange for removing two stocks of the opponent's Rider Gauge.
  • 5S > jump back > jS
Light Magic's crumple allows you to follow up with any of Wizard's special moves, but jS is the best followup for damage.
Using Big Magic on a crumple or stagger will give the opponent the opportunity to ground tech between its hits, and isn't advised.

Move List

Normal Moves

Land 5LLL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -

Wizard kicks at the opponent's head level. A fast jab.

5LL - Y - - - - -

A spinning heel kick, also at head level.

5LLL - Y - - - - -

Wizard does a flipping kick that launches the opponent on hit.

Land 5LHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -

A quick advancing jab.

5LH - Y - - - - -

A high kick that launches the opponent. This attack can be followed up with a Combo Jump into its aircombo followup, jLHHS.

Unfortunately, Land Style's aircombo doesn't have enough untechable time to guarantee a combo, and is best avoided. If you must use this Combo Jump, going straight to jS is probably the best option.

5LHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard fires two shots upward. An alternative meterless ender.

Land dLLL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dL - Y - - - - -

Wizard steps away and fires a shot forward.

dLL - Y - - - - -

Wizard backflips away and fires a shot forward.

dLLL - Y - - - - -

Wizard backflips away a second time and fires a shot forward.

Land dLHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dL - Y - - - - -

Wizard steps away and fires a shot forward.

dLH - Y - - - - -

Wizard flips forward with a 2-hit heel drop.

dLHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard sweeps the opponent's legs, launching them on hit. This string followup will drop if the string was delayed, so be careful. However, it's also about even on block, so it's an alright pressure option.

Land 5HHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5H - Y - - - - -

Wizard hops backwards and fires two shots forward.

5HH - Y - - - - -

Wizard cartwheels backwards and fires off a forward shot low to the ground.

5HHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard fires a no-look shot that knocks the opponent away on hit. This string is a strong option for retreating and zoning.

Land dHHHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dH - Y - - - - -

Wizard flips forward and does a 2-hit heel drop.

dHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard sweeps the opponent's leg, launching them on hit. Like dLHH, this string will not combo if it's delayed and is about even on block.

dHHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard fires a volley of three shots in front of him.

These shots do not have enough untechable time to combo as a juggle, so it's best to avoid this string on hit, but it can be useful on whiff.

Land jL
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard halts his air momentum and fires a single shot that knocks the opponent away on hit. Can be useful for zoning.

Land jH
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard halts his air momentum and fires three shots in sequence. The third shot knocks the opponent away on hit. Can be useful for zoning.

Special Moves

Land 5S
Defend Magic
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard puts his palm to the ground and creates a wall of sand. This has two hits. The first hit launches the opponent on hit, and the second hit does not, but both have active frames for as long as the wall is on the screen, and if both hit at the same time (eg as a meaty) the opponent will not be launched.

A useful tool for combos and neutral. When the second hit connects in a juggle, the opponent will be able to air tech, but you'll still have advantage.

It's also possible to use it as a setup tool on a long knockdown, but it's difficult to do so in a way that's especially helpful. When it's blocked as a meaty, Wizard will usually still be at disadvantage.

However, when your opponent is guard broken near the wall, you can loop a sequence of [5LH > 5S] to continually meaty the opponent and link back into the same situation.

Land DS
Drill Magic
any direction + S
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard spins into the ground, then reappears underneath the opponent with a rising drill attack.

Drill Magic has a lengthy startup, and you're going to be taking a risk anytime you do it in neutral. It doesn't have a ton of recovery on landing, so you're not totally guaranteed to die when the opponent blocks it or if it whiffs somehow.

Land JS
Shooting Strike
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard halts his air momentum and fires a spread of three shots downward at a shallow angle. A key zoning tool for Land Style.

Two or three shots can hit at once when this is used point-blank, which does a lot of damage for a single projectile.

Universal Mechanics

Land Throw
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

Wizard's throw. This throw causes a hard knockdown.

Land Dash Action
Dash Action
Air Dash
Air Dash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Wizard airdashes. A generic mobility tool. Costs .5 stocks of Rider Gauge.

Airdashing pairs very nicely with his jS projectile. Because of the way jS interacts with momentum, you will gain a little more distance from the airdash, and still turn to face the opponent.

