Million Arthur: Arcana Blood/Iai Arthur

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Iai Arthur


  • EN Name: Iai Arthur
  • JP Name: 居合アーサー
  • Voice Actress: Sumire Uesaka
  • Element: Ice
  • Health: 21000


Stance character with battou strikes. Has very strong mixup potential in both left/right and high/low varieties. Can carry into the corner very easily off a conversion if desired. Has no run but instead has a dash.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Normals have good hitboxes
  • High mix-up potential with left/rights and high/lows
  • Overhead Dive kick that can be up to +7 on block and tracks
  • Easy conversion potential with slashes
  • Has Ice Element super for synergising with Enchant Boost
  • Step dash. Can't block during step dash
  • Command mixups are punishable on block
  • Pressure is generally not safe, especially without use of slash cancels

Recommended Support Knights

  • Enide
Iai's ice element synergises with Enide and element counters, offering easy access to screen carry and opening up many damage opportunities.
  • Hawkeye
Often seen paired with Enide. Hawkeye allows Iai to use Enide offensively in neutral, allowing her to pick up from hits she otherwise may not have been able to confirm
  • Mercenary Arthur
Mercenary’s extended hitstun allows Iai to set up j.D CH enders leading to left right okizeme
  • Lancelot
Okizeme support. Iai can set up a number of advantageous situations and mixups from 236D~C ender
  • Pharsalia
Key support for maximising damage off EB combos. Iai has an elemental super allowing for double elemental super combos

Normal Moves

MAAB Iai 5A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
500 All 6 - - -5 - - -

A quick jab with the hilt of the sword

  • Decent jab but frame advantage is not great
  • Mainly used to start stagger pressure strings
MAAB Iai 5AA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1270 All 11 - - -8 - - -

Iai thrusts at the opponent with her sheathed sword while moving forward

  • Good for going into stagger pressure but is not safe on block
MAAB Iai 5AAA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2404 L 11 - - -11 - - -

Iai slashes at the opponent's legs while side-swapping with the opponent

  • Can cancel into specials on hit but she can only cancel into 5AAAA on block
  • Good in combos to side-swap with the opponent for positioning
  • Extremely unsafe with limited cancel options on block make this very undesireable outside of combos. Can be made 'safe' by cancelling into 5AAAA and then into 236D
MAAB Iai 5AAAA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
3254 All 10 - - -16 - - -

Iai performs a quick slash with her sword

  • Shares its animation and properties with 236B but cannot be held nor feinted
  • Can be cancelled into 236D on hit or block to make it safe, although the follow ups to 236D are also risky or challenge-able
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- - - - - - - - -

Iai jumps and dashes behind the opponent before dive-kicking them to the grounded

  • Finisher to the autocombo if performed below 100 meter. If Iai has more than 100 meter, this cannot be performed and instead she will perform her 236xx Million Skill "Cross Air Flash"
  • Side-swaps with the opponent, returning to the original side
MAAB Iai 5B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1200 All 7 (11) - - -2 - - -

Iai swings her sword in a wide arc above her head to infront of her

  • Hits grounded opponents on frame 11
  • Jump cancellable on block
  • Great fast hitbox above Iai makes this normal a good anti-air and can anti-air situations where 6C may not work
  • Iai's main poke button due to a balance of good range and cancel options
MAAB Iai 5C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1800 All 12 - - -13 - - -

Iai performs a large swing

  • Has the longest horizontal range of all of Iai's normals
  • Iai is positive when canceling 5C into 236A~Feint
MAAB Iai 6C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1700 All 11 - - -7 - - -

Anti-air round-house kick that launches the opponent away on hit

  • Unblockable when connecting with opponents in neutral
  • Iai's dedicated anti-air button but its slow startup and lack of good combo potential outside of the corner leads it to only be used when the anti-air invulnerable properties are needed
MAAB Iai 2A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
400 L 6 - - -3 - - -

A low kick with her feet

  • Can chain into itself once. Attempting to chain again will cancel into 5AA
  • Standard low kick. Good for staggers
MAAB Iai 2B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
700+700 L(1) All(2) 8(1) 11(2) - - -6 - - -

Iai slashes at her opponent's legs, hitting twice

  • Hits twice but only the first hit is a low
  • Decent range and poking ability
MAAB Iai 2C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1800 L 13 - - -13 - - -

A wide slash at the opponent's feet, tripping the opponent on hit

  • Standard sweep.
  • Iai is positive when cancelling 2C into 236A~Feint
MAAB Iai jA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
800 H 8 - - - - - -

A simple kick with her legs

  • Has a hitbox slightly behind Iai and can be used as a crossup
  • Can hit certain characters standing (Iai, Snow White, Zex, Riesz, Iori)
MAAB Iai jB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1200 H 9 - - - - - -

A horizontal slash with her sword

  • Hitbox is more horizontal than vertical making it a sub-par jump-in when coming down on top of an opponent
  • Great air to air poke
MAAB Iai jC.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1800 H 15 - - - - - -

Iai flips upside down and slashes beneath her

  • Forces knockdown on aerial hit and can cancel into j.236D for okizeme
  • Has a fairly large vertical hitbox beneath her but a short horizontal hitbox. Good as a jump-in when jumping down on-top of the opponent.

