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'''Special Forces La~Lion''' - ''Tactical Space Control''
'''Special Forces La~Lion''' - ''Tactical Space Control'' <br>
'''Difficulty''' - ★★★★☆☆
{{CharacterIntro-IS|char= Botan
|backdash=27F (1~5F {{Property-IS|Full}} Invuln) (1~21F {{Property-IS|grab}} Invuln)
Botan is a tactical lioness who controls space on the battlefield with her vast arsenal of ballistic weapons. When faced with close-quarter engagements however, Botan has no problem repositioning or taking initiative for herself.
{{Content Box|content=
Botan Shishiro is a versatile neutral control character that's able to suffocate her opponents at most ranges by pressuring them with retreating and advancing disjointed attacks, such as <span style="color:darkgoldenrod">6M</span> or <span style="color:red">2H</span>, and slow, high-damage projectiles that shut down approaches when set up. Her amazing combo game and easy conversions allow her to shred down her opponents' health with meterless access to multiple wallbounces via <span style="color:darkgoldenrod">214M</span> and <span style="color:blue">22L~M</span>, as well as an air grab that serves as both a starter and a extender. During her combos, she generates large amounts of meter, often giving her fast access to her metered options and assist calls, such as a fast forward advancing armored reversal (<span style="color:purple">22S</span>) that converts into combos even when done from far away, and allows her to punish her opponent during their own blockstring thanks to it's incredibly fast startup.
==Normal Moves==
However, the lacking speed of her projectile attacks makes her full-screen zoning weak, especially against characters that have similar but faster tools, and when Botan's backed into a corner, the limits of her shopping cart reversal (it whiffs on jumping opponents, isn't armored on it's first frame, and past a short distance she can be hit out of it by every other metered reversal on the game on reaction), as well as the slow startup of her main anti-airs and lack of range on her <span style="color:blue">2L</span> are most apparent and can all make it difficult to break out of her opponent's pressure, especially so if she's left without any resources.
Once Botan gets her opponent to block, often after setting up a grenade, her strong strike/throw mixup using <span style="color:darkgoldenrod">5M</span> has opportunities for pressure resets and frametraps and can make her very scary to deal with thanks to the obscene reward she gets on hit.
|intro=[[File:IS Botan Icon.png|100px]]
'''Botan''' is a mid-range high damage fighter that walls her opponent out with disjointed moving normals and capitalizes with her up-close pressure.
*'''Neutral Control''': Equipped with disjointed, hard-to-contest pokes (5M, j.2H), phenomenal whiff punishing tools (6M, 5H), and strong anti airs (2H, AT), Botan has a fantastic neutral game with plenty of ways to get her offense started.
*'''Absurd Combo Potential''': Botan shreds her opponents' health and carries them to the corner from almost every starter without any meter, while easily gaining enough to access her supers and assist calls.
*'''Midscreen Pressure''': Up-close, she can enforce terrifying strike/throw offense with immense reward on hit and plenty of opportunities for frametraps, resets, and ambiguous tick throws.
*'''Awkward Defense''': While not powerless, her fastest normal (2L) is stubby, her main anti-air options are slow, and her armored super (22S) can lose to other metered reversals and whiffs on jumping approaches.
===Recommended Collabs===
'''Note''': As this section of the page was written shortly after the game was released, its only purpose is to help guide new players towards assists that are generally considered useful for the character, and should be revised by an experienced player as the game develops more. Don't be afraid to pick and try something else!
* [[File:IS_Watson_Icon.png|40px]] '''[[Idol Showdown/Collabs#Amelia_Watson|Watson]]''' - Watson's 214S evens out the reward on her strike-throw mixup by allowing for full conversions from her grab. Her timeslow nullifies opposing offense and allows Botan to combo meterless off 22M~H.
* [[File:IS_Miko_Icon.png|40px]] '''[[Idol Showdown/Collabs#Miko_Sakura|Miko]]''' - Miko's lava assist is a great lockdown tool that allows Botan to convert off her overheads, and can setup chip-out situations. Her Off-Collab forces Botan's turn back immediately.
* [[File:IS_Roboco_Icon.png|40px]] '''[[Idol Showdown/Collabs#Roboco|Roboco]]''' - Roboco's missiles are versatile. Botan can extend her pressure with them, use them for combos together with her airgrab, and they can force the opponent to back off. In addition, 214S is an ol'reliable instant fullscreen beam assist with great damage.
=== Standing Normals ===
=== Standing Normals ===
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5L</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5L</font> ======
* Self-Gatling Count: 3
Fast, high 5L. Does not whiff on any crouchers, and has a good range. Can still be low profiled.
Line 29: Line 65:
*While this move's recovery is 37, the last 10 of those frames can be cancelled into block or any other action which reduces true recovery to 27
Gives access to 5M~M even on whiff, making it a great tool during both neutral and pressure. Botan's hurtbox leans backward and the hitbox is disjointed, allowing it to avoid a lot of moves, and the presence of a forward advancing follow-up makes it hard to contest and punish. When blocked, the presence of a follow-up and relatively small frame disadvantage makes tick throw attempts hard to react to.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5M~M</font> ======
Very large forward movement and little knockback make this move a handy stabilizer for combos, an excellent whiff punishing tool, and central to Botan's pressure. Confirms even if only the last hit of 5M connects. Despite being unsafe on block, the forward movement and 2M chain allow for ambiguous pressure resets, as the former means that the opponent will be put right in range of 2L or a throw, and the latter will catch opponents trying to mash out of blockstun. Has a high amount of recovery on whiff. Cancellable during it's startup (following the usual chain rules).

