Idol Showdown/Suisei Hoshimachi

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IS Suisei Logo.png

Stellar Stylish Idol - Saikou Pressure


Suisei is a rushdown setplay character who excels at locking her opponent down with powerful okizeme and strong mixup tools. In neutral, she has a few strong normals like 2M, a really useful low poke that can be converted off into a full combo - albeit requiring meter outside of point blank range - and 5M being so plus it can link back into 5L. While she can have a hard time approaching her opponent, 236L and j.236X are solid tools - with 236L leading to a scary strike/throw situation even on block - and 3M can slide below some projectiles, although at the price of not being comboable unless on counterhit. Her 214L/M can disrupt the offense of more melee-focused characters, with the M version mostly useful for zoning purposes and 214L being a great way to get back your turn even if the opponent gets close. In addition, a 5f command grab makes her strike/throw game scary to deal with.
However, it's when she gets in that Suisei really shines. Her 214H eats through reversals and can lead to taking back the turn even on trades even on trades. By varying the time at which the Orb (214H) hits, various mixup options open to her - high/low, crossup/no crossup, meaty/throw.
On the flipside, when forced to play defensive Suisei doesn't have many options outside of blocking and trying to punish any unsafe string from her opponent. Furthermore, her lack of long range projectiles or invulnerable approaches - outside of the projectile invulnerability of 22H, which is not always a viable option - makes it hard for Suisei to deal with heavy zoning without spending meter for collabs.

IS Suisei head.png

Suisei is a rushdown setplay character with explosive high risk, high reward neutral skip tools and powerful projectile okizeme. Boasting great normals for stagger pressure, and an amazing command grab, she's a close range killer who's no slouch at the midrange game either.

Pick if you like Avoid if you dislike
  • Incredible Okizeme: 214H is extremely advantageous on block and eats reversals, allowing you to do pretty much whatever you want on the opponent’s wakeup when used in proper setups.
  • Deadly Mix-ups: When using said 214H setups, you get both high/low AND left/right mix. Even if they survive your setplay, you still have a command grab for them to worry about.
  • Well-Rounded Offense: 2L is perfect for tick throws and stagger pressure. Both options lead to great reward. Her command grab gives her decent oki, and she gets her best mixups off almost every hit with 22M ender.
  • Unique Cancel Options: Suisei uniquely has access to a metered dash cancel technique called Idol Step that improves both her combo and pressure game.
  • Good Meter Build Potential: When optimized, Suisei’s combos give her plenty of bar to use and abuse her plethora of powerful metered options.
  • Blocking: Other than system mechanics and a 5f jab, Suisei is completely lacking defensive tools. Once on the backfoot, its difficult for her to get out without making sacrifices.
  • Struggling Against Zoning: While she isn’t lacking in tools to force her way through neutral, characters with strong projectiles and full screen presence are very problematic for her.
  • Dependence on Resources: While her oki is still good without 214H, she can’t guarantee a true 50/50 and beat reversals at the same time without it. She also needs bar for Idol Step cancels.

Recommended Collabs

Note: As this section of the page was written shortly after the game was released, its only purpose is to help guide new players towards assists that are generally considered useful for the character, and should be revised by an experienced player as the game develops more. Don't be afraid to pick and try something else!

  • IS Roboco Icon.png Roboco - Roboco is one of the most well-rounded collab choices for Suisei. While her missiles are not particularly impactful on her due to her oki game being already solid, having 3 bars max SC is pretty useful to convert into the standard routing from alternative starters, and for her damage routes. But where Robo really shines is with her 214S, the beam. This fullscreen super compensates for Suisei's lack of long range attacks, and can be used as a guaranteed punish against projectiles, giving Suisei a straightforward way to get out of zoning situations. It is also possible to use it defensively to stop the opponent's pressure, and offensively to combo off it for >600 damage routes.
  • IS Miko Icon.png Miko - Suisei's business partner, Miko, trades neutral utility for strong collabs on offense and defense that are easy to use. Miko's tripping collab can force opponents off of you and back to neutral. If they get stuck blocking, it complements Suisei's already powerful strike/throw game. Her lava bucket collab can be used after 236L to lock opponents down for mix-ups. The lava won't let you convert off of any hits on its own, but it gives you time to sneak in some damage and also set up a fully charged 214[L] into a real high/low threat. You can even fully charge 22S if you're feeling cheeky (though you won't gain SC for it).


