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Matchup Information

Inumuta's MU Chart, updated 06.19.21

Inumuta MU Chart:

The following text provides information and strategies on all opponents Inumuta can face. Before I start: I can recommend gaining Valor 1 in all matchups, especially against Mako Mankanshoku, Ira Gamagoori, Dual Wield Ryuko and Nudist Beach.


Nui Harime:

Houka Inumuta vs Nui Harime is an MU heavily favoured for Inumuta. As Inumuta, you are able to answer all of Nui Harime's moves. Her B's can be defeated by using d. B when timed correctly. Her A's can be countered with various counter moves, and even though she has the second highest meter gain and is therefore less vulnerable towards your infinites, she cannot properly start combos on you due to your ability to remove her meter. Be careful: if she does hit you, she will likely go to for a small unburstable combo, and her short combos can deal still up to 4k damage which is nearly half of your health bar. You will always have an advantage against her on all maps, infinites are not necessary to defeat her. Both defensive and offensive playstyles work well against her. TOC can effectively render Nui Harime useless against Inumuta, so if you feel like a meanie, get into TOC, obtain the Life lead and you will win automatically since she has no way of approaching you anymore. None of her attacks will hit you, and those that can will be punished or avoided.

Ragyo Kiryuin:

Houka Inumuta vs Ragyo Kiryuin is an MU heavily favoured for Inumuta - possibly even better than against Nui Harime. As Inumuta, you are able to answer all of Ragyo Kiryuin's moves. Her B's are defeated with blocking, her C's with sidesteps OR steps forward (because Inu is the only char who can advance to her during her zoning game!) Due to Ragyo's lower meter gain, she cannot burst out of your infinite setups, meaning she is more vulnerable to them than other characters. Ragyo is able to perform an okizeme on you, but you won't let that happen since it requires her to do a wallsplat and that only works by using the B ender which is a large bullet.

You can burst that bullet if it's about to hit you. It can be punished but it has to be nearly frame perfect, and even if you do get hit, go for the burst after the hit and instantly dash to her.

Take that, Director. TOC defeats all of her moves and forces her to attack you by standing still - and that's where your time has come and where you can perform an TOC. C on her which starts a combo and eventually grant you TOC again. I think you get the idea on how to fight her.

Uzu Sanageyama:

Now Sanageyama is an MU that works heavily in your favour as well. You need to know when you can attack and when you need to stay back. His j. C Cancels can be very scary, but if he happens to perform them, you can either run away and block briefly to see if he tries to poke you, or you punish him with a B barrage. Your main advantage is not the neutral game in this MU, this is pretty even between you and him - your main advantage is his worst disadvantage, the low meter gain. If you can catch Sanageyama and start an infinite setup, you will be able to defeat him without him being able to burst out. He will never be able to burst. Never. On Polling/Naturals/Honno/Runway, you can infinite him with the right amount of ressources, on Palace/Grounds you can't, but you don't have to. TOC, once again, is very helpful here and forces him to be very careful. His j. C can be punished by TOC. C - or you just run away, what should he do? He can't catch up with you unless he uses his dash, which you will punish. Last thing: thanks to your excellent meter gain, Sanageyama's combos give you more meter than others, and if you know the timings, you can deny his BnB briefly after he launched you into the air by simply bursting the j. C the moment you'd take the damage. We Inumuta players eat Sanageyama for breakfast.

Dual Wield Satsuki:

Once a -1 MU for Inumuta, now an +2 MU for him. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, and DW Satsuki has it the worst in this case. You are only truly vulnerable at the start of the match if DW Satsuki decides to go for her [B] attacks. [B] is her only real means of dealing proper damage to you - and you can defeat that by using Dash B since it will render you invisible. It will also most likely hit her and with that, you can start a combo. Other than that, keep distance between you and her, you are faster than DW Satsuki and if you can get her into a combo, she will fall just as fast as her SB variant. Other than her B and her good 5C (which can be punished by sidestepping, and sometimes your I-frames during 4/6A or 5AA save you too!), she has no real means of getting to you. Be careful though: if she does hit you and she is good, she can kill you in one combo you cannot burst out of most likely. You win the neutral here by default and the interactions, but be aware, one mistake and this might still be your end. Don't do anything stupid - oh, and TOC saves you too. ;)

Nonon Jakuzure:

We all like music but Nonon certainly takes it a bit too far, and you as Inumuta player just laugh about it with your electronical theme! Nonon can either zone you out with her sidestep 5B's or she can try to approach you with the sidestep 5A's. They will deal great damage and the B's push opponents away.

Haha, but why would you care? Fight fire with fire!

