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  |description=The version you'll be using most. Not much application outside of throw baits but fulfills that purpose extremely well. Completely safe when tiger kneed and allows for up to a 6F link afterwards on normal hit unlike the light version. Also
  |description=The version you'll be using most. Not much application outside of throw baits but fulfills that purpose extremely well. Completely safe when tiger kneed and allows for up to a 6F link afterwards on normal hit unlike the light version.  

Revision as of 11:22, 28 November 2020



Source Game: Cave Story


Quote is the main protagonist of Gang Garrison 2. There's also some stuff about a "cavern fable", or something, but whatever.


Health: 11,500

Quote can be best described as an all rounder character with a focus on rushdown. He functions best up close but isn't helpless before he gets there due to a strong neutral tool in fireball. His corner carry is the best in the game and his okizeme and corner pressure are very strong for this game.

He can struggle a little against characters who can deal with fireball in neutral well, such as the Wases, and when cornered by chars with long range buttons like Solange, but overall Quote is an extremely well rounded character with the tools to play around these issues.


  • Great up close game.
  • Strong Okizeme.
  • Amazing corner carry.
  • Fireball is one of the best moves in the game.
  • Strong defensive options. One of the few characters with 2 invincible reversals.


  • Buttons can feel stubby in certain matchups.
  • Can struggle on defense against characters with long ranged normals.
  • Damage is no better than average most of the time.
  • Relies heavily on Fireball for neutral play, as such characters who can deal with it well give Quote trouble.

Move List

Light Attacks

BLASTR Quote 5L.png
Light Attack
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
400 6 -2 2 M -

Quotes standard jab. Used to be a very strong pressure tool due to being +1 on block but due to the universal jab nerf can't really be used for that anymore. You'll mainly be using this move up close after a blocked 4H or for abare purposes but other than that 2L is the better up close button the majority of the time, you'll only really use this vs chars with good lower body invul moves like Nokos Corridor or Solanges L DP.

BLASTR Quote 5LL.png
Light Attack x2
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
400 7 -2 2 M -

The second hit of Quotes autocombo but can be done standalone with 6L. It's speed and comparatively better range make it a decent abare and spacing tool compared to his other light buttons. Most of the time you will be poking with 2H though as it's only 1 frame slower and has better range and reward.

BLASTR Quote 5LLL.png
Light Attack x3
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
400 7 -4 1 M -

The last hit of Quotes autocombo and can only be done as such. Mainly just combo filler and as a frame trap during blockstrings as you can delay autocombo quite a bit to catch mashing.

BLASTR Quote 2L.png
Light Attack - Crouch
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
400 5 -2 1 M -

Quotes fastest move at 5 frames, this is what you'll be using mainly after a blocked 4H up close, very strong against chars without a 5f option and even those who do at best will get a jab trade. Decent pressure tool overall, just be wary of his low hitbox and very short range.

BLASTR Quote jL.png
Light Attack - Air
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
450 6 7 11 H -

Can be a decent jump in but you'll only really be using this move in certain combos. Pretty safe to ignore otherwise.

BLASTR Quote j8L.png
Overhead Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
500 5 7 11 H -

Pretty useless move, no real situation when you'd use this over any other air normal, just ignore it.

Heavy Attacks

BLASTR Quote 5H.png
Heavy Attack
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
800 10 -6 0 M -

Decent range for a Quote normal, but still not something you'll really be using in neutral much. Main use is in combos and in fireball pressure where it is very strong. Stick to 2H mainly in neutral otherwise.

BLASTR Quote 6H.png
Quick Shot
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
1000 [1300] 14 [45] -4 [0] -1 [Knockdown/Wallbounce] M -

Uncharged version is mainly limited to blockstrings and combos but the charged version is one of Quotes best combo starters in the corner as well as a great tool in corner pressure into fireball and to call out mashing. Be wary that the armor will not protect from lows or throws. Charged version will wall bounce in the corner and gains one hit of super armor starting from frame 15. 6[H]- 4HS is a really great sequence that on hit gives you a full combo and on block allows for more pressure. Do note that 6H cannot be cancelled into E normals like his other H moves.