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5H</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5H</font> ======
  |description=This move has a lot of forward movement, making it an essential whiff punish as well as combo tool and deceptively long in terms of reach.
Line 66: Line 127:
  |guard=Low,Air Unblockable
* Self-Gatling Count: 2
Her fastest normal, and a low. Ok range. Good for defense or mix-ups due to its speed.
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  |guard=Low,Air Unblockable
  |description=Good range for its speed. Can be used in pressure or defense at certain spacings to check your opponent, as well as after a dash as a neutral tool.
Line 102: Line 167:
  |guard=Air Unblockable
|invul= (6~20) {{Property-IS|head}}
  |description=Botan sways back a significant distance and shoots the opponent, launching them on hit. Not jump cancellable unlike most 2H's and quite slow. It's huge disjointed hitbox make it ideal to catch jump-ins, but opponents expecting it can dash in and low profile it, and despite the backwards movement it leaves you very vulnerable during it's recovery frames. Air unblockable and important combo tool.
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  |guard=Low,Air Unblockable
  |description=Sliding sweep. Goes very far and gives an untechable knockdown afterwards regardless of height, which gives her a very favorable knockdown when the opponent is launched first via 2H. Go-to meterless combo ender.
=== Jumping Normals ===
=== Jumping Normals ===
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.L</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.L</font> ======
  |recovery=Until Landing + 2
Very fast and high j.L. Whiffs on crouchers, so should primarily be used against airborne opponents.
A great air-to-air that has massive juggle untech time and can be confirmed into j.2H easily.
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  |recovery=Until Landing + 3
The disjointed hitbox at a 45 degree angle makes it a good jump-in tool when spaced right. Can be used alongside j.S and j.2H to make Botan very difficult to anti-air.
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  |recovery=Until Landing + 4
Multi-hitting crossup air normal. Advantageous even when blocked at maximum possible height by taller characters.

=== Command Normals ===
=== Command Normals ===
Add Command Normals here or remove if none...

