Million Arthur: Arcana Blood/Support Knights

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Support Mechanics

Support Knights, the assist characters of Million Arthur: Arcana Blood. They posses 1 of 4 elemental properties, each with a unique element. Each heart under HP BONUS is worth 500HP, each half heart is worth 300HP.

  • Fire - Damage over time for the duration of the debuff
  • Ice - Temporarily freezes opponent in place when struck
  • Wind - Restores a portion of the damage dealt by the attack to the player
  • Neutral - No element effect


Assists cost a certain amount of mana (jewels below the character portrait). The amount of mana required is also shown on the assist card.

Mana Use and Restoration

  • Mana restores at a rate of one mana per 4 seconds
  • When an assist cancel is performed, mana restoration is locked out for 7 seconds after the opponent returns to neutral before resuming. This is shown by red mana icons
  • If an opponent is hit and comboed again after the initial assist cancel combo, the lock out will continue to count down
  • When an assist is used in the neutral, no lock out is applied

Assist Cancels

Assists cancelling follows a number of rules

  • 1 Mana assists can cancel from any normal including D buttons
  • 2 Mana assists can cancel from any normal and special (including DPs)
  • 3 Mana assists can cancel from any normal, special and 100 meter supers
  • Assist cancels are unable to be performed from projectile attacks (including supers)
  • Any assist call is able to cancel the recovery into another assist call, this will not incur red mana lockout


While under the effects of fire, the opponent will take constant damage over time. It is countered by ice and will counter-hit opponents who are afflicted with wind.

One Mana

Clone Fay
MAAB Faye.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1740 M 21 - 41F Total +5 - - Fire

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time

Standard fireball.

Good for pressure and has quick enough recovery that attempts to roll through the fireball can generally be punished.

Foible Elle
MAAB Chin Chin.jpg
aka Jakusansei Elle
aka Jakusansei Elle
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2000 L 36 - 72F Total -12 - - Fire, Strike

Counter Effect - Will cause the opponent to enter a stagger state into knockdown. Significantly increased untechable time.

Nice Chin Chin! Elle will run across the ground. On contact with the opponent, she will hit them, forcing standing state.

Too reactable to be a mixup but is seen in some combos due to the restand.

Two Mana

Type II Balin
MAAB Balin.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2735 M 28 - 47F Total +23 - - Fire, Strike

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time

Balin will drop her sword in an arcing attack. Will slightly track the opponent.

Very good all-purpose support. Fast with a great hitbox, Balin can control neutral extremely well functioning as both an anti-ground and at times, an anti-air tool. Fast characters can sometimes run past Balin's tracking to make it whiff mid-run.

Type I Gawain
MAAB Gawain.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1800,3300 M 27(47) - 63F Total +18 - - Fire

Counter Effect - Untechable Knockdown. Counter-hit effect carries through both hits

Attacks from the ground below the player's position. Gawain does a two part attack. First attacking along the ground before summoning a large fire pillar

Primarily used in combos and blockstrings. Weak hit-box for neutral but has high untechable time and high base damage.

Clone Mercenary Arthur
MAAB Mercenary.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2904 M 23 - 46F Total +27 - - Fire, Strike(1)

Counter Effect - Untechable knockdown. Counter-hit effect carries throughout the shockwave

Mercenary will be summoned above the player character and slam directly downwards. Upon reaching the ground, he will cause a shockwave, carrying the opponent across the screen. Startup is 28F when performed on the ground against grounded opponents

Amazing support all-round. Good screen control, can function as an anti-air, good combo filler, good frame advantage, has great synergy with a large amount of characters.

Supporter Claire
MAAB Claire.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2735 M 85 - 45F Total N/A - - Fire

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time

Claire will throw a proximity-triggered mine infront of her. It will trigger automatically when the opponent is in a vulnerable state (i.e hittable) when they are within range.

Can control the placement of the mine by holding ⭠ or ⭢ when summoning

Decent assist on paper. Generally not seen because she fails to control air space. Used for okizeme or screen control.

Otherworldly Hawkeye
MAAB Hawkeye.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2680 M 39 - 52F Total +23 - - Fire

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time

Hawkeye performs a delayed rising attack at the opponents position. Reaches extremely high and tracks slightly before becoming active.

Has use in neutral to control the opponent's movement in neutral. Due to its delay attack and tracking, it has some use in combos as well.

Three Mana

Type I Mordred
MAAB Mordred.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
5915 M 42 - 127F Total -3 - - Fire

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time

Mordred shoots a wide laser 45° diagonally upwards. Can force launch on knocked down opponents

Only seen on fire element characters for maximising damage off EB combos.

Clone Cuchulainn
MAAB Cuchulainn.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
6227 M 52(59) - 81F Total +26 - - Fire, Strike(1)

Counter Effect - Untechable knockdown. Counter-hit effect carries

After a long delay, Chulainn throws his spear at a downward angle. Upon collission with the ground, it will summon a fire pillar that reaches full screen.

Generally not used due to its long startup. Has synergy with some characters with elemental counter-hit.