BLASTR Quote 4H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
700 7 0 2 M -

Amazing normal. 0 on block is extremely rare in this game after the universal jab nerf and lets Quote reset pressure. Especially strong when you have them cornered. Since it is 0 the opponent can challenge you as well, but at best will get a jab trade and 6f chars cant do anything aside from universal options such as backdash or character specific invul moves. Delayable cancels into E normals and specials make the mindgame even stronger. Overall very abusable move and one of Quotes strongest.

BLASTR Quote 2H.png
Watch your feet
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
700 8 -3 0 L -

Key move in neutral. Quotes only non committal low and has decent range for Quote standards. Very good reward on hit cancelled into 6S-5OS and completely safe on block. Basically the equivalent of a in other fighting games. Also a strong normal in fireball pressure.

BLASTR Quote 3H.png
Not a low
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
800 16 -6 2 M -

Despite its animation this move hits mid. Is Quotes longest range ground normal so has some use in neutral but its slow speed holds it back. You will mainly be using this in fireball pressure, not much otherwise.

BLASTR Quote jH.png
Jumping Heavy Attack
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
850 10 7 16 H -

Your main crossup and air to air tool. Decent speed and has a good horizontal hitbox. Not used much for general jump ins or blade jump cancels due to not hitting very far beneath Quote. Use j.3H for that purpose.

BLASTR Quote j2H.png
Axe Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
1000 12 7 16 H -

Strong general jump in move. Allows you to press advantage on block or convert into a combo on hit. Your main normal after a blade jump cancel. Note that j.2H inputs will be accepted as Axe Kick as well since there is no j.2H specific input

BLASTR Quote j8H.png
Up Slash
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
900 9 7 18 H -

Overshadowed by Quotes other air heavy normals, only real use is as combo filler as it does float the opponent more than his other air normals, may be useful as an air to air as well but needs more testing in that regard.

Unique Attacks

BLASTR Quote 5E.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
800 11 -4 0 M -

Head invulnerable from frame 5. Incredibly strong universal anti air with a great hitbox. Complements Quotes fireball in neutral and pressure beautifully. Converts into a full combo on counter hit or on normal hit with 8OS. Key move overall, learn to love it.

BLASTR Quote 6E.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
800 36 -9 1 H -

Invulnerable to lows and low altitude mids from frame 5. Universal overhead, doesn't stand out in any way compared to other characters but is still a strong option in conjunction with Quotes other pressure tools. Use sparingly as it is very unsafe on block. Requires either a counter hit or offensive skill to convert.

BLASTR Quote 4E.png
Knock Back
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
1200 36 -8 Knockdown M -

Standard universal 4E. Doesn't stand out in anyway compared to most of the cast. You'll mainly be using this as a high risk high reward attempt to stop throws. Crumples on counter hit allowing for very damaging combos.

BLASTR Quote 2E.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
800 10 -6 Knockdown L -

Invulnerable to high altitude mids from frame 5. Quotes only other low and is much more committal as its unsafe and stubby. Does low profile under a lot of moves, most notably most characters charged 6H, so does have use in abare. Just don't abuse it.

BLASTR Quote 3E.png
Chase Attack
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
1500 10 n/a Knockdown -

Only hits on downed opponents. Not something you'll be using as Quote much if at all. For Oki you'll be using fireball almost all the time so this doesn't have much use. Does grant a full combo on hit though.

BLASTR Quote jE.png
Jumping Knock Back
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
1200 13 7 Knockdown H -

Strong jump in with a large hitbox, a bit slower than his air heavy buttons but much greater reward on counter hit as it causes a groundbounce. Very strong air normal overall.