== Universal Mechanics ==
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.2H</font> ======
|name=Lead Curtain
|input='''Air Only''' {{NotationIcon-IS|2}} '''+''' {{NotationIcon-IS|h}}
|recovery=Until Landing + 10
|description=Halts Botan's momentum and sends her straight down. Has a respectable disjointed hitbox and is generally plus or even on block depending on how many hits are blocked, but has a lot of landing recovery, which makes it fairly punishable on whiff. It can whiff on crouching opponents if done at the apex of her jump.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">6M</font> ======
|input={{NotationIcon-IS|6}} + {{NotationIcon-IS|m}}
|description=Ridiculously long-range poke due to Botan moving significantly forward during the startup, but somewhat slow. It can be cancelled to keep the forward movement on hit or block, allowing for knockdown or combos on hit, or left uncancelled to return to Botan's original postion safely. Can be punished if used too predictably. Only cancels into 3H and special moves.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">4H</font> ======
|name=Mag Dump
|input= {{NotationIcon-IS|4}} '''+''' {{NotationIcon-IS|h}}
|active=Until Expiration
|active=Until Expiration
* Chip damage per shot: 18
* Whiffs on crouching opponents
* Can be cancelled into itself up to 3 times on hit or block, but not whiff
* The second and third shot have faster startup and lower recovery than the first shot
A lower commitment projectile that can be low profiled, but deals a lot of chip damage on block. An okay long-range keepaway option.
All 3 shots are special cancellable on hit and block. Only the 3rd and final shot is cancellable into 2H or 3H on hit and block.
=== Air Throw ===
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Air Throw</font> ======
|name=Aerial Takedown
|input= '''Air Only''' {{NotationIcon-IS|g}}
|damage=0, 90
|guard=Air Unblockable
|recovery=Until Landing
|description=Combo-able air throw.
=== Universal Mechanics ===
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Throw</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Throw</font> ======
|input= {{NotationIcon-IS|l}} '''+''' {{NotationIcon-IS|m}} '''or''' {{NotationIcon-IS|g}}
*Total Frames: 39
Botan's universal grab. Leaves opponent backturned, so they will roll backwards into Botan's direction if they opt to quick tech.
Line 215: Line 394:
|input= {{NotationIcon-IS|m}} '''+''' {{NotationIcon-IS|h}}
|invul= (6~36) {{Property-IS|grab}}
|description=Universal standing overhead.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Superchat Reversal</font> ======
|name=Superchat Reversal
|input=(blocking) {{NotationIcon-IS|6}} '''+''' {{NotationIcon-IS|m}} '''+''' {{NotationIcon-IS|h}}
|invul= (1~17) {{Property-IS|full}}
*Superchat Reversal
=== Special Attacks ===
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">236X</font> ======
|input={{NotationIcon-IS|236}} '''+''' {{NotationIcon-IS|l}} '''/'''{{NotationIcon-IS|m}} '''/'''{{NotationIcon-IS|h}}
|active=Until Expiration
*Grants 2 superchats on use
*Chip damage: 32
*Has a projectile durability of 1x1
*Whiffs on crouching opponents at point blank
*Botan can only have 1 of each grenade type on screen
Botan's grenade series help her zoning be a lot more oppressive. The light version is an anti-air grenade, flying up and away from Botan and tracking the opponent's current location. Due to the fact that this move tracks only on startup, it is not perfect at contesting the air, but it's initial angle can snipe many aerial approaches.
|active=Until Expiration
*Grants 2 superchats on use
*Chip damage: 32
*Has a projectile durability of 1x1
The medium version bounces along the ground at a slow and steady rate, making it a very good and long-lasting check against characters that want to approach from the ground, and enhancing Botan's anti-air options as a result. With just a bit of space between you and the opponent, the frame advantage of the grenade can be made massively plus on block.
|guard=Mid,Air Unblockable
|invul= (1~26) {{Property-IS|head}}
*Grants 5 superchats on use
The heavy version is quite different from the standard variants. It shoots an array of explosions slightly above and in front of Botan's head and has frame 1 head invuln. This is a very big, disjointed, and rather fast move that contests a lot of airspace and sends them far, making it useful as a twitch anti-air to react with. Can be superchat cancelled into 214M for a followup.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">214X</font> ======
|input={{NotationIcon-IS|214}} '''+''' {{NotationIcon-IS|l}} '''/'''{{NotationIcon-IS|m}} '''/'''{{NotationIcon-IS|h}}
|caption3=MLG Trickshot
|active=Until Offscreen
* Grants 3 superchats on use
Grounded sniper shot. Despite its long startup, its absurd low profile from 4f onwards makes this move a usable "anti-projectile projectile" and it can be superchat cancelled into 22L to extend using the respective sniper followup.
|active=Until Offscreen
* Grants 3 superchats on use
Anti-air sniper shot. Shoots at a 45 degree angle and gives an incredible wallbounce on hit, making it Botan's main combo extender during her BnBs. Not air unblockable and covers a similar angle to 2H, but causes massive pushback on air block which sends the opponent full screen. Both 214M's wallbounce and 22L~M's wallbounce can be used in a single combo.
* Costs 1 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use
Botan leaps with her sniper rifle and trickshots her opponent, covering the entire screen. Its slow startup means it can't confirm off of everything, but due to it possessing a similar wallbounce as 214M on airborne opponents, it can be a very powerful combo extender or punish tool. Deals a massive amount of chip on block and sends the opponent full screen if they block the move while jumping.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">22L</font> ======
|name=Tactical Roll
|input={{NotationIcon-IS|2}} {{NotationIcon-IS|2}} '''+'''{{NotationIcon-IS|l}}
|caption=Tactical Retreat
|caption2=L Follow-Up
|caption3=M Follow-Up
|caption4=H Follow-Up
|invul=(1~57) {{Property-IS|Grab}}
* Grants 5 superchats on use
* Earliest followup cancel: 11th frame
* Grab invuln persists for the entire duration of the move, but will go away the moment a followup is cancelled into
Botan rolls backwards. Botan cannot use standard attacks during this animation, but she has access to 3 followups, based on the button pressed during it. Because the followups are treated as different moves from their regular counterparts, 22L~M can wallbounce in the middle of a combo even if 214M has been used already.
|active=Until Offscreen
* Fastest possible effective startup: 28F
Slower than {{input|214L}} by 1 frame when taking into account {{input|22L}}'s startup, but has 1 frame less recovery compared to {{input|214L}}.
|active=Until Offscreen
* Fastest possible effective startup: 28F
Slower than {{input|214M}} by 6 frames when taking into account {{input|22L}}'s startup.
Effectively identical to {{input|22M}}.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">22M</font> ======
|name=Lioness Leap
|input={{NotationIcon-IS|2}} {{NotationIcon-IS|2}} '''+'''{{NotationIcon-IS|m}}
|caption=Functionally similar to Akuma's "Demon Flip" from Street Fighter.
|caption2=L Follow-Up
|caption3=M Follow-Up
|caption4=H Follow-Up
* Grants 5 superchats on use
* Earliest followup cancel: 30th frame
Botan does a slow frontflip. Botan cannot use standard attacks during this animation, but she has access to 3 followups, based on the button pressed during it.
|guard=Low,Air Unblockable
|startup=Until Landing (Earliest 12)
*Fastest possible effective startup: 42F
Botan falls to the ground quickly and does a safe on block low that is similar to her 3H. Just like her 3H, actually leads to a hard knockdown.
|active=Until Landing (Max 6)
*Fastest possible effective startup: 40F
Botan descends and does a safe on block overhead that is similar to her j.M.
|damage=0, 90
|active=Until Landing (Max 9)
*Fastest possible effective startup: 37F
Botan does an air-to-ground command grab that is similar to her Air Grab. This is unblockable against standing opponents, but will whiff on crouching opponents.

