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*An ice sword stab straight downwards.
*An ice sword stab straight downwards.
*Is Active till Landing making it a very strong air normal

*Can cross-up against characters with wide hurtboxes (Tae, Alcott.)
*Can cross-up against characters with wide hurtboxes (Tae, Alcott.)

Revision as of 21:51, 30 January 2024

EL2 Cecil.png



Once you pick Cecil, you'll instantly notice the amount of movement options he has available at any given moment. A constant forward and back run, dash cancels from normals, lunging moves on the ground and in the air, and a double 8-way teleport dash! Cecil weaves in and out of the opponent's range and gets right in their face. With the combination of disjointed icy attacks and the momentum retained from running, Cecil can be a pesky character to pin down as he dashes and teleports all around the screen.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Unpredictable and overwhelming movement; hard to keep up with.
  • Instant overhead combo starters and long reaching lows.
  • The momentum from sliding gives his moveset extra range.
  • Can cancel into forward/back dash or his 8-way teleport dash.
  • Enhancing his icy attacks gives him a very advantageous state.
  • Unorthodox movement makes it difficult to space properly.
  • Doesn't have access to a traditional air dash.

Character Information

Health 9400
Backdash 15 Frames (2-8 Invincible, lower body invincible from frame 1-14)
Forward Dash 20 Frames
Walk Speed 1st
Run Speed N/A
Prejump 3 Frames (7 for High Jump)

EL2 Cecil Run.png Movement
While moving, Cecil runs constantly both forwards and backwards. His speed remains the same in both directions. When Cecil comes to a halt, he slides for a bit of extra distance.

EL2 Cecil Dash.png EL2 Cecil Dash2.png Dashing

Double tapping forward or back will cause Cecil to do a dash. Cecil can forward dash cancel his normals on hit or block.

Enhanced Ice Attacks
After Cecil runs forward for awhile, his next 5C, 2C, 2D, or 6C will freeze the opponent on hit/block, giving him tons of plus frames to work with. The buff is removed when Cecil runs backwards, dashes, or jumps.

No Air Dash
Cecil cannot perform an air dash. Instead he has j.Direction + D for aerial mobility.

Normal Moves

EL2 Cecil 5A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
560 Mid 4 5 11 0 +2 Throw Invincible

Chain/Cancel Options: c.B, f.B, 5C, 5D, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, Special, Jump, Dash

  • High hitting jab that can hit opponents in the air or if they're trying to jump out of pressure.

EL2 Cecil cB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
736 Mid 6 3 18 -2 0 Throw Invincible

Chain/Cancel Options: f.B, 5C, 5D, 2B, 2C, 2D, 6A, 6B, 6C, Special, Jump, Dash

  • Up close icy slap.

EL2 Cecil fB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
720 All 9 2 14 +4 -2 -

Chain/Cancel Options: c.B, 5C, 2B, Special, Dash

  • Mid range icy slash.
  • Thanks to Cecil's slide momentum, he can c.B > f.B > c.B > f.B when walking forward.

EL2 Cecil 5C.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Normal 864 Mid 9 6 24 +4 0 Fatal Connection Active
Enhanced 864, 241 Mid, All 9 15 15 +27 +5 Fatal Connection Active

Chain/Cancel Options: 5D, 2C, 2D, 6B, 6C, Special, Jump, Dash

  • Attacks with an icy snowflake that has a lingering hitbox.
  • Due to its Hit Advantage, you can link 5A off Normal 5C
  • Fatal Shift: On hit/block, freezes the opponent in place for a period of time.

EL2 Cecil 51.png
EL2 Cecil 5D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
800, 240 All, All 10 4(5)6 18 +2 -6 -

Chain/Cancel Options (Second hit only): Special, Dash

  • Cecil first kicks up a block of ice, then follows up with an ice spear kick.
  • Staggers on Hit

EL2 Cecil 6A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
800 Mid 9 4 24 -9 -11 Aerial Invincible

Upper Body Invincible 1-14

Fatal Connection Active

Chain/Cancel Options: 5C, 5D, 6B, 6C, 2C, Special, Jump

  • An icy fence that can anti-air.

