Gundam: Battle Assault 2/Acguy

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Acguy is the quintessential Fragile Speedster of this game, going all-in on its blazing fast mobility and powerful close-range options to make up for its awful range and armor. Combining excellent ground speed, good aerial mobility, and some quick, safe grounded pokes, Acguy has the tools to get in and threaten opponents with tricky high-low mix-up pressure. The main draw of the character is a relatively simple dash WP loop that, if performed consistently, allows you to turn many openings into a full life bar of damage. However, stubby limbs and a weak projectile make it difficult to accomplish much of anything when you're not in your effective range, and a weak armor means that Acguy is allowed to make fewer mistakes than most other characters. Acguy's success largely hinges on maintaining pressure instead of allowing the match to go to neutral too often. Compared to the rest of the cast, Acguy is generally perceived to be around the middle of the pack; it really struggles against boss characters as well as enemies that can keep it at arm's length, but holds its own against the vast majority of the cast. If you can stick to your opponent like glue, you'll overwhelm most foes.

Archetype: Rushdown

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Great Speed and Mobility: With the second fastest forward dash, good thruster travel distance, and the ability to cancel air momentum with Anvil Drop, Acguy can get to its ideal spacing quickly and reliably.
  • Reliable Pressure and Mix-Ups: 5WP and 2WP have great frame advantage on block and will force most opponents to dodge upward in order to escape. A simple high-low mix-up between j.2WK and 2WK is very dangerous against grounded opponents. Either of these attacks can be followed up by WPs on block or hit, and if it's the latter...
  • WP Loops: ...It can be followed up with [Forward Dash -> 5WP x3-4] xN until the opponent overheats. This is Acguy's primary source of damage and your goal is ultimately to land this loop three times to win the match. It takes some practice to perform consistently, but is essential to making the most out of the character.
  • Good Invincible Special: The Acguy Uppercut has invincibility on startup that lasts until after the first couple active frames, which is fairly rare in GBA2. On hit, it puts the opponent above you in a way that gives you the ability to cross under the opponent or juggle with repeated Uppercuts, as it's relatively safe on block when used on an opponent in the air. The horizontal range is much improved when done out of a forward dash, giving it some surprise factor.
  • Poor Range: Acguy's tiny frame and limbs mean that outside of specific scenarios, it is consistently outranged in the neutral position and doesn't have much in the way of traditional footsies.
  • Very Low Health: It has the second-lowest armor value in the game, so trades and battles of attrition are pretty much never in Acguy's favor.
  • Low Damage Values: While it's less of a problem when you're doing WP loops, Acguy has the second-lowest base damage value in the game, so most of its individual attacks deal relatively little damage. This makes it very reliant on its close-range game.
  • Bad Special Moves Outside of Uppercut: Most of Acguy's special moves are situational at best and useless at worst. Machine Gun is a functional projectile but has poor damage and tracking. Claw Rush and Drill Claw are slow and easy to avoid in most cases, so Acguy is highly reliant on its normal moves in every matchup.
  • Awful Super Move: Acguy Rolling Maximum doesn't provide any real utility and is mostly a meme. It's punishable on hit in some cases and is only useful for a bit of extra damage after a knockdown.

All damage values were tested on characters with 100% damage taken

Character Summary

Move list

Special Moves
XX - Special name: Quick description of a special move.
26X+X - Super name: Quick description of their super.
Command Normals
6X - Command normal name: Quick description of the command normal.
Stats & vitals

  • Damage Taken = How much damage they take, their armor.
  • Walk Speed = Their walk speed number, note if it's faster than normal.
  • Dash Speed = Their dash speed, note if it's faster than normal.
  • Button + Button action = Their defensive action, Spot Dodge or I-Field
  • Backdash Type = What type of backdash they have, Hop, Thrusters, or None.
Quick combo reference

Simple ground combo: 5WP > 5WP > 2SP > 5SK

Normal Moves

GBA2 AC WP 0001.png
GBA2 AC WP 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- High/Low - - - - - -

This uninspiring little jab is important in neutral and the key to unlocking Acguy's high damage potential. It has a stubby hitbox, but makes up for it by having good startup and endlag, being positive on block, and being a safe, easy hit confirm into your combos. This is also the foundation of Acguy's most important combo loop, as you can link any grounded WP hit into a buffered forward dash 5WP to get a true infinite combo on any character lacking hyper armor. The window is rather tight, but attempting it is low-risk since 5WP on block still creates good pressure.

