Million Arthur: Arcana Blood/Koume Sakiyama

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Koume Sakiyama


  • EN Name: Otherwordly Koume Sakiyama
  • JP Name: 異界型 咲山小梅
  • Voice Actress: Aoi Yuuki
  • Element: No Element
  • Health: 19500

Guest character from Lord of Vermillion IV. She is also known as MAAB Scharlachrot



Strengths Weaknesses
  • Full auto combo steals meter from the opponent, denying a valuable resource from the opponent and allowing Koume to build meter advantage fast
  • Has an array of large space controlling normals
  • Has fire, ice, and wind attacks, allowing for flexibility in utilizing the elemental counter system
  • One of, if not the best, anti air in the game
  • Resource dependent for high damage
  • Mix-up game leaves a lot to be desired
  • Buttons have a lot of recovery which can make her prone to being whiff punished
  • No good defensive buttons means she can struggle with escaping prsesure against certain characters
  • No good reversal outside of system mechanics
  • Slow run speed and movement
  • Unable to do anything off of a grab without using Elemental Boost

Recommended Support Knights

1 Mana

  • Clone Elle
An ice assist that shoots a ball of ice that travels at a moderate speed. Usable as a combo extender and can be used in neutral to whiff punish and start a combo, but with Koume's already long range normal's using Elle as a whiff punish is sub-optimal and there are better assists to use as combo extenders.
  • Foible Elle
A fire assist that hits low and forces a standing state on hit. Can be used for niche combos due to its re-standing properties but has very limited use in combos for Koume.
  • Summer Evaine
An ice assist that consists of Evaine volleyball spiking a watermelon at a fast speed; wall bounces up to three times. A useful tool for neutral control and in some scenarios an okizeme tool, but unnecessary for Koume as there are assists that work better with Koume's kit for these rolls.

2 Mana

  • Type II Balin
A fire assist that covers a large area and slightly tracks the opponent. Balin is extremely fast and plus on block letting Koume use her to control neutral and end unsafe block-strings such as a 623x ender. Balin also allows for an easy elemental counter hit when used after Koume's 5d, March Hare.
  • Clone Magic Guild Arthur
An ice assist that is both fast and has amazing horizontal range, hitting from full screen. Like Balin Magic Guild is quite fast and plus on block, allowing her to be used both in neutral and to end unsafe block strings. Koume can implement Magic Guild in to most combos and is especially useful after Koume's 214d, Eligos, for an easy elemental counter hit.
  • Clone Techno-Smith Arthur
A wind assist that acts as both an amazing anti-air and a combo extender for Koume. Techno-Smith has phenomenally fast startup and has a very high reaching hit-box making her a useful anti-air tool. Her use in combos is limited but she has great use in corner combos, specifically being used to follow up Koume's 2d, Tri-Horn, for an elemental counter hit, allowing for further follow-ups.
  • Type I Lancelot
An ice assist that spawns on the ground at the players location, striking a large area in front of him when struck or after a bit of time. A great tool for both okizeme after a combo or for counter poke, Lancelot is great for both applying your own pressure after a hard knockdown and for alleviating your opponents pressure. Unfortunately Lancelot has next to no use as a combo extension limiting him as a neutral option.
  • Type II Tor
An ice assist that hits diagonally upwards at a 30° angle. Tor is a fast assist with good damage that allows for various follow ups due to her ice element, however due to her angle of attack Tor can be considered to be a sub-optimal version of Magic Guild Arthur for Koume due to Tor's weaker usage as a neutral tool and her more limited potential as a combo extender.

3 Mana

  • Clone Pharsalia
An ice assist that consists of a laser that hits 20 times and has a small amount of startup before the laser is actually fired. Although this must be combo'ed into Koume has no trouble doing so being able to convert most combos into Pharsalia, a common choice being to use her after Koume's 214d, Eligos. Pharasalia also confirms Koumes 214x+x, allowing for high damage combos.
  • Ruler Supreme Guinevere
A non elemental assist, Guinevere hit the opponent in an area in front of the player on the ground. On hit she increases the current mana cost of each support knight for your opponent by one each for the next use only. This effect stack but won't cause an assist to cost more than five. Koume can use Guinevere to end most mid-screen combos and when used in the corner, you can continue your combo. While she does not offer much to Koume in terms of damage, when used in tandem with Koume's meter stealing auto combo Guinevere allows Koume to grind out the opponent for much longer provided the player can successfully control the neutral.
  • Type I Mordred
A fire assist that consists of a laser shot at 45° diagonally upwards and hits 16 times. Only useful as a combo ender and while Mordred does around 900 more damage than Pharasalia Koume cannot follow Mordred with anything, making him a sub-optimal combo ender.