EL2 Cecil 6B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
623 All 16 3 18 +9 0 -

Chain/Cancel Options: 6BB


  • Cecil stomps the ground, creating a block of ice in front of him.
  • Due to its Hit advantage, you can link out of it with 5A, c.5B or 2B
  • Launches the opponent on counter hit.

EL2 Cecil 6BB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1170 High/Air 21 1 15 Knockdown +2 High Profile 5-21

Low Profile 1-3

Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • Cecil jumps and kicks the block of ice, carving a beautiful piece of art while also landing with an overhead kick.
  • Tumbles the opponent on hit, can start a combo with meter or the corner.

EL2 Cecil 6C.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Normal 1235 All 30 10 18 +9 -3 or +2 Throw Invincible on Frame 8

High Profile 1-33

Anti-Air Avoidable

Enhanced 1455 All, All 30 - - +31 +9 or +13 Throw Invincible on Frame 8

High Profile 1-33

Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

COUNTER HIT!!: Knockdown

  • Cecil leaps forward with half screen distance, throwing out three ice arrows beneath him.
  • More advantageous when crouch blocked.
  • Fatal Shift: On hit/block, freezes the opponent in place for a period of time.

EL2 Cecil 2A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
480 Mid 4 4 12 -2 0 Throw Invincible

Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: c.B, f.B, 5C, 5D, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, Special, Dash

  • Crouching jab which can substitute 5A for tick throws.

EL2 Cecil 2B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
704 Low 8 2 11 +3 +1 Throw Invincible

Low Profile 1-21

Jump Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: 5C, 5D, 2C, 2D, Special, Dash

  • Low hitting icy slash. In comparison to f.B, it has less range but comes out faster.

EL2 Cecil 2C.png
EL2 Cecil 2C2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
2C 1136 Mid 14 8 21 Launch -8 Fatal Connection Active
Enhanced 2C 1105 Mid, All 14 - - Knockdown +6 Fatal Connection Active
2[C] 1335 Mid, Mid 35 116 58 Total Knockdown -5 -
Enhanced 2[C] 1305 Mid, Mid 35 - - Knockdown +16 -
Ice Pillar 864 All 35 116 - Launch +29 -

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • Cecil punches the ground, creating a pillar of ice upwards.
  • Once charged, the ice pillar gains an additional hit and is now plus on block.
  • If 2[C] doesn't hit the opponent, the ice pillar remains active on the screen for awhile.
  • The ice pillar disappears if Cecil is hit or grabbed.
  • Fatal Shift: On hit/block, freezes the opponent in place for a period of time.

EL2 Cecil 2D.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Normal 575 Low 12 4 24 Hard Knockdown -11 Low Profile 9-25

Jump Avoidable

Fatal Connection Active

Enhanced 768, 162 Low, All 12 - - Launch +7 Low Profile 9-25

Jump Avoidable

Fatal Connection Active

Chain/Cancel Options: Special, Dash

  • Far reaching spear of ice that gives you enough time to setup after it knocks down.
  • Great to use with the momentum of running backwards.
  • Fatal Shift: On hit/block, freezes the opponent in place for a period of time.

EL2 Cecil jA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
656 All 5 6 12 +5 to +10 +3 to +7 Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: j.A, j.B, j.C, j.2C, j.D, j.4C, Special

  • Horizontal kick in the air that has the potential to cross-up.

EL2 Cecil jB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
704 All 8 4 20 +10 to +13 +7 to +10 Crouch Avoidable

Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: j.A, j.2C, j.D, j.4C, Special, Jump

  • Conjures a spear of ice in front of Cecil.

EL2 Cecil jC.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
848 High/Air 18 Until Landing Until Landing + 1 -7 to +7 -5 to +10 Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options: j.4C, Special

  • An ice sword stab straight downwards.
  • Is Active till Landing making it a very strong air normal
  • Can cross-up against characters with wide hurtboxes (Tae, Alcott.)