Ice attacks will freeze the opponent in place on hit. On counter-hit the freeze-stop will last longer

One Mana

Clone Elle
MAAB Elle.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1600 M 21 - 41F Total +5 - - Ice

Counter Effect - Increased freeze time. Slightly increased untechable time Standard fireball.

Good for pressure and has quick enough recovery that attempts to roll through the fireball can generally be punished.

Summer Evaine
MAAB Evaine.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2000 M 31 - 56F Total +2 - - Ice

Counter Effect - Increased freeze time. Increased untechable time

Summoned above the player character. Evaine smacks a watermelon at an angle. This will bounce off walls a maximum of 3 times. Frame data is if the ball strikes the opponent instantly after it is hit.

Amazing assist. Cheap cost, Good angle, fast projectile speed and can control space extremely well with the wall bounce. Synergises extremely well with a lot of characters and can also be used as okizeme in certain situations.

Two Mana

Clone Magic Guild Arthur
MAAB Sorcery.jpg
aka Sorcery King
aka Sorcery King
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2736 (2400) M 19(29) - 48F Total +12(+2) - - Ice, Strike

Counter Effect - Increased freeze time. Untechable knockdown on clean hit. Increased untechable time on non-clean hit.

Mage-Guild Arthur be summoned at the player's position and then rush across the screen extremely quickly. Will clean hit if the opponent is hit close to the player character on summon, causing a knockdown. On further away hits, will cause a sliding effect.

Generally all round useful assist. Great neutral assist due to its fast speed and long range. Good synergy with elemental counters due to long freeze time and untechable knockdown. Naturally increased untechable time for Ice Supports allows it to be used in combos for most characters.

Type I Lancelot
MAAB Lancelot.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
3026 M 23(75) - 38F Total N/A - - Ice, Strike

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time

Lancelot is summoned on the ground at the player's position. Bracing his shield, he will either activate as a counter when struck, or after time, striking a large area in front of him. Will only block one attack and will gain a collision hitbox on activation.

Guard point is active from 23F onwards, Will automatically strike at 75F.

Amazing assist with unique purposes. Can be used to deter opponents from poking in neutral or be used as okizeme. High scaling limits his use in combos however.

Type II Tor
MAAB Tor.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
4000(3000) M 23 - 50F Total +14(+1) - - Ice, Strike

Counter Effect - Untechable Knockdown on clean hit, Increased untechable time on non-clean hit.

Tor will spawn on the player character and kick upwards at a 30* angle. Will clean hit within a certain distance, causing exteremely long hit-stop and untechable time. On non-clean hit, the opponent will wall bounce with signifcant untechable time.

Extremely good assist on paper. Fast summon, high base damage with significant untechable time making it very easy to combo off on any hit. Although the hitbox is larger than it looks, it is still only let down by its angle of attack.

Monarch Constantine
MAAB Constantine.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
3000 M - - 38F Total N/A - - Fire

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time

Constantine is summoned at the player's position. Spawns a slow moving ice ball. Will trigger within proximity of the opponent and freeze them for a long period of time on hit. Will automatically explode if not triggered within an extremely long amount of time.

Great okizeme tool due to spawning above trigger range when done grounded. Can set up unblockables with command grabs. Great neutral tool as it presents a slow moving hitbox but can be invalidated by attacks which can clash/delete projectiles.

Clone Azia Kriemhild
MAAB Kriemhild.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2743 M 17 - 44F Total -6 - - Ice, Strike

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time. Second hit will cause ground bounce

Azia will do a two part rising attack from the ground. She will first do a rising attack before performing a followup that will pull the opponent downwards towards the player. This can side swap at certain range.

Fast enough to function as an anti-air with long untechable times, making confirms very easy. Has some use in combos for certain characters.

Three Mana

Clone Pharsalia
MAAB Pharsalia.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
5028 M 45 - 140F Total +15 - - Ice

Counter Effect - Untechable knockdown

Pharsalia shoots a large laser across the screen.

Very easy to combo into and from due to its Ice element. Has high compatibility with multiple characters due to being a reliable super cancel but most primarily seen as an ender to Ice Character's EB combos.

Type II Peridod
MAAB Peridod.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
4945 M 52 - 84F Total - - - Ice

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time

Peridod throws her scythe across the screen before returning like a boomerang.

Good for establishing screen control but its high cost limits its usage. Slower startup and smaller hitbox limits her ability to be used in combos.


Wind attacks will restore HP on hit. The amount of HP restored is relative to damage dealt and scales with combo scaling

One Mana

Clone Lifée
MAAB Reafe.jpg
aka Reafe
aka Reafe
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1650 M 21 - 41F Total +9 - - Wind

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time

Standard fireball. Less untechable time than Fire/Ice variants.

Has more blockstun but sees comparitively less use due to being wind element with low untechable time.

Supporter Enide
MAAB Enide.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2000 M 24 - 43F Total +8 - - Wind

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time

Enide creates an explosion directly infront of the player.

With a fast startup, large hitbox and low cost, Enide is very good at controlling space in neutral. However due to the wallbounce, without counter-hit, it may be difficult to convert off stray hits.