Normal Moves

MAAB Koume 5A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
500 - 7 - - -3 - - -

Jump cancelable

MAAB Koume 5AA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- - 11 - - -4 - - -

Jump cancelable

MAAB Koume 5AAA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- - 18 - - -7 - - -

Recovers in mid-air

MAAB Koume 5AAAA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- - - - - - - - -

Only comes out on hit. Steals meter.

MAAB Koume 5B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
900 - 11 - - -14 - - -

Good midrange poke, can cancel into itself multiple times. Great for round-start bullying.

MAAB Koume 5BB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1440 - 7 - - -6 - - -
MAAB Koume 5B.png
Same animation as 5B
Same animation as 5B
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1926 - 5 - - -12 - - -
MAAB Koume 5BB.png
Same animation as 5BB
Same animation as 5BB
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- - 4 - - -6 - - -
MAAB Koume 5C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1600 - 15 - - -6 - - -
MAAB Koume 6C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1988 - 11 - - -14 - - -
MAAB Koume 2A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
400 Low 6 - - -5 - - -

Can cancel onto itself leading into autocombo.

MAAB Koume 2AAA.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- Mid - - - - - - -
MAAB Koume 2B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1200 - 11 - - -8 - - -

Low profiles

MAAB Koume 2C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1880 Low 11 - - -10 - - -

Multi-hit move that pushes the enemy away on hit and block. Can be confirmed into 236C only on the very last hit.

MAAB Koume jA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
800 - 9 - - - - - -
MAAB Koume jB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1000 - 10 - - - - - -
MAAB Koume jC.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1800 - 18 - - - - - -

Elemental Attacks

Summon March Hare
MAAB Koume 5D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1800 - 17 - - -15 - - Wind
Summon Tri-Horn
MAAB Koume 2D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1600 - 13 - - -13 - - Ice
Summon Stolas
MAAB Koume jD.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2400 M 16 - - - - - Fire


Forward Throw
MAAB Koume FT.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2400 Throw 7 - - - - - Throw
Back Throw
MAAB Koume BT.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2400 Throw 7 - - - - - -
Air Throw
MAAB Koume AT.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- Throw 5 - - - - - -

Special Moves

Time for Your Shots!
MAAB Koume 236A.png
MAAB Koume 236B.png
MAAB Koume 236C.png
Get over here!
Get over here!
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
A 1920 Mid 14 - - - - - -
B 1920 Mid 15 - - -1 - - -
C 1920 Low 21 - - +3 - - -

Will not hit opponents close to Koume. All versions vacuum opponent on hit or block.

Time for Your Shots! (Air)
MAAB Koume j236A.jpg
MAAB Koume j236B.jpg
MAAB Koume j236C.jpg
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
A 1840 M 15 - - - - - -
B 1840 M 14 - - - - - -
C 1840 M 13 - - - - - -

Will not hit opponents close to Koume. All versions vacuum opponent on hit or block.

Wanna Get Hospitalized?
MAAB Koume 623A.jpg
MAAB Koume 623B.jpg
MAAB Koume 623C.jpg
On whiff, the name of this special applies to the player
On whiff, the name of this special applies to the player
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
A 2480 M 9 - -16 - - - -
B 2480 M 9 - - - - - -
C 2480 M 9 - - - - - -

Koumecopter. Button level determines height and horizontal travel. No version has invulnerability.

Summon Eligos
MAAB Koume 214D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2880 M 13 - - -11 - - Fire

2 hits, can link into 214XX

Million Skill

Summon Dantalion
MAAB Koume MS1.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
4236 M 12 - - 38 - - -

Also available as A autocombo super. Dantalion summons a ball of fire that carries the opponent all the way to the corner on hit (early combo) or leaves them airborne (late combo). Excellent super to set up 3 mana Support Knight attack or follow up with Koume's other supers. Frame advantage is assuming minimum amount of hits before ball passes through (Corner)

It's Koume Special Time!
MAAB Koume MS2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
7035 M 7 - - - - - -

Reversal. Damaging combo ender. Can be easily set up after 5AAAA.

Million Excalibur

Summon Wadatsumi
MAAB Koume ME.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
10,000 Throw 16 - - - - - -

Summons a portal beneath the opponent. Unblockable. Can be jumped after flash to avoid the attack.