EL2 Cecil j2C.png
Red Arcueid would be proud
Red Arcueid would be proud
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1364 All 10 10(6)4 Until Landing + 21 Hard Knockdown -14 to -22 Anti-Air Avoidable

Chain/Cancel Options (Hit only): j.2C, j.4C, Special

  • Cecil shifts his momentum forwards for a flurry of ice slashes.
  • Forces Hard Knockdown if done in the corner.

EL2 Cecil j4D.png
-THE- Brick.
-THE- Brick.
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
896 All 39 Until Landing + 33 52 Total +35 to +54 +23 to +42 Fatal Connection Active

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • After a bit of a delay, Cecil drops down a giant block of ice while hopping backwards and then falling to the ground.
  • The block of ice is an active hitbox that stays out for awhile.
  • The block of ice disappears if Cecil is hit or grabbed.

EL2 Cecil jD.png
EL2 Cecil Ice.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
j.D 731 All 11 2 12 Launch -2 Anti-Air Avoidable

Fatal Connection Active (Kunai)

Ice 925 All 110 206 - - +10 -

Chain/Cancel Options: N/A

  • Cecil kicks the air, causing him to hop forward and send out an ice kunai beneath him.
  • The kunai itself has no hitbox while being thrown.
  • After about 2.5 seconds, the kunai detonates into a block of ice that's an active hitbox.
  • The kunai/ice block disappears if Cecil is hit or grabbed.
  • You can only send out one kunai while in the air. Landing and doing j.D again lets you throw out another kunai.
  • Fatal Shift: The kunai becomes an active hitbox as it drops. Has an insane amount of Untech on hit

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw
EL2 Cecil Throw.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1200 Throw 1 4 37 Knockdown N/A -
  • Stabs the opponent with a spear of ice.
  • Leads into a combo if done in the corner.

Air Throw
EL2 Cecil Air Throw.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1200 Throw 1 5 36 Hard Knockdown N/A -
  • Launches the opponent, causing them to fall right in front of Cecil.
  • Can convert off the air throw with a 5A, c.B, or make them land onto ice and continue the combo!

Tactical Guard (Air OK)
EL2 Cecil Tactical Guard.png
EL2 Cecil Tactical Guard2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Parry N/A N/A N/A N/A 41 Total N/A N/A Armor 3-24 (Low/Mid/High)
Attack 800 All 16 2 25 Knockdown -19 Invincible 1-20
  • Cecil flashes blue and parries incoming strikes/projectiles.
  • Coming in contact with an opponent's move, Cecil attacks with a blue blast.
  • Time briefly stops when armoring a strike but not a projectile.
  • Any special cancelable normal can be canceled into Tactical Guard.
  • Armors Fatal Shift attacks on frame 1 and increases the size of the blast.
  • Holding the input extends the armor duration while draining the Action and Risk Gauge over time.
  • The damage from Tactical Guard is non-lethal, as in it cannot KO.

Tactical Attack (Air OK)
EL2 Cecil Counter Boost.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
800 (Recoverable) All 11 2 Until Landing + 14 Launch -22 to -28 Invincible 1-14

Costs 1 Action Gauge to use

  • Cecil becomes invincible on startup, and lets out a green blast.
  • Any special cancelable normal can be canceled into Tactical Attack.
  • The damage from Tactical Attack is non-lethal, as in it cannot KO.

Guard Cancel (Air OK)
6B+C During Blockstun
EL2 Cecil Tactical Guard2.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
800 (Recoverable) All 11 2 41 Launch -22 Strike/Projectile Invincible 1-13

Costs 2 Action Gauge to use

  • While stuck in blockstun, Cecil counterattacks with an invincible blast that knocks the opponent away.
  • Guard Cancel is not invincible to throws or supers.
  • The damage from Guard Cancel is non-lethal, as in it cannot KO.