Elemental Attacks

Ice Flower
MAAB Iai 5D.png
MAAB Iai 5DC.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
Uncharged 2400 H/L 19f - - -12 - - Ice

When held launches an ice block across the ground.

Charged 2400 H/L 38f - - 8 - - Ice

When held launches an ice block across the ground.

Ice Moon
MAAB Iai jD.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2000 H 11f - - - - - Ice

Hits on both sides. Hits really high up relative to Iai's feet so it's easy to whiff against crouchers


Forward Throw
MAAB Iai FT.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- Throw 7f - - - - - Throw

Hits Twice

Back Throw
MAAB Iai BT.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- Throw 7f - - - - - -

Hits Twice

Air Throw
MAAB Iai AT.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- Throw 5f - - - - - -

Hits Twice

Special Moves

Piercing Strike
MAAB Iai 236.png
MAAB Iai 236A.png
MAAB Iai 236B.png
MAAB Iai 236C.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
Any - - - - 6f (feint) - - - -

Iai enters into stance on button press and then slashes on button release. While in stance you can cancel out by pressing any button. Each version can be stance canceled at a different timing due to their startup, that means A feints are the fastest, C feints are the slowest. All versions can be canceled into 236D on hit or block.

~A - H/L 14f - - -6 - - -

A version is at an upward angle. If you feint after C normals you'll be slightly plus, after B normals you'll be even, after A normals you'll be negative

~B - H/L 16f (6f - - -17 - - -

B version is at a less extreme angle.

~C - L 18f - - -27 - - -

C version is straight ahead on the ground and hits low.

Snowfall Edge
MAAB Iai 623.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
A 2600 High 27 - - -10 - - -

Airborne from frame 6. Soft Knockdown. Iai teleports up and falls down with her sword. All versions move the same distance. The timing to connect on a crouching opponent will depend on the character's size. For reference, A version will connect on a crouching Iai after 30f, B version after 26f, C version after 33f.

B 2700 High 30 - - -11 - - -

Airborne from frame 6. Hard Knockdown.

C 2800 High 33 - - -12 - - -

Airborne from frame 6. Bounces opponent on hit.

Freezing Glide
MAAB Iai 236D.png
MAAB Iai 236DA.png
MAAB Iai 236DB.png
MAAB Iai 236DC.png
MAAB Iai 236DD.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
D - - - - - - - - Ice

Command Run. Total duration is 56 frames.

~A - - - - - - - - -

Ground Roll. Takes 31f to complete. Passes through the opponent if close enough meaning you can left/right opponents trying to block you. Doing this right away out of the dash is the fastest way to recover, you can use it to extend combos following a 236A/B in the corner

~B - L 9f - - -14 - - -

Makibarai. Very long range low, also very punishable. Projectile invun.

~C - H 25f - - -15 - - -

Crescent Blade Flash. Long range overhead. Knocks down on hit, can followup with some assists. Common way to end combos following a 236A/B

~D - HL 37f - - +23 - - Ice

Reverse Ice Flower. Can be blocked either forwards or backwards. There's a bit of a gap after moving through the opponent where Iai can be hit, but it looks very similar to the A followup, which makes it trickier to react to than it seems.

Air Freezing Glide
MAAB Iai j236D.png
MAAB Iai j236DA.png
MAAB Iai j236DB.png
MAAB Iai j236DC.png
MAAB Iai j236DD.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
D - - - - - - - - Ice

Air command dash, angles upwords, TK this off of 5B to get the party started.

~A - - - - - - - - -

Dive. Iai fast falls to the ground, she can pass through the opponent and it's really hard to tell what side you're going to end up on sometimes, but don't fret, if you can't tell what side your mix-up is going to be on, then what chance does your opponent have?

~B - H 17f - - - - - -

Hayabusa Strike. Iai will correct herself somewhat to hit the opponent and divekick, so this can end up in a few different angles. It can also cross up. The lower you are the more advantage you'll have. When hitting low you tend to be in the ball park of +7, so it's almost always your turn. Be wary if you do it from really high up though.

~C - H 16f - - - - - -

Crescent Blade Flash. Knocks down on hit.

~D - HL - - - - - - Ice

Ice Shard. The projectiles fall below Iai and kind of cover for her. Iai can't act on the way down but she's real plus when the opponent blocks the ice shards. It's possible to kind of weave through them and make it whiff, but not likely.

Million Skill

Cross Air Flash
MAAB Iai MS1.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- H/L - - - -20 - - -

Air okay. Iai dashes forward for a big anime slash.