Land Rider Art
Rider Art
High Speed Dash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

High Speed Dash type Rider Art. Costs .5 stocks of the Rider Gauge. Has access to a followup by pressing Rider Art or Special Attack at no additional cost.

Land Style's Rider Art follow-up simply uses Drill Magic (dS).

Land Style Action
Style Action
Form Change
Form Change
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Kamen Rider Wizard (Form Change) is able to use the Style Action inputs to switch his magic rings and change between his elemental styles.

  • Style Action Up switches to Flame Style.
  • Style Action Right switches to Land Style.
  • Style Action Down switches to Water Style.
  • Style Action Left switches to Hurricane Style.


  • dLHH > RC > 5S
  • dHH > RC > 5S
Land Style's launching strings combo comfortably into Defend Magic with an RC.
  • 5LH > Combo Jump > jS
Land Style's aircombo is air techable, so skipping the aircombo is a safer option.
  • dLL > RC > dS
Land Style's only way to get a combo from a long-range projectile into a special.
Requires some distance from the opponent.

Move List

Normal Moves

Water 5LLL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -

A spinning kick.

5LL - Y - - - - -

A spinning followup kick.

5LLL - Y - - - - -

A final spinning kick that knocks the opponent away on hit.

Water 5LHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -
5LH - Y - - - - -

Wizard casually slashes the opponent. This has a mashable stagger, and without RC, it can become negative on hit. It's probably best to avoid this string.

5LHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard follows up with a slash that knocks the opponent away on hit. This string is not a guaranteed combo due to the mashable stagger on 5LH, so it's probably best avoided.

Water_Style dLLL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dL - Y - - - - -

Wizard ducks and slashes at the opponent's ankles. Thanks to its lowered hurtbox and movement, this can actually evade high attacks.

dLL - Y - - - - -

Wizard spins and kicks at the opponent's head level. Has a mashable stagger, so it's best to finish the string quickly.

dLLL - Y - - - - -

Wizard spins and finishes with a slash that knocks the opponent away on hit.

Water_Style dLHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dL - Y - - - - -

Wizard ducks and slashes at the opponent's ankles. Thanks to its lowered hurtbox and movement, this can actually evade high attacks.

dLH - Y - - - - -

An upward slash. Launches the opponent, and can be followed up with a Combo Jump into its aircombo follow-up string, jLHHS.

Water Style's aircombo is a little unstable. Although it's a guaranteed combo, in practice it often whiffs one of its hits and becomes air techable.

dLHH - Y - - - - -

An alternative ender. Knocks the opponent away on hit. The opponent can also airtech pretty quickly after getting hit by this.

Water 5HHHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5H - Y - - - - -

Wizard steps forward and slashes at the opponent.

5HH - Y - - - - -

Wizard quickly slashes the other way. This has a very long window to combo from 5H, so it can be a useful hitconfirm or frametrap.

5HHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard casually slashes at the opponent. Has a mashable stagger, and without RC, it can become negative on hit. This string has very little recovery, and unlike 5LH it's pretty quick, so it's still useful.

5HHHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard follows up with a slash that knocks the opponent away on hit. Because of 5HHH's mashable stagger, this ender isn't especially useful.

Water dHHHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dH - Y - - - - -

Wizard steps forward and slashes at head level.

dHH - Y - - - - -

A spinning kick.

dHHH - Y - - - - -

A flipkick. Has a mashable stagger on hit, so it's best to follow up as soon as possible.

dHHHH - Y - - - - -

A sword thrust that knocks the opponent away on hit.

Water jL
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard holds his sword out. A jump-in with active frames until landing, but unlike Flame Style's version of this attack, for some reason, this one launches on hit, making followups on hit unreliable.

Water jH
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard spins and slashes. Has very short active frames and a poor hitbox, but you still have to use it on account of it being the jump-in that doesn't launch the opponent.

Special Moves

Water 5S
Slash Strike
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard flips and slashes twice. Has a huge forward hitbox, but starts up a little slow.

Water Style's main special ender. It can be pretty okay to throw out in neutral too, but it's unsafe on block, so be careful.

Water_Style DS
Bind Magic
any direction + S
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

Wizard fires magical ropes that hold the opponent in place. This is unblockable and sets the opponent up for a followup combo.