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GBA2 AC SP 0001.png
GBA2 AC SP 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- High/Low - - - - - -

A straight punch. It's decently fast and chains into other normals, but it tends to push the opponent too far for any of those chains to connect reliably. In combos, use 2SP instead. On the bright side, this move is neutral on block, so maybe you can frame trap a slower character with it, but it's probably better to stick with the reliable pressure of a WP instead.

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GBA2 AC WK 0001.png
GBA2 AC WK 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- High/Low - - - - - -

Acguy swings a leg out for a side kick. Though it's fine enough for pressure, WPs come out faster so this move doesn't get much use there. Its primary purpose is as filler in ground combos, since it chains into other options and deals more damage than a WP.

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GBA2 AC SK 0001.png
GBA2 AC SK 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- High/Low - - - - - -

Acguy lifts itself up for a dropkick. Startup is a bit slow by Acguy standards, but it has the greatest range of Acguy's normals and is relatively safe on hit or block. A decent poke, especially when used out of a forward dash. Since Acguy's frame is off the ground, this move has some high crush potential, but specific uses remain to be seen.

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GBA2 AC c WP 0001.png
GBA2 AC c WP 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- High/Low - - - - - -

A crouching jab this time. Basically 5WP with more horizontal range. This is a very valuable move for hit confirms into WP loops, as the added range allows Acguy to reliably combo from high/low mix-up hits.

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GBA2 AC c SP 0001.png
GBA2 AC c SP 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- High/Low - - - - - -

Acguy throws out a low uppercut. Its good frame data makes this okay to throw out here and there, but it's mostly combo filler. Landing it causes the opponent to pop upward, which is more useful than 5SP's hit properties.

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GBA2 AC c WK 0001.png
GBA2 AC c WK 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Low - - - - - -

Acguy does a low shin kick. Startup is a bit slow for such a stubby WK, but it's slightly positive on block and combos into cr.WP for loops. This is the "low" in Acguy's high-low mix-up game. Comboing from it requires strict timing, but you only need to do so once to get loops going.

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GBA2 AC c SK 0001.png
GBA2 AC c SK 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- Low - - - - - -

Acguy lies on the ground and kicks outward. This move causes a knockdown and is the most low-profile move in the game, able to slip under certain pokes to sweep the opponent. Unfortunately, it's decently minus on block so this isn't seen much outside of as a combo ender to start wake-up pressure afterward.

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GBA2 AC a WP 0001.png
GBA2 AC a WP 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- High - - - - - -

Acguy sticks out a punch at a 45-degree angle. The hitbox placement is good and it stays active until Acguy either lands on the ground or hits an opponent. A safe option for landings, and it can give you an instant overhead from a jump. Combos into WP loops, so it's worth using in pressure situations.

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GBA2 AC a SP 0001.png
GBA2 AC a SP 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- High - - - - - -

Acguy throws a strong straight punch at head height. Probably Acguy's best air-to-air option, but don't expect it to beat a lot.

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GBA2 AC a WK 0001.png
GBA2 AC a WK 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- High - - - - - -

Acguy launches a short downward kick. Filler for Acguy's air combos, but is otherwise outclassed by j.WP.

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GBA2 AC a SK 0001.png
GBA2 AC a SK 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- High - - - - - -

Acguy sticks both legs out horizontally. Nothing special.

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Command Normals

Handstand Kick
GBA2 AC f SK 0001.png
GBA2 AC f SK 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- High/Low - - - - - -

Acguy springs forward with (surprise!) a handstand kick. Pretty good range and slightly faster startup than 5SK, but it's unsafe on block and provides less advantage on hit, so there no optimal use for it.

