Maiden and Spell/Dreadwyrm Heir

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MnS Wyrm.png


The only daughter of the Black Dreadwyrm, and self-proclaimed Queen of the Kingdom of Stars. With her fiery personality, she seeks to unify the monsters of the Great Circle to protect its treasures.

​Her fighting style focuses on quick-moving bullets, testing her opponents with battlefield-spanning lasers.


Dreadwyrm Heir is a rushdown character, with most of her moves being very strong up close but falling off rapidly in strength with distance. Combined with her high speed, she has both the means and the motive to get up close.

Move Speed: 13px
Focus Speed: 6.5px


Basic Shot

MnS Wyrm Basic i.png Claw Swipe
MnS Wyrm Basic 1.pngMnS Wyrm Basic 2.png
MnS Wyrm Basic 3.pngMnS Wyrm Basic 4.png
Shot Type Startup Cooldown
Minor 180
Radius Speed Angle
9px 12px 1: 11 / 0 / -11,
2: 16.5 / 5.5 / -5.5 / -16.5,
3: 22 / 11 / 0 / -11 / -22,
4: 27.5 / 16.5 / 5.5 / -5.5 / -16.5 / -27.5
Move Speed Multiplier Move Lock Direction Lock
35%, 330ms 70%, 330ms
Action Lock Combo Time Invincibility Time
1-3: Attack, 275ms
4: 650ms
Throws an extra claw with each use. One of the weaker basics on its own, but skill combos are the name of the game for Wyrm, and it adds a lot to what she can do alongside wide and laser.

Because of its function in her skill combos, intentionally drifting the basic shot can make your patterns harder to read; shot drift is much more important for Wyrm than for anyone else.

Wide Shot

MnS Wyrm Wide i.png Lat Fire
MnS Wyrm Wide 1.pngMnS Wyrm Wide 2.png
Shot Type Startup Cooldown
Minor 240ms
Radius Speed Angle
32px 17.5px, 20.5px 32.73N + 16.36
Move Speed Multiplier Move Lock Direction Lock
180ms 0%, 180ms
Action Lock Combo Time Invincibility Time
Attack, 425ms
Spell, 300ms
Wyrm's wide shoots a set of VERY fast projectiles around her. the outer one travels faster than the inner one. It's so fast and so threatening and could basically be coming at any time, so it passively locks the opponent out of large lateral movement from a lot of ranges. All your other threats either directly set this up or work because your opponent is scared of this. A terrifying move.

Offensive Special

MnS Wyrm OS i.png Garnet Flare
MnS Wyrm OS 1.pngMnS Wyrm OS 2.png
Shot Type Startup Cooldown
Major 900ms 2s
Radius Speed Angle
1: 100px (Laser)
2:120px (Laser)
3:140px (Laser)
Instant 0 (Basic Targeting)
Move Speed Multiplier Move Lock Direction Lock
35%, 950ms 1: 200ms
2-3: 0
Action Lock Combo Time / Cooldown Hold Invincibility Time
Spell, 400ms 1400ms
The giant laser. Slow and not threatening on its own, but since it forces the opponent to move, it combos well with other moves that would cut off their escape; laser into wide is quite powerful from closer ranges.

You can use Garnet Flare three times in a row. It's usually more worthwhile to cancel to wide or sometimes basic, but if you really need to interfere with their positioning it can be worth it, and it can be a legitimate trap if you're close to a wall and they end up dodging into it.

Defensive Special

MnS Wyrm DS i.png Novi Fire
MnS Wyrm DS 1.pngMnS Wyrm DS 2.png
Shot Type Startup Cooldown
Major 780ms 7.5s
Radius Speed Angle
464px Self-Target
Move Speed Multiplier Move Lock Direction Lock
30%, 1450ms 1150ms 0%, 1000ms
Action Lock Combo Time Invincibility Time
Action, 1150ms 1275ms Major
Big burst that stays active for 500ms. If opponent is cornered and doesn't have their defensive special up they can say goodbye. Vs slow characters they don't even need to be cornered. Gives major inv, but not really great on defense since it's slow and makes you stop moving and be very slow on recovery and they can probably pressure you if you whiff it; however, the cooldown is very short for a defensive special, so basically it's another offensive special that they can't shoot or status you out of.


hey her wide shot's pretty good

Patch Notes
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