Counter Burst (Air OK)
A+B+C During Hitstun/Blockstun
EL2 Cecil Burst.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
0 Unblockable 11 2 Until Landing + 21 Hard Knockdown N/A Invincible 1-12
  • While under the effects of hitstun/blockstun, Burst can be performed to become invincible and knock the opponent back.
  • Only usable once per round.
  • Grants two bars of Action Gauge on hit.
  • Not invincible to Fatal Shift actions or supers.

  • Burst is temporarily disabled from being used when hit by a:
    • Throw
    • Super
    • OTG Attack
    • Tactical Guard
    • Tactical Attack
    • Counter Burst

Special Moves

EL2 Cecil 236A.png
EL2 Cecil Ice.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
896 All 156 - - +39 - Fatal Connection Active
  • Throws an ice kunai behind the opponent regardless of distance.
  • The kunai itself has no hitbox while being thrown.
  • Once the kunai makes contact with the ground or wall, the kunai detonates into a block of ice that's an active hitbox.
  • If the ice sticks to the wall, it will eventually slide down into the corner before breaking.
  • The kunai/ice block disappears if Cecil is hit or grabbed.
  • Cecil can only have one thrown ice kunai active. You have to wait until the ice block disappears to throw another.
    • You cannot throw out a kunai if a j.D kunai is out on the screen (Followup C still lets you throw a kunai.)

Oboro Guruma
236B/214B (Air OK)
EL2 Cecil 236B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
746 All 6 56(9)3 11 Launch -12 Invincible 3-8

Fatal Connection Active

  • Cecil forms into a multi-hitting tornado with free movement during the attack.
  • Invincibility starting on frame 3, can be interrupted if used as a wakeup option.
  • Finishes off with an arm swipe that launches the opponent after the eight initial hits.
    • The swipe finisher can be done early by pressing C.
    • Performing the finisher before the 4th hit causes Cecil to jump backwards in the air.
  • Has free movement during the attack. Can move either forward or backwards.
    • Retreating with the tornado still depletes Cecil's Risk Gauge.
  • Repeatedly pressing B will lift the tornado into the air.
    • Cecil cannot perform anything until he lands.
  • Fatal Shift: Causes the tornado to stay active on Cecil as he goes into another action.

EL2 Cecil 6D.png
EL2 Cecil 6D2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
236C 1088, 208 Mid, High/Air 10, 35 4(21)3 17 Knockdown -6 Invincible 8-15

Crouch Avoidable (First hit)

Fatal Connection Active

Ice Pillar 996 All 24 135 - - +21 -
  • Creates an ice pillar at a diagonal angle, which then Cecil does a sick flip off of for an overhead attack.
  • The ice pillar stays active on the screen afterwards and disappears after awhile.
  • The ice pillar disappears if Cecil is hit or grabbed.

Direction + D
EL2 Cecil 662.png
EL2 Cecil 66.png
EL2 Cecil Snowflake.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Normal 800 All 18 7 19 +3 -9 Low Profile 17-29
Charged 1024 (1024,480) All 23 7 24 +5 -7 to +7 Low Profile 14-27

Chain/Cancel Options: Direction + D, Direction + D > 4, Followup A, B, C

  • Cecil attacks with a teleport dash in the direction that was pressed.
  • On the ground, Cecil can teleport dash forward, backwards, upwards, or diagonally upwards.
    • Backwards teleport goes half the distance than any other direction.
  • Holding a direction afterwards allows Cecil to perform another teleport dash in any direction.
    • Cannot be done from a forward teleport dash.
  • Holding D enhances Cecil's teleport dashes by giving them more damage and better frame advantage.
  • Charged teleport dashes leave snowflakes at the destination Cecil teleported to.
    • Two can be placed at a time and have a duration before disappearing.
    • The first snowflake created has greatly reduced active time in comparison to the second one.
  • Cecil lands to the ground after an upwards teleport dash that doesn't hit the oppponent.
    • A charged teleport dash though lets him act in the air afterwards.