Standing Normals

IS Suisei 5L.png
IS Suisei 5L hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


5f 3f 6f -3 +4


Jab. Suisei's fastest normal. More range than 2L, moves you forward.

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IS Suisei 5M.png
IS Suisei 5M hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


7f 5f 11f -2 +5


Great button. A high hitting advancing mid that whiffs on crouching opponents at longer ranges. Surprisingly active. Links back into 5L for high meter build loops. Incredible for stagger pressure.

  • The high hitbox for this move is gigantic, covering Suisei's entire arm without exposing any of her hurtbox. Great panic anti-air even if it is air blockable.
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IS Suisei 5H.png
IS Suisei 5H hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


15f 2f 30f -7 -3


Chunky horizontal axe swing. Awful recovery and startup make it ill-suited for use in neutral. High damage makes it useful combo fodder.

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Crouching Normals

IS Suisei 2L.png
IS Suisei 2L hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability

Low, Air Unblockable

6f 2f 11f 0 +4


Incredibly stubby jab. Mostly inferior to 5L for abare purposes, but being even (0) on block makes it useful for tick throwing. Forces standing on hit, making combos more consistent.

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IS Suisei 2M.png
IS Suisei 2M hitbox.png
Your best friend in neutral
Your best friend in neutral
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability

Low, Air Unblockable

8f 4f 15f -7 +3


Amazing low poke thats quite fast for its range. Insanely disjointed and does not extend her hurtbox at all. Suisei's lack of good low commitment pokes other than this make her very reliant on it.

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IS Suisei 2H.png
IS Suisei 2H hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability

Mid, Air Unblockable

10f 3f 16f -13 +5


Air unblockable launcher. Not much horizontal range compared to other 2Hs making it harder to use consistently as an anti-air.

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IS Suisei 3H.png
IS Suisei 3H hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability

Low, Air Unblockable

13f 3f 20f -12 +41


Short sweep. Hard Knockdown.

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Jumping Normals

IS Suisei jL.png
IS Suisei jL hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


7f 5f until land+3f - -


Standard j.L. Mostly used for instant overheads - it can be confirmed into a full combo during 214H oki or by using assists, for example j.L > j.S > Risu 214S.

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IS Suisei jM.png
IS Suisei jM hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


9f 4f until land+4f - -


Strictly horizontal gunshot. Wallbounces on hit, enables combo extensions in the corner but hurts its utility as an air to air.

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IS Suisei jH.png
IS Suisei jH hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


10f 4f until land+5f - -


A jH with an ok crossup hitbox. Your main jump-in most of the time.

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Command Normals

IS Suisei 3M.png
IS Suisei 3M hitbox.png
You got this trying to input dash 2M, didn't you?
You got this trying to input dash 2M, didn't you?
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


12f 3f 10f -8 -4


Low profile slide, goes under most mid height fireballs and quite a lot of mid height normals. Reward on non-counterhit is absolutely terrible, you can only really combo into 236S install. However, on counterhit it combos into 236L and oddly 22L depending on spacing. 22L being the better choice as it grants you a full meterless conversion. Despite being a slide it does not have meaningful variable framedata

  • Incredibly low recovery, whiffing this move is surprisingly safe
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IS Suisei 6H.png
IS Suisei 6H hitbox.png
Sui-ssor Kick!
Sui-ssor Kick!
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


19f 3f 18f -10~-11 +4


Not an overhead. Wallbounces on counterhit, even in a trade. Being an advancing normal its very useful for combo conversions and if hit late, it can combo into 5L

  • Being an advancing normal, and being able to cancel so late into its long recovery frames, this move is surprisingly good in blockstrings. With enough conditioning, you can even throw people after this move despite being double digits minus.
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IS Suisei LM.png
IS Suisei LM hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


7f - 5f(hit)


- +31


While it may seem pointless to ever consider normal throw over her command grab, it has only about a fifth as much recovery on whiff in comparison. Making it a much safer option against opponents who have shown you they are willing to gamble on jumping out of your strings to escape it.

  • Can be kara'd off of 5M with 6/4M~L plink to increase its range.
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IS Suisei MH.png
IS Suisei MH hitbox.png
Uses the same sprite as j.L
Uses the same sprite as j.L
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


25f 3f 24f -4 -2


Universal standing overhead. You have better mixups than this. No cancel options, being quite reactable, and being minus on hit (lol) limits its usefulness outside of when you only need to hit a sleeping opponent once to kill. You can kara into this, but why?