Blade Rush
BLASTR Quote 5S.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
Light 700(200+500) 18 -4 2 Dash, Jump M -

Dash/Jump cancellable after 46 frames. The dash cancel is -4 on block and +2 on hit. Safe vs most of the cast save for those with 4 frame specials. All blade jump cancels are gimmicky options on block and even on hit vs certain characters. You can bait reversal buttons or 5E by not cancelling into anything. Overall something to use sparingly against knowledgeable opponents.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
Heavy 1000(200+800) 26 -4 2 Dash, Jump M -

Dash/Jump cancellable after 53 frames. Same frame data on the dash cancel as the light version.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
EX 800(200+200+400) 18 -4 Launch Dash, Jump M -

Jump/Dash cancellable after 46 frames. Dash cancel is still -4 on block like the other versions. Quotes main launcher midscreen, as such is a main use of meter.

Polar Star
BLASTR Quote 6S.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
Light 800 14 -6 Knockdown M -

Decent poke in neutral and buffered off of normals. Think of this move less of a special and more of a large disjointed normal. Quotes main way to gain knockdown midscreen allowing for fireball okizeme. All versions of polar star act as projectiles and as such can nullify other projectiles, making it handy against some zoners.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
Heavy 1200 26 -9 Knockdown M -

Very strong anti projectile move. The roll is completely projectile invul and on counter hit causes a crumple allowing for a very strong combo. Useless move in some matchups, key in others.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
EX 1000 12 -11 Launch M -

A strong tool for whiff punishment in the corner. Faster than light polar star and wallbounces in the corner for a very damaging followup. Also your main launcher of sorts in the corner.

Rising Blade
BLASTR Quote 2S.png
Not a dp, usually.
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
Light 700(500+200) 5 -20 Launch M -

First hit is considered grounded so it can be cancelled into Ultra Skills unlike the Heavy and EX versions. Otherwise completely useless and inferior to the heavy version.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
Heavy 1100(600+200+300) 8 -20 Knockdown M -

Main combo ender, no use outside of that but does good damage and allows for fireball okizeme, as such is a very good ender overall.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
EX 1200(600+200+50+50+50+50+200) 6 -20 Knockdown M -

Quotes main reversal. Very fast and completely invul till the first active frame and has a strong vertical hitbox. Horizontal hitbox is rather lacking though so can feel underwhelming at times. Needless to say extremely unsafe on block so don't abuse it. Can cancel into 8OS at any point before the last hit for a combo.

BLASTR Quote 4S.png
Strike a pose
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
Light 800 18 -9(varies heavily) -2 M -

What defines a character. Incredible move overall with uses in neutral, pressure, oki, even one combo. Bounces once before disappearing on the 2nd bounce, travelling about half the screen. This is the version you'll be using for oki. Again, character defining move and a huge part of what makes Quote strong. Do note that -9 on block assumes point blank. Fireball can be plus if spaced right and is a key piece of Quotes pressure.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
Heavy 1000 30 -7(varies heavily) Knockdown M -

Much slower startup than 4S but travels further, does more damage, and has 2 more frames of blockstun. Still a very strong move in neutral and pressure but you won't be using this version for oki up close. Bounces twice before disappearing before the 3rd bounce, travelling about 3/4ths of the screen

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
EX 1200(400+400+400) 18 +3(varies heavily) Knockdown M -

Absurd move and a very good option to spend meter. Has the same startup as Light fireball yet hits 3 times and is +3 on block POINT BLANK. Incredible move for neutral and pressure if you are willing to spend half a bar. Bounces 5 times before disappearing right before the 6th bounce. Travels 2/3rds of the entire stage and can be useful in approaching fleeing/zoning opponents.

Aerial Polar Star
BLASTR Quote jS.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
Light 700 18 -5 8 M -

Pretty useless move overall. It does hang Quote in midair for a second which may be useful to bait anti airs. But you don't get any reward from doing so.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
Heavy 1100 26 -9 2 M -

Now this is a good move. Unlike the Light and EX versions, the Heavy version causes Quote to fall to the ground before doing a short roll into Polar Star. Projectile invulnerable from startup until Quote shoots making this very useful if Quote is caught in the air vs a zoner. Also integral in combos.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
EX 900 14 -20 Groundbounce M -

A combo extender that causes a groundbounce on hit. Not very useful as there are much better ways to spend meter with Quote and this is not a necessary move to extend combos with. Pretty safe to ignore. If it was an overhead like nokos J.SE it would be a different story but alas.