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Anvil Drop
GBA2 AC a d WK 0001.png
GBA2 AC a d WK 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- High - - - - - -

Acguy drops with a downward knee strike. This is the "high" in Acguy's high-low mix-up game and is arguably Acguy's best move. It has good frame advantage on hit or block and allows Acguy to change direction in mid-air, making it the most practical way to get in. A blocked j.2WK lets you continue to pressure, and a successful hit lets you follow up with cr.WP to start loops. If you're close enough when blocked, you can even follow it up with another jump into more overhead pokes. Lean heavily on this move in neutral.

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Acguy Smash
GBA2 AC a d SP 0001.png
GBA2 AC a d SP 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- High - - - - - -

Acguy does an overhead swing with both arms. Mostly air combo filler.

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Special Moves

Machine Gun
236P (Air OK)
GBA2 AC qcf P 0001.png
GBA2 AC qcf P 0001 hitbox.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
WP - High/Low/Shield - - - - - Ammo, Projectile

Acguy fires a few bullets from its hand cannon. This is Acguy's only projectile and is useful because of it, but the tracking isn't very good and it does low damage. Alright for disrupting opponents at a distance. Only uses 40 ammo so Acguy gets more uses than most characters.

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
SP - High/Low - - - - - -

Same as above, but uses 80 ammo for twice as many hits.

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Claw Rush
GBA2 AC qcb P 0001.png
GBA2 AC qcb P 0001 hitbox.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
WP/SP - High/Low - - - - - -

Acguy stabs up and forward with an spinning claw. The hitbox can miss opponents at close range and opponents can fall out of hits at absolute max range. Perhaps due to a bug, it can be canceled into other specials on hit but you cannot special cancel into the move itself. Somewhat unsafe on grounded block, though its range mitigates that a bit. The hitbox placement makes it alright as an anti-air at specific angles and it can be used for chip damage on falling opponents.

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Jump Upper
GBA2 AC dp P 0001.png
GBA2 AC dp P 0001 hitbox.png
GBA2 AC dp P 0002.png
GBA2 AC dp P 0002 hitbox.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
WP/SP - High/Low - - - - - -

Acguy does a rising uppercut. This move has invincibility that lasts into some active frames, which is valuable in scramble scenarios. It tends to pop aerial opponents upward, so it's a great anti-air option. The horizontal range is a bit lacking, but ending the command input with a double-tap forward lets you use the momentum from your dash to gain a lot of extra horizontal range. The endlag leaves Acguy in the air, which can foil some opponents' grounded punishes. Good for keeping poke-centric characters on their toes.

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Drill Claw
GBA2 AC hcb P 0001.png
GBA2 AC hcb P 0001 hitbox.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
WP/SP - Shield - - - - - -

Acguy spins both claws and jumps into the opponent. Generally too slow to use against a knowledgeable opponent, but it deals pretty good damage. Uniquely, missing the opponent (or causing an opponent to overheat while it is active) will cause Acguy to fall over, effectively acting as a self-knockdown. Acguy has enough options to open up an opponent without an unblockable, so avoid this move.

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Super Move

Rolling Maximum
GBA2 AC qcf 2 0001.png
GBA2 AC qcf 2 0001 hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv Hit Adv Block Properties
- High/Low - - - - - -

Acguy curls up into a ball and rolls across the screen, touching both walls and stopping after reaching its starting location on the screen. This move rarely lands more than a couple hits at a time, has an unfavorable hitbox, and leaves Acguy vulnerable afterward. It can tack on some extra damage after an overheat, but this is arguably worse than just trying to pressure their wake-up normally. The super freeze also gives the enemy time to react with a suitable counter. It does slightly more damage than Acguy's regular non-loop combo enders, so there are some fringe cases where it's optimal for the overheat, but you're usually better off pretending it doesn't exist.

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Acguy's poor range and hitboxes can make it difficult to poke at a distance, so you'll generally be looking for opportunities to get up close with frame advantage instead.

Because Acguy's forward dash (66) is the second fastest in the game, can be canceled at any time, and provides forward momentum to anything you cancel into, most of your grounded tools greatly benefit from a prior forward dash. Use it well and often. Forward dash into block is a quick and safe approach that lets you test how your opponent likes to react to your grounded approach.

