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BX-04S Swordsman


Swordsman has a strong grounded game with very good hitboxes, unique Weapon attack that allows for big combos, and is able to control wide areas of the screen with his air fireball attacks. His gameplan is relatively simple and powerful, so he is a good choice for beginners.

Pros Cons
  • Very strong grounded options with notable disjoint
  • Can cover the screen with 421A, a reliable source of chip damage that can make it difficult for opponents to navigate
  • Weapon stuns and holds opponents who get hit by it on the ground, allowing for a full combo. It is possible to push opponents into the deployed weapon with one combo, and then continue with another full combo after the weapon connects for big damage.
  • Has a unique dashing L that is able to be canceled into a target combo, which is very strong.
  • Good damage from simple combos and strong OTG options against opponents who fail a ground tech.
  • Relies on strong neutral game for hits, doesn't have much in the way of mixups or unblockables.
  • Weak air movement with only one boost that travels slowly.
  • Weapon is weak as a projectile in the air, further hindering Swordsman's ability to effectively fight from an airborne posture.



Cybots Swordsman 5L.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 5 2 14 HL 2 -4 (+9) -8 (+5) Y

One of Swordsman's best normals, use it a lot. This comes out very fast, has a lot of range, and has an excellent hitbox. This can be used to bat away homing missiles and other physical projectiles. Chains into 5LH or 5H.

Cybots Swordsman 5LL 1.png
Cybots Swordsman 5LL 2.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 3 2+2 8 HL 2 +2 (+9) -2 (+5) Y

Combo filler, safer than 5L. Chains into 5H.

Cybots Swordsman 2L.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 3 2 6 HL 3 +4 (+11) 0 (+7) Y

Crouching jab. Quick but short range. Faster than Blodia's and can link into itself.

Cybots Swordsman 5H 1.png
Cybots Swordsman 5H 2.png
Cybots Swordsman 5H 3.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 15 2/2/2 28 HL 5 -18 (+15) -22 (+11) Y/N/N

Straight stab. You usually see this when someone messes up an H throw. Try to charge cancel this if it ever comes out, but even this is risky up close because if you are hit during the charge cancel you will lose your arm. Generally don't use this, and be careful when going for H throws.

Cybots Swordsman chainH 1.png
Cybots Swordsman chainH 2.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 6 1+1 20 HL 5 -5 (+15) -9 (+11) Y/Y

Upward slash. It doesn't knock down, and both hits can be canceled. Does more damage than the Boost version. Cancel this into 63214L.

Cybots Swordsman 2H 1.png
Cybots Swordsman 2H 2.png
Cybots Swordsman 2H 3.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 7 3/3/6 19 L 6 KD -19 (+13) Y

Tread sweep. Because of the reach this can be used if someone is trying to back boost out of your pressure to escape a throw. If you charge cancel on hit you should have time to OTG your opponent.


Cybots Swordsman bL.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 7 2 12 HL 2 -2 (+9) -6 (+5) Y

Looks like a normal 5L, but done while dashing. Does less damage than 5L and has a slightly weaker vertical hitbox. Like 5L, this can chain into 5LH or 5H. Unlike the standing version, this target combo will launch and end in a knockdown, but does less damage.

Cybots Swordsman 5LL 1.png
Cybots Swordsman bLL.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 3 2+2 12 HL 2 -2 (+9) -6 (+5) Y

Combo filler, identical to b.L. Both hits are cancelable but hit 2 has a short window.

Cybots Swordsman b2L 1.png
Cybots Swordsman b2L 2.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 7 2+24 12 HL 2 -6 (+9) -10 (+5) Y/N
Hits every 6 frames

More typical dash L like the other track based VA's have. The first 3 hits are cancelable, and you should always aim to do this as it is punishable if you don't. This can be used to clear mines or quickly follow up from long range when someone gets trapped in a net. This is a good option for using as a counterattack from a guard cancel as you can input it with B1L, but but sure to charge cancel it.

Cybots Swordsman bH.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 10 36 11 HL 5 KD -8 (+11) Y/N
Hits every 9 frames

Swordsman turns into a spiked wheel, rushing forward (even if boosting back) and hitting 4 times. This has a good forward and anti-air hitbox. The first hit launches and the second hit is an air hit. You can cancel the first hit and use the juggle point to hit the opponent with a different attack if you hit them from higher in the air.

Cybots Swordsman bchainH 1.png
Cybots Swordsman bchainH 2.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 6 1+1 20 HL 5 KD -8 (+11) Y/N

Dashing chain ender. The first hit juggles and can combo into 63214L, the second hit knocks down. Deals less damage than 5LLH on its own, but the momentum allows for better followups on charge cancel.


Cybots Swordsman jL.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 9 12 12 H 3 - - Y

This is your go to jump in, hits once. Best used out of a tridash, can set up tricky crossups if you jump over them and boost backwards. There is a hurtbox in the tracks, so this can end up trading.