Blade Dive
BLASTR Quote j2S.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
Light 700 8 -3 3 M -

Quotes main Shimmy tool. Pretty inferior to the heavy version for that purpose so just use that instead. The light versions main purpose is to catch reversal backdashes midscreen after blade dash cancels on hit. Not bad to throw out in neutral now and then for meter build as well.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
Heavy 800 12 -3 5 M -

The version you'll be using most. Not much application outside of throw baits but fulfills that purpose extremely well. Completely safe when tiger kneed and allows for up to a 6F link afterwards on normal hit unlike the light version.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
EX 900 6 -3 6 M -

Pretty useless way to spend meter. The heavy version does the job more than well enough and its not worth spending half a bar for a gimmicky crossup setup as its easily reacted to.

Universal Commands

BLASTR Quote LH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
1200 7 N/A Knockdown UNB -

Universal Throw. Very short range but extremely important tool overall in Quotes gameplan. Either allows for fireball oki meterlessly or can be followed up with offensive skill either midscreen to put them in the corner, or if they are already in the corner for a stronger combo into Quotes fireball okizeme. Universal but key move.

BLASTR Quote LE.png
Offensive Skill
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
1000 17 -15 26 M -

One of your main uses of meter, offensive skill allows Quote to get very strong confirms off of buttons in neutral or off of throw. Main confirm in neutral being 2H-6S. Pretty much any time this happens you will take them to the corner where you can really start your offense.

BLASTR Quote 8LE.png
Offensive skill (Aerial)
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
1000 15 -20 13 -

Just an upward version of offensive skill and can be done in the air. Not used as much but mainly done with midscreen throw or 2ES on hit.

BLASTR Quote 4E.png
Defensive Skill
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
0 -


Rising Attack
BLASTR Quote Rising Attack.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
500 10 -16 0 -

Invuln from frames 1-11.

Ultra Skills

BLASTR Quote HSE.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
1800 10 -10 Knockdown M -

NOT a reversal. Has a tendency to whiff on crouchers after a certain range. Purely combo filler, do not use it for any other purpose. In that regards it's ok as it does add a decent amount of damage to the end of combos. Recommend only doing this if it will kill as there are better ways to spend meter with Quote.

BLASTR Quote HSE.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
3000 10 -10 Knockdown M -

NOT a reversal. Unlike the Lv 1 version, the extra missiles tend to connect on crouchers. Still purely combo filler, nothing else.

BLASTR Quote 2HSE.png
Blade and Polar Star Lv 1
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
2200 8 -20 Knockdown M -

Invincible from frames 1-8. Forces standing on hit even on airborne targets. Incredible if extremely unsafe reversal. Has a very deceptive hitbox above and in front of Quote and will easily hit extended hurtboxes. Due to its speed it is a very strong answer to jump ins and heat up pressure. Will also autocorrect making it a very strong tool vs specific char oki such as lina teleport. Very strong defensive option if used well. Also a decent combo ender to kill with as it does more damage than WMD, but you'll mainly be using lvl 2 Blade and Star for that purpose.

BLASTR Quote 2HSE.png
Blade and Polar Star Lv 2
Damage Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Hit Adv Cancels Guard Hitbox Scaling
4200 8 -20 Knockdown M -

Invincible from frame 1-8. Forces standing on hit even on airborne targets. Same as the lvl 1 version but does a lot more damage. Excellent round ender for that purpose. Still carries all the uses of the lvl 1 version defensively.


Quote Tutorial by SilverForte





Combo Video by MyJoJob



Blade Strangers

FAQControlsSystemPatch Notes


AliCurly BraceEmiko GunvoltHelenIsaacKawaseLinaLiongateMaster TNokoQuoteShovel KnightSolangeAban HawkinsPiaaSummer Kawase