Yomi 2/Rook

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< Yomi 2
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Yomi 2 Rook.png



WIP. Complete brief character lore write-up.

Character Stats

Health Character Type Maximum Combo Points Unique Trait
100 Grappling 3 Rock Armor. Your normal attacks beat faster A, B, and C normals, but they damage you first. Their (beaten) attacks can't knock down or gain the edge and you can't combo.


WIP. Complete overview of character gameplay.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • THE Grappler. Rook's throws are monstrous and demand the opponent play around them carefully. His normal throw is extremely efficient, allowing him to deal a chunk of damage AND score a knockdown instead of having to choose between the two. His special throw is able to run over A, B, and C normals allowing him to force the opponent into slower more committal options. His signature super throw - Checkmate Buster - is the highest damage super in the game.
  • Knockdown Vortex. The opponent cannot avoid being knocked down against Rook; his ability Earthquake, forces the issue. Once the opponent is knocked down, Rook's already solid neutral game plan evolves into a terrifying low risk, high reward mix-up. Worst of all, unlike most characters, Rook can knock an opponent down using both throws AND attacks - this means the opponent cannot guarantee a return to neutral by playing an attack.
  • Rock Solid Defense Unlike many grappler characters, Rook has excellent defense options both in neutral and when he is knocked down. His armored pseudo-reversal Y is safe and can only be contested by a super or dodge. His normals and Z special throw have armor against A, B, and C normals meaning that they can often replace his normal low block, with higher reward on a good read. He has a safe on block, super reversal with S1 and his 15 speed S2 super throw can act as the ultimate call-out against an opponent's throw. Instead of a dodge he has a unique block move that guards high and low, in addition to allowing him to punish strikes with his normal throw - best of all, unlike a dodge, it can be used while knocked down! The cherry on top of all this is that he also has the highest health total in the game.
  • Moss Grows On You. Rook has glacially slow attacks and will often need to rely on armoured strikes or his Entangling Vines counter to deter the opponent from attacking. Fireballs in particular are an attack that beats almost all of his moves - he will have to snipe these out of play using a well placed A, Y, or S1. This aspect of his gameplay can also sometimes lead to Rook having to muscle through poor opening hands as he attempts to dig into his deck for answers.
  • High Gas Prices. Both of Rook's supers are very powerful, but he has to work much harder than most to build enough meter to play them. It is challenging to land a chain combo with Rook unless you are attacking a knocked down opponent, and even then very uncommon to chain more than once. He can power-up for meter, but lacks recurring moves or abilities to give him extra card draw to expediate this. He must rely on high and low block to draw cards.
  • Big Reads Required. The only strong confirm Rook has is using X to link a non-A normal into A for the knockdown. While it is possible to combo into Y, it is often better used a pseudo-reversal or a way to beat a fireball. Both of his supers cannot combo and he has no dodge to confirm into either of them. Much of Rook's high health total will need to be spent making big reads and losing combat when things don't work out.


Normal Moves

A. Quick Low Sweep
Yomi2 Rook A.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Attack 5 0 7 Chain Combo 1 Low, Knockdown. Rock Armor against A, B, and C normals.

WIP. Complete later.

C. Light Low Attack
Yomi2 Rook C.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Attack 6 0 5 Chain Combo 1 Low. Rock Armor against A, B, and C normals.

WIP. Complete later.

D. Medium Attack
Yomi2 Rook D.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Attack 7 0 4 Chain Combo 1 Rock Armor against A, B, and C normals.

WIP. Complete later.

E. Heavy High Attack
Yomi2 Rook E.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Attack 8 0 3 Chain Combo 1 High. Rock Armor against A, B, and C normals.

WIP. Complete later.

F. Power High Attack
Yomi2 Rook F.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Attack 9 0 2 - 1 High. Rock Armor against A, B, and C normals.

WIP. Complete later.

Low Block
Yomi2 Rook LB.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Block - - - - - On block: Draw a card. Recurring

WIP. Complete later.

High Block
Yomi2 Rook HB.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Block - - - - - On block: Draw a card. Recurring

WIP. Complete later.

Entangling Vines
Yomi2 Rook EV.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Block - - - - - Avoids block damage. Strikes are unsafe against this, but you may only punish with a normal throw.

WIP. Complete later.

Yomi2 Rook Throw.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Throw 12 - 8 Can't Combo - Knockdown

WIP. Complete later.

Special Moves

X. Thunderclap
Yomi2 Rook X.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Attack 6 2 6 Linker 1 -

WIP. Complete later.

Y. Landslide
Yomi2 Rook Y.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Attack 9 1 5 Ender 2 Armored, Pump Any 1 Card: +5 Damage

WIP. Complete later.

Z. Windmill Crusher
Yomi2 Rook Z.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Throw 16 - 9 Can't Combo - Light Armor

WIP. Complete later.

Super Moves

S1. Headcrush
Yomi2 Rook S1.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Attack 10 3 12 Can't Combo - Costs 2 Super Meter. Pump 1 Super: +10 Damage

WIP. Complete later.

S2. Checkmate Buster
Yomi2 Rook S2.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Throw 50 - 15 Can't Combo - Costs 3 Super Meter.

WIP. Complete later.

Ability Card

Yomi2 Rook AB.png
Move Type Damage Block Damage Speed Combo Type Combo Points Attributes
Ability - - - - - If you're not knocked down and this is your first main phase action, knock down the opponent and end your main phase.

WIP. Complete later.



WIP. Complete later.



WIP. Complete later.


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