Bind Magic is mostly useful as a mixup tool. Whiffing is a big risk, but this will allow you to catch your opponent getting lazy on defense and punish them with a combo.

Water JS
Liquid Magic
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard turns into a ball of water and dives. A pretty unremarkable divekick.

Universal Mechanics

Water Throw
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

Wizard's throw. Causes a hard knockdown. You can try to manually time a meaty with Bind Magic after this, but the opponent will always have the option of sidestepping on wakeup to dodge it.

Water Dash Action
Dash Action
Air Dash
Air Dash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Wizard airdashes. A generic mobility tool. Costs .5 stocks of the Rider Gauge.

Water Rider Art
Rider Art
Super Jump
Super Jump
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

A Super Jump type Rider Art. Costs .5 stocks of the Rider Gauge.

Water Style Action
Style Action
Form Change
Form Change
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Kamen Rider Wizard (Form Change) is able to use the Style Action inputs to switch his magic rings and change between his elemental styles.

  • Style Action Up switches to Flame Style.
  • Style Action Right switches to Land Style.
  • Style Action Down switches to Water Style.
  • Style Action Left switches to Hurricane Style.


  • dHH > RC > dS > Gauge Charge > 5S
Using this sequence, you can generate the smallest bit of extra meter.

Move List

Normal Moves

Hurricane 5LLL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -
5LL - Y - - - - -
5LLL - Y - - - - -

Knocks down on hit.

Hurricane 5LHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -
5LH - Y - - - - -

Can be followed up with a Combo Jump into its aircombo followup, jLHHHS.

5LHH - Y - - - - -

Knocks the opponent away on hit.

Hurricane dLL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dL - Y - - - - -

Advancing slash.

dLL - Y - - - - -

Knocks the opponent away on hit.

Hurricane dLHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dL - Y - - - - -

Advancing slash.

dLH - Y - - - - -

Launches the opponent on hit.

dLHH - Y - - - - -

Knocks the opponent away on hit.

Hurricane 5HHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5H - Y - - - - -
5HH - Y - - - - -

Has a mashable stagger on hit.

5HHH - Y - - - - -

Knocks the opponent away on hit.

Hurricane dHHHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dH - Y - - - - -
dHH - Y - - - - -

Groundbounces the opponent on hit.

dHHH - Y - - - - -

Launches the opponent on hit.

dHHHH - Y - - - - -

Knocks the opponent away on hit.

Hurricane jL
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard holds his sword out. Has active frames until landing but the hitbox is really wonky. Notably, shifts Wizard downward on use.

Hurricane jH
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard spins and slashes. Notably, changes Wizard's momentum so that he bounces backwards after he attacks.

Special Moves

Hurricane_Style 5S
Slash Strike
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -
Hurricane DS
Big Magic
any direction + S
The reason this form's banned
The reason this form's banned
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Hurricane's version of Big Magic is a lightning-fast fullscreen poke that guard crushes if it's blocked twice. You don't need any other moves.

Hurricane JS
Diving Kick
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

A pretty standard divekick.

Universal Mechanics

Hurricane Throw
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

Wizard's throw. Causes a hard knockdown. Time a meaty with Big Magic to win instantly.

Hurricane Dash Action
Dash Action
Air Dash
Air Dash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Wizard airdashes. A generic mobility tool. Costs .5 stocks of Rider Gauge.

Hurricane Rider Art
Rider Art
Super Jump
Super Jump
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

A Super Jump-type Rider Art. Costs .5 stocks of the Rider Gauge.

Hurricane Style Action
Style Action
Form Change
Form Change
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Kamen Rider Wizard (Form Change) is able to use the Style Action inputs to switch his magic rings and change between his elemental styles.

  • Style Action Up switches to Flame Style.
  • Style Action Right switches to Land Style.
  • Style Action Down switches to Water Style.
  • Style Action Left switches to Hurricane Style.


Move List

Normal Moves

Flame Dragon 5LLLL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -

A spinning kick. Functions as a pretty good jab.

5LL - Y - - - - -

A spinning low kick.

5LLL - Y - - - - -

A spinning heel drop. Has a mashable stagger on hit.

5LLLL - Y - - - - -

A spinning axe kick. Knocks the opponent away on hit.

