Samurai Shodown 3/Advanced Mechanics

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Side Step/Circle Step Details

Side step has a total duration of 22 frames.

  • There are two frames of startup which are not invulnerable, but do allow you to block
  • Side step has full invulnerability for a total of 20 frames
  • The final 11 frames of side step can be cancelled into normals
  • After recovering from a side step, you may not input another circle step for 7 frames

Circle step has a total duration of 21 frames.

  • There are three frames of startup which are not invulnerable, but do allow you to block
  • Circle step has full invulnerability for a total of 15 frames
  • There are three frames of recovery which are not invulnerable, but do allow you to block
  • After recovering from a circle step, you may not input another circle step for 6 frames
  • During these 6 frames, you may input a side step as long as your opponent has finished turning around

Diagram made by KDOKBNZY

Throw Details

Throws in Samurai Shodown 3 have 14 frames of startup counting first impact frame.
There are, however, two exceptions to this.

  • Genjuro's throw impacts on frame 9.
  • Zankuro's throw impacts on frame 8.

All throws are active for 6 frames.

Forward throws grant +21 advantage frames, while back throws grant +18 advantage frames.

Characters all have different recovery animations when whiffing a throw. The length of each character's recovery animation (in frames) can be seen on the diagram below.

Diagram made by KDOKBNZY

Deflect Mechanics

Deflects in Samurai Shodown 3 are not all made equal -- each character has a different deflect animation, which results in each character gaining a different number of advantage frames upon successfully deflecting an attack.

Character Deflect advantage
Haohmaru +23
Nakoruru +29
Rimururu +32
Hanzo +22
Galford +22
Kyoshiro +25
Ukyo +30
Genjuro +25
Basara +25
Shizumaru +20
Gaira +30
Amakusa +26
Zankuro +19

On top of this, characters also have a unique "deflect disadvantage modifier" that further determines their stun time after having an attack deflected. For most characters, this modifier is ±0, meaning that there is no change to deflect advantage.
However, Genjuro, Basara, Zankuro and Kyoshiro all have non-zero deflect disadvantage modifiers.

Character Deflect disadvantage modifier
Genjuro +8
Basara +8
Zankuro -1
Kyoshiro -8

This means that Genjuro and Basara are in deflect stun for 8 frames longer than everyone else, while Zankuro is in deflect stun for 1 frame less than everyone else, and Kyoshiro is in deflect stun for 8 frames less than everyone else.

Example 1: Haohmaru deflects an attack from Nakoruru. Haohmaru's deflect advantage is +23, and Nakoruru has a deflect disadvantage modifier of ±0. Therefore, Nakoruru suffers from 23f of deflect stun.
Example 2: Zankuro deflects an attack from Kyoshiro. Zankuro's deflect advantage is +19, and Kyoshiro has a deflect disadvantage modifier of -8. Therefore, Kyoshiro suffers from 11f of deflect stun.
Example 3: Rimururu deflects an attack from Genjuro. Rimururu's deflect advantage is +32, and Genjuro has a deflect disadvantage modifier of +8. Therefore, Genjuro suffers from 40f of deflect stun.

For further details on deflect, please refer to the Esoterics page.

Samurai Shodown 3

FAQControlsHUDVersion Differences




MechanicsAdvanced MechanicsEsoterics