== Special Attacks ==
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">22H</font> ======
==Super Star Attack==
|name=Lightning Leap
|input={{NotationIcon-IS|2}} {{NotationIcon-IS|2}} '''+'''{{NotationIcon-IS|h}}
|caption=But what if Demon Flip was faster?
|caption2=L Follow-Up
|caption3=M Follow-Up
|caption4=H Follow-Up
* Costs 1 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use
* Earliest followup cancel: 8th frame
A much faster version of Lioness Leap that costs meter and allows the followups to be done much earlier in the move's startup.
|guard=Low,Air Unblockable
|startup=Until Landing (Earliest 11)
*Fastest possible effective startup: 19F
Quick low followup that leads to a hard knockdown.
|active=Until Landing (Max 6)
*Fastest possible effective startup: 19F
*It is possible to input so quickly that the overhead whiffs resulting in a 31F empty cancel
Quick overhead followup.
|active=Until Landing (Max 9)
*Fastest possible effective startup: 15F
Quick command grab followup that only works on standing opponents. Whiffs on crouchers.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.214H</font> ======
|name=Bullet Rain
|input='''Air Only''' {{NotationIcon-IS|s}}
|recovery=Until Landing + 14
* Grants 3 superchats on use
* Rather than having 6 separate active hitboxes, it just always consistently deals 6 hits when the opponent makes contact with the move's active frames
A retreating attack where Botan sprays her guns to propel herself away from the opponent. Despite altering Botan's air trajectory mid-jump, it can be very unsafe even on hit if used too early during a jump, and it's seemingly lacking hitstun makes it impossible to combo out of. When used very close to the ground, Botan will go immediately into her landing animation, adding a bit of endlag while netting her a little bit of [[Idol_Showdown/System#Superchat_Meter|Superchat]] meter.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">22S</font> ======
|name=Trials Ascending
|input={{NotationIcon-IS|2}} {{NotationIcon-IS|2}} '''+'''{{NotationIcon-IS|s}}
|invul= (1~40) {{Property-IS|Super Armor}}
* Costs 1 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use

An advancing armored attack where Botan charges forward in her shopping cart. Botan's metered reversal and an excellent way to punish blockstrings with gaps, as the super armor will win out against opposing EX DPs (but not 236S supers). Activating this move on wakeup or out of blockstun will disable grab protection which allows Botan's superarmor frames to be grabbed.

=== Super Star Attack ===
;Vs. Aki
:Matchup advice goes here.
|name=Get To Da Choppa!
|input={{NotationIcon-IS|236}} '''+'''{{NotationIcon-IS|s}}
==External Resources==
* [ Twitter Tech: #ISD_BOT]
*Costs 1 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use
*Minimum damage: 120
Anti-air super. Botan does a large leap that only hits airborne opponents, and a cinematic plays should she hit her opponent, doing large amounts of damage.
|name=Gun Game
|input={{NotationIcon-IS|214}} '''+'''{{NotationIcon-IS|s}}
|damage=215(25, 10x19)
|recovery=Total 182
|invul= (1~13) {{Property-IS|full}}
*Costs 1 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use
*Minimum damage: 106
*Chip damage: 38
Longer ranged super that has invuln. After the initial non-projectile hit, the first projectile comes out on frame 25.

{{ColorGallery | filePrefix=IS_Botan_Color_ | colors=
{{ColorGallery | filePrefix=IS_Botan_Color_ | colors=
  {{ColorGallery/Color|1|  text= Original Outfit}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|1|  text= Original Outfit}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|2|  text= Cosplay 1}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|2|  text= Cosplay 1<hr>{{Small|Yukihana Lamy (Hololive)}}}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|3|  text= Cosplay 2}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|3|  text= Cosplay 2<hr>{{Small|Momosuzu Nene (Hololive)}}}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|4|  text= Cosplay 3}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|4|  text= Cosplay 3<hr>{{Small|Omaru Polka (Hololive)}}}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|5|  text= Cosplay 4}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|5|  text= Cosplay 4<hr>{{Small|Mano Aloe (Hololive)}}}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|6|  text= Cosplay 5}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|6|  text= Cosplay 5<hr>{{Small|Botan's New Year Costume (Hololive)}}}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|7|  text= Cosplay 6}}
{{ColorGallery/Color|7|  text= Cosplay 6<hr>{{Small|Noel (BlazBlue)}}}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|8|  text= Cosplay 7<hr>{{Small|no direct reference}}}}
{{ColorGallery/Color|9|  text= Cosplay 8<hr>{{Small|Marisa (Street Fighter 6)}}}}
{{ColorGallery/Color|10|  text= Cosplay 9<hr>{{Small|Kaguya (Under Night In-Birth)}}}}
{{ColorGallery/Color|11|  text= Cosplay 10<hr>{{Small|Dante (Devil May Cry)}}}}
==External Links==