Two Mana

Clone Techno-Smith Arthur
MAAB Techno-Smith.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1650 M 14 - 36F Total +1 - - Wind, Strike

Counter Effect - Untechable knockdown

Rising attack from the ground.

With an extremely fast startup and a high reaching hitbox, Techno-Smith can be used as an anti-air however without a counter-hit, it's almost impossible to combo off. Occasionally seen as a combo ender utilizing its element counter untechable knockdown.

Type I Galahad
MAAB Galahad.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2608 M 26 - 45F Total +29 - - Wind, Strike

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time

Galahad rushes across the screen while performing many rapid strikes. Will slowly stop travelling upon collision with the opponent.

Decent startup and reaches far across the screen makes Galahad useful for controlling space. Due to having long hit-stop, she has use in DP > Galahad combos.

Clone Diva Arthur
MAAB Utahime.jpg
aka Utahime
aka Utahime
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2513 M 26 - 86F Total -14 - - Wind

Counter Effect - Increased hit-stop and untechable time

Diva Arthur will perform a 360* attack on the ground at the player's position. Will launch the opponent away on hit and recovers more HP than other wind supports.

Clone Scathach
MAAB Scathach.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2513 M 34 - 64F Total +5 - - Wind

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time

Scathach summons a wind pillar below the oppponent, launching them.

Primarily used as a neutral tool due to its tracking and low combo-ability. Landing this raw will restore a noticeable amount of HP.

Clone Aife
MAAB Aife.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2800 M 23(43) - 51F Total +21 - - Wind, Strike

Counter Effect - Untechable knockdown. Counter-hit effect will carry through to the second hit

Aife strikes down at a slanted angle in front of the player before striking across the screen at a slight upwards angle.

Fairly fast startup and controls a large amount of space makes Aife a very good neutral support. Unfortunately due to knocking the opponent away, many characters struggle to combo off stray Aife hits.

Three Mana

Clone Uathach
MAAB Uathach.jpg
aka Uasaha
aka Uasaha
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1650 M 31 - 153F Total -2 - - Wind

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time

Uathach summons a wind vortex infront of the player. Will vacuum nearby opponents and restores a considerable amount of HP on hit. This effect is also able to vacuum grounded opponents for full damage.

Used in EB combos for wind characters. Its ability to vacuum and relaunch grounded opponents can add flexibility for a bit more damage in situations other supports wouldn't be able to.

Woeful Princess Kaguya
MAAB Kaguya.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
1200*2 M 36 - 73F Total -3 - - Wind

Counter Effect - Increased untechable time

Kaguya summons two revolving orbs around the player character which can collide with opponents for damage. After a delay, the projectiles will fire across the screen. Low untechable time and will disappear if the player is struck.

Its low damage and unique nature leaves this solely used as a neutral tool to force the player's advantage. Can be used as an invincible approaching hitbox by combining it with rolls.

No Element

These supports will not have an element property on hit

One Mana

Unique Little Grey
MAAB Little Grey.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
500 M 85 - 63F Total +300 - - -

Counter Effect - Significantly increased hitstun

Little Grey tracks the opponent and performs multiple hits which cause a significant amount of hitstun or blockstun. On hit, will scale combos significantly

Strong assist on paper but due to its inability to be cancelled into from specials and the significant combo scaling it causes, it sees limited use

Two Mana

Clone Merchant Arthur
MAAB Fugou.jpg
aka Fugou Arthur
aka Fugou Arthur
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
N/A N/A N/A - 57F Total N/A - - -

Counter Effect - N/A

Grants super armor to the next attack the player performs. Multi-part attacks (e.g rekkas) will retain the super armor. Super armor is only active during the first attack performed after summoning. Will be wasted if the player is hit before use

No. Useless.

Otherworldly Akira Oono
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
- M 60-150 - 47F Total +130-+225 - - -

Counter Effect - Untechable knockdown on the last hit

Akira kicks an arcade cab at the opponent. Significant frame advantage and corner carry. Will launch on final hit. Can be delayed by holding the button used to summon her. Will strike 27F after button release

Last hit is not a solid blockstring and can be used to set up unblockable command grab setups.

Three Mana

Ruler Supreme Guinevere
MAAB Guinevere.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Starter Scaling Combo Scaling Element
2000 M 34 - 96F Total - - - -

Counter Effect - Increased Hitstun

Strikes the opponent in an area in front of the player on the ground. On hit, will increase the current mana cost of the opponent's support cards by 1 for the next use. This affects each support individually and can stack up to a maximum of 5.

While it does not offer high damage potential, Guinevere's unique ability to raise the cost of supports can significantly influence the match. Very effective against characters/players who use low cost or multiple supports in tandem as the effect is only removed upon use for that particular support

External Links

Support Knights
Twinblade Arthur
Iai Arthur
Thief Arthur
Arthur Blade Protector
Zechs Siegfried
Eternal Flame
Snow White
Wildcat Arthur
Koume Sakiyama
Iori Yagami
Foible Elle
Clone Elle
Sorcery King
No Element
Little Grey
Akira Oono