Cybots Swordsman jH 1.png
Cybots Swordsman jH 2.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 13 6/6/3/9 Until landing H 6 - - Y/N

Looks like j.L but extends further during the animation. It's incredibly active (24 frames), so it can be an option to use early in your jump arc that will continue to cover you as you land.

Cybots Swordsman j2H.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 9 16 10 H 2 - - Y

A 3-hit drill that can cross up, including between hits. When used as an OTG, you can follow up with 236L for more damage. If done low to the ground you will have a lot of frame advantage that opens up 2L, 5L, b.L, 236L, or 236236A as combo options. This can be a big option after capturing an opponent in one of nets. Does not do much damage on its own though. This is also strong option to do as a meaty, and it can be difficult for an opponent to tell if they have to block 2 hits or 3 hits before guarding low.


Unarmed 5A
Cybots Swordsman u5A.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 13 3 12 HL 3 -3 -7 (+7) Y

Awful slow punch. Swordsman keeps all his specials besides 63214A. If you attempt to b.L while unarmed you get b.2L, which can still combo into 236A.


L Throw
Cybots Swordsman LThrow.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- - - - Throw - KD - -
Throw range: 36

Low power mash throw, but useful because of the follow ups it enables. Does not OTG.

H Throw
Cybots Swordsman HThrow.png
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- - - - Throw - KD - -
Throw range: 36

Stronger throw, but used less because of the risk of getting 5H. Does not OTG. That's right, Swordsman has no OTG throw.


Multiple Dispenser
5W/2W, j.W
Cybots Swordsman W.png
Cybots Swordsman W Up.gif
Version Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
5W - 2 1 14 HL 1 - - Y
Can be charge canceled from frame 1-13, only fires if canceled from 3-13.

Consumes 100% of the Weapon Gauge to toss a device forward that deploys as an electromagnetic net on the ground. The projectile comes out quickly, but it takes a total of 42 frames for the net to deploy. As it is deploying, the net can be hit and destroyed. When an opponent gets caught in it, they will be held in place for nearly a second, allowing you to do follow up with your biggest damage option for free. You want to constantly have nets down in order to create opportunities for this to happen.
If you press W while boosting, it shoots at a lower angle, but with the same frame data on Swordsman's part. Deploys on frame 32.
The net itself is active for 82 frames.

2W - 2 1 6 HL 1 - - Y
Can be charge canceled from frame 1-9, only fires if canceled from 3-9.

Pretty much the same as 5W, but is deposited at your feet. This is so fast that charge canceling doesn't save frames, and the net deploys on frame 30. You can use 2L or throw after shooting it to buy time for it to deploy fully.

j.W - 2 1 10 HL 1 - - Y

Consumes 100% of the Weapon Gauge. This can be used at long range to create a wall on the ground. The electromagnetic net part is invincible to projectiles, so it can be annoying deal with. Canceling the recovery into 421A can be a good option if you're trying to fill up the screen with stuff to keep someone away.
Weapon takes 25 frames to deploy once it lands. Depending on height it takes at least 13f to land making it frame 38 at best.


G Splasher
Cybots Swordsman 236A.png
Version Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
L - 7 41 15 (whiff) 23 (block) HL 4 KD -16 -

Rushes forward with spiky tracks, crushing opponents into the ground. Will also OTG. The L version is fast enough to be used in combos. Very punishable if blocked, so be careful with it. This is one of your go-to OTGs for extra damage, as Swordsman can't OTG throw.
It is possible to OTG G Splasher someone into a net that has been previously set up. If you set the net in front of the opponent and immediately cancel the recovery into G Splasher, this should work.

H - 25 41 20 (whiff) 26 (block) HL 7 KD -15 -

The H version comes out too slow for combos, so it's not used very much. Does more damage on initial hit, but not on OTG, compared to 236L.

Slay Sword
Cybots Swordsman 63214A L1 4.png
Cybots Swordsman 63214A L2 4.png
Cybots Swordsman 63214A L3 4.png
Version Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
Level 1 - 19 2/2/2/2 16 HL 5 KD -8 -
usually hits on frame 23
hitstop is 6 frames

Minimum charge shown. You can hold up to 30 frames before it reaches Level 2. When you release the button, it takes 5 frames to attack.

Level 2 - 40 2/2/2/2 18 HL 5 KD -10 -
usually hits on frame 40
hitstop is 6 frames

Minimum charge shown. You can hold up to 49 frames before it reaches Level 3. When you release the button, it takes 8 frames to attack.

Level 3 - 58 2/2/2+2 - HL 5 KD -10 -
usually hits on frame 40
hitstop is 6 frames

Big slow laser sword swing, hold down the button to charge. Minus on block and moves you forward, so be careful doing it too close to an opponent. The laser sword itself has no hurtbox, so it is difficult to directly contest. It is possible to combo the L version from the 5L>5H chain, but it must be canceled into on the first possible frame, making it difficult to do.
The L version has three levels depending on how long you charge it. The first level is medium range with medium damage and knocks down. The second level has longer range, more damage, and you have time to juggle in the corner. The third level has extremely long range, does two hits for a lot of damage, and doesn't juggle.
The H version is basically just a level 2 L version (including the charge time) so you should only ever use the L version, and charge it to level 2 if you want the H version. Even at maximum charge, will not reach the sky above the screen. Can be good for slashing mines and missiles that may fly at you. Can't cut laser projectiles or drills.