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Special Attacks

Wicked Slice
236L / 5S
IS Suisei 236L.png
IS Suisei 236L hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


13f 5f 21f -2~2 +


Big horizontal, advancing axe swing thats very safe on block or plus at max range. Decent counterpoke. Quite fast for its large range. On hit forces standing, and puts you in a better spot to continue running offense. Cancelled with 22S~6 however, it allows for a pressure reset or a 5M 5L link combo.

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Starry Slice
236M / 6S
IS Suisei 236M.png
IS Suisei 236M hitbox.png
Greed Sever!
Greed Sever!
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
161 (80+81)


23f 5f (first hit) until land+13f -11 +30


Advancing airborne overhead that knocks down on hit and high profiles lows. Very unsafe on block without a cancel. Amazing damage potential as a combo starter.

  • Can be SSC'd to jS to attempt to make it plus on block, but this is a knowledge check as there's a gap between the two where you can DP or even 2H on some characters.
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Heart Harvest
IS Suisei 236H.png
IS Suisei 236H hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
179 (125+27+27)


13f 6f (first hit) 18f -14 +6(ground)



  • Uses 1 bar of Star Power

Has two versions depending on if the opponent was hit grounded or airborne.

  • Grounded opponents are sideswapped on hit, but is generally not useful for the price as the opponent can tech.
  • Airborne opponents are bounced off the wall back into Suisei, making for a good combo ender or extender if you have excess meter you're willing to spend. You have enough time for Charge lvl 2 fireball oki, or the option to SCC into 214H assuming you have 2 meter.
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Tetromino Transhumanism
IS Suisei 236G.png
IS Suisei 236G hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
203 (18+185)


5f - 7f(hit)


- +53


A command grab that leaves the opponent directly in front of Suisei. Faster startup and better knockdown makes it all around superior to normal throw with the caveat of having a FULL SECOND of recovery on whiff.

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Stellar Medley (Close/Far)
IS Suisei 214LM.png
A versatile, downwards-angled projectile that can be charged up to level 3 to improve its frame advantage. The light and medium versions cover separate angles. The frame advantage it offers makes it both a somewhat reliable pressure tool and meterless okizeme tool as well. In blockstrings, as long as the startup plays out and the comet is spawned, opponents that mash on Suisei will be hit out of their combo, as it does not go away on hit. Suisei’s best move to whiff in order to build superchat meter.

  • 214L is the least explored of the two as of now. It has better frame advantage when charged than it’s medium counterpart, but the less horizontal angle of the projectile makes it difficult to utilize in setplay. A potential use for this move would be as a preemptive neutral tool as it’s vertical angle makes it suited for catching opponents approaching from above.
  • 214M is the most commonly used version, and has a much wider variety of practical use cases. It’s longer horizontal range makes it the closest thing Suisei has to a zoning tool, as well as makes it more easily applicable for setplay. Less frame advantage than the light version, but the difference is negligible in reality.
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
214L (close/level 1) 65


26f~52 - 0f +7 -


Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
214L (close/level 2) -


60f~83f - 0f +31 -


Takes 33 frames to charge

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
214L (close/level 3) -


86f~98f - 0f +21~+72 -


Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
214M (far/level 1) 30


24f~39f - 0f +5 -


Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
214M (far/level 2) -


57f~80f - 0f +25~+28 -


Takes 35 frames to charge

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
214M (far/level 3) -


85f~109f - 0f +24~+70 -


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ISD Suisei 214H.png
The reason you play Suisei
The reason you play Suisei
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
56 (20+18+18)


42f, projectile hits on 50f~159f(?) - 0f +55 -


  • Uses 1 bar of Star Power

Character-defining okizeme powerhouse move. Incredibly oppressive projectile that eats wakeup reversals and enables all her best mixups. You will be donating most of your meter to this evil ball of blockstun. If you really are tired of playing neutral you can spend the bar just to walk your opponent down with it backing you up as it travels forward with Suisei.

  • Absorbs 3 hits of projectiles
  • The orb spawns almost directly above Suisei, near where 2H launches the opponent in the corner. You can use the orb as an attempt to catch teching into buttons or as a combo extender in the corner because of this, but it's generally not worth the meter.
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Hoshispin (Horizontal)
IS Suisei 22L.png
IS Suisei 22L hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
106 (20+86)

Air Unblockable

10f - 18f(hit)


- ~+55


Horizontal air unblockable hitgrab. Staple combo tool.

