Yomi 2/Valerie

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Yomi 2 Valerie.png



WIP. Complete brief character lore write-up.

Character Stats

Health Character Type Maximum Combo Points Unique Trait
80 Rushdown 6 Agile Hands. You can combo your normal attacks in any order. (Out-of-order normals still count as chain combos).


WIP. Complete overview of character gameplay.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Dominant Normals. Valerie's fast rushdown normals are only further improved by her unique trait, allowing her to chain combo in any order. This allows her to easily combo regardless of what she has in hand. The cherry on top of her selection of normals is an E that gives the Edge.
  • Mix-Up Queen. Valerie has more highs and lows than any other character in the game, which makes for a deadly combination when paired with her high speed moves. To send her opponents to the ultimate mix-up hell, her S2 locks them down and forces them to guess block for two turns in a row!
  • Meter for Days. Valerie's X is her real damage cash-out, allowing her to focus her super meter on her S1 reversal or S2 set-up tool. In combination with her easy access to chain combos, you will rarely be short on meter.
  • Precious Specials. The double-edged sword of Valerie's X functioning as her primary damage cash-out is that she may need to refrain from using her other special moves to pump it. Worse, if she struggles to draw into the right specials, she will need to rely on normals for most of her damage.
  • Card Hungry. While her ability Burst of Speed helps refill her hand, Valerie's combos and specials are generally very card hungry. If she empties her hand too early in a match, she can get stuck in a very bad position. The ever-present demand for cards to use in her combos can make it unwieldy for her to power up as well. Her S1 is her only reversal and a great neutral attack, but finding the right turn to power up for it can be challenging.


Normal Moves

A. Quick Low Attack
Yomi2 Valerie A.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Normal Attack 3 0 9 Chain Combo 1 Low

WIP. Complete later.

B. Light Low Attack
Yomi2 Valerie B.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Normal Attack 4 0 8 Chain Combo 1 Low

WIP. Complete later.

C. Medium High Attack
Yomi2 Valerie C.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Normal Attack 5 0 7 Chain Combo 1 High

WIP. Complete later.

D. Heavy High Attack
Yomi2 Valerie D.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Normal Attack 6 0 6 Chain Combo 1 High

WIP. Complete later.

E. Power Attack
Yomi2 Valerie E.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Normal Attack 7 0 5 - 1 On Block or Hit: Gain the Edge

WIP. Complete later.

Low Block
Yomi2 Valerie LB.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Normal Block - - - - - On block: Draw a card. Recurring. You can punish unsafe on block moves with a full combo.

WIP. Complete later.

High Block
Yomi2 Valerie HB.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Normal Block - - - - - On block: Draw a card. Recurring. You can punish unsafe on block moves with a full combo.

WIP. Complete later.

Yomi2 Valerie DO.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Normal Dodge - - - - - -

WIP. Complete later.

Yomi2 Valerie Throw.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Normal Throw 6 - 6 Starter 3 Knockdown

WIP. Complete later.

Special Moves

X. Three Colors
Yomi2 Valerie X.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Special Attack 7 3 7 Ender 2 Pump 2 Special Cards: +7 damage/card.

WIP. Complete later.

Y. Cross Stroke
Yomi2 Valerie Y.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Special Attack 7 1 6 Starter 1 Low; On Block or Hit: Gain the Edge

WIP. Complete later.

Z. Rainbow Stroke
Yomi2 Valerie Z.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Special Attack 6 2 6 Linker 1 High; Beats lv. 1 projectiles.

WIP. Complete later.

Super Moves

S1. Chromatic Orb
Yomi2 Valerie S1.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Super Attack 10 3 11 Can't Combo - Costs 1 Super Meter. On hit: draw a card.

WIP. Complete later.

S2. Rainbow Disc
Yomi2 Valerie S2.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Super Attack 2 8 2 - - Costs 3 Super Meter. Lv. 3 Projectile; When you open with this and don't get hit, this gets: Ongoing - Disable your throws and the opponent's dodges as openers. Your attacks are infinitely fast and break armor. Discard this from play: after two more combats.

WIP. Complete later.

Ability Card

Burst of Speed
Yomi2 Valerie AB.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Ability - - - - - Draw 2 cards and this gets: Ongoing - Gain the edge each turn. Discard this from play: After two combats.

WIP. Complete later.



Damage Confirm. A > C > D > E > X = 28 Damage / 42 Damage with Pump + 3 Meter. (Any normal, Y, Z, or throw opener works well here too.)

Edge Confirm. A > Z > Z > D > D > E = 34 Damage + The Edge + 2 Meter.


Basic Game Plan

As a rushdown character, Valerie is at the advantage in neutral and her S1 also serves as a solid defensive tool - her primary goal throughout the game will instead be building her hand size so that she can threaten higher damage combos. Not counting assistance from her gem, Val's only way to build hand size is to block. With this in mind, you will want to think of cards in hand as a resource that you need to build, cash-out, and then build again. The opponent can of course punish Val for blocking with attacks or throws, so she needs to deter this by poking with her superior neutral options, namely her fast normals. Keeping the opponent afraid of her normals by maintaining a medium-sized hand can be an important part of this resource push and pull; if Val lowers her hand size too much (anything below 7 is dangerous) the opponent can begin to throw with less risk, making it much harder for her to rebuild her hand.

Valerie's high damage combos are locked behind her special moves, primarily her X special, Three Colors. Valerie's X can be pumped to deal up to 21 damage on its own, but doing so will cost three special cards. Valerie's other special moves are solid threats in their own right, but often it is more effective to save them to pump X. Y is an especially good opener threat while the opponent is knocked down, and Z can be a great way to catch zoners by surprise, especially if they have the edge and your A/B normals won't be able to out-speed a projectile. Be conservative when using your specials, but don't completely ignore them.

Powering Up

Valerie has no issues building lots of meter thanks to her unique trait, but will need to carefully decide when to expend cards powering up for her supers. With Val's hand size being such a precious resource she will need to be careful about when and what cards she uses for this. The cards least valuable to Val's core game plan are her Dodge, D, and Throw. The default choice for her power-up will be her S1, which serves as her only reversal; Val's S2 is often okay to just draw from her main deck and she will very rarely need to power-up for meter. Despite its use as a key defensive tool, its important to not weaken your hand by powering up too soon. Waiting until you have at least 9-10 cards in hand before powering up is a usually a solid point of reference.

Knockdown and Rainbow Disc

Lurking insidiously behind Valerie's powerful and fast normal attacks, is her powerful and fast normal throw! The knockdown that this provides allows Val to more easily threaten the opponent with her high/low normal attacks, but also plays well with her plus on block Y special. However, its best addition to her offensive is making it much safer to open with her S2, Rainbow Disc. If Val's S2 doesn't lose to a reversal on knockdown, the opponent will be forced to block (or just accept getting hit) for the next two turns. Since Val is already usually able to combo all of her moves into each other without much effort, the primary benefit of S2 is the opponent losing 2 turns while Val is able to safely poke them. Ideally, you will want to wait to use S2 until your hand is at 11 or 12 cards (unless the opponent is already very close to dying), since you will want to be able to take advantage of the opportunity to more easily land a high damage combo.


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