[[Category:Botan Shishiro]]
[[Category:Botan Shishiro]]
[[Category:Idol Showdown]]
[[Category:Idol Showdown]]

Latest revision as of 16:47, 12 June 2024

Last Updated to Version 4.0.8

IS Botan Logo.png

Special Forces La~Lion - Tactical Space Control
Difficulty - ★★★★☆☆


Botan Shishiro is a versatile neutral control character that's able to suffocate her opponents at most ranges by pressuring them with retreating and advancing disjointed attacks, such as 6M or 2H, and slow, high-damage projectiles that shut down approaches when set up. Her amazing combo game and easy conversions allow her to shred down her opponents' health with meterless access to multiple wallbounces via 214M and 22L~M, as well as an air grab that serves as both a starter and a extender. During her combos, she generates large amounts of meter, often giving her fast access to her metered options and assist calls, such as a fast forward advancing armored reversal (22S) that converts into combos even when done from far away, and allows her to punish her opponent during their own blockstring thanks to it's incredibly fast startup.

However, the lacking speed of her projectile attacks makes her full-screen zoning weak, especially against characters that have similar but faster tools, and when Botan's backed into a corner, the limits of her shopping cart reversal (it whiffs on jumping opponents, isn't armored on it's first frame, and past a short distance she can be hit out of it by every other metered reversal on the game on reaction), as well as the slow startup of her main anti-airs and lack of range on her 2L are most apparent and can all make it difficult to break out of her opponent's pressure, especially so if she's left without any resources.

Once Botan gets her opponent to block, often after setting up a grenade, her strong strike/throw mixup using 5M has opportunities for pressure resets and frametraps and can make her very scary to deal with thanks to the obscene reward she gets on hit.

IS Botan Icon.png

Botan is a mid-range high damage fighter that walls her opponent out with disjointed moving normals and capitalizes with her up-close pressure.

Pick if you like Avoid if you dislike
  • Neutral Control: Equipped with disjointed, hard-to-contest pokes (5M, j.2H), phenomenal whiff punishing tools (6M, 5H), and strong anti airs (2H, AT), Botan has a fantastic neutral game with plenty of ways to get her offense started.
  • Absurd Combo Potential: Botan shreds her opponents' health and carries them to the corner from almost every starter without any meter, while easily gaining enough to access her supers and assist calls.
  • Midscreen Pressure: Up-close, she can enforce terrifying strike/throw offense with immense reward on hit and plenty of opportunities for frametraps, resets, and ambiguous tick throws.
  • Awkward Defense: While not powerless, her fastest normal (2L) is stubby, her main anti-air options are slow, and her armored super (22S) can lose to other metered reversals and whiffs on jumping approaches.

Recommended Collabs

Note: As this section of the page was written shortly after the game was released, its only purpose is to help guide new players towards assists that are generally considered useful for the character, and should be revised by an experienced player as the game develops more. Don't be afraid to pick and try something else!

  • IS Watson Icon.png Watson - Watson's 214S evens out the reward on her strike-throw mixup by allowing for full conversions from her grab. Her timeslow nullifies opposing offense and allows Botan to combo meterless off 22M~H.
  • IS Miko Icon.png Miko - Miko's lava assist is a great lockdown tool that allows Botan to convert off her overheads, and can setup chip-out situations. Her Off-Collab forces Botan's turn back immediately.
  • IS Roboco Icon.png Roboco - Roboco's missiles are versatile. Botan can extend her pressure with them, use them for combos together with her airgrab, and they can force the opponent to back off. In addition, 214S is an ol'reliable instant fullscreen beam assist with great damage.


Standing Normals

IS Botan 5L.png
IS Botan 5L Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


6 3 12 -3 0


  • Self-Gatling Count: 3

Fast, high 5L. Does not whiff on any crouchers, and has a good range. Can still be low profiled.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
IS Botan 5M.png
IS Botan 5M Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


10 2(3)2(4)2 27* -3 +2


  • While this move's recovery is 37, the last 10 of those frames can be cancelled into block or any other action which reduces true recovery to 27

Gives access to 5M~M even on whiff, making it a great tool during both neutral and pressure. Botan's hurtbox leans backward and the hitbox is disjointed, allowing it to avoid a lot of moves, and the presence of a forward advancing follow-up makes it hard to contest and punish. When blocked, the presence of a follow-up and relatively small frame disadvantage makes tick throw attempts hard to react to.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
IS Botan 5MM.png
IS Botan 5MM Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


15 2 27 -7 -2


Very large forward movement and little knockback make this move a handy stabilizer for combos, an excellent whiff punishing tool, and central to Botan's pressure. Confirms even if only the last hit of 5M connects. Despite being unsafe on block, the forward movement and 2M chain allow for ambiguous pressure resets, as the former means that the opponent will be put right in range of 2L or a throw, and the latter will catch opponents trying to mash out of blockstun. Has a high amount of recovery on whiff. Cancellable during it's startup (following the usual chain rules).

