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KLKIF Ryuko.png



Gameplay Style: All Rounder

Ease of Use: Easy

Ryūko successfully rips Junketsu off of her body without dying. She reunites with Senketsu and fights against Nui Harime, recovering both Scissor Blades. When Nui tries to stab her through the throat, Ryūko gets behind the Grand Couturier and chops her arms off. Although Nui puts on a show of pain and anger, the facade soon becomes real panic when Ryūko destroys the arms, severed thanks to the Scissor Blades.

Character Information

Health: 11,500

Valor Level 1

  • Increased Damage to Double-Edged Decapitation Mode attacks.
  • Increased movement and step dash speed.
  • Combo route from grounded close range horizontal/vertical attack 1 changes.

Valor Level 2

  • Break Attack Special enhanced

Walkspeed Ranking: 10th (Valor Level 1: 6th)

Close Ranged Attacks

KLKIF Ryuko DW 5A.png
KLKIF Ryuko DW 5AA.png
KLKIF Ryuko DW 5AAA.png
KLKIF Ryuko DW 5AAAA.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
5A 280 - - 18 - - +300 Damage
  • Double hit advancing forward slash.
5AA 200 - - - - - +300 Damage
  • Double hit lunging stab followup.
5AAA 280 - - - Knockdown - +300 Damage
  • Only available if 5AA hits/was blocked.
  • Double hit cut that pushes Ryuko back.
5AAAA (Ender) 1680 - - - Sliding Knockdown N/A N/A
  • Only available if 5AAA or j.AAA hits.
  • Finisher slash.
4/6A (Ender)
KLKIF Ryuko DW 46AE.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
1000 - - - - N/A N/A
  • Only available if 5AAA or j.AAA hits.
  • Multi-hit spin ender that builds good meter.
2/8A (Ender)
KLKIF Ryuko DW 28AE.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
460 - - - Launch N/A N/A
  • Only available if 5AAA or j.AAA hits.
  • Ryuko launches the opponent into the air for combo extension.
  • Can perform aerials afterwards.
KLKIF Ryuko DW 46A.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
440 - - 32 - - +600 Damage
  • Ryuko steps forward and does a double hit slash hitting to the sides.
KLKIF Ryuko DW 28A.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
440 - - 17 Knockdown - +600 Damage
  • Ryuko jumps ahead with a double hit slice above her.
KLKIF Ryuko DW dA.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
600 - - 15 - - +300 Damage
  • Advancing forward two hit attack.
KLKIF Ryuko DW jA.png
KLKIF Ryuko DW jAA.png
KLKIF Ryuko DW jAAA.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
j.A 440 - - 19 Knockdown - +300 Damage
  • Advances forward in the air with an attack similar to d.A.
  • Can perform aerials afterwards.
j.AA 240 - - - - - +300 Damage
  • Multi-hit spinning attack that moves Ryuko forward.
j.AAA 140 - - - Launch - +300 Damage
  • Ryuko slams to the ground with a shockwave in front of her.
  • Can followup into one of her three enders.
KLKIF Ryuko DW jAAB.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
510 - - - Sliding Knockdown - +310 Damage
  • Ryuko slams to the ground with two waves of projectiles in front of her, erupting two times.
KLKIF Ryuko DW spA.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
1900 - - - Sliding Knockdown - +3700 Damage
  • Ryuko lunges forward full speed at the opponent.
  • On hit, Ryuko performs multiple slices that greatly increase in damage on Counter Hit.