Photon Splash
Cybots Swordsman 421A.png
Version Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
421L - 25 1 32 HL - -16 -20 -
Version Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
421H - 25 1 46 HL 1 -30 -34 -
Version Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
Air - 25 1 24+ HL - - - -

A slow fireball attack that shoots lasers in three directions. Ground versions cause you to rise into the air on startup, while air versions retain your jump/boost momentum. Shoots in 3 possible patterns: 421L and j.421L shoot forward and upward, 421H shoots up-forward, forward, and down-forward, and j.421H shoots forward and downward. The air version is generally safer, but has a more obvious blindspot below (L) or above (H) Swordsman.
While this covers a large area and makes a good source of chip damage, the long animation makes Swordsman vulnerable if the opponent is able to guess which version you are going to do, so avoid becoming predictable with it.

Vertical Gears
Cybots Swordsman 28H.gif
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 5 6/4/1/1/1/1/4 10 HL 4 -12 -16 -

Common anti-air move that the track-type VA's share. Does not do chip damage. It hits a wide area above Swordsman and the damage is decent, so it is good to use occasionally. However, if it is blocked low to the ground it is easy to punish.
The hitboxes on this move are weird and are only one one "flail" at a time, so they jump around. This move can't hit grounded opponents except for 1 frame as the front part comes down.


Crescent Tornado
Cybots Swordsman 236236A 1.png
Cybots Swordsman 236236A 2.png
Initial swing
Initial swing
Cybots Swordsman 236236A 3.png
Cybots Swordsman 236236A 4.png
Launch swing
Launch swing
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 2 2+2(6)2+2+2+2(7)2+2+2+2(12)1+1(5)2+2+2+2 23 HL 6 (final hit) KD -13 -

Note: Has a lot more hitboxes than shown here. It's basically initial hit, L1 Slay Sword, L2 SS, launcher, L3 SS.
Swordsman delivers a rapid series of slashes. As it comes out very fast, it can be good for interrupting in gaps that your opponent may leave. However, if the distance between Swordsman and the target is too great, the super combo will drop. This happens if the 4th swing - which launches for the final swing - doesn't connect.
You can combo into this after a low hitting j.2H or by cancelling b.2L. If you are up close, you can combo from 2L if you cancel into it as fast as possible. Negative edge helps to avoid 236A coming out. Try 23[L]6236]L[ as your input.

Giga Burst
Cybots Swordsman GigaCrush.gif
Damage Start-up Active Recovery Guard Level Hit Advantage Block Advantage Cancel
- 4 24 24 HL 6 KD -36 -
invul frame 1-19

Universal reversal that knocks down. Comes out fast and is fully invincible for a long time.
One of the better Giga Crushes. Swordsman is also airborne through its Giga Crush recovery, which can limit your punish options if it whiffs.


Basic BnB combos, courtesy of Totu_Q.
L>H (2 Hit)>63214L. Solid combo. In order to get the 63214L to connect, you have to cancel as fast as possible and not charge the Slay Sword at all.
j.3B2H (3 Hit)>L>L>H. Easy combo to do from a jump in. Won't work if the j.2H hits from too high, but it also works fine as a blockstring so just do it.
j.3B2H (3 Hit)>236236A. If you have meter you can opt to combo into super for more damage.
B2L (2 Hit)>236L or 236236A. A way to combo from the fast moving B2L. This is how to squeeze a little extra damage out of a fullscreen net catch.
BL>H (1 Hit)>63214A. The timing requires practice, but this is another good way to follow up from a net catch without meter.
BL>H (1 Hit, charge cancel)>BH>63214L. A hit confirm combo you can do from BL if you do not have full meter. The H (1 Hit charge cancel) is advantageous on block, so you can stop before overcommitting.
L>H (2 Hit, charge cancel)>BL>H (1 Hit)>63214L> j.2H>236L. Optimized combo that displays most of the majors parts of Swordsman combos. Try to work in pieces of this into your normal gameplay even if you can't do the full thing. The links after the charge cancels are particularly difficult. Video example.
j.3B2H>L>H (2 Hit, charge cancel)>BL>BH> (1 Hit, charge cancel)>BH>63214L >>>. A further optimization, extremely difficult.
Setups to combo into j.W - j.W 6BH... or j.W 6BH 5LL...

Extra Resources

Japanese Swordsman wiki page, much of the information on this page was taken from the Japanese wiki, written by Savaki.
General FAQHUDControlsMechanicsTier List
Characters BlodiaCycloneFordyGaitsGuldinHelionJackalKiller BeeLightningReptosRiotSuper 8SwordsmanTarantulaViseWarlock