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
IS Botan 5H.png
IS Botan 5H Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


13 2(2)2(2)2 33 -13 -8


This move has a lot of forward movement, making it an essential whiff punish as well as combo tool and deceptively long in terms of reach.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Crouching Normals

IS Botan 2L.png
IS Botan 2L Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability

Low, Air Unblockable

5 2 13 -3 0


  • Self-Gatling Count: 2

Her fastest normal, and a low. Ok range. Good for defense or mix-ups due to its speed.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
IS Botan 2M.png
IS Botan 2M Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability

Low, Air Unblockable

10 2 18 -4 0


Good range for its speed. Can be used in pressure or defense at certain spacings to check your opponent, as well as after a dash as a neutral tool.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
IS Botan 2H.png
IS Botan 2H Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability

Air Unblockable

18 3 28 -17 Launch

(6~20) Head

Botan sways back a significant distance and shoots the opponent, launching them on hit. Not jump cancellable unlike most 2H's and quite slow. It's huge disjointed hitbox make it ideal to catch jump-ins, but opponents expecting it can dash in and low profile it, and despite the backwards movement it leaves you very vulnerable during it's recovery frames. Air unblockable and important combo tool.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
IS Botan 3H.png
IS Botan 3H Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability

Low, Air Unblockable

13 12 23 -19 HKD


Sliding sweep. Goes very far and gives an untechable knockdown afterwards regardless of height, which gives her a very favorable knockdown when the opponent is launched first via 2H. Go-to meterless combo ender.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Jumping Normals

IS Botan jL.png
IS Botan jL Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


5 6 Until Landing + 2 - -


Very fast and high j.L. Whiffs on crouchers, so should primarily be used against airborne opponents.

A great air-to-air that has massive juggle untech time and can be confirmed into j.2H easily.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
IS Botan jM.png
IS Botan jM Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


10 4 Until Landing + 3 - -


The disjointed hitbox at a 45 degree angle makes it a good jump-in tool when spaced right. Can be used alongside j.S and j.2H to make Botan very difficult to anti-air.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
IS Botan jH.png
IS Botan jH Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


14 4(2)4(2)4 Until Landing + 4 - -


Multi-hitting crossup air normal. Advantageous even when blocked at maximum possible height by taller characters.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Command Normals

Lead Curtain
Air Only IS 2.png + IS H.png
IS Botan j2H.png
IS Botan j2H Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


12 2(2)2(2)2 Until Landing + 10 - -


Halts Botan's momentum and sends her straight down. Has a respectable disjointed hitbox and is generally plus or even on block depending on how many hits are blocked, but has a lot of landing recovery, which makes it fairly punishable on whiff. It can whiff on crouching opponents if done at the apex of her jump.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
IS 6.png + IS M.png
IS Botan 6M.png
IS Botan 6M Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


17 2 26 -9 -4


Ridiculously long-range poke due to Botan moving significantly forward during the startup, but somewhat slow. It can be cancelled to keep the forward movement on hit or block, allowing for knockdown or combos on hit, or left uncancelled to return to Botan's original postion safely. Can be punished if used too predictably. Only cancels into 3H and special moves.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Mag Dump
IS 4.png + IS H.png
IS Botan 4H.png
IS Botan 4H Hitbox.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
4H 35


21 Until Expiration 38 -21~-13 -16~-8


4H~H~H 35


10 Until Expiration 33 -16~-8 -11~-3


  • Chip damage per shot: 18
  • Whiffs on crouching opponents
  • Can be cancelled into itself up to 3 times on hit or block, but not whiff
  • The second and third shot have faster startup and lower recovery than the first shot

A lower commitment projectile that can be low profiled, but deals a lot of chip damage on block. An okay long-range keepaway option.

All 3 shots are special cancellable on hit and block. Only the 3rd and final shot is cancellable into 2H or 3H on hit and block.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Air Throw

Air Throw
Aerial Takedown
Air Only IS G.png
IS Botan jLM.png
IS Botan jLM Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
0, 90

Air Unblockable

7 2 Until Landing - -


Combo-able air throw.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Universal Mechanics

IS L.png + IS M.png or IS G.png
IS Botan LM.png
IS Botan LM Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
140 - 7 2 31 - -


  • Total Frames: 39

Botan's universal grab. Leaves opponent backturned, so they will roll backwards into Botan's direction if they opt to quick tech.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
IS M.png + IS H.png
IS Botan MH.png
IS Botan MH Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


23 3 19 -3 +2

(6~36) Grab

Universal standing overhead.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Superchat Reversal
Superchat Reversal
(blocking) IS 6.png + IS M.png + IS H.png
IS Botan 5MM.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


16 2 23 -10 0

(1~17) Full

  • Superchat Reversal
Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Special Attacks

IS 236.png + IS L.png /IS M.png /IS H.png
IS Botan 236L.png
IS Botan 236L Hitbox.png
IS Botan 236M.png
IS Botan 236M Hitbox.png
IS Botan 236H.png
IS Botan 236H Hitbox.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
L 137


23 Until Expiration 36 0~ Launch


  • Grants 2 superchats on use
  • Chip damage: 32
  • Has a projectile durability of 1x1
  • Whiffs on crouching opponents at point blank
  • Botan can only have 1 of each grenade type on screen

Botan's grenade series help her zoning be a lot more oppressive. The light version is an anti-air grenade, flying up and away from Botan and tracking the opponent's current location. Due to the fact that this move tracks only on startup, it is not perfect at contesting the air, but it's initial angle can snipe many aerial approaches.