Acguy's thrusters are slightly more powerful than the average character, and the extra distance covered allows you to jump on top of an opponent from full screen with a prior forward dash. Combined with j.2LK, which cancels all momentum and falls straight down, you can avoid most opponents' neutral tools while keeping you safe enough to start your offense on hit or block. j.WP lets you threaten a slightly different angle and sticks out a constant hitbox while still approaching. It's also a decent air-to-air in case they try to meet you halfway.

On the ground, you can low profile some pokes with a forward dash into 2SK, which nets you a knockdown for safe pressure. If the opponent doesn't keep out hitboxes to threaten your approach, you can go in swinging with 5WP which has great frame advantage on block, but you may open yourself up to a full combo if the opponents is proactive.

If the opponent is above you, 626P will beat many approaches due to its invincibility, and an air block makes it difficult to punish. This can also be used to call out obvious ground pokes, but missing will cost you dearly. Low health means you'd rather play it safe instead of gambling.


Acguy's entire goal on offense is centered around comboing into WP loops for high damage through a potent high/low mix-up game. The combo you seek to go into after a successful hit from that mix-up is this:

3WP, (66 5WP > 5WP > 5WP > 5WP) xN

Crouch WP has the range needed after a high or low hit. Make sure you're holding Down-Forward, or else 66 5WP will turn into a Machine Gun input and you will be punished hard.

Here are some of the advantages associated with each of those moves and how you should try to convert off of them.


This move simplifies Acguy's approach against most opponents; you can boost over most grounded moves, cut your jump short with a constant falling hitbox, and end up on top of the opponent with frame advantage. While you're in, it's a dangerous threat by virtue of a potential instant overhead as well as boosting forward and creating a left/right mix-up. When you're up close, you can follow up most blocked hits with a jump into a j.2WK as an instant overhead.


This move creates a constant hitbox farther forward, and since it doesn't cut any forward momentum from a jump or boost, it is better for approaching at an angle and staying on top of the opponent afterward. Perhaps a bit niche compared to the immediate value that j.2WK provides, but it chains into itself on hit while still moving forward, so it's easier to hit confirm into.

66 2WK

This is Acguy's only low option for going into loops, and it requires a forward dash prior to follow up with WP loops. The greatest difficulty here comes from a tight link window into 3WP due to 2WK's long animation length and inability to chain into a WP.

66 cl.6SP

After a successful rep of the WP loop, you can press 6SP a couple frames after you would time another rep of the loop and get a stun if the opponent isn't proactive about escaping. This resets your combo damage and puts less demand on your execution, but it gives the opponent more time to respond than attempting a reset with one of your other options.


Describe how a character defends themselves when they're on the receiving end.



5WP > 5WK > 2WK > 2WP > 5SK

Standard grounded non-loop ground BnB. You can add up to two extra 5WPs at the beginning if you dash forward beforehand.

(5WP > 5WP > 5WP, 66) xN

This is the most basic form of Acguy's WP loops. Acguy's WP has enough frame advantage on hit to let you do a quick forward dash and immediately cancel into another WP with the dash's momentum, which can be repeated until the opponent overheats.

As long as your chained 5WPs will reach the opponent, you can keep using them. Out of a forward dash, you can land 5WP four times per repetition on every opponent but Zeong (who requires three or fewer). On a back hit combo, you can get 5 per rep on most characters. You may find it easier to keep up the rhythm by landing fewer hits per rep.

j.WP > j.WK > j.SP > j.2SP > j.SK

Air-to-ground combo that doesn't require WP loops but deals pretty solid damage. You can add up to two j.WPs at the beginning if you start it near the beginning of a jump.


5WP > 5WK > 2WK > 2WP xx 236SP

Slight increase in damage from the non-loop grounded combo. Same deal in that you can add one or two 5WPs to the beginning if you have dash momentum prior.

j.WP > j.WK > j.SP > j.2SP > j.SK xx 236SP

Slight extension of the standard air-to-ground non-loop combo. A very low hit on j.SK is required to have the Machine Gun combo properly and it's unsafe on hit, but it's fine if you get an overheat. That said, you should really just combo j.WP into loops instead.



Their general matchup spread, how good are they across the board. Do they have weaknesses against an archetype? Does they do especially well against a certain group?