Long Ranged Attacks

KLKIF Ryuko DW 5B.png
KLKIF Ryuko DW 5BB1.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
5B 240 - - 25 Knockdown - +300 Damage
  • Throws out a grounded projectile that travels straight ahead.
5BB 560 - - - Knockdown - +300 Damage
  • Two followup projectiles that travel outwards.
KLKIF Ryuko DW 5BA.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
5BA 180 - - - Knockdown - +310 Damage
  • Can be done after 5B or 5BB.
  • Lunging forward slash that hits all around Ryuko.
5BAA 260 - - - Knockdown - -
  • Ryuko lunges forward with great distance.
  • On hit, can perform enders, 5BAB, or 5BAC.
KLKIF Ryuko DW 5BAB.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
280 - - - Knockdown - -
  • Throws out a crescent shaped projectile ahead with great speed.
KLKIF Ryuko DW 5BAC.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
1110 - - - - +630 Damage +630 Damage
  • Multi-hit Bruce Lee kick that travels almost fullscreen.
KLKIF Ryuko DW 5B2.png
KLKIF Ryuko DW 5BB2.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
5[B] 520 each - - - Sliding Knockdown - +640 Damage
  • Once charged, Ryuko fires a projectile that erupts five times in a straight line.
  • Dash cancelable while charging.
  • Can cancel into 5BAA or 5BAC
5[B]B 420 each - - - - - -
  • Two crescent shaped projectiles fired from the side that travel inwards.
KLKIF Ryuko DW dB.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
660 - - 16 Sliding Knockdown - +320 Damage
  • Lunges forward throwing out a three-hit projectile forward.
  • Can cancel into 5BA or d.C.
KLKIF Ryuko DW jB.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
300 - - 22 Knockdown - +300 Damage
  • Ryuko slams to the ground, throwing out a projectile forward.
  • Can cancel into 5BA.
KLKIF Ryuko DW jB2.png
KLKIF Ryuko DW jBB.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
j.[B] 380 - - - - - +630 Damage
  • Once charged, Ryuko throws out a projectile similar to j.B.
  • Air dash cancelable while charging.
j.[B]B 470 each - - - Knockdown Guard Crush +630 Damage
  • Ryuko does a flip in the air and throws out two grounded projectile upon landing.
KLKIF Ryuko DW spB.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
sp.B 110 each - - - Sliding Knockdown - -
  • Ryuko jumps upwards, slamming down with a projectile that erupts six times ahead.
  • Can cancel into 5BAA or 5BAC.
  • Damage/Hitstun Armor on startup.

Break Attacks

KLKIF Ryuko DW 5C.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
300 / 500 - - 23 Sliding Knockdown +600 Damage +600 Damage
  • Ryuko crouches then does the Knee of Justice.
  • Afterwards, she divekicks to the ground (also Guard Breaks.)
  • Can cancel into Aerial Homing Dash on hit.
KLKIF Ryuko DW dC.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
360 - - 23 Knockdown +600 Damage +600 Damage
  • Multi-hit Bruce Lee kick to the sky.
  • Can cancel into Aerial Homing Dash on hit.
KLKIF Ryuko DW jC.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
600 / 400 - - 14 Sliding Knockdown +600 Damage +600 Damage
  • Ryuko dives at a downwards angle, slamming her Scissor Blade the ground.
  • Upon landing, she performs a crescent kick (also Guard Breaks.)
  • Can cancel into Homing Dash on hit.
KLKIF Ryuko DW spC.png
Version Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit Guard Break Counter Hit
Normal 2010 - - - Knockdown +300 Damage +300 Damage
Valor Level 2 4210 - - - Knockdown +1090 Damage +1090 Damage
  • Ryuko starts to spin rapidly in place, vacuuming in the opponent.
  • Can move while active.
  • Shortly after, she does a large swipe that has great wallsplat potential.
  • At Valor Level 2, the vacuum effect greatly increases as well as the spin time.
    • The swipe is replaced with a slam, and on hit gives much more damaging finisher.
  • Damage/Hitstun Armor on startup.

General Moves

Homing Dash
KLKIF Ryuko DW Homing Dash.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
- - - - - - -
Homing Dash
KLKIF Ryuko DW Air Homing Dash.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
- - - - - - -
Valor Burst
KLKIF Ryuko DW Valor Burst.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
- - - - - - -
Valor Burst
KLKIF Ryuko DW Valor Burst.png
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit
- - - - - - -
Damage Prorate Priority Startup On Hit On Block Counter Hit





Basic OVA ARC Collab (Ragna the Bloodedge) DLC (Special)
KLKIF Ryuko DW Color1.png KLKIF Ryuko DW Color2.png KLKIF Ryuko DW Color3.png KLKIF Ryuko DW Color4.png

Bloody Valor
Patch Notes
Ryuko Dual-Wield
Satsuki Dual-Wield