Solo Combos

  • 2C > 236C, 5AAAA > 623XX (7060)
  • Throw > EB, 5BB > 236A, 5AAAA > 623XX (6051)
  • 214D > 214XX (7200)


2A Starter:

  • 2A > 5AA > 5BBBB > 2C > 236B (4120)
  • 2A > 2C > 236C > 5AAAA > (4307)
  • 2A > 5BB > 2B > 2C > 236C > 5AA > 5C > 214D (4843)
  • 2A > 5B > 2C > 236C > 236A > 5AA > 5C > 214D (5059)
  • 2A > 5AA > 5B > 6C(4) > 236A > 5AA > 5C > 214D (5281)
Side Switches
  • 2A > 5BB > 5C > 6C(4) > 236A > 5A > 5B > 5C > 214D (5422)
Side Switches
  • 2A > 5AAA > 236C > 5AA > 5C > 214D (4552)

5A Starter:

  • 5A > 6C(4) > 236A, 5AA > jc j.A > j.B > j.C (5562)
Side Switches
  • 5AA > 6C(4) > 236A, 5AAAA > 623XX (7934)
Side Switches


5A Starter:

  • 5A > 5B > 5C > 5D > 214D, 2D > 236A, 5AAAA > 623XX (8867)

2A Starter:

  • 2A > 5AA > 5C > 5D > 214D > 2D > 236A > 5AAAA > 623XX (7896)

Support Knight Combos

Pharsalia Assist: Mid-screen:

  • 5BB > 2B > 2C > 236B > Pharsalia > 214XX (10.1k)
  • 2A > 2C > 236C > 5BBBB > 214D > Pharsalia > 214XX (10.2K)
  • 5BB > 2B > 2C > 236C >623xx > Pharsalia


  • 5AA > 5C > 5D > 214D, 2D, 66 5AAA > j.236C > j.Pharsalia |> 214XX (111.9k)
  • 5AA > 5C > 5D > 214D, 2D, 66 5AA > 5C > 623C > j.Pharsalia |> 214XX (12.1k)

Clone Magic Guild Arthur Assist:

  • 5AAAA > Magic Guild Arthur > 66 5AA > 5C > 214D (can be ended with 623XX instead of 214D if meter is available) (5213)
  • 5BBBB > 2B > 2C > 236B > Magic Guild Arthur > 214D (can be ended with 623XX instead of 214D if meter is available) (5534)
  • 2A > 5A > 6C(3) > 236A > 5AAAA > Magic Guild Arthur > 623C (can be ended with 623XX instead of 623C if meter is available) (5620)
Side Switches


  • 5AAA > j.236C > j.D > j.Magic Guild Arthur > j.66 > j.C (5158)
  • j.D > j.MAgic Guild Arthur |> 5D > 214D > 2D > 236A > 5AAAA > 623XX (8208)
  • 5BB > 5C > 214D > Magic Guild Arthur > 66 > 5D > j.D > 2D > 236A > 5AAAA > 623XX(8848)

Type II Balin: Mid-screen:

  • 6C > Balin > 66 > 5BBBB > 214D (4574)
  • 236C > 5AA > 5C > Balin > 66 > 5BBBB > 214D (6340)


  • 5AAA > j.236C > j.B |> 236A(1) > Balin > 66 > 5B > 214D (5230)
  • 2C > 236C > 5A > 5C > 5D > Balin > 2D > 236A > 5AA > 5C > 214D (6626)

Type II Tor: Mid-screen:

  • 2C > 236C > Tor > 66 > 5BBBB > 214D (5854)'


  • 5A > 5B > 5C > 5D > 214D, 2D > Tor > 236A, 5AAAA > 623XX (9460).

Multiple Support Knight Assists: Mid-screen:

  • 2A > 5A > 6C(5) > Balin > 66 > 5BBBB > 214D > Magic Guild Arthur > 66 > 236B (5877)
  • 5BBBB > 236B > Magic Guild Arthur > 5BBBB > 214D > Pharsalia > 214XX (11.4K)


  • 2C > 236C > 5A > 5C > 5D > Balin > 2D > 236A > 5AA > 5C > 214D > Pharsalia > 214XX (12.2K)
  • 5AA > 5B > 5C > 5D > 214D > 2D > 236A > 5AAAA > Magic Guild Arthur > Pharsalia > 214XX (13.3k)
5 Mana, 200 Meter required
  • 5A > 5BB > 5C > 214D > Magic Guild Arthur > 6 > 5D > j.D > 2D > 236A > 5AAAA > 236XX > Pharsalia > 214XX (13.7K - 13.9K)
5 Mana, 300 Meter required, Damage depends on delay between 236XX and Pharsalia




External Links

Support Knights
Twinblade Arthur
Iai Arthur
Thief Arthur
Arthur Blade Protector
Zechs Siegfried
Eternal Flame
Snow White
Wildcat Arthur
Koume Sakiyama
Iori Yagami
Foible Elle
Clone Elle
Sorcery King
No Element
Little Grey
Akira Oono