  • Causes a ground bounce the first time it's used in a combo
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Hoshispin (Vertical)
22M / 2S
IS Suisei 22M.png
IS Suisei 22M hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability

Air Unblockable

15f - 12f(hit)


- +59


Vertical air unblockable hitgrab that leads to a lengthy hard knockdown. Staple combo ender.

  • Causes a very small ground bounce, which can be followed up on by certain specials such as 236L or 236H by using a Superchat Cancel. It's not recommended to do this though, as the small amount of extra damage is generally not worth your meter or the loss of okizeme potential.
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Psycho Hoshispin
IS Suisei 22H.png
IS Suisei 22H hitbox.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
119 (20+99)


20f - 12f(hit)


- +59f


  • Uses 1 bar of Star Power
  • Projectile invulnerable

Makes for a gimmicky reversal against some projectile-based oki, but its primary use is helping you blow through mid-range zoning.

  • Reward on hit is the same as 22M
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Selfish of a Rough Stone
IS Suisei 22S.png
Similar to FADC from Street Fighter IV
Similar to FADC from Street Fighter IV
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


- - - - -


  • Uses 1 bar of Star Power
  • Has three stages. Upon reaching the third stage, Suisei summons 5 comets from the sky.
  • Can be canceled into a forward or backdash at any point during the animation and retain the current charge level.
    • The forward dash can additionally be canceled into any other singular normal, key word singular. Said move can not be cancelled into other normals or specials, so if you want to continue pressure or combo you must 2L and be 0 on block or 2H > jump cancel.
    • Can be canceled into from other specials. 22S~6 can be as a way to use Star Power rather than a SCC to continue your turn or combo after moves like 236L.
    • This is commonly referred to as "Idol Step"
    • 22S~[6] takes 12f before the dash cancel itself.
    • 5H/2M > 22S~[6] > 5M is a true blockstring.

A short tech video by Frexia about 22S cancel: Do note the section on 5M is outdated.

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Stellar Slice
j.S / j.236L / j.236M / j.236H
IS Suisei jS.png
IS Suisei jS hitbox.png
Bandit Revolver!
Bandit Revolver!
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability


26f 6f 10f+until land +5~+9 +18


A forward moving axe attack that looks similar to her 236M. Plus on block overhead that gives you a full combo on hit. When done low to the ground its a fantastic approach option, functioning like an instant airdash. Good combo fodder too. Overall a very strong move.

  • Using L, M or H for this move will not affect its properties in any way. There is only one version of the move, but it can be done using any of the attack buttons for some reason.
  • You cannot TK specials in this game. You may need to use the simple input (j.S) in order to do this move instantly in the air.
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Super Star Attack

SPACE for Virtual GHOST
IS Suisei 236S install.png
The closest thing this game has to a taunt
The closest thing this game has to a taunt
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
- - - - - - -


Installs the Aura to do the actual super. Completely disables the use of 22S (and thus idol step) until her 236S attack is used. Spend meter, lose options.

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SPACE for Virtual GHOST
during install 236S
IS Suisei 236S ground.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
- - - - - - -


  • long range dash with command grab. Unfortunately its not frame 1 and thus is jumpable on reaction after the superflash.
  • Also no invulnerability so you cant even punish zoneing wit it
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SPACE for Virtual GHOST
during install 22S
IS Suisei 236S air.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. on Block Adv. on Hit Invulnerability
- - - - - - -


Antiair commandgrab

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Original Outfit
Cosplay 1 Anemachi
Cosplay 2 Tokoyami Towa (Hololive)
Cosplay 3 Nanashi Mumei (Hololive)
Cosplay 4 Alternate Outfit
Cosplay 5 Inui Toko (Nijisanji)
Cosplay 6 Sion Eltnam Atlasia (Melty Blood)


The Game
Virtual Frontier
News & Updates
The Battle System
Game Data
Aki Rosenthal
Ayame Nakiri
Botan Shishiro
Coco Kiryu
Fubuki Shirakami
Ninomae InaNis
Korone Inugami
Kureiji Ollie
Pekora Usada
Sora Tokino
Suisei Hoshimachi
Kanata Amane
Amelia Watson
Marine Houshou
Iroha Kazama
Risu Ayunda
Mio Ookami
Miko Sakura
Kaela Kovalskia
Kiara Takanashi
Moona Hoshinova
Subaru Oozora
Fauna Ceres