Flame Dragon 5LHHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -

A spinning kick. Functions as a pretty good jab.

5LH - Y - - - - -

A double up-kick that launches the opponent on hit. This string can be cancelled with a Combo Jump into its followup aircombo string, jLHHSS.

Tragically, this aircombo followup is not a guaranteed combo, and can be air teched.

5LHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard shoots upward at the opponent. Unlike Flame Style's version of this attack, this one is fully untechable and useful for combos!

5LHHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard shoots upward at the opponent twice more. The opponent can airtech right after getting hit by the second shot, but the first shot is fully untechable.

Flame Dragon dLLLL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dL - Y - - - - -

A spinning kick.

dLL - Y - - - - -

Wizard swings his sword down. A normal with a notably large amount of hitstun, allowing it to combo into 5S with an RC.

dLLL - Y - - - - -

Wizard steps back and awkwardly fires a shot at an angle. Unlike Flame Style's version of this attack, this leaves the opponent standing.

dLLL - Y - - - - -

Wizard steps back again and fires two more shots that knock the opponent away on hit.

Flame Dragon dLHHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dL - Y - - - - -

A spinning kick.

dLH - Y - - - - -

Wizard swings his sword down. Like Flame Style, this is identical to dLL but has far less hitstun.

dLHH - Y - - - - -

A sword thrust. Has a mashable stagger on hit.

dLHHH - Y - - - - -

A spinning kick that knocks the opponent away on hit.

Flame Dragon 5HHHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5H - Y - - - - -

Wizard swings his sword down. A useful normal for its speed and range.

5HH - Y - - - - -

A sword thrust.

5HHH - Y - - - - -

A spinning double-slash. The second hit causes a mashable stagger on hit.

5HHHH - Y - - - - -

A final spinning slash that knocks the opponent away on hit.

Flame Dragon dHHHHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dH - Y - - - - -

Wizard spins and fires a single shot straight forward.

dHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard does a backflip towards the opponent, and fires a second shot straight forward.

dHHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard repeats the previous attack in the string, firing a third shot straight forward.

dHHHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard follows up with a backflip kick that has a mashable stagger on hit.

dHHHHH - Y - - - - -

Wizard reverses course, flipping away with an up-kick into a finishing shot.

Flame Dragon jL
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard holds his sword out. A jump-in with active frames until landing.

Flame Dragon jH
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard fires a shot at a shallow angle. This does not affect his jumping momentum, and is a great runaway or approach tool.

Special Moves

Flame Dragon 5S
Dragon Blaze
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard holds out his chest, and the Dragon within him fires a cone of flame in front of him. Crumples the opponent on hit.

This is the main draw of Flame Dragon Wizard. This attack has full tracking, so the only way your opponent can avoid it is to go to the air. It also has pretty short recovery and deals a lot of damage, so it's a fantastic mid-range harassment tool.

Forcing the opponent to block this can also be a strong tactic, as it deals about 40% of the guard bar in a single use.

Because this also deals the most damage of any of Flame Dragon's specials, it's ideal to combo into it whenever it's possible for maximum damage.

Flame Dragon DS
Big Magic
any direction + S
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard creates a portal that enlarges his arm, using it to do a palm strike, followed by slapping at the opponent.

Big Magic is Wizard's defining tool. It's a very difficult poke to contest. It also deals a lot of damage on hit, and a nice chunk of the guard gauge even when blocked.

Flame Dragon's Big Magic is bigger than Flame Style's, and is otherwise the same.

Flame Dragon JS
Shooting Strike
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard halts his air momentum and shoots a fireball down at a shallow angle. A crucial zoning tool that can be used very low to the ground, and which turns to face the opponent even when it's used at an awkward angle.

Flame Dragon's version of this move is bigger and deals more damage.

Universal Mechanics

Flame Dragon Throw
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

Wizard's throw. Causes a hard knockdown and automatically times a meaty with 5S near the wall.

Flame Dragon Dash Action
Dash Action
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

Wizard airdashes. A generic mobility tool. Costs .5 stocks of Rider Gauge.

Airdashing pairs very nicely with his jS projectile. Because of the way jS interacts with momentum, you will gain a little more distance from the airdash, and still turn to face the opponent.