M 137


25 Until Expiration 36 -3~ Launch


  • Grants 2 superchats on use
  • Chip damage: 32
  • Has a projectile durability of 1x1

The medium version bounces along the ground at a slow and steady rate, making it a very good and long-lasting check against characters that want to approach from the ground, and enhancing Botan's anti-air options as a result. With just a bit of space between you and the opponent, the frame advantage of the grenade can be made massively plus on block.

H 40x3

Mid, Air Unblockable

12 15 14 -13~-10 Launch

(1~26) Head

  • Grants 5 superchats on use

The heavy version is quite different from the standard variants. It shoots an array of explosions slightly above and in front of Botan's head and has frame 1 head invuln. This is a very big, disjointed, and rather fast move that contests a lot of airspace and sends them far, making it useful as a twitch anti-air to react with. Can be superchat cancelled into 214M for a followup.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
IS 214.png + IS L.png /IS M.png /IS H.png
IS Botan 214L.png
IS Botan 214L Hitbox.png
IS Botan 214M.png
IS Botan 214M Hitbox.png
IS Botan 214H.png
IS Botan 214H Hitbox.png
MLG Trickshot
MLG Trickshot
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
L 90


27 Until Offscreen 45 -12 +6


  • Grants 3 superchats on use

Grounded sniper shot. Despite its long startup, its absurd low profile from 4f onwards makes this move a usable "anti-projectile projectile" and it can be superchat cancelled into 22L to extend using the respective sniper followup.

M 90


22 Until Offscreen 44 -11 +4


  • Grants 3 superchats on use

Anti-air sniper shot. Shoots at a 45 degree angle and gives an incredible wallbounce on hit, making it Botan's main combo extender during her BnBs. Not air unblockable and covers a similar angle to 2H, but causes massive pushback on air block which sends the opponent full screen. Both 214M's wallbounce and 22L~M's wallbounce can be used in a single combo.

H 120


22 1 30 -20 KD


  • Costs 1 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use

Botan leaps with her sniper rifle and trickshots her opponent, covering the entire screen. Its slow startup means it can't confirm off of everything, but due to it possessing a similar wallbounce as 214M on airborne opponents, it can be a very powerful combo extender or punish tool. Deals a massive amount of chip on block and sends the opponent full screen if they block the move while jumping.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Tactical Roll
IS 2.png IS 2.png +IS L.png
IS Botan 22L.png
IS Botan 22L Hitbox.png
Tactical Retreat
Tactical Retreat
IS Botan 214L.png
L Follow-Up
L Follow-Up
IS Botan 214M.png
M Follow-Up
M Follow-Up
IS Botan 22M.png
H Follow-Up
H Follow-Up
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
22L - - - - 57 - -

(1~57) Grab

  • Grants 5 superchats on use
  • Earliest followup cancel: 11th frame
  • Grab invuln persists for the entire duration of the move, but will go away the moment a followup is cancelled into

Botan rolls backwards. Botan cannot use standard attacks during this animation, but she has access to 3 followups, based on the button pressed during it. Because the followups are treated as different moves from their regular counterparts, 22L~M can wallbounce in the middle of a combo even if 214M has been used already.

22L~L 90


17 Until Offscreen 44 -11 +7


  • Fastest possible effective startup: 28F

Slower than 214L by 1 frame when taking into account 22L's startup, but has 1 frame less recovery compared to 214L.

22L~M 90


17 Until Offscreen 44 -12 +4


  • Fastest possible effective startup: 28F

Slower than 214M by 6 frames when taking into account 22L's startup.

22L~H - - - - 58 - -


Effectively identical to 22M.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Lioness Leap
IS 2.png IS 2.png +IS M.png
IS Botan 22M.png
IS Botan 22M Hitbox.png
Functionally similar to Akuma's "Demon Flip" from Street Fighter.
Functionally similar to Akuma's "Demon Flip" from Street Fighter.
IS Botan 3H.png
IS Botan 3H Hitbox.png
L Follow-Up
L Follow-Up
IS Botan 22X M followup.png
IS Botan jM Hitbox.png
M Follow-Up
M Follow-Up
IS Botan 22X H followup.png
IS Botan 22X H followup Hitbox.png
H Follow-Up
H Follow-Up
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
22M - - - - 58 - -


  • Grants 5 superchats on use
  • Earliest followup cancel: 30th frame

Botan does a slow frontflip. Botan cannot use standard attacks during this animation, but she has access to 3 followups, based on the button pressed during it.