Ice Blade Sculpture
MAAB Iai MS2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- H/L - - - -49 - - Ice

A big diagonal ice shard explodes outwards, if the opponent is close enough Iai slashes them a bunch. Because of the ice element this super is a good way to end enchant boost combos if you have the meter to burn.

Million Excalibur

Chaotic Seasons
(Snow Moon Flowers)

MAAB Iai ME.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- H/L - - -58 - - - Ice


Solo Combos

A Starter

  • Autocombo > Million Skill
Autocombo into super.
  • 5AAA > 236[X]~X > 5AAAA > 236D~C
Advanced 5/2A confirm. After the first autocombo you need to manually cancel into 236A/B/C to be able to cancel the stance. Any version will work so if you're having trouble with the stance cancel try other combinations of buttons to see which feels best.
  • 2/5A > 2/5B > 5C > 236B > 236D~C
Works from most ranges on standing or crouching, but not at max range.
  • 2/5A > 2/5B > 5C > 236C > 236D~B
More consistent than the above, but harder to extend because of the ender.
  • 2/5A > 2/5B > 2C > 236D~B
  • 2/5A > 2/5B > 2C > Lifee assist > 236B > 236D~C

2C starter

  • 2C > 236D~B > A+B+C > Dash > 5AA > 5B > 5C > Airdash > j.B > j.C > 5AA > 5B > 5C > 236A > 236D~C

236A/B/C Starter

  • 236A/B > 236D~C
  • 236A > 236D~D > 5A > 5B > 5C > 236B > 236D~C
Only works near the opponent otherwise the 236D~D will not connect and they will fly outward and tech.
  • 236C > 236D~B

623A/B/C Starter

  • 623A/B (ch) > 236A/B > 236D~C
  • 623C > 5A > 5B > Jump Cancel > j.B > (j.C) / (Jump Cancel > j.B > j.D)
  • 623C > 5B > 236A/B > 236D~C
  • 623C > 5B > Jump Cancel > j.A > j.B > Jump Cancel > j.B > j.C

236D~X Starter

  • 236D~B > A+B+C > Dash > 5AA > 5B > 5C > Airdash > j.B > j.C > 5AA > 5B > 5C > 236B > 236D~C
  • 236D~D > Dash > 5AA > 5B > 5C > 236A > 236D~C

Grab Starters

  • Grab > A+B+C > 5AA > 5B > 5C > Airdash > j.B > j.C > 5AA > 5B > 5C > Jump Cancel > j.A > j.B > j.C > (j.D > 236XX)
  • Grab > A+B+C > 5AA > 5B > 5C > Airdash > j.B > j.C > 5AA > 5B > 5C > (236A > 236D~C) / (236XX/623XX)


  • 2/5A > 2/5B > 5C > 236B > 236D~C
  • 2/5A > 2/5B > 5C > 236B > 236D~A > 5B > Jump Cancel > j.B Jump Cancel > j.B > j.C

Enchant Boost Starters

  • 2/5A > 5B > 5C > 236[X]~X > Micro Dash > 5A > 5B > 5C > 236[X]~X > Micro Dash > 5A > 5B > 5C > 236B > 236D~C
  • 2/5A > 5B > 6C > Airdash > j.B > j.C > 5AA > 5B > 5C > 236A > 236D~C

Support Knight Combos

236A/B/C Starter

  • 236A/B > 236D~C > A+B+C > dash > 5B > Lifee assist > airdash > j.B > j.C > 5AA > 5B > 5C > (236A > 236D~C) / (623XX > Pharsalia assist)
  • 236C > 236D~B > A+B+C > dash > 5B > 5C > airdash > j.B > j.C > 5AA > 5B > 5C > (236A > 236D~C) / (623XX > Pharsalia assist)

623A/B/C Starter

  • 623B > A+B+C > dash > 5B > Lifee assist > airdash > j.B > j.C > 5AA > 5B > 5C > (236A > 236D~C) / (623XX > Pharsalia assist)

236D~X Starters

  • 236D~C > A+B+C > Dash > 5B > Lifee assist > Airdash > j.B > j.C > 5AA > 5B > 5C > 236A > 236D~C
You don't need to input "Dash" if you do this combo when the opponent is in the corner. Also note that if this combo is done in midscreen keep in mind the beginning 236D~C will in fact put you on the other side of the opponent after the Enchant Boost activation.


  • 623B > A+B+C > 5B > Lifee assist > Airdash > j.B > j.C > 5AA > 5B > 5C > 236A > 236D~C
  • 623C > 5A > 5B > Jump Cancel > j.A > j.B > Jump Cancel > j.A > j.B > j.C > (j.D > Mercenary Arthur assist > j.236D~C)
Counter Hit 623A/B also leads into this same combo.




External Links

Support Knights
Twinblade Arthur
Iai Arthur
Thief Arthur
Arthur Blade Protector
Zechs Siegfried
Eternal Flame
Snow White
Wildcat Arthur
Koume Sakiyama
Iori Yagami
Foible Elle
Clone Elle
Sorcery King
No Element
Little Grey
Akira Oono