Flame Dragon Rider Art
Rider Art
High Speed Dash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

High Speed Dash type Rider Art. Costs .5 stocks of the Rider Gauge. Has access to a followup by pressing Rider Art or Special Attack at no additional cost.

This Rider Art follow-up is a spinning kick that is very useful as a whiff punisher or combo ender. On hit, this causes a cinematic and deals a massive amount of damage.

Flame Dragon Style Action
Style Action
Power Up
Power Up
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N/A - - - - -

While already in Flame Dragon, Style Action transforms back into Flame Style at no cost. Doing so also refreshes damage scaling and the Guard Gauge.


  • 5S > 5S
  • 5S > Rider Art follow-up
  • 5S > Rider Finale
Flame Dragon's 5S deals a lot of damage and is also a potent starter thanks to its crumple.
  • 5LHHH(5) > RC > 5S
  • 5S > 5LHHH(5) > RC > 5S
Flame Dragon's launcher string is very useful as a combo into 5S.
  • dLL > RC > 5S > 5S
dLL is the only close range string that has enough hitstun to combo into 5S as a crumple.
  • dHHH > RC > 5S > Rider Art follow-up
This long-range alternative deals a lot of damage from a projectile starter.

Move List

Normal Moves

Hurricane Dragon 5LLL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -
5LL - Y - - - - -
5LLL - Y - - - - -
Hurricane_Dragon 5LHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5L - Y - - - - -
5LH - Y - - - - -

This string can be cancelled with a Combo Jump into its aircombo followup, jLHHHHHS.

5LHH - Y - - - - -

An alternate ender.

Hurricane Dragon dLLL
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dL - Y - - - - -
dLL - Y - - - - -
dLLL - Y - - - - -
Hurricane Dragon dLHHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dL - Y - - - - -
dLH - Y - - - - -
dLHH - Y - - - - -
dLHHH - Y - - - - -
Hurricane Dragon 5HHHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
5H - Y - - - - -
5HH - Y - - - - -
5HHH - Y - - - - -
5HHHH - Y - - - - -
Hurricane Dragon dHHHHH
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
dH - Y - - - - -
dHH - Y - - - - -
dHHH - Y - - - - -
dHHHH - Y - - - - -
dHHHHH - Y - - - - -

This string links into 5S.

Special Moves

Hurricane Dragon 5S
Slash Strike
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

Wizard flips and slashes, hitting 3 times.

Hurricane Dragon DS
Big Magic
any direction + S
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

The move. A full-screen poke that knocks down, does too much guard damage, and basically makes this variant of Wizard a broken boss character.

Hurricane Dragon JS
Diving Kick
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- Y - - - - -

A fairly standard divekick.

Universal Mechanics

Hurricane Dragon Throw
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- N - - - - -

Wizard's throw. Causes a hard knockdown.

Hurricane Dragon Dash Action
Dash Action
Guard Dash
Guard Dash
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
N/A N/A - - - - -

Wizard runs forward with a shield that guards against projectile attacks. This slowly depletes the Guard Gauge as it is used. You would think the super wind version of Wizard would have an airdash, but, nah.

Hurricane Dragon Rider Art
Rider Art
Tag Style
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- - - - - - -

Hurricane Dragon doesn't have a proper Rider Art to himself, because he's only available in the Tag Style.

Hurricane Dragon Style Action
Style Action
Tag Style
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Block Adv. Hit Adv.
- - - - - - -

Hurricane Dragon doesn't have a proper Style Action to himself, because he's only available in the Tag Style.


  • dHHHHH > 5S
This string links into 5S.


Kamen Rider
Rider 1
Rider 2
Kamen Rider V3
Kamen Rider Amazon
Kamen Rider BLACK (RX)
Shadow Moon
Heisei Phase 1
Kamen Rider Kuuga
Kamen Rider Agito
Kamen Rider Ryuki
Kamen Rider 555
Kamen Rider Blade
Kamen Rider Hibiki
Kamen Rider Kabuto
Dark Kabuto
Kamen Rider Den-O
Nega Den-O
New Den-O
Kamen Rider Kiva
Kamen Rider Decade
Heisei Phase 2
Kamen Rider W
Kamen Rider OOO
Kamen Rider Fourze
Kamen Rider Wizard