22M~L 90

Low, Air Unblockable

Until Landing (Earliest 12) 6 20 -3~ HKD


  • Fastest possible effective startup: 42F

Botan falls to the ground quickly and does a safe on block low that is similar to her 3H. Just like her 3H, actually leads to a hard knockdown.

22M~M 90


10 Until Landing (Max 6) 14 -4~ KD


  • Fastest possible effective startup: 40F

Botan descends and does a safe on block overhead that is similar to her j.M.

22M~H 0, 90


7 Until Landing (Max 9) 12 Launch Launch


  • Fastest possible effective startup: 37F

Botan does an air-to-ground command grab that is similar to her Air Grab. This is unblockable against standing opponents, but will whiff on crouching opponents.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Lightning Leap
IS 2.png IS 2.png +IS H.png
IS Botan 22M.png
IS Botan 22M Hitbox.png
But what if Demon Flip was faster?
But what if Demon Flip was faster?
IS Botan 3H.png
IS Botan 3H Hitbox.png
L Follow-Up
L Follow-Up
IS Botan 22X M followup.png
IS Botan jM Hitbox.png
M Follow-Up
M Follow-Up
IS Botan 22X H followup.png
IS Botan 22X H followup Hitbox.png
H Follow-Up
H Follow-Up
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
22H - - - - 48 - -


  • Costs 1 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use
  • Earliest followup cancel: 8th frame

A much faster version of Lioness Leap that costs meter and allows the followups to be done much earlier in the move's startup.

22H~L 90

Low, Air Unblockable

Until Landing (Earliest 11) 6 20 ~-3 HKD


  • Fastest possible effective startup: 19F

Quick low followup that leads to a hard knockdown.

22H~M 90


10 Until Landing (Max 6) 14 ~-3 KD


  • Fastest possible effective startup: 19F
  • It is possible to input so quickly that the overhead whiffs resulting in a 31F empty cancel

Quick overhead followup.

22H~H 0,90


7 Until Landing (Max 9) 12 Launch Launch


  • Fastest possible effective startup: 15F

Quick command grab followup that only works on standing opponents. Whiffs on crouchers.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Bullet Rain
Air Only IS S.png
IS Botan j214H.png
IS Botan j214H Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


13 30 Until Landing + 14 - -


  • Grants 3 superchats on use
  • Rather than having 6 separate active hitboxes, it just always consistently deals 6 hits when the opponent makes contact with the move's active frames

A retreating attack where Botan sprays her guns to propel herself away from the opponent. Despite altering Botan's air trajectory mid-jump, it can be very unsafe even on hit if used too early during a jump, and it's seemingly lacking hitstun makes it impossible to combo out of. When used very close to the ground, Botan will go immediately into her landing animation, adding a bit of endlag while netting her a little bit of Superchat meter.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Trials Ascending
IS 2.png IS 2.png +IS S.png
IS Botan 22S.png
IS Botan 22S Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


7 7(3)7(3)7(3)7 22 -10 -

(1~40) Super Armor

  • Costs 1 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use

An advancing armored attack where Botan charges forward in her shopping cart. Botan's metered reversal and an excellent way to punish blockstrings with gaps, as the super armor will win out against opposing EX DPs (but not 236S supers). Activating this move on wakeup or out of blockstun will disable grab protection which allows Botan's superarmor frames to be grabbed.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes

Super Star Attack

Get To Da Choppa!
IS 236.png +IS S.png
IS Botan 236S.png
IS Botan 236S Hitbox.png
IS Botan 236S Custscene.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


18 10 28 - -


  • Costs 1 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use
  • Minimum damage: 120

Anti-air super. Botan does a large leap that only hits airborne opponents, and a cinematic plays should she hit her opponent, doing large amounts of damage.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
Gun Game
IS 214.png +IS S.png
IS Botan 4H.png
IS Botan 236S Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
215(25, 10x19)


10 4+? Total 182 -21 KD

(1~13) Full

  • Costs 1 Star Meter and grants 5 superchats on use
  • Minimum damage: 106
  • Chip damage: 38

Longer ranged super that has invuln. After the initial non-projectile hit, the first projectile comes out on frame 25.

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes


Original Outfit
Cosplay 1 Yukihana Lamy (Hololive)
Cosplay 2 Momosuzu Nene (Hololive)
Cosplay 3 Omaru Polka (Hololive)
Cosplay 4 Mano Aloe (Hololive)
Cosplay 5 Botan's New Year Costume (Hololive)
Cosplay 6 Noel (BlazBlue)


The Game
Virtual Frontier
News & Updates
The Battle System
Game Data
Aki Rosenthal
Ayame Nakiri
Botan Shishiro
Coco Kiryu
Fubuki Shirakami
Ninomae InaNis
Korone Inugami
Kureiji Ollie
Pekora Usada
Sora Tokino
Suisei Hoshimachi
Kanata Amane
Amelia Watson
Marine Houshou
Iroha Kazama
Risu Ayunda
Mio Ookami
Miko Sakura
Kaela Kovalskia
Kiara Takanashi
Moona Hoshinova
Subaru Oozora
Fauna Ceres