Specific Matchups

GBA2 Neue Ziel icon.png
Neue Ziel
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Big Zam icon.png
Big Zam
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Hydra icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Epyon icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Dark icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Psyco icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Quin Mantha icon.png
Quin Mantha
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Acguy icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Hygogg icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 GP-02A icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Gundam ZZ icon.png
Gundam ZZ
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Ball icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Zeong icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Sazabi icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 RX-78 icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Zaku II icon.png
Zaku II
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 V Gundam icon.png
v Gundam
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Zaku IIS icon.png
Zaku IIS
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Heavy Arms icon.png
Heavy Arms
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Sandrock icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Wing icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Deathscythe icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Altron icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Tallgeese III icon.png
Tallgeese III
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Bolt icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Dragon icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Burning icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Maxter icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Rose icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Master icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Zeta icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 The-O icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Qubeley icon.png
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?
GBA2 Hamma Hamma icon.png
Hamma Hamma
[Character Page]
  • Overview: Describe overall the flow of the matchup.
  • Neutral: How does neutral work in the matchup? Do any tools in particular affect it?
  • Offense: When you're on offense do they have tools to counter you? How does it flow, can you mix them?
  • Defense: When you're on defense do you have tools to counter them? How does it flow, how do they mix you?

Frame Data

Fill in frame data here, if it has an additional property that lasts for certain frames list it in Notes (i.e. XF~XF Invincible, XF~XF Armor). Delete this line when it's done.
KD - Knockdown
VA - Variable
*UV - value(s) marked with "?" in the table is/are unverified
x~yF - a period from frame "x" till frame "y"

                           |     Frames      |  Frame Advantage  |
                   Attack  | Total | Startup | On Hit | On Block | Notes
                  Normals  ---------------------------------------
                     5WP   |       |         |        |          |
                     5SP   |       |         |        |          |
                     5WK   |       |         |        |          |
                     5SK   |       |         |        |          |
                     2WP   |       |         |        |          |
                     2SP   |       |         |        |          |
                     2WK   |       |         |        |          |
                     2SK   |       |         |        |          |
                    j.WP   |       |         |        |          |
                    j.SP   |       |         |        |          |
                    j.WK   |       |         |        |          |
                    j.SK   |       |         |        |          |
          Command Normals  ---------------------------------------
                      6X   |       |         |        |          | 
                 Specials  ---------------------------------------
                      XP   |       |         |        |          |
           Super           ---------------------------------------
                   26X+X   |       |         |        |          | ?F~?F invincible

Chain Table

WP WK SP SK Special Cancel
5WP 5WP[+], 2WP[+] 5WK, 2WK 5SP, 2SP 5SK, 6SK, 2SK Yes
2WP 5WP[+], 2WP[+] 5WK, 2WK 5SP, 2SP 5SK, 6SK, 2SK Yes
5WK - 2WK 5SP, 2SP 5SK, 6SK, 2SK Yes
2WK - - 5SP, 2SP 5SK, 6SK, 2SK Yes
5SP - - 2SP 5SK, 6SK, 2SK Yes
2SP - - - 5SK, 6SK, 2SK Yes
5SK - - - 6SK, 2SK No
6SK - - - - No
2SK - - - 6SK No
Air Chains
WP WK SP SK Special Cancel
j.WP WP 5WK, 2WK 5SP, 2SP 5SK Yes
j.WK - 2WK 5SP, 2SP 5SK Yes
j.2WK - - - - Yes
j.SP - - 2SP 5SK Yes
j.2SP - - - 5SK Yes
j.SK - - - - No
Claw Rush (214P) and Drill Claw (63214P) cannot be special canceled into.
X = X is available on hit
X[+] = X is available on hit, block, or whiff


  • Add any fun facts about the character worth noting.
File:GBA2 X Ending.png
X's ending picture. Only add if they have one.

GBA2 Navigation

The Game
Getting Started
The Battle System
Game Data
Neue Ziel
Big Zam
Quin Mantha
Gundam ZZ
Zaku II
ν Gundam
Zaku IIS
Heavy Arms
Deathscythe Hell
Tallgeese III
​Hidden Characters
Hamma Hamma