Direction + D > 4 (Air OK)
EL2 Cecil 664.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
N/A N/A N/A N/A - N/A N/A -
  • After a teleport dash, inputting back causes Cecil to flip backwards in the air.
  • Can perform aerial actions afterwards.

j.Direction + D
EL2 Cecil j662.png
EL2 Cecil j66.png
EL2 Cecil Snowflake.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Normal 720 All 13 - - 0 -4 Lower Body Invincible 1-21

Crouch Avoidable (Forward, backwards, upwards, diagonally upwards)

Charged 960 (960, 306) All - - - +4 -2 to +4 Lower Body Invincible 1-33

Crouch Avoidable (Forward, backwards, upwards, diagonally upwards)

Chain/Cancel Options: j.Direction + D, Followup A, B, C

  • Cecil's "air dash".
  • Cecil attacks with a air teleport dash in the direction that was pressed.
  • In the air, Cecil can teleport dash forward, backwards, upwards, downwards, or diagonally upwards/downwards.
  • Holding a direction afterwards allows Cecil to perform another teleport dash in any direction.
  • Holding D enhances Cecil's teleport dashes by giving them more damage and better frame advantage.
  • Charged teleport dashes leave snowflakes at the destination Cecil teleported to.
    • Two can be placed at a time and have a duration before disappearing.
    • The first snowflake created has greatly reduced active time in comparison to the second one.
  • None of Cecil's air teleport dashes consume Risk Gauge, be crazy!
  • If not canceled immediately into followup moves, Cecil backflips in the air and can perform aerial actions instead.
  • Cecil lands to the ground after a teleport dash that doesn't hit the oppponent.
    • A charged teleport dash though lets him act in the air afterwards.

Followup A
EL2 Cecil Followup A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
994 (1020) Low, Mid x3 17 9 12 Knockdown +1 -
  • Can be performed after a teleport dash on hit/block.
  • Cecil attacks with a multi-hitting forward slide that's low to the ground.
  • Only the first hit from the slide is a low.

Followup B
EL2 Cecil Followup B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1203 Mid 15 6 22 Launch -4 Invincible 1-18
  • Can be performed after a teleport dash on hit/block.
  • An uppercut spear of ice that's invincible on startup.

Followup C
EL2 Cecil Followup C.png
EL2 Cecil Ice.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
951 (977) All 35 18 47 Total +42 +30 -
  • Can be performed after a teleport dash on hit/block.
  • Cecil reappears in the air and tosses an ice kunai that immediately detonates on contact with the ground or wall.
  • The kunai itself has no hitbox while being thrown.
  • Cecil lands to the ground afterwards.
  • The kunai/ice block disappears if Cecil is hit or grabbed.

Followup D
EL2 Cecil Followup D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
1113 High/Air 20 6 19 Knockdown -6 High Profile 3-34
  • Can be performed after a teleport dash on hit/block.
  • Cecil shows up above the opponent and strikes with an overhead attack.
  • Can combo from meterless in the corner.

Super Moves

Shinshoku Rine
EL2 Cecil 236D.png
EL2 Cecil 236D2.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Normal 2320 All 11 5 15 Hard Knockdown -4 -
Fatal Shift 2772 All 11 5 15 Hard Knockdown -4 -

Costs 2 Action Gauge to use

  • Cecil teleport dashes almost fullscreen for a fast and punishing super.
  • Fatal Shift: Launches the opponent higher than normally.

EL2 Cecil 214D.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Attributes
Normal 1200, 1536 Mid 19 3(2)3 29 Hard Knockdown +3 -
Fatal Shift 1020, 2022 Mid 19 3(2)3 29 Hard Knockdown +3 -

Costs 2 Action Gauge to use

  • Cecil creates pillars of ice surrounding him.
  • Fatal Shift: Launches the opponent higher than normally.


Sy's Cecil Combo Movie

Move Attributes
Akamine Tae
Saving Tina