Nonon looks old when she, as the zoner, suddenly becomes the zoned one! Your B's may be slower than her B's, but they can track, and one hit on Nonon will remove ALL of her orbs. Your plan is to defeat Nonon by using her own weapons against her, and the cubes you throw out will help you greatly and win the neutral for you, and eventually the MU. Throwing B's to Nonon will force her to run away and sidestep them, and if she does that, you can either continue your barrage to jail her out - if that happens, you can perform a range infinite and even go invisible. If you choose to go into melee combat, dash at her once she is sidestepping and vulnerable or if she blocks, dash at her and do a guard break. Maintaining the neutral by constantly oppressing her is your way of winning this MU, and with 10k health, she doesn't want to be hit by you - your BnB deals 10,1k-10,8k damage. TOC can help you but it's not necessary to defeat her.


Nudist Beach:

For most characters, Nudist Beach is an hopelessly boring matchup - but not for Inumuta. You mainly have two strategies to combat the DTR.

  • Try to punish them when they go in and go for TOC
  • Combat them in the air by using j. [B] at a safe distance

For the first strategy: DTR is extremely dangerous and once they hit you, it's most likely you will lose your first health bar entirely if you fight a skilled opponent. Their damage is incredible high and despite your excellent meter gain, you won't be able to burst out, and even if you can, they have several burst safe points, so knowing when to burst is incredibly important and not always easy. However, if you can take a hit on them, you can go for a DTR specific combo written in the combo section and go invisible. And once you are invisible, you have the advantage in neutral. DTR can do absolutely nothing to harm you - all they can do is dash at you (which you can just outrun, don't attack them) or they try to mine the battlefield with bombs. For the latter, use a TOC. C starter that will go into a air string combo - it will deal counter hit damage and you will go invisible. Invisibility is key against DTR, so always try to obtain it and don't do anything stupid. Once you are invisible, you win the battle - time them out if you want.

For the second strategy: this is something you can somehow apply into the first one too, but it's not necessary. DTR will most likely fight you in the air and their gun covers a large part of the area, but they will never have a distance as large as your j. [B]. On large maps, you can gain the advantage by simply running away and throwing j. [B] constantly at them. Always do a sidestep in the air to avoid their hits, a step back will let them hit you and you don't want that to happen. With this, you can always poke some damage out of them and get some meter.

DTR might seem like a difficult matchup but it is not - you need a ton of patience and one good hit, and you win the match. And like I said: once invisible, they are done. Either via time out, or by your TOC. moves.

SB Satsuki

SB Ryuko

Mako Mankanshoku


Dual Wield Ryuko:

Probably Dual Wield Ryuko's worst Matchup and a possible +1, but I kept it on 0 for now because of one reason: her damage.

You can answer absolutely everything she does and even her Dash B. Her Dash B itself needs to be blocked, the follow ups however can be punished or avoided by various moves - Dash A, 4/6A (yes), sp. A or sp. C. There are also points during her combo where you can burst out easily and some points that might seem dangerous to burst can actually be bursted and you can punish her from there on. I don't know why but it works, her dash B inside a combo for example can be bursted the moment she hits you from the looks of it - it definitely works, trust me.

Other than that, knowing when to attack and defend yourself is important. Don't spam cubes - throw one or two maybe to force her to respect them a bit but don't do them too much, she will be able to punish you. If you get a hit on her, she can fall just as fast as the rest of the cast since her meter gain is just like most other people - mediocre. When in doubt, go into TOC and wait for an reaction. DW Ryuko cannot properly punish you, she can go for a Dash B to save herself since it's invisible but if she does that and you have the life lead... why go in? Her other moves can be punished with TOC. A, B or C, whatever you need at the moment. The matchup works well - just keep in mind she can and will destroy you if you let her, she deals high damage in short time, especially when she has meter, so make use of that sp. B you got!


Ira Gamagoori:

You really want to do this to you? I mean, try your luck! On a more serious note though: Gamagoori has 15k health, tons of armor, a large hitbox almost comparable to DTRs, his damage is rather high and he has a lot of burst safe points, meaning you'll have to take damage on certain points, and that damage is not to be underestimated.

You can fight Gamagoori with the following strategies:

  • Retreat and spam range attacks to deal small amounts of damage
  • Go into close combat and spam 8AAA in the attempt of catching him outside his regalia
  • Go for j. C's that will deal guard break damage - with 1 AP and two meter you can go invisible

TOC. won't help you much here. Since he doesn't have any real range attacks, all of his attacks will hit you anyway. TOC. C might sound like a reasonable idea but since he dodges every time he jumps with the shackle regalia, you won't hit him. Choose for yourself what works best - everything will fail at one point. Yeah, all of this doesn't sound too optimistic but really, Gamagoori is Inumuta's hard counter and you will feel that. Valor 1 can and will help you so if you do happen to catch him for some reason, try to get it, and if you then can get another hit on him, he will fall just like the rest... but try to get that first. Good luck. You'll need it.

Bloody Valor
Patch Notes
Ryuko Dual-Wield
Satsuki Dual-Wield